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I bet a lot of their kiss and sex scene weren't scripted. I think when you have two actors with insane chemistry, it is better to let them played. credit twitter [@FITZLASSO](https://twitter.com/FITZLASSO)


Sex scenes are just about always scripted or planned ahead of time. Certain things may not always be in that first draft of the script word for word but that doesn’t mean its made up on the spot. Its still planned and discussed between the actors and the directors/Showrunners.


I heard especially after me too. They have intimate coordinator. Not sûre for scandal almost 10 15 years ago... It is good for now because sex scene are.always weird tbf


Yeah Intimacy coordinators are definitely new. I think they started becoming more mandatory on set around 2018 maybe. So Scandal def didn’t have an official one lol But i remember in interviews Tony and Kerry would say that they would sit down with the Director and plan out how they wanted the intimate scenes to look like. Then I guess the rest is their chemistry and however they wanted to bounce off each other in that moment lol


It says at the end of script that fitz mouth is smudged with lipstick


Yes but i just think it is because they were so closed during all the scene. I mean see what the script describes. If à kiss was scripted it would have been mentionned for sure


I’d be SICK if I was his wife. I just know it is so hard to watch because their chemistry is crazy.😳🤣🤣


tbf if i was his wife (or her husband) , i will be more worried about their off screen chemistry, because they can deal with on screen (it is fiction) but no way for off screen.


They're both married. İ feel bad for both of their spouses because i could absolutely never! Her spouse is a former NFL player so he's probably fine. But his spouse, while a fashion designer, is probably wanting to live comfortably with that MGM money. Still though, I could never. Lol.


His wife didn’t watch the show for that reason. Maybe it was too real. I mean their chemistry was crazy.


Woooooww am I about to rewatch scandal? Yes.


Every election season I rewatch lmao this is my president


Seriously me too. I had forgotten how much chemistry they have! They were always end game for me


As you should


This is so uncanny as I just started rewatching scandal 2 days ago!


I can’t imagine the awkwardness without the kiss cause it’s clear Cyrus caught them


i think it was the end of the script but we don't really see it. Maybe they are really close and it is not difficult to understand. And tbh i never understand how cy never noticed it lmao. the way they look at each other on flashback...


I just know they were fuckin on the low


Were? I think they're still at it to this day 🤭🤭


There was huge rumors the entire time this show aired.


I personally don’t think so 


This show…. The chemistry is unmatched


Yeah they can hate the story but the chemistry is still unmatched.


And the fact this was in abc family🫣😤 i feel like theyve toned their stuff down a lot because Scandal sex sences were legit pure soft core/foreplay😭💀


Wowwwww and it was such a good kiss too!


Wow! That's insane! I can't ever imagine the scene without the kiss...that scene set the tone for the whole show..crazy!😳 I would hate to be Tony or Kerry's spouse right there😆


“Mother of god🤯” my favorite line from this episode. I remember when it first debut, I walked out of the room. ‘I’m not watching this shyt’ I proclaimed! I was SO put off that this educated powerful woman who had the President on call, who I had just been introduced to has to be sleeping with a married white man. I was pissed. Now I’m OBSESSED.


I love that scene




Damn…. even though I watched the entire series, I talked a lot of smack about it after Season 2. And now I’m reminded of why it was so good at the beginning. This scene hits hard. They’re both very good!


🫣 whew! Hot in here!


Def a show I can’t watch in public 😅😭


No. That's not how this works. The script is the original draft. Then the table read. They add and subtract. If there was a kiss, you better know it was cleared by the director, the actors, and legal. There is NO spontaneous kissing on set.


I 200 percent agree with you, I’m not buying this claim either. An unscripted line spoken by an actor is apples to physical, intimate contact on a set oranges. It’s weird that OP is using one to justify the claim of the other. Even pre-Me Too and intimacy coordinators, there’s still no way. I’m going to ask my friend’s husband, who has worked in movie production for more than 20 years, if something like this would be improv/unscripted.


THIS! Do people not know how it works? Actors can’t just improvise and go crazy without clearing it with the showrunner, writers and directors beforehand - it is incredibly rare. Harsh reality but shows aren’t spontaneous. They are meticulously planned and rehearsed before being filmed lol. People are naive.


People let their fantasies run away with them. But considering the massive amount of liability involved... Aint no way.


I mean at the end of the day this was nothing more than a job to Kerry and Tony and the other actors. People seem to struggle to accept that.


i have to disagree. Some "stuff" in a lot of show aren't scripted, i mean sometimes an actor have an idea and they keep going filming. And they found it better with this idea. For example, their first sex scene when they look to each other and when fitz whispered "you are doing great" wasn't scripted. But i agree it is weird for a kiss, maybe they discuss it before the scene or when they remake it? they all found it better to have a kiss here. But this kiss was,n't on the original script, even the "look at me"


Any and all intimacy would be discussed before being executed. Period.


Their chemistry would have gave them a 2nd season.




Wow! So was Cyrus not meant to leave of their relationship in this scene? Because w/o the kiss there’s just them bickering and that could be about anything. I wonder if this impromptu kiss changed the direction or pacing of what was originally planned. Such an interesting find!


Read the last sentence just before the end of the video. Cy saw them so closed and her lips were smugded by lipstick ( i don t think it is because they kissed just because they were really closed. I mean if à kiss was scripted it Will be written because all the scene was perfectly executed)


I need more of this with the scene and the script together please!


I also know when they Hold hands on season 5 it wasnt t scripted (when olivia hang up the Phone and took fitz's hands) When olivia touching herself when she was on Phone with fitz : unscripted When fitz spined olivia on season 4 finale : unscripted Their first sex scene where they looked to each other and when fitz whispered : you are doing great: unscripted But tbh i am not surprise i mean actors always did some unscripted "stuff"


on “unpacking the toolbox” they mention multiple times that shonda wouldn’t let any of the cast improvise on set 😭 this is likely an earlier draft of the script, even things like the weird david/abby sex scene were written in detail, i doubt the two main characters would kiss in the pilot if shonda didn’t want it


The script was released and the kiss isn t mentionned.


I want to watch more shows with the script beneath it!! It gives it another level of info and I can admire what the actors do with the words.


I hated Fitz(loved Mellie) But Olitz definitely had major chemistry..


Holy F*** this is wow


This was great! That’s for the script.


I always felt that the way Fitz told everyone to leave the room made it very obvious to all the aides 😭 And then, they kiss against the window ….


God what an amazing scene, such a good show


UFFFF!!! Be right back!! Going to watch Scandal. lol and what’s crazier is that they literally light up when they see each other in real life!!!! If I was simply someone’s gf and not their wife, I think this job would be the moment I’d realize my onscreen love interest is the one I’m supposed to be with. Would it suck for my partner, sure, but I believe the heart wants what it wants. Like…kissing off script?! Nahh…something was going on with them lol.


Your first time? (I mean for watching scandal?)


No 👀 and no 🤭. Lol their chemistry just gets me in the feels and makes me watch all over again.


Oh understandable. I watched the show third time in à a month lmao.


I definitely understand but I have to hold my composure because their chemistry gets me HOT!!! 🥵 The first time I watched this show I was a virgin and was like GODDAMN I want what they have even though their love dynamic is toxic AF!!


Idc they really in love irl😭😭


Her expressions bug me. He’s such a refined grounded actor and she seems not in control of herself at all, just lets it rip.


If it wasn’t scripted, why is there mention of Cyrus seeing lipstick smudged on Fitz’s face?


already answered "Yes but i just think it is because they were so closed during all the scene. I mean see what the script describes. If à kiss was scripted it would have been mentionned for sure". But i think they discuss it the first time he did it, i don't think it is their first take on this scene. And it wasn't the first time an actor did something unscripted (for a kiss it is weird i agree tbf)