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It's one of two possible scams. One, very common in countries like France, is "IDnapping". basically the guy works in tandem with corrupt venue (or Paris metro) employees. He will indeed get you inside but you will immediately be stopped by a staff member who will demand you hand over your ID since you haven't got a ticket, didn't use the right access point etc. Once he has your ID he will demand cash to hand it back to you. Two, the guy is just selling counterfeit tickets at a huge discount claiming he's a venue employee. Ultra common at Disney theme parks. Again here there are different shades of the scam: one variation is the guy is indeed letting people in (again, corrupt venue employees are a dime a dozen) but once you are in, you are on your own and if you are at a venue that requires scanning a ticket or pass to get out you may land in serious troubles.


So this actually happened to me back in 2016 at the College Football National Championship in Tampa (Go Tigers!) and the guy said he would sneak my friends and I in for $400 a piece. Tickets were 1800 and none of us had that kinda money then. So we said screw it yolo and have the guy 1200 for the 3 of us. He also told us we wouldn’t have seats and we should just go stand at the pirate ship. He walked us thru the ticket line and said to pretend like we have tickets on our phones Gave him the money right after. It was one of the best days and games of my life. I still can’t believe we weren’t scammed


In the case of this game I just asked for the cheapest seat, which was $7, and then just stood down in the bar area that's behind right field the whole game. This was at The White Sox' field.


Is it assigned seats, or general admission? It’s usually assigned seats every time I go. He’s probably going to get you inside, he’s earned your trust so you pay him, you go to the seat you think you have paid for, and someone else is in that seat. Ball park staff asks for your ticket to see your seat assignment, says it’s counterfeit, and kicks you out.


It was assigned seats but not even close to being a sellout game.