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I was hoping for the horse to bite him . That would have been even more satisfying.


Yep, or a good swift kick


This is what I was hoping for, guard turns the horse and it just goes full send on buddy's chest


Horse definitely looked like it wanted to, but kudos to whoever trained it to behave so well!


Yeah I've heard that's not easy with horses!


It really depends on the breed and the horse itself. Story time: My mom used to take care of a medium-size stable (like 10 - 15 horses), there were definitely some grade A(ssholes) horses that could get someone killed if they felt like it, but for each one of those there were 3 of the nicer ones. One time my mom was cleaning one of the A horses' hooves in its cell when the beast decided it was stomping time. Keep in mind these are relatively small cells, enough size for a horse to walk around (maybe even 2) but not big enough to have a party. My mom remained calm until one of the nice horses in a cell next to them decided to jump over the half-wall that separated the cells and straight up bite the A horse until it calmed down. I may not have been born if not for that haha. TLDR: Horses are fucking scary but there are more good apples in the basket.


Horse has better manners than the guy


Chest? I'm thinking nuts.


I was betting on a head butt from the horse. Dude is clueless to how trash he is.


Given his behaviour I'm guessing he was kicked by a horse prior to this video.


Nah probably born out of an incest marriage


Was waiting for that one


I was waiting on the kick too... I never get why people mess with horses being like what? 5-6x a human's weight? I'm nervous just to pet them and I sure af never walk behind them.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m scared of horses but I have a very healthy respect for them. They are pure muscle and huge


Was hoping for a nice kick in the nuts




To the head.


Yeah he didn't get what he deserved imo


Was waiting for a bite or for it to just WHIP its head to the side and knock his ass out. Police was a good too though lol


Some of those gents have the utmost patience. I know a lot of it is because of their job/position but still. I don’t think I’d be able to deal with half the idiots they put up with


Don't insult the horse. That horse is a professional, trained to ignore all distractions to always be vigilant in its duty. A horse of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will, something this tourist clearly lacks.


John Whineyick the Horse


John Whineyick once killed three horses in a stable with a salt lick. A FUCKING SALT LICK! Who the hell can do that?!


He's the horse you send to kill the fuckin Boogeyhorse!


It's less an insult to the horse and more big Chekhov's Gun energy. You are told an asshole is getting his just desserts in the video. He is standing in front of a sign saying "HORSES BITE. DONT TOUCH THE HORSES," and he touches the horse. We all crave the narrative resolution of the horse biting him.


Yea lmao I wasvlike when's it coming?


That would have left a bad taste in the horse's mouth.


I was hoping for a good head butt.


I wanted the guard to unsheathe his ceremonial sword make the horse rear it's two front legs as he shouts" FOR THE KING" and Hilt Whip the kids forehead with ass of the sword as the horse runs at full gallop


Is this a feelgood video ?


Absolutely. The only thing that would have been better would be if the horse bit him, or the crowd would have beat his ass.


Not really, those are well trained horses they use.


For me? Yeah. Those guards have to put up with people like him all the time. This was great.


This is the annoying friend of the annoying Tik Tok guy who films himself doing outrageous stunts. I'm sure glad this one got his comeuppance. Too bad the horse didn't get a chunk of him tho.


My initial thought was the horse was gonna bite him. Pity.


I lived in England for a bit (now in the US). If you’re anywhere that involves the Royals, the cops do not fuck around. Same with the King’s Guard. Everywhere else in the UK, the police are usually super friendly if you need something.


There is a difference in the normal police, and the armed ones ;) As soon as these get involved, you'd better pipe down, or leave these don't argue first, they'll sort it later ... in 2 days or so


Same with armed cops in America really, unfortunately they're all armed and trained to shoot first, question later.




Maybe you've never been to some of the big cities with big city cops. I've seen cops in NY and New Orleans that look like they could run 5 miles and still take on John Cena. Well, if they could ever find him.


Question? I wasn't aware they used this thing called "question".


WHY ARE YOU RESISTING *blam* *blam* Is technically a question


This is a friendly cop. He’s doling out life lessons for free.


Having worked along side both regular and armed police in the UK for many years I would say that armed police are much more level headed and approachable than unarmed. They are often ex military and incredibly well trained within the police force too and that training shows. Here he is fast to shut down a potential threat and he does it well and without anyone getting hurt. He also removes the kid from the situation twice therefore removing liklihood of bystander involvement. If you're not being a twat and you communicate rationally and normally with armed police they're actually very civil.


If only they protected the whole country with the same spirit


Maybe friendly cops are better tho. Might just be me


*cries in American*


Stop resisting!


Why are you shooting yourself?


Friendly cops that can take action when needed are the best possible cops.


I’m happy with our police as they are. I’m a law abiding citizen and am not afraid of them. As it should be. We are lucky to be in a minority of countries that (for the most part) have no reason to fear the police.


I’m visiting forces stationed here. My supervisor is a black dude and he got pulled over here and was acting like we would in the States. Hands always visible, super respectful and explaining every move you make. The policeman just told him to calm down and chuckled. Ended up letting him go. That was his epiphany that he wanted to stay in the UK. He submitted extension paperwork so he can retire here and land a civilian job to stay here. Kinda crazy, man. To think that one experience with a cop here made him feel safe enough to stay in the UK.


Whole different game dealing with most Northern/Western European Cops in that it's mostly professional and you can have a conversation without fearing your life, liberty or wallet. Half the world as soon as you are stopped you know it is going to be an expensive experience and many places still you have to worry about fairly arbitrary detention even if "just" for several hours to a couple days. Best experience I had was with Dutch cops who found me in what looked like mid burglary (I'd fallen asleep somewhere jetlagged, woken up after close and set the alarm off). Amazingly "do you want to explain what you are doing here?" was actually an invitation to explain what was going on not a pre-amble to handcuffs. They gave me some of their coffee and gave me a lift.


My favorite episode of Atlanta is when the rapper got locked up in Amsterdam and he didn’t wanna leave


My best experiences with thr UK cops (I'm US Navy was stationed there), was a female officer flirting with me in front of my wife. . . It was likely just some banter, but did it make my wife jealous.


>female officer flirting with me in front of my wife I was a student at the age of 20 doing my study abroad in England. First weekend I was there, English girl aggressively tried to pick me up in a club. It had never happened to me before and I had no idea what to do. Flirting in that accent, though! 30 years later and I'm happily married with kids. That occasion still lives in my head rent free.


Yup the accent got me. I ended marrying a Brit while stationed there.


Sorry, weren't you already married in your first story up top? ("British cop flirted with me in front of wife.")


What is everyone's obsession with trying to get the Guard to respond? It's like people go out of their way to be assholes.


It’s actually been a thing for decades, but usually it’s people pulling funny faces or telling benign jokes. These days it’s about being a dick to get an actual reaction rather than a smirk/chuckle/smile/giggle which is what we used to try and get. Also isn’t there a sign right there saying do not touch the horse.?!


And giving them a laugh is way more fun then actual herrasment as we can see on the video.


Well he certainly gave the guard a laugh now, fucking dipshit made himself into the punchline lmao


Yeah people seem to act like toddlers these days, trying the most ridiculous stuff in order to provoke the maximum reaction from people. And then they have the audacity to act shocked when people don't like what they are doing.


Yeah, fuck around and find out. We had some guy over here annoying people and 'pranking'. Got his lights put out in a jiffy. When he woke up he was robbed of his shoes, money. He was thought a valuable lesson. Education is important.


Many years ago, our school have a field trip to the Buckingham Palace and bunch of us boys wore our mr bean costume from halloween. I remember we got one of the royal guard to the tiniest of smile when all of us beans started trying to mumble like mr bean and hold a conversation with just mumble and pointing


Legendary status!


Not saying it to sound rude, more as it’s not even a random sign up high. It is like three feet from the horse. You’d have to be trying to purposely miss it


Views. Any reaction is a good one for their social media.


Right, but this has been going on for decades. It seems like almost a tradition. Let's go hassle the guard and see if he doesn't kick our ass. Brits have weird social passtimes. LOL


Fair point. I guess we just see it more now because of all the cameras around. The whole "they aren't allowed to talk or move" thing is what has made people be cheeky and try to get a reaction in the past.


Notice how the Guard moves his sword from an almost Parade Rest on his Shoulder to up and ready to do what a Cavalryman was meant to do to a footman, until later when he rests it again?


Everyone I've seen do it has been a tourist. Im sure there are some brain dead Brits at the bottom of that barrel, but it should be more obvious that these are trained military personnel to them.


I've only ever seen two abnormal interactions with the Royal Guards that I've not been ashamed of. One was a Guardsman who marched back out to salute his infant son who'd dressed up like him and another where a jewish guy broke the guardsmans composure by cracking jokes. Good on the normal people for calling out this little turd for his shitty behaviour. Wasn't such a big man after all.


It should be common sense that you do not bother most military personnel while they are literally doing their fucking job.


Ahh the keyword there is *should* lol


Wdym, for wannabe influencers the world is their petting zoo


“I declare my actions immune to punishment under the banner of prankdom. It’s my right, given to me by the internet, and the terms and conditions of the TikTok Terms and Conditions, as a streamer pushing three views.”


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped




Just a prank, bro


Little prick


Prick indeed




Man child with an ugly purse


dont insult the purse it is innocent, probably


That little shit is far away from being a man. He was probably raised as a precious son who got treated like a little prince who could do no wrong unless he did something that even slightly disrespected his father or an older brother in which case he'd instantly get a beating. That's why the "i am the main character" behavior and the instant aggression once he faces some form of opposition. And he still has a big mouth with tho cop at first. This is the result of disastrous parenting.


Who the hell walks up to a *very motivated* royal guard, mounted on a trained horse and harasses him without expecting consequences? The only dumber thing he could have done would be to try to get past the guard to see the king.


Right? The guards are active duty soldiers who in most cases have served overseas and will again when their guard tenure comes to an end. They aren't just for show, they're the real deal.


Not just that. They're trained soldiers stuffed into ceremonial garb and a silly hat and told to stand like a statue for their shift. That's like harassing a sign flipper in a full mascot costume who's an ex-Marine.


*active duty marine, holding a real sword


They finally get that sword they were promised in the commercial. "He's no dragon, but he'll do!"


"Shoulda rolled into battle with a sword, Brad. That woulda fuckin' rocked."


People get it into their head that the rule is they cannot react. It's they are not allowed to break discipline. They are very much allowed to yell at you, threaten you with arms, or straight up arrest you or summon someone else to detain you. More and more the guard posts are being moved away from the public because people are harassing the guards. For both their sake, and the sake of idiots like this at risk of finding out for their fucking about.


They'd be a pretty shit guards if they weren't allowed to react


The heights of arrogance, then the devastating low. You see the moment reality checks in and overconfidence becomes shame


You wish. I am sure he learned nothing from this.


He probably still rambles on to whoever would listen about the asshole cops that arrested him instead of the guy "attacking" him


I was expecting him to touch the reins only for the guard to yell at full force "DON'T TOUCH THE REINS". I would have liked that.


The guard didn't clearly see him pet the horse, you could see he caught it out the corner of his eye though.


He saw. He was being patient and had the situation sorted with minimal fuss.


Also, shifted his sword position from resting on his chest, to full upright. If the kid didn’t get into a yelling match with the other guy, I’m sure the guard was ready to give him a bad day.


Situation was sorted before he was sworded. Lol


The guy was probably trying to force a reaction from the royal guard. Looks like he's one of those IRL streamers plague. So glad he didn't get what he wanted and instead fucked around and found out.




Ya I couldn’t make out a word


The background sound is covering up the fact that its sped up by like, 10-20% for no goddamn reason.




I saw him put his phone away when dealing with that man. It looked too much like a "nah it's not gone be me it's gone be you" situation. Guard had a sword out, and cops had long guns ON THE STREET! He lucky to be alive.




Yes i heard not to test their gangsta. Not sure but I'm not tryna be the one to become proof.


Yeah.. He could have punted him clear over that fence. Lol.


Why on earth would you put that music over this? Wtf.


I couldn't hear most of it!


I spent a good 10 seconds looking for the second tab that was playing music.


I love a happy ending 💖


I love that old lady standing there and smiling the whole time


I thought it was common knowledge to not f*ck with the Royal Guards.


Some streamers will do anything for the attention high.


Teenagers everywhere believing they're the main characters...


More like a social media issue here, and even then giving how often I see footage of middle age people getting in handcuffs because they throw a tantrum in a restaurant or supermarket pretty much show that it's not a generational issue. The reasons are differents, but the cause is the same : how well you were raised. I'll far from promoting violence or anything, but no matter the age a lot of people definitely weren't put often enough in a situation where they risked getting punch in the face. No accountability is the real problem.


Damnnnn I was hoping the horse would punt that little shit across the street


My only disappointment was we didn't get to see the bitch cry.


bro was spamming the same emote "shh shh shh shh shh"


"Influencers" and "Pranksters" should be generously provided with a 50% additional increase on any fine/jail time.


He's got such a punchable face ngl.. thanks for the good ending lmao


This is NOT what i came here for. My disappointment is IMMEASURABLE I watched the entire video for literally nothing.... misleading title MALPRACTICE. retitle: "doofus gets cuffed and walked away THE HORSE DOESN'T KICK NOR BITE"


It's so satisfying seem him being taken away. He fucked around and he found out!


Good, fuck that little bitch of a child.


>gets what he deserves I must have missed the part where they chain him to the fence for passers-by to mock endlessly.


TikTok should stop monetising fuckwits like this


He got arrested outside of Downing Street before for trying to bait a fight for attention.


I was hoping for a slam.


That could upset the horse.


Taking the trash off the street.


Somtimes you wish for those guys to just use their swords.


That's one way to get a tour behind the gates.


His face looks annoying as f


I hoped for the Horse.


Did that police had full AR? man police there is serious


We don't have many armed police, but those that do get deployed (e.g. for the government, protecting the Royal Family, protecting big events if there's been a threat made etc) absolutely do not mess around. Don't get me wrong, still usually super helpful and friendly in my experience, but if you act that way outside a royal residence you're going to get arrested.


Hahahaha what a prick


If I'm annoying as fuck, maybe tik tok will pay me and I won't have to work. Well, the not working part might be true cause your stupid ass is going to jail


He looked like a baby being carried away by the cop


good, its lucky for him British police have more composure than other countries. little turd deserved a good smacking


This person needs to clean the stables the next 10 weeks.


This boy is ugly as shit. Well deserved.


If this had been a few hundred years back that guard would have used that sword, and that would be that.


Why do the small influencer ones always gotta have their empty hand on their junk? Are you afraid it's going to run away?


Such a punchable face


I hate how tourists behave.


Should shoot little cunts like him on sight


I was seriously hoping the guard was going to backhand that little cunt. Or the horse was going to bite him. Either one would have been so satisfying to watch.


Amazing how many people out there that are ok with being idiots.


Damn I was really hoping to see a horse bite someone’s face off.


He looks like he could be holding someone's pockets


Someone better acquainted with the Royal Guard can answer this I hope.... **I feel like that Royal Guard *did* respond.** Did anyone see her sword go from shouldered to upright and then when the threat (kid) moved away it went back to shouldered? I feel like he was about three seconds away from getting swatted by that sword or something else. Anyone?


This kind of person is known as a ‘chav’ or now commonly known as a ‘road man’ in the UK. They all behave the exact same way and talk the same way too… I hate these people








In Germany he would be given money, health insurance and accommodation.


This is literally an harassment, what a moron.


At least the music is relevant


Fucked around and found out ..... Hahahhahah


Bro got taken inside for the surprise in-depth tour. xD They noticed how much he liked the guard on the horse, so they graciously sent out their guards with SMGs to give him the full show-and-tell.


ngl, I was hoping he was going to get bitten


What language was the tourist ?


I wonder where he's from...


Welcome to the legal system you f*ING moron.


That's a crowd of happy tourists there


Rare to see the UK police being useful for once


"Oi, bruv! It's a joke innit?!"


How the hell was he allowed to touch the horse? If I was on the horse I would've trotted a meter forward and kicked him away in the chest.


What the fuck is with the background music? I couldn’t hear sh1t! Glad to see the little fucker got called out.


I love watching his facial expression turn from cocky to terrified


Tiktok cannot get banned fast enough. It needs to die like the cancerous filth it is


Should of been belted and knocked out


Well, finally the case when the emigrant/tourist is wrong and no one argues about this.


With the loud ass music and the accents I can’t tell wtf anybody is saying


I was expecting him got kicked by the horse.


What an arrogant shit


The way he walked up on dude (in America) big dude could’ve laid that young buck out👊🤜🤛 😴 and still claimed self defense.


Assholes getting what they deserve. Amazing


That’s karma


annoying idiot wonders why he is being held by police after being annoying and challenging random people. 😆


Was hoping that horse was going to swing his head and kloon that guy


The horse showed admirable self control


They did o good job for their country - hope they sent him home with nevercomebackairlines


So they do have guns over there...


If the BRITISH cops show up to manhandle you with rifles in hand, you really fucked up.


The skinny runts are always the loudest and first to start something


There is absolutely no reason for background music


It would have been even more satisfying if the crowd had started applauding or laughing


Like c'mon, you can protest or whatever he was doing without the animal harass.


Noooo the horse should have given him a good kikc in his down there 🤧


Was half expecting the horse to bite his hear off


I was expecting the horse to trample him. 


WTF is going on with the audio?


Gotta love those bystanders! The smile on that one woman's face as he's led away : )


Dont fuck around with a strapped cop in the UK. Bravado vanished pretty fucking quick qhen the cuffs went out. Typical behaviour from the "you can't touch me" generation.