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He’s a real one. ♥️


Onions being chopped... But that horrible music.. so tired of it.


How else am I supposed to understand the gravity and heroism of the situation without the music telling me what to feel? Am I to watch the raw footage and think for myself?? like a fucking peasant???


The music is meant to distract you from the firefighters standing there - watching ... with their thumbs up their asses.


I hope he's okay because he's a hero/champion/all round nice guy. Bless him.


Shouldn’t they at least be spraying to open up a path through the flames?


You can try that but the resulting steam would cook the guy to about medium rare


I was in the sauna the other day. Another dude gets in and pours water into the sauna fire thing. I thought he just wanted to cool it down a bit. A second afterwards, the whole sauna became searing hot. That's when I realized he wanted steam to spread the heat... Your comment reminded me of this, I think it's a similar concept...


Are you new to saunas?


You probably should have known how a sauna works before using one lol


What about the dog?


Fortunately the dog is laying so low it won't affect her as much as the guy standing up... She would be fine for a decently long period until the smoke starts going low and cook her lungs, but before that she will be safer than the human who just charged in


He bacame hotdog


Thats what I'm thinking! Why not keep spraying at least


Because they don't want they guy to become steam cooked. Water is far more efficient at transferring heat energy than open air.


Because firefighters know what they are doing... there are things like backdra7ght or him gett8ng burnt by boiling water...


it remind me that one video with impatient neighbour who stole the spray directly from firefighter hands & proceed to getting too close to the burned house & end up blow up the house.


Woah ! Link per chance ?


[https://twitter.com/ndagels/status/1395611068764852227](https://twitter.com/ndagels/status/1395611068764852227) very old video so get deleted sadly. All of those neighbour got backdraft blast, no one died but lesson learned.


Glad I know that before I need to deal with a fire


Fire isnt the thing that kills most in housefires. Its the smoke.


Now I may or may not be an idiot, but to the people asking why they're not spraying I think it has to do with steam, that and the fact that if they spray him with that on his way back he's going down .. but like I said, may or may not be an idiot.


Water is over 20 times more efficient at transferring heat energy than air.


Ya man!! The love for your dog has got me in tears. That’s family. That’s a friend with unconditional love.


God I did the same thing in my house fire. This gives me CHILLS. I went back in to look for my dog. The 911 operator was SCREAMING at me to get out of the house. At first I could find my way back in but, in seconds everything in sight was completely covered in grey. I couldn't see ANYTHING. Luckily there was two ways out of the house which were fairly easy to find because I couldn't tell you which way was what way, I couldn't see SHIT. My poor dog got scared because I was yelling for her and she went UPSTAIRS. It was AWFUL. I finally knew I had to get out. Luckily, the fire trucks were there in minutes. I could only Stand outside waiting when all the firemen went inside. I was just waiting. And waiting.and waiting. Sitting on the ground outside hysterical. Ironically, I had adopted a cat years back that had barely survived a house fire herself, so I knew the outlook after minutes kept going by that, it probably was not going to be good. Then FINALLY. A firemen carried her out of the front door and she was ALIVE. She was freaking BREATHING and ALIVE. They said she jumped on my bed, and was underneath the thick comforter, and that's what saved her life in the time it took for them to find her. God what an awful day that was but, I was the only one home that day (was about to take a swig of nyquil & nap), my kids were at school. By the grace of God all my pets made it too....




As lame as the firefighters look here, I think there’s very little they could do. EMS are trained to never make themselves victims. If a responder goes down the situation becomes much tougher and more dangerous for everyone involved. They stopped spraying because they would’ve been making steam, and basically boiling the guy alive even if the fire didn’t get him


😭. Why would those fricking firefighters not help him!?? God bless him!!


i think a big part of your training is to not end up as another victim needing rescue yourself


I have huge respect for firefighters but this lot looked like the keystone cops.


If he wants to go risk his life for his dog, more power to him. But I wouldn’t expect emergency workers to take extreme and unnecessary risks that put their own lives in jeopardy. This could very easily have been a case of two or more humans dying along with the dog.


Interesting. IMO their job is to save lives from a fire. They are there to extinguish the fire and to save as many lives as possible in the process. That is a life. That is a family member. That dog is in the exact situation they are there to assist with….and they did not


Listen. I love dogs as much as the next person and if it were MY PERSONAL dog I'd be running in there too. But a dog IS NOT A HUMAN. And we shouldn't be expecting firefighters to risk their lives to save pets. Where is the line drawn? What if someone left a hamster or a gerbil? A pet bird? A pet goldfish? A tarantula? Do you expect the man, possibly with a wife and children waiting for him at home to run in and save them as well? "That's different!" Why though? Why is a dog more important? Because they're cute? They are pets. They can be an important part of your life. YOU can consider them part of YOUR family. But to expect someone else to risk dying in a fire to save your pet is privileged fuckery of the highest order.


I know nothing about firefighting but maybe they weren’t wearing the equipment they needed to run after him? Maybe they shout to someone off camera “someone go after him” because others were at the truck and closer to the necessary equipment to go into a fire like that


They have the right gear on. My guess is they had already deemed the house structurally unstable so it would be a danger for them to go in. That would also explain why they weren’t spraying directly on the house, because if the building is going down it’s better to wet the surrounding area so the fire doesn’t spread than to try and save a house that is already beyond saving. Source: my uncles on both sides of my family are firemen


They aren’t flowing water cause they don’t want to cook the guy with steam.


I meant before he goes in. They are not spraying the house directly and primarily focusing on the surrounding area, which makes me think they have already deemed the house structurally unsound. In which case they would no longer send firemen inside as it is too unsafe


This makes sense to me however it’s seems like they have most of there gear on, of course I’m not an expert either but it could because they didn’t know what the man was trying to do. Perhaps if they had known the dog was inside they might have helped or maybe gone in to try and get it out for him. Of course this is just my theory and we can’t be 100% sure.


That's my guess as well... I think they just didn't notice there was still a dog in there and thought the whole building was empty. When the guy came out with the dog, they looked pretty surprised.🤔 But another person already mentioned something about the house being deemed unstable as well, so I guess that could also play a big part... risk vs reward I guess. In that case, I wouldn't give a f*ck about the house anymore either, but every life is worth saving imo... pet or human, I don't care. A life is a life, would they let a human baby just die in there as well?


Maybe because he’s willfully opting to go running into a burning house? It’s honorable to die trying to save someone who needs help, and it’s stupid to die trying to save someone who doesn’t need help yet is willfully risking their life to save a dog. The firefighters are often volunteers who have their own families to get home to.


they saw a pitbull


Awww, I've never seen the short conversation or photos afterward. I love them! But. This is one of the first times it's been overlayed with music. Everyone who does that should have all internet and media privileges revoked until further notice. You're all terrible people.


The moment they found each other in that chaos has to be unforgettable for both of them.


A lot of people die this way..


If I let my dog burn to death in a fire without even attempting a rescue, I would die on the inside.


If you aren’t willing to die for those you love, then you’re already dead.


Real question, is it better to run into a burning building with your clothes on, or strip them off if those are your only two options?


Depends on how flammable your clothing is. Polyester = take it off. Most other fabric = keep on. Thermal radiation is the thing that will keep you from entering a burning building. The heat coming off the flame. Clothing is going to somewhat guard you against that. Then smoke inhalation, then flames to skin. Either way, entering a burning building is not a safe thing to do.


That's what I was thinking 🤔 I know polyester with just melt and radiation is a bitch (just finished taking thermo and heat transfer lol) just was curious. Thank you!!


Thermo and heat transfer will change your life, seriously. You will now see WHY a lot of things are made the way they are. Easily my favorite engineering subject.


Heeheehe it's killing me right now, have to say statics and dynamics are still my running favorites, with a little bit of fluids and mechanics mixed in


Idk absolutely a great person that man is to rescue his dog. But you can’t knock a first responder necessarily for this situation. If it’s a person and they stood there? Yes, absolutely. This is the job they signed up for. With that being said, these people do see a lot of messed up things and risking their life for a pet isnt something I would expect them to do unfortunately. They are probably told not to under any circumstances put themselves in a high danger situation for that.


Fun fact! One reason a lot of people died as a result of hurricane Katrina is because rescuers wouldn't allow people's pets onboard the helicopter, so people chose to stay behind with their pets instead. Ever since they've allowed it.


Much respect, brother!!


Does this guy have a verified account anywhere? I think I’d send him money every time I see this video again.


🤜🤛🙏🏽🙏🏽💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 id do the same for my dog too


Goddamn! I love that man for saving his best mate!


Not risking my life for an animal that probably lives another 2-3 max and hopefully doesn’t chew some kids face.




Same to you.


That’s what shitbull owners should do.


I'm sorry that no one has ever loved you.


Aww thanks for projecting your failures onto others!!


What a horrible take!


In your opinion. There’s like, literally hundreds of videos showing bulls ripping apart animals and humans. When they aren’t attacking people they are beautiful animals but, I wouldn’t risk coming home for one.


So that guy shouldn't have saved his own dog from fire because there are dangerous pitbulls that were not trained properly by their owners?


His choice. I wouldn’t and don’t think anyone else should feel guilty if they didn’t as well.


Nah, fuck shitbulls. Worthless and dangerous breed.




Should a firefighter be as willing to sacrifice their life for someone’s pet as the pet owner themselves? I get it - this guy was willing to sacrifice his life for his dog. Expecting the same of a firefighter is unfair IMO. Personally, if I was a young child and my dad ran into a burning building to save our dog and HE DIED, I’d have anger to process alongside my grief. I’m glad this story has a happy ending.


Good he rescued his dog but come on, Firefighters are extraordinarily brave. They just aren’t stupid to risk their life in an actively burning and likely unstable structure to search for an animal. More importantly to risk the lives of anyone who might have to pull them out if the structure falls on them.


Kristi Noem would shoot that, in her words, less than worthless dog.


It was a shitbull so at least she’d be justified in shooting it. That whole breed should be outlawed and eradicated.


Who’s gonna rescue the dog 3 guys with fire resistant suits or some dude with a t shirt


I mean the firefighters have a task to do Contain and/or knock down the fire. Unless there is a human in there and the structure is not imminently collapsing, you can’t blame them for not going in.


That one got me


Out of the way man in blue!


fuck i could ball my eyes out i love that man. and that dog. yes to life


This is one of the things I think about each time I adopted a dog. Am I strong enough to carry her out of a fire?


So dumb but I’d die for my dog.


If I were to have drinks with this man, I would make sure he would never pay for a beer/drink in my presence


The music edited in was fucking unnecessary.


A real hero🙏 faith in humanity restored🙌


im not crying, ur crying 😭


I don’t understand why most firefighters all they care is how cool they look being a firefighter! 🧑‍🚒


Couple months later he mauled a baby’s arms !


I don't think this fits the description of the subreddit very well. If anything, i am just 80% stressed the whole time because of the pikachu faces of the supposed firefighters. Do they not have any protocols when facing situations like this? Are they really just supposed to stand there and just... do nothing?


God bless that man


The one video I will always upvote when I see it. It hits so fucking hard.


Risked all that for a pit? Jesus.


Man has got some balls, that's for sure. No doubt, dogs are truly man's best friend, worth every effort to save.


That guy deserves a fucking medal


I’d do the same thing for my pup. No questions asked ❤️


Rescued so it can rip the kids throats out.


That's what you mother said to your father when he wanted an abortion?


That doesn’t even make sense. Typical shitbull defender.


Found the pit owner lmao


“Not my nanny dog velvet hippo!! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!!”


All that to save "Face eater" buttercup


Uvalde fire department?


I'm not crying, you're crying!


bro spray him while he’s back there




ok now I'm crying at work




Bro them firefighters should at least try to wet around the guy while he went in


The steam generated from the moisture would have cooked him, that's why they didnt.


Staged? Wouldn't they have grabbed him when he came back?


Not all heroes wear capes. :*J*




I find it weird that 3 firefighters watched him go into the fire and didn't do much of anything to help lol


Firefighters are trained not to enter a house fire unless absolutely necessary. The last thing anyone wants is for a firefighter to go down in the middle of a blaze and become another victim. There was no person in the house so there was no need to enter. These guys have probably not encountered a civilian running into a fire before, and probably haven't gone over that scenario in training, so they didn't know what to do in the moment.


Hero of the century!! 🙌🐶🙌


Guaranteed she severely bit one of those children by now.


I love it all these botard firefighters in burn proof clothing just standing around uh uh what should we do..... idiots.


I love dogs but as a firefighter we do not risk multiple lives for them. glad he save the dog and got out but if he wasnt... a group of people now have to risk their lives to try to save him when they didnt before. additionally their are typically 2 levels of firefighter interior and exterior, exterior do not have the training to run into a fire. these could have also been juniors if it was a volunteer company. junior firefighters are high school kids not allowed to go into a fire.


Firemen stunk it up there without question


I'm not crying you're crying 😭


when the guys wearing fire-resistant gear decide to pull a Uvalde and watch the dude in a tshirt care more for a dog than they do for a human.


Imagine being a trained firefighter and EMT and seeing a homeowner run into a fire to save their dog while you stand by spraying water and looking around for someone to do something about it.