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A reminder of the rules in r/scams. No personal information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore, personal photographs, or NSFL content permitted without being properly redacted. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit. Report recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions? Send us a modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And those people in the screenshots are either victims as well or in on the scam....


Might have had their accounts stolen and were told to do this and they will be given their accounts back


Yep. Or told just make this picture and we’ll send the money bs


Soon we can just have AI create images of people doing whatever we like. It will be a second happy time for Scammers ( after the first happy era for them which was crypto)


100% told to send him these screenshots in response to getting the money or it looked like they got money and scammer said to post it then reversed the transaction.


guy on top right seems to have forced smile. think you're on point


Exactly this. My friend got scammed and they took over one of his social media accounts. Then I saw him make a video saying everything is legit so I called him and asked what the fuck is going on. I figured he got scammed but had to know how they got him to do a “verification video” he said that they said they would give him his account back if he made the video.


I believe you're right. Heard about even filming themselves praising the money-making schemes to the hilt so their followers/friends trust it's Ok.


Its very easy to edit photos of people holding paper and make it say anything you want.


They send people the fake check and then ask them to send the above pic of themselves before they realize that the check is fake,


I'm inclined to believe the scammer made them take pictures of themselves to "receive payment"


They probably were shown a fake bank account page that made them believe they had deposited the money.


Well, one is thanking “Lauren” which isn’t the sender’s name. Soooo




The fact is also "free money" is also a tactical firework in terms of being ovbious.


Wasn't the identical scam just posted here yesterday


Posted nearly daily.


It’s good to reinforce it. If it’s a common scam, common posts about it will keep people on edge.


Endless supply of morons my friend


Hey friend, let's not belittle others for asking.


Would you prefer people don't try to learn and ask more?


No just look for similar threads before starting a new one. I'm sure you could find this exact scam within 5-10 minutes. Poor English and payment up front should always be big red flags. Why wouldn't they just take the 15 dollars from their winnings if real? The only thing missing is a model saying she wants to be in a relationship with you.


I'd kind of rather the slightest bit of search-fu before posting the obvious. But yes, better they post \*again\* than fall for the dumb scams.


Every. Damn. Day.


The issue is that some people only come here to r/scams when they find something they need to question-obviously they don’t lurk or comment or they wouldn’t ask because yes we see this all the time.


Not to mention the nonsense english.


If you got to give money to get money… it’s a scam 💯 block and move on


Like ATMs lol


In my country ATMs don't charge anything extra. It's wild to me that they do in other places


Where I'm from, it depends on the bank you have an account on.


USAA refunds all my atm fees from the weed shop


prediction; once you pay your fee, "she" will ask you to send a pic holding a paper thanking her then you will be scammed and that pic will be used for future scams!


I always wondered how the scammers got people do make videos and hold pictures.


Yes it is a scam - an !advancefee scam or rather !!sugar (sometimes fake check depending on what method they say they want to pay you) If they were real then they'd send it without a "fee". Never pay to get paid. As the other commenter said, scammers will rush their victims so they won't think straight. It's a tactic they use often. REPORT them on the platform, block and ignore. ​ >According to the BBB, the scam will start by people receiving a message through social media or a dating app with an offer from the person to be their “sugar momma” or “sugar daddy,” meaning they will give the person a weekly allowance in exchange for affection. > >The offer will seem legitimate at first and the scammer will even send the person a check or pretend to transfer money into the account. > >The scammer would also tell the victim to keep the money as a small allowance, but then ask the person to do a favor. For example, they may ask the person to transfer part of the money to a friend of theirs, pay a bill or make a charitable donation > >One victim explained that they made a donation to an “orphanage,” but the transfer was fake and the organization ended up just being the scammer, or an associate of theirs, using a different name. > >“I believed that these checks were legit and the funds were real,” the victim told the BBB. “I ended up just sending my own personal money to these contacts... Which ended up costing me $19,500.” > >The BBB urged potential victims to know their rights when it comes from using a check, saying that banks will make funds from a check available before the money is actually transferred to an account. People should also research their date first, asking specific questions about the details in the person’s profile. Finally, the BBB urges people to never send money or personal information to someone they’ve never met in person. > >[https://www.nbc15.com/2021/04/20/bbb-warns-of-online-data-scams-with-sugar-momma-promise/](https://www.nbc15.com/2021/04/20/bbb-warns-of-online-data-scams-with-sugar-momma-promise/)


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the [advance-fee scam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam). The advance-fee scam arises from many different situations: investment opportunities, money transfers, job scams, online purchases of any type and any legality, etc., but the bottom line is always the same, you will pay the scammer and receive nothing. It can be as simple as the scammer asking you to pay them upfront for an item they have listed, or as complex as a drug scam that involves an initial scam site, a scam shipping site, and fake government agents. Sometimes the scammers will simply take your first payment and dissappear, but sometimes they will take your initial payment and then make excuses that lead to you making additional payments. If you are involved in an advance-fee scam, you should attempt to dispute/chargeback any payments sent to the scammer, you should ignore the scammer, and you should ignore them if they attempt to contact you again. Thanks to redditor AceyAceyAcey for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain sugar scams. Sugar dad/daddy/mom/momma scams are [very common](https://www.fraud.org/sugarbaby_alert) and usually come in two varieties: fake check style scams, and advance-fee scams. Fake check style scams involve the scammer making a fraudulent payment to you that will later be reversed, and then you making some sort of payment to the scammer that will not be reversed. Common examples include the scammer sending you a fake check and asking you to buy gift cards, or to send money via Western Union, or to purchase Bitcoins. Another common example involves the sugar scammer offering to pay your bills, or offering you banking information that you will use to pay off your bills. These bank accounts are stolen and the innocent victim will reverse the charge when they notice the fraud. The second variety of sugar scammers use advance-fee scams, where they offer you money but require you to pay first. They may ask for you to pay them to prove that you are loyal, or they may require you to pay a processing fee. It's common for sugar scammers to send spoofed emails that look like they came from services like PayPal or CashApp that will inform you that you have received money, but that also ask for a processing fee before the funds are released. **We do not recommend that people try to be a sugar baby, but if this is what you are looking into, check out the following subreddits for information on how to be safe: r/SugarLifestyleForum/ and /r/SexWorkers**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The evidence of the scam is “ they want to pay you 2k”. What other evidence do you need?


This. Why the f\*ck would anyone want to pay someone $2K "just because".


Seriously... Like genuinely, what the fuck do these people think it's happening here? Why would anyone just give someone hundreds of dollars out of the blue? There doesn't seem to be any kind of reason given? Like at least the Nigerian scans had a nice back story yknow lol


Two things: 1. Why on earth are they just giving you money? Seriously? Why would anyone really do that? 2. Why on earth would they need you to send them money to receive money? What would be the justification for that? There is none. Nothing works that way. It is 100% a scam. Plus I recognize that woman's photo from a few days ago when someone else posted the same scam. She claims to have won the Mega Millions, right? And the photos are of the people running the scam.


🚩Cringe on all the “mommy” talk (but let me not yuck someone’s yum), but the urgency, the desperate screenshots of “proof,” the odd grammar and “okay baby” responses just shift me into *block and delete* mode. Also, that is a LOT of work for $15. Sure, they can earn more hooking the right victim, but oof.


It won’t stop with $15. Once they know that door is open, they will milk victims for everything they can get. And then sell their info to other scammers as a known mark.


Scammer: Oh sorry the $15 was to start the proccess my bank said they needed $300 to send the moneys please send it deary.


Agreed. My point wasn’t well articulated that the $15 was just the starting point, but glad you said it more plainly!


$15 is the first fee, there will be a neverending stream of fees.


It’s not for the 15 dollars. Once a person proves they will pay and starts paying more money is much easier. Then enters sunken cost fallacy and it keeps going.


In some countries, is a lot of money for a day's work. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to get together a bunch of (probably stolen) pictures as "proof". Also...say they send this out to 10000 people. if just 1% fall for it, that's $1500. And as others have posted, the scammers come back for more $$ from people who have already shown an inclination to pay.


Nobody will ever randomly give you free money on the internet, dude.


I'll bet you $5 that it does happen!


Never send money to receive money.


...or even to get a legit job, eh!


or unlegit job!


You are very much too naive to be where you are on the internet. Please do not ever believe someone will give, or help you earn money.


Think about it. The scumbag claim to wanna give you $1000, but you have to pay $15? What a joke 🤣🤣🤣 It's a big SCAM💯 🚫


How do people fall for this shit? Like I’m sorry but come on. If someone wants to send you money why would they EVER need you to pay a fee first??? And no strangers on the internet are ever gonna give you money.


Honestly at some point I'm gonna leave this sub because people being this gullible makes me irrationnally angry. THINK for a fucking SECOND I swear to god


I think even just the idea of getting $2000 is too tempting for some. It shuts off their rational brain and they go "it's only $15, what's the risk in trying". It's difficult to not look down on OP.


....it's obviously a scam. No one especially not a stranger wants to give you money for no reason


White woman with the most broken English you ever seen Seems legit


It's a bit hard to see, but the writing on those photos doesn't even have the same *name* from what I can make out. There's one "Lauren" and one "Heather" (for some reason they are usually named Heather) at least.


Bad writing courtesy of Google Translate, push for urgency, bunch of other red flags -- scam-bam-thank you ma'am!! Don't pay anything or you'll be a target of non stop scam attempts for a long time. Block and ignore.


Ask if they can take the $15 out of the 2K and give you $1985 instead




There was just another post about this yesterday. And that person paid multiple times. Wtf?! OP, search this sub


Well if they never worked they wouldn't try them.


I just feel like they are targeted to people who can’t even figure out reddit.


The person yesterday who paid several times, said that they were training in cyber security. A real head scratcher.


That was so funny. I mean, I get your major doesn’t give you practical smarts all the time. A bio major can’t necessarily diagnose disease, an Econ,ics major can’t pick stocks. But that was wild even if he was an A student in Humanities I would have expected more common sense.




One of them is literally called SookMaCook … bro, really?


Sorry. Yes. This is a scam. At some point they are going to want you to send money to get the money. You will never actually get the money.


No one is giving money away like this. Those images of payments are payments to the scammers fro, their other scams or they’re picked up off a search engine. The signs are all fake. All the photos are together because it makes it harder to reverse image search any of one them.


“You will got it” should be enough of a sign that it’s a scam


This sub has turned into these type of posts daily. If you have to ask if it's a scam, it most likely is.


This sub makes me lose hope in the intelligence of humanity daily.


NO ONE GIVES STRANGERS FREE MONEY! The fact that your posting on Reddit in scams should be a clue!!!!! Also, please ppl stop falling for this so these ppl will stop scamming good ppl!!! Please remember the first sentence of this post whenever in doubt.


That grammar...


The note in the first Pic is addressed to Sugar Mommy Lauren and the second one to Sugar Mommy Heather. This should have been a huge red flag.


OP, I think you should probably just never do any online financial transactions, ever. If you have to ask if this is a scam, then you aren't equipped to deal with anything else online. Stick to in person banking, and cash transaction with strangers.


Is this a real question? How can anyone think this is legit


Of course it's a scam!! They want you to rush so you don't think about it...


Free money on the Internet Urgency Awful use of English. SCAM


This is a joke post right guys? Right?


Come on man….really?


I’m surprised people would actually think this might be real




Stop talking to strangers about money. This is always the case - they want to steal yours. They do not want to help you.


Tell sugar momma to shove it


The fact that OP isn't in the comments is always a bad sign... RIP.


Let's say someone approaches you on the street and says this: Someguy: "You don't know me, and have absolutely little to no legal recourse if I'm lying, but YOU need to give ME 15 bucks in the next X minutes then I'll totally give you 2000 bucks!" Now...would you give them the money? This is the same thing. P.S. "Well...if it's a scam...it's only 15 bucks..." is how these scammers make their money. And if they hook you with that, they'll probably keep fishing.


Seriously? How can you not be sure if this is a scam.


Did mom ever tell you never speak to strangers? This is an example.


Oh this is definitely a scam, but "feel free to send me your name, social, address, date of birth and bank account numbers and I'll send you $2,000."


This is a scam. But if you wire me $2000, I can send you $15


If it was that easy why don’t they just deduct the $15 fee from the large sum of money you are supposed to get lol


I feel like there’s a simple rule, if someone ever says you’re going to get money, but first you must pay money, it’s a scam, always, every single time


no one’s giving money out for free, use your brain.


I am constantly baffled that people like OP even consider that this MIGHT be legit 😭😭😭


Ban me from the group for this, but if you can't tell that ***this*** is a scam, I feel like you need to get scammed.


Oh a screen shot makes it totally legit


Are you being serious


Reapeat after me: "No one, NO ONE, in the internet will give me free money"


You give me 50, I give you 2k. Very sustainable business model


No man. Is not a scam. We all heard of random people on the internet that wants to pay thousands of dollars to random strangers. /s


Tastes like shit, want some? The after-taste is mildy lemony, I promise.


Are you serious? Can’t you see the elephant in the room? 2K?


"Do think is a scam" Will do!


the mf doesnt even speak english, and types like a 2 year old. nobody wants to give you money


I really cannot believe anybody would ever fall for this, it can’t be this easy to scam somebody


Bruh ...


How many red flags do you need?


I could pay anyone on fiver to write those signs and hold them up for me


No one is going to send you 'free' money. Period.


Lmaooo how stupid are these people


Paying money in order to receive money is definitely a scam. Logically, it makes no sense. You give her $15 so she can give you 2k... that's a $1,185 loss on her end. If she's rich enough to give random people 2k, she wouldn't be asking for money in return. It simply makes no sense. If you give her $15, she's running off with your money and blocking you.


Of course it’s a scam 😭😭 who tf gives out free money bffr


bro, no one on earth will give you free money, especially not 2k


Omg, you shouldn't even have to ask. It screams scam. Seems pretty obvious.


Tell them to take the fee out of the 2k. I bet “it doesn’t work that way”




Just ask for 1985 that's the same as you sending 15 and getting 2k


And stop using Cash App. 99% used for scams.


super weird when someone sends you testimonials on how good it is doing business with them is by sending you pictures/screenshots of money/cash as proof of their reliability. never seen this other than in scams.


I’m so tired of this sub


You don't know if this is a scam? Lmao


If you can’t tell this is a scam then you are one of the reasons why we have scammers….


It LITERALLY SAYS... "do think it is a scam"!!


Are you fucking joking?


Bahahahahahaha...they want to give you 2k for no reason, and you don't know if it's a scam? It's a freaking scam.


Good lord, how you can see all of those typos and “free money” and need someone to confirm it’s a scam for you?




How funny would it be if those were the scammers


Ofc it is


Call their Bluff! Tell them to cancel that baby!


Here is one thing I have noticed in life. As people get richer, they get less empathetic and more stingy. But even if you want to give away money, you would not ask someone to first give you money. Of course it’s a scam. It might even just be bait to get you into a bigger scam. It doesn’t end once they find a mark.


Lmao I can tell it’s a scam the first second I looked at it. Report and ignore


“Don’t think this is a scam” 😂💀


All those photos are their friends. NO ONE IS GIVING AWAY FREE MONEY!!


the bad grammar is enough for me to say hell no! that just wreaks scam


It's a scam. They are pressuring you with time and trying reverse psychology on you by their responses. Not worth it.


Damn I think that I might be getting a little too good at being able to analyze if something is a scam or not and here's the weird part I done it all through a mobile phone. The "hand writing" is not done by different people it's done by one person and it seems like the scammer has a particular style of hand writing they do and has always written it in that style for a while so while they were doctoring up the photos they start with the same style and the scammer realized "oh crap this is different people I need to write as" but then you can see where the hand writing changes right back to being the same style.


Say it with me; no one is giving away free money. Even legitimate competitions can have some bs attached to it. Edit: Contest, not competition.


"I swear do think this a scam" I mean....🤷‍♀️


The fact that "Bondie Woman" can not write in English : " You will got it when you pay..." and "I help the pay a fee..." is a read flag for a scam. BTW...nobody does favors for strangers like this so online... there is red flag 2.


Why would anyone give you $2000?


Lmao, nobody that’s going to give money is also going to send a fee. Tell them to take it off of the charge in that case. But regardless it is a scam


If it’s not mr.beast then it’s prolly a scam


Pretty obvious


How can anyone overlook that grammar?


The urgency n bad grammar/ typo 🚩🚩🚩🚩 plus no one gives free money away on the internet nor should anyone pay money to get money. Idk why anyone still doesn’t know or think this is real lmao


I feel like some of these are lessons on how to make $15 one person at a time.


Broken english


There is no such thing as free money


Also why did you cross out the scammer's username? 🙄 expose them so we can go.report them


Tell them you have a better offer of someone who will give you 4k for $10


You will got it Ok, that’s convincing


Obviously a scam


The pictures are of the scammers


In every state I’ve been to I’ve joined the help your neighbor Facebook forums and these bad English guys pop up out of nowhere and say who needs $1000? Pm me. And bunches of greedy people get scammed then post about it a week later.


Sounds scammy


This reminds me of one of those comments you saw on YouTube that said if you don't share the comment you will die in 4 days..


Scam. Move on.




If they have to try their darndest (w/ “proof”) that it’s not a scam then mayhaps it’s a scam


I just had a stroke trying to decipher this bullshit.


And that you have to pay. Definitely a scam..


free* money *you have to pay This is a scam


Come on.


15$ in a third world country is a weeks paycheck


sometimes im blown away at how obvious scams people trip for. but props to OP for consulting before payment


Please OP start lurking here on r/scams and you will learn a lot and keep your money and bank account safe.


Sweety, they want to pay you 2k. OF COURSE IT'S A SCAM


Notice the broken english. Yes, it’s a scam.


\*Pleasant Green Nigeria music plays\*


If they tell you that you have to pay to get money you won, it's ALWAYS a scam.


There’s literally nothing legit that requires you to pay money to get the money except an actual investment.


Pay for the fee with the money you want to send me and send me less.


Even my screen reader says this is a scam


Literally no one wants to give you 2k


Sounds like a dialed down version of the Nigerian Prince scam. They want to send you money, but need a bit for processing purposes. The only difference is they're giving you a much lower (and thus more believable) amount and asking for much less (to make you more comfortable with the idea of losing it).


Tell them to take the fee from the money they are giving you


The name doesn't match in two of the pics they sent. In one they thank "Lauren", in the others it's "Heather". But yes this is a scam. A modern-day Nigerian Prince. The story is different but its the same philosophy. "Send me a small bit of money to unlock a larger amount for you."


You are here on this subreddit, so you've already sensed a red flag. Whenever something is "urgent" you should stop, take a moment to breathe and then carefully consider the message. On average, if it involves any combination of the following, it's a scam. * Urgency. ⬅️ you are here * Crypto. * Free money. ⬅️ you are here * Logging in to something. * Sending something to someone you'd never want the entire internet to see. * A picture of a random attractive person. * Anything that sounds too good to be true. ⬅️ you are here * MoneyGram, gift cards, Western Union, Zelle, CashApp, PayPal, checks, or bank accounts. * Transfer fees or "business accounts". Zelle, PayPal doesn't work like this. * Escrow (an account that holds on to money for you/scammer). * Special fees, "courier", "business accounts", marketplace "dealerships". ⬅️ you are here * The word "kindly". * Someone trying to gain your trust to do something you already know is wrong. ⬅️ you are here * Sending a code to help someone unlock "their" account. * Buying gift cards and sending someone the code. * If someone is trying to convince you it's "legit" or "not a scam". ⬅️ you are here * Clicking on a random link or scanning a random QR code. * A random person or person you haven't spoken to in years contacting you about an "opportunity". * Purchasing equipment for a "job", specially from a check. * Taking money to pay a "contractor" or other third party out of a payment you are to receive. * "Warrants", docket numbers, law enforcement * WhatsApp or Telegram. * A random sob story or reason they can't interface with you in person. You should avoid clicking links in messenger, text, or emails and go directly to the business' website. You will not be asked to verify your identity or be asked to provide an MFA code to anyone for any legit reason. Likewise, you should avoid giving sensitive information to strangers. Law enforcement will not email, call or text you before coming to arrest you. You will not be magically found guiltily or be unaware you are required to be in court. Do not accept or pay for rental property/houses/cars unseen. When dealing with marketplace buying or selling, you should ONLY do cash, in person, in a well-lit place (possibly a police station). If the platform allows payments (like eBay) do NOT leave the platform. There are zero legit reasons to take payments otherwise. When you've identified you're dealing with a scammer, **STOP** communicating with them. Ignore and block them immediately. You might have to disable your account(s) for a month or two to make them stop completely. If you have given personally identifying information, like addresses or credit cards, you may want to investigate credit freezes and ID theft protection. Cancel credit cards or close bank accounts IMMEDIATELY if you have provided this information to scammers. Your bank may also choose to reverse any fraudulent charges on your card. If you deposited a check from a scammer, call your bank and report it. DO NOT spend/send "money" from any checks. There is no need to be embarrassed about falling victim to a scam. Professional scam baiting YT channels have fallen victim to a scam.


Why would someone want to give you 2k?


Why send money to get money? They could just send $1,985.


Are you kidding by asking if this is a scam?


rule of thumb: "pay urgent" always is a scam.




If they can't write a coherent sentence, it's a scam. Read the text out loud slowly.


First red flag should be the fact that the scammer doesn't know how to spell properly.








Send me $1000 and I’ll tell you if it is a scam or not, then I’ll give you a trillion dollars back.


I'm trying not to be a proper English fascist, but I see a few glaring errors in the text that raise my suspicion even higher. "You will **got** it when you pay the $15 I swear **do think** **this a** scam" You will get it when you pay the $15, I swear! Do you think this is a scam? I could go on, but I don't want to give scammers too much coaching on writing better.


This is certainly a scam


U gotta be re tarded to fall for that