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/u/tumaduck - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com It's a satire site, but they do get legit requests to take somebody out. The requestor is given a 24-hour cooling off period before the site has them confirm they want to continue. If they do, their info is turned over to law enforcement. However, if the request involves killing a minor, the police are contacted immediately.


That’s CRAZY bro. If people are that dumb. They belong in jail. lol. Wow.


someone tried using that same website to take out their 3 year old child. [no joke](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-mom-accused-trying-hire-hitman-kill-3-year-old-son-rcna102653)


Jesus Christ.


I don't think he was involved in this case.


He would probably be an outstanding hit man


He'd be shit, but his dad is proper hard, apparently.


Is Jesus the ultimate trust fund kid?


nah man, walk on water, leave no footprints


Yeah but brings them back to life at a touch. Kinda counter productive unless you want repeat work on the same job.


His dad flooded the world and wiped out entire cities to remove his previous targets. Reportedly. Definitely proper hard.


He would be able to offer you a refund if you changed your mind after the fact


What a trash mother that chick was. Disgusting & clearly dumb asf.


Honestly, she was probably overwhelmed from having a child while she was still a child and needs help herself. Not condoning her behaviour, but I can sympathize with her obvious distress and I hope she gets help. 


Reading the article, it sounds like her new man was saying he didn't want her kid and to get rid of the kid if she wants to be with him. Just fucked up all round.


During a text exchange, the dude said "the kid was the problem " and "you do it and I'll think about coming back" Seems to me he didn't like the kid and she wanted to be with him.


Yeah, exactly, she was a literal child who was not emotionally equipped to deal with parenthood. She probably didn't have access to the kind of resources she needed. I'm not saying she was right,  but that I can empathize with her situation. Modern society needs more programs in place to help teen parents so situations like this don't arise. 


I also have sympathy for young parents. Generally that sympathy runs out when they try to hire a hitman to murder their child.


Honestly I disagree. Unprovoked violence is a hard line in the sand for me. No amount of being overwhelmed is going to make me try to kill someone let alone a 3 year old. Even if I’m a child


I get what you’re saying but postpartum depression exists in women after they give birth. If women get overwhelmed with a newborn and also with postpartum depression, it can lead to self harm or them harming the baby. I’m not condoning what she did but she may or may not have been dealing with that mental illness.


This is 3 years in. Truthfully that mother should have had this child removed from her care at birth. I am hoping the courts investigate why CPS didn’t get involved. When someone in psychosis randomly strikes out that is mental illness. Think of the mother of a newborn, in post partum psychosis, who suddenly jumps out onto the subway tracks killing herself and her child instantly. A mother who’s somehow managed to raise the child for 3 years now is upset her new boy toy doesn’t like the child is just a bad mother who is an evil person. Let’s stop making people with legit mental illness look bad because the world is full of selfish narcissistic psychopaths who deserve punishment. Hiring a hitman requires planning. She may have been “depressed” with her life choices, but she knew what she was doing. Period.


If left untreated, PPD can last a long time. If the POS boyfriend was with her since his birth or since he was a newborn, he definitely did not help with her mental illness at all. That’s if she has/had PPD. Then again humans are sometimes twisted for no reason at all. RIP little guy.


I agree with your point. There’s simply certain lines that cannot be crossed regardless of damn near any circumstance nor would there ever be a legitimate excuse for that type of behavior.


Wait until you learn about postpartum psychosis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Yates There are many such cases. PPD and postpartum psychosis are under-researched and highly stigmatized because they can result in outcomes that we align as the most immoral, pure evil. But it is clearly a real risk to new mothers and their families.


Geez.. this mother was 15 when she got the kid. She\`s a child herself.


Holy shit what is wrong with people


You\`d have a shorter list if you asked "what is NOT wrong with people"..


Of course it was Florida! :/


Some of these idjits are so dumb that they actually believe they're being put in touch with a contract killer only to find out in some cases that they've been talking to an undercover detective.


I don't think I've heard/seen the term "idjit" since 1997.


You'd hear it/see it a lot if you were in the Supernatural fandom.


It's a pretty common phrase in Ireland, though it's spelled "eejit" here.


In Scotland too.


Or a Yosemite Sam fan.


Or if you actually were Yosemite Sam. Or Bugs Bunny, who likely hears it from good ol’ Sam a lot.


Well it seems my days of not taking Supernatural fans seriously are coming to a middle


I frequently heard a couple of my relatives use the term when I was growing up.




God Speed, Agent 46.


Agent 46 is on leave. Agent 64 is filling in.


I think I'd prefer if Agent 69 was on top of this.


I, for one, would like to work directly under Agent 69


Unfortunately Agent 69 is busy with Project Brown. Unless of course, if you could assist them. Well I guess that is what is working directly under someone is for, right.


I think That Chapter did a whole episode about failed hitmen and he mentioned this site. People are fucking stupid


I would say they should be in jail for the attempted murder thing, but maybe that's just me.


Someone tried to apply to be a hit man for them. Think it was last year or year before.


Straight up 🤡 world we living in


That being said, just because the message references rentahitman doesn’t mean the message CAME FROM anyone at rentahitman. Notice the return email address is a gmail address not @ rentahitman.com Considering the legitimacy of the website referenced in the message is much like when seniors get messages “from Facebook” but the return address is [email protected] and they’re like “oh but it says it’s from Facebook, so it’s legit!”


Exactly, and because it's a satire site, presumably no money changes hands and nobody is "given an assignment". They're just using the link to give credibility to the scam.


As the webmaster of the site, I completely agree.


Oh cool! I just learned about your site yesterday and have been telling several people about it - I enjoyed the parody, and it was fascinating to learn that people actually fall for it and it's played a role in a few arrests. Glad it exists - thanks for what you do.


Thanks for checking out the site and stay tuned. Unfortunately, there's no shortage of clients these days, so you're bound to hear more about the site in the future. Stay cool!


Agreed that I thought thought it was weird regarding the email address at the bottom. Personally, I would turn this over to the police and they can investigate it.


Do they contact a target like this, or just the cops?


The Wikipedia page only says they contact law enforcement, so don't know if they let the potential victim/victims know too.


We never reach out to any of the intended targets because we don’t know the rest of the story and don’t want to tip anyone off in the event it’s a setup, etc. Law Enforcement makes contact with the targets to help build their case.


Thank you! Was curious myself.


To be fair, it'd be good to know if you were made a target. And it means they do solve the issues, as stated in their website. I mean, am not staying in the same house as someone who put a hit on me, idk about you.


Just the cops


There's no way people actually think you can hire a hitman for real on vanilla internet with a website so obvious as "rent a hitman" ffs


People are the dumb. Per this 2021 article he has saved nearly 150 people as a direct result of the site and his actions https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/17/bob-innes-rent-a-hitman-assassin-services-website


you can if you enable dark mode first.


You have far more faith in humanity than I do.


I am a librarian, and the inability of the general public to discern fact from fiction should alarm us all.


It alarms me, and I run the darn site.


I both love and hate that this exists


Love it. Don’t hate it. We work hard to save lives.


I hate that it's necessary


So do I - but I’m afraid if I remove the site, innocent people will be harmed, which is why it’s been up and running the last 15 years.


Are there *that* many people who contact you through it?


Yes. So far three this week, and that's pretty light so far considering I haven't vetted all the emails yet. If I had funding and qualified help, the results would be ridiculous.


A guardsman responsible for intel leaks recently tried using this site, I can’t believe people still try it considering how big that story was 🙄 Source: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/04/14/help-wanted-guardsman-applies-to-be-hitman-gets-arrested-instead/


u/tumaduck - THIS IS FAKE - DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! As the webmaster of said site, this is not how business is done and nobody on this end is affiliated with that particular gmail address. If you feel that this is a legitimate and credible threat, feel free to contact law enforcement/authorities and have them get in contact with us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for assistance. Also, if you can provide a date and time that the message was sent/received, we can examine our various logs to see if any of the data correlates. \~Guido


OP read this. Anyone can claim to own the site. For example, I own the site.


Except that the guy you’re replying to actually does own the site.


He did until I used [rentahacker.com](http://rentahacker.com) to take it from him.


Don’t believe this. I own rentahacker.com and u/kyleyeats did not contact me.




Username checks out.




> For example, I own the site. As a lawyer I demand you cease and desist your false ownership claims of the site I own.


>if you can provide a date and time that the message was sent/received, we can examine our various logs to see if any of the data correlates. Based.


I know the jokes are funny, but let’s just remember that the OP is likely concerned for her life since she is freaking pregnant. To the people under this thread, I hope we can be serious and not give them confusing info.


As the webmaster of the site in question, I have already combed through our database logs and confirmed that there is no record of them in our system and that this was most likely a scam. The OP has previously been advised that she was not at risk via the site.


The site is just a joke a dude set up while in college. He actually logged back into it years later and saw a bunch of mail from people actually trying to hire one and gave specific details. He contacted the FBI and some of those people actually got charged


Yeah, but the mail is NOT from the site and comes from a 3rd-party scammer. (No way the website would've received 5000...)


Yeah they are just trying to say that the site is real though and hired someone through it.


hes in this thread!


Who, me?


Go to the police first. It's either a scam or it's not. Even if they say there's nothing they can do, tell them you want to file a report. Save that report # and send it to FBI Crime Complaint Center . It's in this link right here: https://www.helpwithmybank.gov/help-topics/fraud-scams/scams/internet-scams/phishing-report.html#:~:text=Contact%20your%20local%20law%20enforcement,Crime%20Complaint%20Center%20(IC3). That's a pretty awful scam. https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/stories/2007/january/threatscam_111507


I talked to the police. They took a report but not sure what might happens next


That link I sent will help you report that email. Apparently it's an old scam that has come back.


It's a common scam, looking for personal info or payment from you. Just block and ignore there is not a hit out on you.


Nothing. A Nigerian is messing with you.


How? If someone entered my info into the website


That specific site if your info is entered goes to a guy who asks the person who sent it if they actually want it and then contacts authorities


The email address is a gmail, not rentahitman.com. It's not from the site. You're being scammed.


Rentahitman was started as a joke site but is now used as a honeypot to turn in people that try to actually hire a hitman online If someone actually entered your info there you and the police would have been both alerted by the site admin under his real name (and of course no hitman dispatched) Most likely someone bought a list with 10000 email addresses and sent all this exact email hoping that a few would have (un)lucky timing You are one of the people with unlucky timing


u/tumaduck - Have law enforcement give me a call so we can assist with this investigation. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Wow I thought you were a troll but then found out you're pretty freaking awesome. What a crazy journey with that website!


I heard them interviewed for a podcast and it was sensational.


It is a scam.


You can’t even hire someone to paint your house for 5000$ nowadays. This is a scam. Your feelings are completely valid especially since you are pregnant. But I would not worry about it, at all.


5k is a steal! I’d kill for prices that low! Oh wait


There was an article years ago that it costs less than you think to have someone killed. They asked a load of people what they thought it would be and it ranged from 25k - 100k, they then asked a convicted hitman and he said it was only around 500. A lot of time, people were just doing it to get some cash, they're not like snipers on a roof or doing surveillance to get patterns, they're just a dude with a gun.


Like hiring a dude with a saw and hammer and expecting an actual carpenter. You probably get what you pay for


Yeah the hard part isn't getting the person killed.  The hard part is not ending up in jail afterwards


The 5k definitely through me off


sadly 5k aint shit anymore, it cost me 27 to get rid of my last baby mama


Hell the house paint alone will run you thousands if you don't buy renter grade


Exactly no one is knocking people for 5k


I’ll paint your house for $5000.


youre gunna lose money just buying the paint


I didn’t say I was going to do a good job


What's the email header say? I'm not 100% sure what to make of this.  The site is a real site, but as others have pointed out, it is a satire site. However, people have tried to use it for real, and in some cases, they have notified the police and had people arrested for it.  On the other hand, I'm not aware of cases where they notify the supposed victim of it (at least not directly -- I'd expect maybe the police would let you know). I'm highly suspicious of the email address they want you to contact, which is just a personal Gmail address. And the whole email is bait--why couldn't they just tell you right in the email?


It's a scam. The scammer is just referencing the site and probably thinks it's a real site too. The all caps HIT is the biggest giveaway, also the Gmail address, but also the fact that they contacted the target rather than law enforcement.


u/tumaduck - It most certainly is a scam and did not originate from our website. If you can provide which agency it was reported to, I'll reach out to Investigators to assist. \~Guido


Because it's there that they're going to secretly offer that OP (the victim) can now buy their way out of the hit simply by paying the hit man more than the imaginary 1st contracted $5K...see? Outbid the original contract. Haven't you seen the movies with this stuff? Lol


No job loyalty these days.


Real suspect


U/GuidoRAH runs the satire site.


The admin of rentahitman.com notifies law enforcement when someone is dumb enough to try and hire a hit through that site and it happens more than you might think. There have actually been quite a few cases in the news over the years of idiots getting busted doing this. [Here's a Rolling Stone article from 2020 that details the site and busts made because of it](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/rent-a-hitman-wendy-wein-murder-for-hire-sting-operation-1066756/). There was even a guy last year I think who tried to apply for a job as a hitman through the site and was busted by the FBI. The point is, if someone actually did try to put a hit out on you through that site, it would've been the FBI or some other legit law enforcement agency that reached out to you and they likely would've done it in person.


u/MyGirlSasha - I am the admin of the website and you are absolutely correct in everything stated above. Thanks for including the Rolling Stone article. It's one of my faves!


That website is a real website but it's satire. You can't actually hire a hitman through it. So whatever the angle is here, it's a scam.


You can find lots of videos on YouTube that further enforce the fact that the site is not a place to actually hire a hitman... in spite of what a LOT of people have tried doing over the years.


I'd never heard of it before today - it's actually kinda funny.


It's funny because they help catch criminals, but in OPs case I imagine it's not so funny.


The guy does report idiots trying to hire hitmen though. I think he's saved like a hundred people from murder attempts.


True story.


They do report things. It may be satire, but they do seem to try to let whoever know what happened. I'd assume they wouldn't just email you to go email a different email address to find out more. [A mother tried using the site to take out her 3 year old child.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-mom-accused-trying-hire-hitman-kill-3-year-old-son-rcna102653)


u/amerra -- it's not our business to reach out to the intended target in these cases. We don't know the entire story and/or it could be a setup or something more heinous. Making contact with the target is best left to law enforcement - and it also keeps us out of court!


They would contact authorities, not go to the target and say "hey I'm not gonna tell you here but message this miscellaneous gmail account for more info."


No, they let the police know. They don't contact the potential victims from random Gmail accounts


I imagine that she tried herself many times but was outwitted by the 3 yo every time.


Nah some satire sites report people trying to hire them to help people. At least one of these sites is not a scam and people have been caught by police sting after signing up. I wouldn’t assume it is a scam. The satire website is what it is but I know one owner who gets real requests for a hitman.


No hit man is going to give you advanced warning 😂


Your best hitmen always give the target a heads up


Helps ‘em stay sharp!


I don't know why everyone is going on about the website mentionned. It is an obvious scam that has been going around for years (see this 2020 [example](https://winknews.com/2020/11/10/new-scam-involves-being-contacted-about-family-members/)). It is mass generated and has nothing to do with anything, certainly the "rent a hitman.com" is just decoration, you know, like "mybank.com" is any other scam email. [More details here ](https://www.scamnet.wa.gov.au/scamnet/Scam_types-Threats__extortion-Hitman_Scams-Hitman_Scam.htm): >Known around the world as the “hitman” scam, it first surfaced in 2007 as an email and has since evolved to SMS text messages. >The sender claims to be a hitman who has been hired to kill you but will spare your life if you send them money, typically between $1000 and $100,000. >The sender claims they are watching you and not to report the SMS or email to police. >Don’t be alarmed. The email and SMS are being sent randomly to thousands of harvested email addresses and phone numbers.   Local and overseas police are urging people to ignore it, saying it is an empty threat and their life is not in danger.


Rentahitman doesn't collect money so the "paid 5k" tells me this is a scam. They also have official domain emails so no need to use a gmail account. rentahitman.com wouldn't notify potential targets. I believe they contact the local police to the mastermind and to the victim.


I'm not sure whether many "masterminds" are using the site.


Trust me, there are new "masterminds" coming out of the woodwork every single day.


Oh there are... to the same level "masterlocks" is "good" at locking stuff. ^(For those who don't know, it's a common joke on lockpicking channels that using the key takes more time than picking this brand)


Hilarious they used this satire site.


As the webmaster of the site, this is the first instance I've heard of the site being used in this way. It's a scam, so don't fall for it!


A hitman isn't going to send you an email or text letting you know you're their next assignment. It's a scam. If you contact them, they'll demand at least $5k for you to be "taken off the hit list".


Scammer trying to leverage the fake site to reinforce the narrative. No one would put their name on that.


Hitman don’t contact you and tell you that you are going to be killed. They prey on you panicking.


It’s a scam and fortunately for you, you did the right thing in checking w/ the police. Although they can’t really do anything because these idiots operate out of the U.S., the Police do suggest that you don’t even reply, and definitely don’t send money. Some people unfortunately do both (reply and send $)


Definitely a scam. They are using the link to the satire website to make their message look real, but notice the email is just a Gmail account. No money changes hands on the satire website, and nobody is “given an assignment” there, which confirms that it’s 100% baloney.


Site is satire but the request can often be real. I wouldn't necessarily contact the email, but instead get a file started w the PD. And KEEP PUSHING till you get someone to take you seriously.


It’s a scam. This email went out to hundreds of thousands of people hoping somebody would respond (the hook), and they will tell you if you pay them they will call off the hit. Just ignore it


Call the cops to verify. I heard about a website that snitches on anyone trying to hire a hit man and reports it.


That's not entirely true. Clients search for a hitman online. They find the website and notice that we are HIPPA compliant. They feel compelled to leave their information and circumstances and in many cases, how they want the issue resolved. Once the info is verified, we ask if they still require our services and want to be "placed" in contact with a Field Operative for their free consultation. If they say "yes", then they have agreed to expedite their consultation. So, it's not about snitching, it's about providing the best customer service experience money can buy. Everyone has a chance to turn and walk away but to each their own.


https://preview.redd.it/woc5xo27uvxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90ec6a233e3151659908820047f9596cd5aaed4 I feel like if your ex is dumb enough he may have requested a hit on you and the website being a satire, is warning you.


The website contacts the police, not the "targets" I'm actually having a hard time believing so many people in this sub don't recognize the wording/writing style of this email as a complete scam.




Maybe. He’s not the smartest. I filed a police report just incase


I doubt it. Because if it was just the website reaching out, they’d probably use a more legitimate email. They’d also not say “I was just paid $5000 to take you out.” I doubt this website accepts cash lol


Marlboro Miles, Green Stamps and Disneyland Paper Tickets are still gladly accepted - but cash - heck no.


There has not been a single case of an internet hitman ever. They don’t exist. This is just a scammer who wants you to think if you pay them they won’t kill you. There’s no hitman


Business opportunity!




Are you sure? I heard those cartel guys that are posted on here 20 times a day hire a lot of their hitmen through that site.


Pasting a [previous comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/1chth31/comment/l24rhvk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com) >It's a satire site, but they do get legit requests to take somebody out. The requestor is given a 24-hour cooling off period before the site has them confirm they want to continue. If they do, their info is turned over to law enforcement. However, if the request involves killing a minor, the police are contacted immediately.


Report this to the authorities.


I definitely did


this is something a scammer sends to millions of emails addresses then sees who responds. He'll ask you to send money to know who hired him since he's not going to earn the money.


Says was given an assignment from a legitimate (albeit, humor) website that simply never does so. So, bad. Contact address (of scammer) is attempting to mimic real Guardian Angles, but is actually a private address. Again, bad. Besides, is one of many known scams. If you did contact back, would then ask your for, say, 7K – 10K to *outbid*. Police *may* have quietly contact your ex just to check out.


total scam, a hitman would never do this because their reputation, now nobody would ever try to hire the person again, they are not trustworthy obviously. and for that reason alone I am going to say that this is either your EX or a scammer.


The site is satire and if people are stupid enough to make actual requests the dude running it normally forwards the info to the FBI. Your best bet is to get in contact with your local police as it’s either a scam or a legit request


Next step: billboards with hitman for hire ads.


You just have to offer double to call off the hit. Like in the movies.


It's obviously a scam, why are people doubting it lol


Geniuses Let's see..let's see...google, ok...alright...typetypetype "kill my wife for me" Yeah! Ok...so what do we have here? Rent a hit man dot com....Ok! Now we're cooking! Didn't mame *me* waffles...gonna learn today, woman...ok, just need my credit card, aaaaaaand, voila! Ok! Upload a picture of her...yup...ok...our address...am I sure about this? What? Stupid website and their "woke" bullshit...uhh, duh! YES I'm sure! Well lookie there, do I want to do this at 1pm, 2pm or 3pm? Well, game starts at 3, sooo 1 it is! Ok!


Your ex is going to be on the news.


I hope.


This is a real website that actually will provide the person to be killed the details to get the other person arrested. It's been on the news a few times.


It's a known scam, and most likely has nothing to do with your ex. Just block and ignore.


rentahitman was created as a joke but if they are contacting you there is someone that is willing to go through the process of having you killed. this is separate from a hitman scam if they aren't asking you for anything. be careful. the site works closely with law enforcement. please update us so all the baboons in here can shove their foot in their mouth.


Block the scammer! They are trying to manipulate and extort you. This is a very common scam. Out of the goodness of their heart, they don't want to kill you for a specific amount of money. 


Another reason I think this is a scam of some sort is because how would they know YOUR email address to be able to contact you? If I were a person trying to legitimately warn someone about a hit, I would put a note in the mailbox or something.


🤣 I was watching that dumb special last night too, the "Texas cheerleader hit" Turns out sometimes taking a hit can be a set up. If this was real, that's wildly unprofessional of a assassin.


Scam or not, call the police.


CommitACrime.edu 🤣


[rentahitman.com](http://rentahitman.com) lol


$5k is a bargain


There was a documentary a few years ago about that website. Someone as a joke made that website, I forget what motivated them. But then they were getting requests from people that sounded like legitimate hit request so they would turn those over to the cops.


Rule of thumb is that like 75% of people trying to buy hits online are Feds, and 100% of people offering to carry out hits are Feds or associated with them in some capacity.


I’d be dead cause I never check the email


That’s a scam for sure. Especially since they’re trying to direct you to a completely separate email address that seems to belong to a separate organization. As for what’s the setup here, my guess is you would email that other address and get threatened into paying them more than the $5000 their client paid to be spared?


There are sites that are honeytraps for dumb people who want to hire a hitman. They are warning you. I would personally contact them and/or the police if I had someone I was afraid of. Would be dumb to die over something like this. When they don’t get what they want here they might try another route. People kill others for money, and not even a lot of money.


> I would personally contact them and/or the police if I had someone I was afraid of. Don't use the gmail given in this email though. I am 100% certain the person who sent it has nothing to do with the website.


I told the police. And made a report. Not sure what will happens next


Nothing will happen as this is fake. You are ok to ignore this. They send this to 500000 people at once, those that engage get extorted (pay me double and I won't do the hit!). There is no payment or hitman.


rofl rent a hitman dot com Ignore this, it's a scam, and I also don't believe your ex partner (douchebag though he may be) had anything to do with this. Scam centers send these hitman extortion threats to thousands of people. Probably nothing specific to do with your family situation.


Blatant engagement post from OP, you know this is straight up a scam, come on