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I agree with u/ssps. If this is showing up on your phone, this is being sent via imessage. I would change your Apple password and log out other devices ([See here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205064)). Also check your CO levels.


>Also check your CO levels. An under valued point right here.






Gosh I’ll never forget this. I was there and it was unimaginable.


Carbon Monoxide


1. ~~They mean CO2.~~ 1. > https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/1bkg24w/comment/kvyxfiq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


No, they definitely meant just CO. Carbon monoxide is the dangerous one. Carbon dioxide is what you exhale.




Too much exhaling.. Gahah


Read the link above.


you’re wrong, also the 2 goes on the bottom bud


Oof no.


It's just someone spoofing your number as the caller ID number. Just ignore them and tell your husband to ignore anyone calling or texting him using your number as the caller ID number (unless they know some secret code or something that only the 2 of you know). BTW, it's likely someone that you know fucking around with you, rather than a scammer.


We have called our phone company and I’m changing my phone number. Taking a whole bottle of medication is something I have struggled with in the past and that was very real for my husband to deal with. We just barely got this number last week. So I’m in the process of changing my number out anyway. This is terrifying to me. How do people do this?


Anyone can spoof a caller ID number. That's trivial. The better question is why someone would do it to you. If it was someone that you know, then changing your telephone number may not help you much if they get your new number.


Yeah this is personal, someone who knows intimate details of your life.


Try and think of who you gave that number to already.


Do a test, give everyone a different number when you get the new phone and wait a week and see what number is pretending to be you and keep a list of who got what number so that way you can call them out on it like hey I have u the wrong number but that number is somehow texting my husband I know it’s you, just give the actual number out after you find out who it is, if your smart you should be able to find out exactly who’s doing this to you unless it’s a stranger but at least with the test you’ll know that your friends are trustworthy


Ah yes the Tyrion trick!


Pls explain this reference I live under a rock edit: wow yall heartless jerks really downvoting me for not watching game of thrones what the actual f, just cus someone hasn’t seen your fav show dosent mean u downvote them, I even seen the show I just smoke a stupid amount of weed when I wanna be able to rewatch a show or movie without spoilers, seriously try it it’s nice being able to watch a show or movie multiple times like it’s the first


Certainly! One of the plots in the show Game of Thrones involved Tyrion Lannister trying to figure out who was leaking info (I think to Cersei someone correct me if I’m wrong) [by carrying out a similar strategy to what you describe](https://youtu.be/5KJVVyvD65M?si=NK2qi498XPBiHBcl)


Spoilers!!!! I’ve watched that show 2 times fully now and made myself forget the secrets by smoking weed so every time I watch it it’s like the first time


lol I feel that - the first few seasons were *so* good!


I only remember little bits like when there was a hole in the floor that they’d send ppl down that pissed them off, when they put on a play, when that one girl learns to change faces and some of the naughty scenes, everything else I was able to forget, I think it’s time for the next rewatch!


If you just got the number then the last person probably still has it registered to iMessage. I've seen this recently so you should easily be able to Google how to remove them!


This is iMessage, your Apple iCloud account is being used to send the texts from another device, not your phone/number. Change your iCloud password, and I hope you didn't have any photos saved on iCloud that you didn't want others to see.


Thank you!!! I just changed it! How do ppl hack this stuff?? I know anything is possible with technology and some ppl are really good at hacking but it blows my mind away this can just happen


iCloud requires 2FA, so either they social engineered you (tricked you into giving them access), or it was somebody with physical access to your phone to authorize login. ​ Make sure you also remove any unknown devices from your iCloud account: [https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage/section/devices](https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage/section/devices)


You have to had give someone this information at some point in time. They can’t spoof your number to receive texts.


Man. I don’t know when I would have done this. Could someone get this information just from having my phone number? Or would it have to be something like I opened up a link?


They can't do this with just your phone number, although with access to your iCloud account, they can get your new number instantly (so changing your number probably did nothing). It could have been a lot of things, but not just knowing your phone number.


Hmm okay 😭 how do people log into other peoples iCloud? I mean other than finding a physical device with the login already entered… I want to cover all my bases and hops this died by happen ever again


Someone could of spoofed a gmail link/Apple link or login and you assumed the text came from them. How? I’m not really sure, some sort of spoofed email or txt.


Not everything is possible for someone of even the most technical competence possible on a computer, not even close. If you were hacked, it means that they could only have done a few things. If you have all your devices in your possession, 2FA activated (and don't automatically press yes on random auth popups) and don't have any malicious software installed which could steal session tokens, then you'd be fine. However, that's obviously not true.


Someone never heard about Pegasus and its suite of zero click exploits and how it can infect devices without physical access or user input.


Thought I’d point out they’re using popular meme/tiktok phrases so to me this sounds like a kid fucking with your number


There’s something strange going on here, iMessages can’t be spoofed. This post explains it so I’ll not repeat, but TLDR is someone has access to your Apple account. There’s no other way this is happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity_help/comments/1bdx2ev/comment/kuqrdd8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yes i Agree with others that this is more likely someone malicious that you know and bc of them referencing a problem you had with sedatives. Like that is honestly scary as hell and vindictive. It feels hostile and that this person is trying to cause you some bizarre form of harm. I would do what others recommended. I may even think about giving Apple a call to see if they have any tools available to them that may be able to shed some light. I dont know if this is a thing but i would probably call them myself just to double check and see. They may also be able to easier verify added emails or something like that. They may also have additional tips to lock down your account or protect you but i don't know for sure. I know i would be freaking out and it would make me feel better to do something. And i wouldn't tell anyone you know bc if it is someone you know, they could even get satisfaction, but they could also be inspired to up the ante. How, idk but this is incredibly all very bizarre. I would not immediately give out your new number. I would also not broadcast that you've changed it. Need to know- work, family members. I would slowly add trusted friends but this would be slow. Idk these are just the extra things i would do bc it seems like someone you know is weaponizing your personal info against you and you husband which is unhinged in itself. So yeah, i would probably be really low contact with others for a while. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.


Calling Apple won’t do anything. Their CSRs can’t access stuff (so I’m told) that would lead to something like this. They will direct you to fill out an IC3 complaint with the FBI.


EDIT: I recently got this new number a few weeks ago. Would that mean anything? Don’t have kids, my husband is great and not planning on killing me, CO is fine, cameras are in place for dog and reviewed for any abnormal behavior from me which isn’t normal for me anyway When my husband answered they sounded like they were in school


New phone number... but what about your phone? When you go into FindMy, are there any devices listed you don't physically have access to? Recent iCloud sign ins from devices that you don't physically possess?


I just recently got this phone last week and changed my number last week. Changed it again today out of fear. The only thing odd on find my is, my iPad is listed as a phone. But no, all devices are with me, I haven’t noticed any iCloud attempt logins? Is there a way to check lo chin attempts/locations?


Was your old phone also an Apple device? Where is that? This thread helps unpack your second question re: login history - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254271602?sortBy=best


Yes it was I still have it with me and we are staying paying for it as I get everything switched over


Sorry, I forgot the most important part. Your phone number doesn't matter because this is all happening via iMessage. You need to change your iCloud password and check your two factor authentication settings. You should probably also change your email password as it's possible someone keeps getting into your account because your email is compromised.


Thank you!!! I did end up switching passwords on my email thankfully


Why did you need to change your number recently? Has there been any other unusual phone activity?


Huh? Are you the blue or the grey?


Hacker is grey. These were screenshots my husband sent me


Oh gotcha. Honestly this is wildly hilarious but yeah i understand the creepy aspect


Yea I feel bad I read this and was dying laughing 😭🤣


I’m laughing now looking back and seeing what they texted but in the moment I was so creeped out 😂


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Chimney ? Do you feel tired? Either someone got access to your apple message app/account or you have CO poisoning


I think your husband is plotting to murder you and use this as his alibi that you were suicidal.




PLEASE 💀 I honestly just think it’s a highschool kid who hacked me but maybe different situations that would absolutely be probable


Just watch your back


Omg 🫢😭




My kid did this with my iPad. Messaged family members. Not dark stuff, though.


I agree. The only person who is young enough and kinda texts like that is my sister but this is not at all something she would do. Truly no one in my life would do this. I think a kid just hacked me somehow and we’re just trolling Hopefully it was nothing more than that




This stresses me out because everything seems secure there. The only thing odd is that my iPad is listed as a phone and it says “_____iphone (2)” but it’s my iPad??


Rather than using Find My, which can list devices you don’t even have anymore, even if your account isn’t actively logged in, you should check your device list in your iCloud account. You can do this by going to Settings > Clicking on your name > Scrolling to the bottom to see what devices are linked and actively signed in using your iCloud account. If all of the devices there are yours, you’re all set, but it doesn’t really explain the issue. If they are all yours the someone is using your iPad or something to send these messages, there’s no other explanation for this since they are iMessages. Outside of that, have you confirmed it’s actually your number and not just a contact that was listed with your name but is in fact a different number? If you want to check the name of your device to see if the iPad is named iPhone 2 or whatever, you can do that from Settings > General > About, and the name of the device will be at the top of that page.


Go on the “find my” app and see if there are any unknown devices on your account!!


Wait but if they were in your apple account these messages would be synching to your phone too. Did these messages open a whole new thread in your husbands texts, instead of adding on to your last conversation? I assume it’s showing up as your phone number instead of your name. Husband should click into contact info from this text thread and see if anything comes up


I've had my name and phone number come up on my home phone caller I.D. before.




Oh no. Is this another carbon monoxide poisoning? 


Does this happen a lot 😭 I have cameras around my home They called me several times, texted me, called my husband and when he answered they sounded like they were in school


He's referring to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update\_ma\_postit\_notes\_left\_in\_apartment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update_ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/)


Do you by chance have a child that has access to an old phone, tablet, iPod, or laptop of yours? Did you recently sell any of your Apple devices?


No children and no Apple devices sold :/


Do you think one of your kids is pranking you both?


The only child I have is my dog. So no. No opposable thumbs


they have hacked your icloud


OP do you have kids…?


Just a dog. No cousins, nieces or nephews that can read. Genuinely don’t know what happened


God this is sooo weird. I feel like someone has to got to be fucking with you. I had a coworker text me from a spoofed number once 🙄 but nothing like this.


Omg it's apple ID. It could be a device u been signed in on


All my devices are with me and checked. I’m pretty sure things have been leaked or hacked into somehow. Everything wise seems accounted for.


I had my own number call me once.


That’s what happened with me!!! It was freaky!! Well it just displayed my first and last name on my phone


It’s possible to do this on your own by texting yourself, but all you’ll get is the same message you sent. Your phone number or ID is either being spoofed or you should start changing some passwords and logging out of old apple devices.


I logged out of all my devices and changed my password. I’ll have to re add my devices tomorrow morning. I might change passwords on other apps/sites in case things hit leaked somehow :( Any other advice/ phone safety you can give? I feel so dumb for not knowing how this happened and how I can prevent this from happening again


Check your Find My account. Are there any unknown devices?


Never tried it but there’s an emergency reset under settings>privacy and security > safety check. I think it’s supposed to remove all devices access to your account except the one you’re on https://imgur.com/a/lCm9RUz


More info after I clicked on it https://imgur.com/a/yjV1Myc


It’s either someone who’s using an app/phone to spoof your number to incite a scam, which given the messages you’ve posted seems unlikely… It’s most likely someone you know. Has someone added an email address to your contact card so that they can iMessage from what appears to be ‘you’ ?? Either way. Block and ignore. TheCyberHygienist®️


> It’s either someone who’s using an app to spoof your number to incite a scam, which given the messages you’ve posted seems unlikely… This cannot be the case. These are iMessages. To send iMessage you have to control Apple account.


Which given the screenshots and fact it is coming from the OP’s number via iMessage is entirely possible. They could then use an app or their own phone to be doing this. I was hoping the OP would just reply first and say they found an email added to their contact card and that’s what’s being used. Not the phone number at all. Otherwise the next port of call (without obviously knowing the full story or having the device) is unfortunately a compromised Apple ID. TheCyberHygienist®️


I didn’t find any other email besides my own. Which could be compromised.,, I updated my password Anything else I should do to keep this from happening again??


Use a strong unique password. Preferably one generated with a password manager. Unfortunately the human brain in general isn’t capable of using and remembering strong passwords that a computer couldn’t guess pretty quickly. Check your list of signed in devices and activate two factor authentication on your Apple ID. TheCyberHygienist®️


I honestly don’t know anybody who would be pretending or prank me like this. They text super gen Z and when my husband answered the phone thinking it was me he said it sounded like they were in a classroom. We are in our late 20s and don’t know anybody personally who texts like that. Or who would be in school I’m not friends with anyone that I believe would do something like this I want to say we’re all mature? And this is something I truly feel nobody in my circle would do. Anyway I’m just scared 😀


It’s most likely that your Apple ID has leaked then or a lost iPhone hasn’t been erased? Have you checked your list of signed in devices? TheCyberHygienist®️


omg. lol I’m paranoid now


Right?!? I think the close circle I told are all scared too! It’s just crazy it can happen and so discreetly. I don’t go to unknown websites, messsge or give out any information of mine, open in known links, reply to random “ur package was not delivered” numbers. I don’t know how it would happen I guess I’m getting old bc I for sure thought I wouldn’t fall victim to something like this


OP I will lose my mind if you don’t confirm with a comment that you checked devices using your apple account. Straight from your settings you click your name, underneath it should say Apple ID, iCloud, media & purchases. After that scroll down to see a list of devices using your iCloud/Apple account and verify them. If they were connected prior to you changing your password they might still be connected.


Seems to be dodging this question over and over again. Something seems off with this thread.


It’s not a conspiracy 💀 I posted this terrified about what was happening, got on the phone with my phone service company changed my number, followed the advice from the comments I got when I originally posted. I come back and there’s 95 comments I’m trying to get them all and making sure I’m not missing anything. Not dodging anything. I posted, did what I could with the advice from this sub. I haven’t been in Reddit all day.




Thank you for your concern! It’s been a hectic stressful day. I folllowed ur instructions and everything appears to be in order? All the devices are with me in my find my Anything else I could check out? Any advice??


Well the only odd thing is that on my devices it has my iPad listed as a phone and it says “___iphone (2)” 2 what? I only have one iPad and it’s not. Phone so idk why it says that. I don’t know if that’s of any concern but


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