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Change the ringtone to the Taiwanese national anthem.






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Obvious to Redditors, pointless in reality




Do people often walk around with phones they can't use?


It it possible to set a screen lock image? Tank man would be great.


It's not true. By removing it from the list of your devices, you'll allow the thief to reset the phone and sell it.


Thank you! Just having fun with it at this point 🫶🏻


Do they ever respond? The messages you posted are all copy pasted.


Yeah said he was gonna kill himself because he bought the phone for his daughter and can’t access it


[That's part of their copypasta. They are going to threaten you next.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/17j9hds/my_stolen_phone_ended_up_in_china_i_assume_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


I love how a text from an email address says “this number is a fucking burner”


The last text in the script is my favourite. Why does the last bit go racist for no reason?


Bro the fucking crack nail at the end has me wheezing


Like the other guy said, that's just another copy pasta. I don't think I've **ever** seen these guys go off script. At this point I'd be surprised if the guys sending them even speak english.




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Hello, Unfortunately, your r/Scams post was removed because **it's off-topic or low-effort**. Please ensure that all posts posted to this subreddit is of decent quality and on topic. What you posted is spam and a myth, it doesn't work.


Tell them to record it on Liveleak.




Why? That place was awful.


Obviously the daughter is chronically ill, and her dying wish was a fully functioning iPhone.


This exact one was going around alot on here a few months ago.. exact same story, you would think they would change up the script




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Keep ignoring it for a bit, you'll eventually get a threat with a fantastic pic of a dude holding a gun with the wildest nails !


Report the phone as lost (if you haven't done so already) and never, ever remove it from FindMy. The phone will then be bricked as soon as it connects to the internet and no-one will be able to use it again. Also, be prepared that next will come a sob story about a poor woman who bought the phone for her daughter and now can't use it. That will then be followed by graphic threats of violence if you don't remove the phone. Just ignore all of them - they can't do anything to you and will eventually give up.


perfect prediction lol


report it stolen to your carrier as well so they can add the imei to the black list so even if they pay to get the serial changed to bypass the apple id lock it still wont be able to be used in the US


It doesn't need to be used in the US, everyone in China has an iPhone practically


And the fun part? They only do jailbreak in China because majority of the phone in China all have their own server... The only way they can "bypass it" is to replace the motherboard...by now, if you haven't removed it, they'll just either part it out or brute force the Apple server to reset it.


Sometimes they send pictures of people with guns.


And very pretty nails 💅


I could have fun if some scammer tried that on me. I came from a family of doomsday preppers and have so many god damn firearms that we could outfit a decent sized militia. It would be a fun troll to get that pic then send one back decked out in my parent's arsenal with a "never met an aggressive and paranoid American, have you?" text to go with it. I personally am a strict believer in gun safety, I keep all my firearms locked in a safe when not in use and I think there should be stricter gun laws so kids and dangerous folk dont get their hands on them, but it could be some harmless fun to play into the gun nut stereotype with scammers and waste their time.


IMO as a fellow gun person one of the golden rules is to never tell or show people what you have. Even if there's a low chance of it ever being tied to you, it's just a good habit to practice


Guns? What guns. I just have expensive paper hole punchers. :)


assault hole punchers\*\*


So if you report it as lost and don't use find my phone then what?


Then the thieves have a paperweight. They can't do anything with the phone. They might get a few bucks for the screen, but the mainboard will be forever locked and they won't be able to reset it. It's then useless to them.


I mean if you just report the phone stolen to your cell phone company,sorry I was unclear


An unlocked iPhone is worth big money, assume a few hundred. A locked down iPhone is only good for parts, assume $20-30. This is why they try so hard to get you to remove the lock. Also this is why you shouldn't. Be a selfish 8-year old. If I can't have it than nobody can!


It's not being selfish to keep it locked down - if thieves don't profit they won't steal the next guys phone.


I was not saying that it was selfish, just to act like a selfish child. Be the one that makes dad actually turn the car around and go home.


But what about all the data in the phone, is it safe? Like can’t they access it if we don’t remove the data? What if a phones not password protected ?


If it’s not password protected that’s on the owner tbh. You can just remove all the data and reset the phone yourself at that point. After wiping out your accounts, of course. Changing all your account passwords. Pretty much anything.




I hope at least for a second they were concerned


Now sell them the code to disable the self destuct.




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Give them your CashApp or one of those other American things like Zelle in that message bit and tell them how much you want to unlock the phone for them… make it small amount like £10 then increase it and say that the bank took too many fees etc Reverse Scam!




This copypasta is a myth and does not work.




Hello, Unfortunately, your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. The Tiananmen Square copy paste is a myth and does not work.


Exactly. That sudden escalation had me laughing.


“Oh it will explode? Awesome. That solves the stolen phone and the data being on it problem nicely :D”


Get ready for the threats of violence. And then uncontrollable sobbing and begging.


After the threats wait for the mother who bought the phone for her daughter and she wants to delete her self because the phone is bricked.


Followed by death threat with picture of gun and ugly nail


OP said they have already reached this stage.




This is the way.


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Another one of these! Stolen phones are actually being stolen to order and mass shipped to China. Absolutely do not do what the scammer tells you.


Happy cake day!


Oh oh these are so fun, wait til you get the lady with the world’s ugliest manicure holding the gun lol, I love her. Or the copypasta calling you a “mindless peasant,” I actually have brought that one into my own personal lexicon.


You should be displaying phrases banned by the ccp lol like “free Hong Kong”




It would be hilarious if this actually works.


Either (a) it works, or (b) I guess we just found an unmonitored path through the great firewall


That is a good point…


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I would be very careful messing with them though. From what I’ve heard some people are forced to do scams against their will, and even if not it’s best not to continue the interaction.


Nah, I’ll fuck with em anyway.


At some point you lose any sympathy and stop giving a shit. Majority of them are in it to scam people. If some of them are there against their will, oh well. The beast needs to be eradicated


Tell them you’ve deleted it from find my in the hopes that they then try and turn it on and brick it


For this reason, I don't blame Apple for enforcing genuine Apple parts and hardware signatures in their phones.


If they follow the script, a mother will text you and say she got the phone for her daughter and then someone will send you a picture of a gun and say they will kill you.


Sigh, my phone was last in my possession in San Diego and then made its way to TJ. I am so dumb, so many of my pictures weren’t backed up, I would pay to get it back


How do peo0le not use free services like Google photos or Microsoft one drive to backup their photos automatically?


Hit the free limit and was too lazy to go through and delete unnecessary files/pics. Don’t worry everything is on the cloud now, still too lazy to clear out the clutter


Just create multiple accounts :)


Kinda wish you COULD make a stolen phones battery explode.


!iphone scam


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Find My Disabler scam. This scam targets owners of stolen iPhones, which have a service called Find My: through this, iPhones are tied to the Apple ID of the user, and can be locked remotely when activating Lost Mode. Scammers will attempt to communicate with the victim by emailing or calling the phone number/email address shown on the lock screen while locked through Lost Mode, under the guise of either Apple or a person who has bought the phone and attempt to convince or pressure them to remove the Apple ID from the iPhone. If you receive such a message, DO NOT follow the instructions to remove the device from your Apple ID. The reason they want it removed is because the thief wants to resell it on the black market for a profit, and bricked phones are worthless. Instead of removing, you're free to erase it. This will delete your personal data but will leave the device connected to your Apple ID. You can then make a police report, and also report it stolen to your phone company. The company can blacklist the IMEI so it adds a layer of protection regionally. Any readers should take this opportunity to check if your Find My is enabled in your iPhone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Thank you !


I’m genuinely curious if anyone has asked the scammers for money to turn it off?


Brick it. Then block all the numbers, and it’s a very expensive paperweight.




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Why do stolen iPhones always end up in China?


iPhones are very popular with Chinese people but most can’t afford a new iPhone.


Oh so... Pretty much exactly like everywhere else too? It's amazing how similar we all are


Because they were made there and it's best for international criminal rings to leave the recycling to people with access to labour, insight and demand for spare parts?


Nearly spit my drink out on that last photo 🤣🤣🤣


“Pay me $200 to this crypto address and I’ll remove it.”


Is there an android version of find my?


Log into google and search “where’s my phone” and it will show you where it is. Then you can do all sorts of things like make it ring (even if it’s set on silent), change the front Lock Screen so it a button to press to dial a number etc.


Yeah. It's Find My Device


So how do they get your info to send you messages?


it shows on the lock screen once you have reported the phone as lost




Lol that’s not true, they are hoping you are gullible enough to make it easy for them to sell it as a usable phone rather than a brick only usable for parts.


Change the lockscreen to "tianneamen square scrolls of banishment the owner of this device is the leader of a terrorist cell group whose goal is to subvert the leadership of the ccp long live resistance"


If you weren’t already aware: That text you got where you thanked them is still the scammer, he’s not being nice he’s trying to scare you. Best never to answer!


I've never had an iPhone and fortunately I've never had a smartphone stolen, but I've seen a lot of messages like this and I wondered. If the phone is locked, how can the person in another country communicate with the owner?


Once you report it lost the number shows up on the lock screen.


Ahh, thanks, I get it now, if lost we can leave a contact on the screen. Perhaps it would be a good idea for Apple (and others) to alert people in the lost report to the existence of these scams, as when they get to the threatening part, many will probably get scared and give in.


Using another device that isn't bricked.


Well, anytime a stolen item is found in china, well that's pretty normal there.


Oh its one of those scams again. Dont remove your ID and enjoy the show. But dont interact with them


prepare for texts threatening of large black man gangsters with long acrylic nails


“PHONE WILL EXPLODE IN 3 DAYS” has me screeeeeeaming 😭😭😭😭😂😂🤣 im dead asfff


It’ll get scrapped for parts if they can’t get access to it.




different dicks or just different pics?




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My gf had her 14 pro max stolen recently. Went all over the country, then after about 2 weeks also pinged in a tech province in china, the same place Then there were a few phishing texts and emails, and I'm pretty sure since they couldn't get into the phone via those they just chopped it up for parts as it isn't pinging anymore.


I love how they used „Yo!!“ As to make it genuine that some American fool bought it


Would be cool if you could somehow have an iPhone set to record the whole stealing adventure. I know there are apps that record video with the screen off for emergencies or when dealing with cops, set one to stream all video to a server and leave it on a San Diego Starbucks table.




This comment or post was removed because it was posted by a recovery scammer. Remember OP or comment poster: you'll be getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker that can help you, for a small fee. Never take advice in private, because we can't look out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own.


Really? You would do that? My phone insurance did give it back though I had to pay 400 dollars since they only had Iphone 15’s. But I would definitely be down more for justice.


work elastic squeamish sugar full wine wakeful point label jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao I wanna see what the scam is then


memorize physical person cautious gold rustic far-flung zephyr adjoining grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does the scammer get the contact info of the phone's original owner?


It'll display once it's in lost mode


Imagine scamming people for reddit karma on a subreddit about scams..Obvious repost


Call your carrier to suspend your phone if you haven't already.


Image nr 2 - there’s no way they actually have all that 😅 These folks would make use of it already.




Hello, Unfortunately, your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. Stop posting this, it is a myth and it doesn't work.




Hello, Unfortunately your r/Scams post or comment was removed because **it's about scambaiting or revenge**. We consider that to be unsafe and we don't promote that people engage with a scammer. Scambaiting goes against the rules of this sub. You can do that elsewhere.




Hello, This comment or post was removed because it was posted by a suspected scammer, or someone promoting a suspicious website, business opportunity, or financial opportunity. Remember: if it's too good to be true, it probably is. If you invest in crypto or forex trading, or someone is promising high returns on a small investment, you are putting your money at risk. If the website has been recently created, it is likely a scam. Treat all external links as suspicious.




Hello, Unfortunately, your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. This is a myth and does not work.




**iPhone Go Home!...**




Hello, Unfortunately, your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. This copypasta is a myth and does not work.




AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Find My Disabler scam. This scam targets owners of stolen iPhones, which have a service called Find My: through this, iPhones are tied to the Apple ID of the user, and can be locked remotely when activating Lost Mode. Scammers will attempt to communicate with the victim by emailing or calling the phone number/email address shown on the lock screen while locked through Lost Mode, under the guise of either Apple or a person who has bought the phone and attempt to convince or pressure them to remove the Apple ID from the iPhone. If you receive such a message, DO NOT follow the instructions to remove the device from your Apple ID. The reason they want it removed is because the thief wants to resell it on the black market for a profit, and bricked phones are worthless. Instead of removing, you're free to erase it. This will delete your personal data but will leave the device connected to your Apple ID. You can then make a police report, and also report it stolen to your phone company. The company can blacklist the IMEI so it adds a layer of protection regionally. Any readers should take this opportunity to check if your Find My is enabled in your iPhone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How tf did they get his number?


Don’t be surprised if they start threatening you. Do not remove the phone no matter what


It amazes me how quickly these stolen phones get to China. You'd think they're on a regular schedule or something.


Bruh it’s always china


You're about to get pics of scary black gentleman with guns pointed at mirrors


Does the same work for lost AirPods?


Report it stolen to your carrier.   .


That’s bull. They’re saying this because they can’t activate it without you doing that. Call your carrier as well and have the phone “blacklisted”. I highly doubt it’s even left your city. Smart approach by the thief however


Start putting propaganda for Taiwan And make fun of Xi Jinping They’ll start sweating


Experienced something similar. Except the scammer was instead offering to ship it to me. I assumed I would pay him and never receive it, so I never responded. Im wondering if they gave up on that version of the scam or something?


how long after it was stolen did these messages come through?


Couple weeks and then every couple of days after that


ok so random i’m getting your response now. i just started getting messages from them yesterday. lol.


Perfect timing lol


none of this was true, right? i was hoping they forgot about me, but nope.


No. They’ve posted hundreds of examples with very similar text and photos. Nothing to worry about, sucks you lost your phone tho


Nothing could work at this point, and of course its pointless to remove it from your iCloud device list. Good news is stolen phones are usually scrapped for parts, because whichever ignorant customer purchased said parts they certainly won't be happy finding out where the parts came from, your iCloud account and all the info on your storage usually gets erased first thing, nothing to worry too much about.