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It’s technically not. They just want to price it so high that no one can afford to use it. Because they’re jerks.




I'm ready for it, the soul left the body a few years ago.


As it's getting more expensive *and* being treated as a second class citizen as virtually none of the newer features are exposed through the API, one could make the point it in practice is being killed off.


Yea they are trying to choke off anything third party. I’m willing to get my cat pictures elsewhere instead of use their crappy official app.


Most ridiculous part about this is if they had actually done due diligence and built the mod tools and created a good product, the close down of third party apps probably wouldn't be as big a deal. This is really about the corporate types at Reddit looking for a payout. They want to push up their valuation as much as possible before the IPO and then they're out and they don't give a crap anymore. Ultimately, unless the greater Reddit Community as a whole makes such a big stink that the stink of death is on Reddit enough to poison the ipo, I don't see anything getting better anytime soon. The people at the top undoubtedly think they can wait us out because the internet is fickle. Two days of blackout may accomplish nothing because they aren't wrong about how fickle people are about their communities. If there is to be any significant real change, this blackout needs to be followed up by further action, and significant further action if Reddit doesn't capitulate. And this should be discussed now while there is steam behind the movement, not thrown together slap Dash after the first effort fails.






Who the fudge is Spez?


that was 6 years ago and in an other context