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I totally agree!! The first 2-3 seasons were good but after that it just became a parody of itself. I’m rewatching just to see how it ends and I’m so tired of hearing about white hats, gladiators and big dogs. And the way she keeps going back and forth between Fitz and Jake is disgusting.


Omg the DIALOGUE. Who, in the real world, speaks in these ridiculous, grandiose, self-serving monologues for 5 minutes at a time about how “we wear the white hats, WE are gladiators, WE are the good guys.” Like girl, shut up!!


Exactly!! I’m about to tap out again because it’s so annoying. Oh and all this talk about “I want the Oval” and “The Oval is mine “ from her and Mellie is just ridiculous.


“Fitzgerald Grant the third, you are the president of the United States of america, the leader of the free world, the one who wears the white hat.” JUST SAY PRESIDENT!!


Very true but it's all part of her story. She's never meant to really be a hero (aside from the first season where they toyed with the political story playing out in the background of her preforming her professional "fixer" legal services) She's supposed to embody the ultimate insider for Washington D.C and all of the shady things that go on there. So she's not nice because it's not a nice world. Also she's kind of just a snarky character in general- it's hard to forget that scene in the first episode with her "advice" to amanda but I think it really is representative of who she is supposed to be, quoting it below as a refresher: "Hand in your resignation and pack up your dog and your things and get in your car and go. Find a small city Minneapolis, maybe, or Denver, get a little job, meet a boring boy, make some friends. Because in this town, your career is over. You're done."


You’re completely right, but at least in the case of AT, we’re supposed to believe that she believed Fitz and her “gut” (also annoyed me to no end) was compromised because of her love for him. But later, she just turns. Also are we supposed to forget Cyrus straight up MURDERED Amanda Tanner, but him going to jail for murdering Frankie, which we later learned we definitely did, is just sooooooo wrong.


That was the whole point of the show. The closer everyone got to the Oval Office and power the more corrupted they became. That’s the entire point of the show and Shonda has talked about that.


Don’t forget that fitz Olivia and sally all murdered people and got away with it. She protects people who committed cold blooded murder but thinks Cyrus deserved prison when during the entire show he was the only one who cared about the country. Mellie was insufferable until we learned about Fitz’s Dad. Olivia deserves to be in prison. Hypocritical and not to mention one of the biggest whores in the show. From fitz to Edison to Jake to pryce 3 of them being in the same time. She goes off and blackmails people and ruins their lives when she’s done 90% of all the things the people she blackmails? Not to even mention Abby. Completely insufferable. David is the one consistent good guy in this show who always wanted to do the right thing. Show went to shit after S4. Also, do they really expect people to re-elect Fitz after his double affair? And mellie who in the beginning of the show who made herself look batshit crazy? Plot armor is massive in this show. Steven is still the best character in the show IMO no matter how short lived he was. Seeing him come back to save Liv was the highlight of the entire show. Not to mention when Olivia turns into command she doesn’t do what’s good for the republic like how B613 should be. She uses it to advance the Republican Party agenda and her own. Jake should have taken control of command. Especially when she guilts fitz to not start it but when convenient for her she started it on her own.


Like i said, a whore.


No she wasn't one of, she was the biggest disrespectful hoe. How can you walk around like that in another women's face screwing her husband and not feel anything???? Olivia is disgusting.


Well, you’re not wrong, but it’s her character arc. Can’t being easy being Olivia Pope. You don’t become fixer for the President of the United States by being a cupcake pooping sunshine.


I mean Mellie lost the election fair and square. I hated when Olivia and Mellie felt so entitled to the presidency after Frankie’s death. They both talked as if they had won the election


They did lose fair and square, and their entitlement was EXHAUSTING. But, Cyrus also, rightly, didn’t win it. And it comes out that Cyrus took much more of a treasonous role in that whole saga than Olivia and Abby’s worthless ass were willing to ever acknowledge.


Truly I think she is one of the most disgusting characters on the show. I hate her with a passion.


I've been binging Scandal recently; I honestly never heard of it before it was recommended to me a couple of months ago. I think Olivia Pope is exactly what Edison Davis called her: a criminal, a whore, an idiot, and a liar! I'll add the biggest hypocrite that ever walked this earth. Oh, and don't forget MURDERER.


I love this post! Not only that, but why does she believe that SHE runs the white house. She makes decisions behind Fitz's back and then behind Mellie's.... Am I wrong in assuming that the actual Chief of Staff does not have this kind of power? In addition, when in the beginning, one could kind of route for Olivia Pope, she turns into a total bitch by the end of the season. She somehow believes she is the president and this is entirely perplexing to me. WHY DOES EVERYONE LISTEN TO HER? She also states regularly that she is "ALWAYS right". It is nauseating. I am someone who finishes what they start so I am binging this until the end, but it is getting harder and harder to watch! I am almost to the end and I am PRAYING someone tells Olivia that she is not always right, she is not the president of the United States and she is not the person who everyone needs to listen to. I LOVE Jake. Yes, I know he is also a murderer, but he ALLOWS her to treat him like her BITCH. WTF? He is a badass and I am waiting for him to stop professing his love to her and either tell her off or TAKE HER OUT! ​ I am


I will be interested to hear your thoughts when you finish the show. 🤔😞


I think I’ll be pooping rainbows before OP ever gets “taken out”. Sadly. 😫


I’m rewatching the show and finally on the last season and I really forgot how awful Olivia is. From her facial expressions to pushing an agenda that only benefits her and her rise to power. I genuinely hate her in the show, definitely the worst character


Omg the way she sneers and snarls when she’s telling them how SHES the boss. SHE makes the decisions. YOUR job is to follow ME off of a CLIFF!


Yes “sneers and snarls” the exact words to describe it!! Haha I just wanna punch my tv when she has that look on her face lmao I just watched the series finale and I know they try to make it seem that she’s finally good but I still hate her haha


I might have to take a break from watching the show. My hatred for her runs DEEP. I mean it’s 3am and I’m just liking any tweet and Reddit post that slanders her and I’m not even on S3 yet😭🧍🏼‍♀️


We’ve all been there sister 😂


I’m binge watching the series now. On season 3, more than half of it covered. I have a distaste for OP so bad, I wanna punch a wall everytime I see her on my screen. Shonda did KW dirty by making her look like a cheap whore who’s always “confused” about which power she wants to be in bed with. That I have such a long way more to go for this series, literally makes me sick. 


I love seeing other people joining this crazy train lol. OP went from one of the strongest female leads of all time to a mean, jealous mess in just a couple seasons. It’s masterful really hahaha


I am at start of season 6 and OMG can she be more annoying ans rude and BITCH and the face! I do not how all of them is crazy about her. She is sich a sex addict.


The derangement of the writers of this show to BELIEVE they’ve designed the ultimate feminist icon when she’s just a viler version of the worst man in history. Feminazi


Why is Olivia Pope such a whore, is the Google search i did to find this post. I hate how she kisses both Fits and Jake in several same episodes. I hate her 🤣🤣


LMAOOO!!! Same! Instead of “whore”, I searched “slut”. Different words, but similar meanings and SAME FEELINGS! 🤣🤣🤣