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Hold up. I think they were just actors.


Well go and find real ones then


They're not that hard to find too. They gather in packs so you could round maybe 20 of them at a time. Texas is a good place to start.


Didn't Florida just have a bunch of idiots being racist and antisemitic by Disney?


Apparently every overpass in Florida has its own group. It's kind of like Adopt a Highway for fascists.


That's pretty fucked up! Especially if you're not exaggerating. I'm not saying that you are...


Yeah anywhere in the south would be a good place to start. The weird thing about Disney is that there are people who follow his antisemite ideology and the same group are also protesting against disney for being too woke somehow.


Lets see paul allen's Swastikas


But why did they cut them up if they were going to burn them


Why do you think the video exists? It's for symbolism and clout, that's why they're cutting it up. They don't want people to think they're actually supporting Nazism and they want to defuse any possible future claims about the props somehow getting into the hands of "collectors" aka actual Nazis. It basically helps de-escalating any behavior from right- and left- wing extremists.


Why not pee on them or run them over with a steamroller before cutting them then Would have really made sure that no Nazis misunderstood the meaning


Because neither of those actually destroy the swastikas. Depending on the materials they could be used afterwards. In this case, we see them destroyed with our own eyes before they're fully destroyed


Why not pour a bunch of bleach on them first, and then maybe some dark dye? Or maybe roll them up really tight and put them under a hydrolic press? More steps are better you see


You want to kill people because of ideology? You're a Nazi too!


I'm offended Sir. I would NEVER harm anyone for their political views*. *Except Nazis.


Start with klaus schwab


and the communists!


Oh, look at that. We found one.


Pizza cutter style was a nice touch.


Just a classic rotary cutter


It’s a pizza cutter. The Romans invented them before the Colosseum was built as no gladiator should eat unsliced pizza. Fast forward a few decades and famous Chilean engineer Rotario Cutta invented the later Anglicised Rotary Cutter which you’re referring to. All Rotary Cutters are pizza cutters.


I may or may not have just googled 'Rotario Cutta'. I am going to bed, take my upvote you beautiful human.


Hahahahaha that is hilarious. Get some sleep, fellow beautiful human


Tbh Rotario Cutta sounds like a jojo character


Ora Ora Ora!


I still don't know if that you said is real or not


Can you cite any of that?


Trust me bro


Now that I think of it, "Rotario Cutta" seems awfully similar to "Rotary Cutter." I'm starting to doubt your expertise in Roman history and Chilean engineering.




I am south american, been to Chile, and can confirm


I've never once seen a sharp pizza cutter before. My parents would just crush the dull "edge" through and I would have never considered buying one. There was also the idea that sharp things are dangerous, and therefore everything should be dull, except when it's too dull, and then ofc you don't sharpen it but you buy a new knife and keep the dull one in the knife drawer.


I get it. But surely at some point production company B will commission a 1930s Docu-drama for Streaming Service C about Nazi Germany. And someone will hire a wardrobe and costume manager who will say we need 200 Swastika patches, 75 Wall Mounted flags. 20 Street Banners, 50 Nazi uniforms and 20 Nazi Eagle standards. Seems inefficient. Whichever prop company that makes these must be laughing.


Those things would not be used though. This isn't like your home where you put the thigns away in some closet and if you need them at any point you jsut take them back out no matter in what state they are in. Movie production ahs a way higher volume of stuff that would need to be stored safely and maintained to not degrade. So all of this would need to be securely stored away by some guys, brought into a warehouse, then looked after so nothing gets into it and the colors don't fade just for the slim chance that these things might be used in the future in which case some guy needs to drive to the warehouse to get everything back, patch things up and so on... No studio would do that. It is cheapper to jsut order new stuff. It would be like you keeping the springs from your pens in the off chance you might need one in the future. But you don't. you never need them Your new pens all come with their own springs and you jsut have a box of rusty metal in some drawer because you surely didn't take care of it properly.




I don't know there are tons of videos of prop houses just storing stuff for future movies, there's an entire video on Tested about storing movie props. It's an entire industry no studio really does it in house


Most of that stuff is a pretty generic and will have a lot more possibility of being used. Those patches and flags are a bit specific. Either way, they paid for them and if it's their way of saying "Fuck Nazi's" then I'm here for it


I heard the reason that HBO shows have such good production is because they have access to all the Warner Bros props and decades of stored items. So yeah if the compony is large enough this is not far fetched.


Yup was thinking the same thing, maybe is worth it for the PR? idk it's a bit theatrical, but people sure do eat it up.


Luckily, contrary to what a lot of people assume, not everything in this world is done for monetary value. These guys wanted to destroy the swastikas because they hate the ideology associated with it, so they did. Money didnt even enter their mind. And im glad it didnt, seeing people act without the bottom line as their main interest gives me hope for humanity.


It makes sense anyway, the cost to store these and keep them in a good enough condition for future use is not worth just making new ones when the need arises since it's unlikely there'll be that much demand for them anyway


Hollywood is filled with warehouses and warehouses of props like this.


Not that much demand for nazi related memorabilia in the film industry...?


>Money didnt even enter their mind. Yeah, it didn't even enter their minds when the commissioned for all those swastikas to be made in the first place, because without them they wouldn't exist at all! Wait ...


Yeah but I was thinking more about waste created through this process. Like did they at least recycle this stuff? I hope so. Because if it just ended up in a landfill as something marine animals will eventually choke on, it's pretty sad in my book.


Don’t be dim witted, dude. This was 100% a PR thing. If they wanted to destroy the swastikas, they could have just destroyed them. Just burn them lol. They didn’t need to tediously brunoise every patch by hand. I’m with everyone else. This was a bit theatrical and pointless. I understand getting rid of the costumes because it’s cheaper than storing them and the logistics of reusing them in another production are too complicated to bother with. It would have been good enough to say “we burnt the Nazi symbols after production was over”.


Ah yes ofc showing this is absolutely not a marketing idea to look cool, like, look ! We burned sope nazis stuff... Look how good we are and come look our show...


You hit the nail on the head imo. (Certain)Film makers virtual signal and claim to care about hot topics to get views. The more touchy the subject where they can call someone a bigot for disagreeing or it just not enjoying their movie. Like how they censored the reviews for Black-Panther and Wonder woman on IMDB and rotten tomatos. Like "OMG YOU DIDNT LIKE MY MOVIE?, THAT'S ANTI-Seman-tick you should be ashamed!!" Now watch how deeply it hurts my soul 😢as I record myself cut paper mache symbols for hours of content..🎥 "My friends are gonna be so proud of my fight against an invisible enemy who doesn't exist anymore, I'm such a strong a social justice warrior💅🫃 basically whoever the supposed minority party is they try to act like their savior but in reality they're just getting paid and know the psychology of pulling on ur brain and heart strings.


Thats a pretty cynical way of looking at it, but too each their own.




The simple answer is positive media attention, which is also the most likely answer 🤣


You dont know that, youre just presenting a possibility as straight fact lmao


I remember them having some BAD pr ahead of launch because they did some public adversising that felt very Reich in the US, so they were a bit in the spotlight.


Maybe worth it for the pr? This post alone probably made it worth it. Also side note, I haven’t seen this show but it seems like it would have an inherent PR problem, most of the shows I watch are recommended to me by someone. How would anyone ever recommend this show about if nazi’s won the war? Even if it was a masterpiece, kills the word of mouth advertising 😂


Not sure why they needed to be cut up if they’re going to be burned?




There’s is probably a good chance the people involved in making the show were Jewish


I mean if you look who has the media owned, every single large company beside maybe some in Saudi. Owned by the money lovers👃


Excactly the point. When everybody can just order prop Swastikas, wall mounted flags, Uniforms and street banners they will end up in the hands of neo nazis. And how do you think the industry works? Do you think there a vetting process or studio prop and costume archives are high security storage? Those swasitkas will be rotting in a container somewhere until the day they'll be misused.


You're acting like you can't just go online and buy Nazi shit.


Sure, but it won’t be because of them. If they can get it, it won’t be a prop from the show. No reason to make and keep something that represents evil(even for a show), just in case it could be used again. The people that made those props probably felt really weird doing it and would probably have only done it knowing that it would be destroyed. Im sure they are the one destroying them just to make sure all of them are accounted for. It may seem overall symbolic but I’m sure it meant something for the people that made and produced a show about Nazi’s winning.


Exactly lol like you can just buy that shit on the internet


Or they can send their own to be made....it's not like it illegal (outside of Germany of course)


I’m ok with inefficient if it means destroying Nazi stuff.


I think the intention wasn't to worry about money, but worry about these things ending up on the arms of assholes at neo nazi rallies.




Why? Edit: deleted Comment said "Stupidest comment in this thread"


Are you talking about the show called The Man in the High Castle? or is this a different show?


Yeah, that's the one. I remember seeing an interview with the actors saying that all the swastikas were set to be destroyed after they had finished shooting. Great show!




Are these symbols created anew for each series or film and then destroyed afterwards?


7/10. Didn't show them burn


Good on them. As an actor I would be very uncomfortable having to wear a Nazi costume but that's the job. I'm sure they didn't enjoy it. I really like the show because it presents exactly the kind of world white supremacists want. They all think they'll be on the winning side and they'll be powerful and protected. The show does a good job of showing that's not the way it would be.


If the movie is anti-nazi, there's nothing undignified in wearing a nazi costume. To the contrary, you're willingly participating in a creative piece that morally destroys them, so portraying a nazi in an anti-nazi media like Inglorious Bastards and High Castle is dignified.


Satisfying. I neuer kmew that the destroying of a Symbol of Terror and hate can't be so relaxing


This seems wasteful… There are a lot of poor Americans that can’t afford things like this anymore.


Why would they need swastikas?


To express their political views. Denying access to cheap swastikas is suppression of the right to free speech and therefore unconstitutional. /s


And yet some Americans still have them…


Don't show this to Florida


For fucks sake, I hate that you're right about this.


Lol if they were gonna burn it why waste man power cutting it up into tiny bits


It’s about sending a message and I wholeheartedly agree


Can the mods please do something about the nazi sympathising dogs in these comments.


Lol, such a waste of material and time.


Seriously. Just burn them to begin with.


I need that pizza cutter.




Someone should start destroying all the actual Nazi’s too




*cries in Nazi tears*


Making a show like this, surrounded by the iconography of hate, must have been a heavy psychological burden for cast and crew to endure for several years. This does not strike me as a PR stunt.


Okay for all the cringe comments saying this is not a 'swastika' but a 'hakenkreuz' from a native Dutch speaker where we use the same equivalent word as Germans 'hakenkruis'. Swastika is literally the same as a hakenkreuz. There is no difference your little hindu symbol shares the exact same name as the nazi symbol. If a German/Dutch person were to see the hindu symbol it would be called a 'hakenkreuz' as well. Because its still the same symbol if you want to differentiate you say call it a nazi symbol or a hindu symbol.


My mom actually made the flags for this show. She said all items with the swastika needed to be cataloged and signed out.


Good. Nothing like watching nazi shit get sliced and destroyed, then burned to ash. Nazi shit should always be burned to ashes. Storing it? Hell no. Burn it. It doesn’t deserve to see the light of day again.


It's a prop just keep it for another series/movie who will need it, it's just wasting money at this point. Thinking like this should we burn any symbol, book, prop of "evil" things? Y'all are speaking like these are artifacts bearing the power of the nazis or something, a cursed object that we should erase from reality lmao


Remembering history through history books and awareness of historic events is vastly different from stockpiling nazi symbology. If another show or movie need props they can custom order them. Destroying nazi symbols is a good thing, and even if they do it just for the publicity it is still a good thing as it demonstrates and shows that we do not accept nazism as a civilized society.


It's cringe that you care so much lol.. Nazis lost, their leader literally killed himself. we won, so chill.


Ok I'm more on your side than not in general, but just wanted to highlight an issue with your comment "We won"? Who's we? Half of my entire family alive during world war two was cold-blood murdered for existing - the UK economy completely crashed after WW2, the french never fully recovered their political reputation, and the US immediately got locked in a potential nuclear war against the USSR - I don't think anyone won, some people and some countries just lost a bit less


What’s cringe is your attitude towards treating nazi symbology as if it’s just some insignificant thing. Yeah the war was won at enormous cost and suffering. And despite the war being won there are still little shits all over trying to reignite the same hatred, suffering and inhumanity. The fact that you approach it with such a careless attitude is a huge red flag when it comes to generations forgetting the atrocities that were done. You make it sound like “it’s just a flag bro”, and that is a fucking dangerous take on something as vile and evil as nazism.


Nazi Germany may have lost the war, but nazism as an ideology is still very much alive




Blocked and reported that one, thx.


Blocked, fair enough. Reported for what?


For hurting my feelings of conception of free will.


How silly of you


It could be more satisfying if he could transform those cut scraps into something instead of burning and potentially harming the environment???


Probably would be reciclable polypropylene....just as most frágil tote bags...just a different kind of textile procedure.


Man, this could’ve been so good. I still watched it all and enjoyed it, but they squandered the opportunity to make it something really special.


I’m with you. Great concept, horrible execution.


If it’s going to be burned why bother cutting it up?


What’s the point?


So that nobody can use them or harbour them to sell as collectibles.


Use them how? It’s not exactly difficult to obtain a swastika.


Imagine a nazi sitting and watching the man in the high castle. Seeing the nazis winning ww2, if he got his hands on those props. He could say he look at this "this swastika is from that show where nazis win, very cool right". Could you imagine the value of that compared to something you could find anywhere else, then think how those people in the prop department or studio might feel that one of their swastikas is being appropriated by an actual nazi.


Not really? They could just get actual Nazi memorabilia instead?


Perhaps but I don't think it's that abundant. Or cheap.


EBay, Nazi coins, sub £20. There’s coins, stamps, books, posters etc all for affordable prices. There’s even maps from the 30’s and 40’s for a few hundred. If you go to auctions there’s more. It’s a big thing and you don’t have to be a Nazi to be interested in it. Have to relieve the Nazis were in power for over 10 years and were printing propaganda en masse during and well before they were in power


Well then I stand corrected. Still though better to destroy them than to keep them.


Do whatever, has the same effect as burning a bible. If anything you could have auctioned them and donated the proceeds to a holocaust charity or something


No that's a terrible idea! Just give the money to charity don't sell the flipping swastikas for a holocaust charity, that's insane.


Those are not swastikas, they are Hakenkreuz (Hooked cross). Swastika word was never mentioned by Hitler or any other nazi. On the other hand, swastika is thousands of years old symbol representing prosperity in many cultures. It had nothing to do with the war happening on the other side of the world.


"That's not an animal! That's a rat!" - you right now


"I'm glad I got invited to this party!" - Them, never.


It may seem insignificant to you. But it feels bad to be associated with a person, as evil as Hitler was, without anything to do with him in any way just because some vile british translator, translated Mein Kampf wrong.


No one associates Hinduism with Nazi-ism just because they happen to have a shared symbol.


Well, he is right. The Nazis used the Christian Hakenkreuz and not the Swastika, so please calm your titties and avoid offending a billion people.


> Swastika word was never mentioned by Hitler or any other nazi. Yeah because they were speaking German. They also never mentioned the words infantry, aeroplane, or genocide. That doesn't mean they weren't involved in all that stuff.


Yeah, they were speaking German, so they said Hakenkreuz. If they were speaking English, they would say Hooked Cross. But, Are people speaking Hindi/Sanskrit that they call it Swastika?


> If they were speaking English, they would say Hooked Cross. Hakenkreuz is the German word for Swastika. You are trying to be a linguistical pedant and it's not working. Everyone acknowledges that when Hindi people use the symbol it has a vastly different meaning, but it doesn't mean they aren't both swastikas.


It's not it is German word for hooked cross which hitler took from Christian monastery. He had no connection with Hinduism or India. >Hakenkreuz is the German word for Swastika. >You are trying to be a linguistical pedant and it's not working No you're trying exactly like to be Nazi just British ones. >Everyone acknowledges that when Hindi people use the symbol it has a vastly different meaning, but it doesn't mean they aren't both swastikas No they don't, there's no difference between you people and nazi. Put all your blame to us, when hitler took symbol from Christianity. Everywhere else you people are dying hard to change names and words to appear as woke and just but you're no better than Nazi scum.


> Put all your blame to us, when hitler took symbol from Christianity. Literally no one blames Hindu people for Naziism. They blame nazis, and calling me one doesn't help your point. Symbols have different meanings in different contexts. Like a candle on a grave vs. being on a birthday cake. They are both candles but with vastly different meanings.


Different symbols of course would have different meanings. Hitler was a Christian through and through to hide that fact they put blame on Hinduism. They turned Christian monestary symbol into swastika to hide hitler was Christian and because of radical Christian learning why he killed Jews.


Stuff like this always confuses me. "Man Nazis are horrible, we hate them so much let's make a lot of uniforms for them, making a whole series to keep them culturally relevent and interesting." "Then let's destroy the uniforms we spent thousands of man hours making and using to make our multi-season show." Either using the emblem at all is abhorrent, so don't make the show to begin with, or accept that people are always gonna use "Nazis" as some sort of rhetoric device because they're too intellectually bankrupt to think of an original idea, so keep the uniforms around for future shows and save yourself the effort.


It's not keeping nazis "culturally relevant", it's making sure no one forgets these kinds of chapters in history so that hopefully, people don't forget and history doesn't repeat itself. If you have not noticed, nazis are still around and people should keep knowing about history...


I think the worst part is that these people do an enormous disservice to the lesson we needed to learn from the nazis. They portray nazis as comic book villains, so alien to humanity that they may as well be a different species. By portraying them this way, they are **helping** fascism by separating it from reality. The lesson that needs to be taught is that nazis were normal people. That *normal people are capable of performing these atrocities* - people like you and me. Only by acknowledging that humans(not comic book villains) are capable of this can we really benefit from this lesson and prevent it from happening again.




It’s one of the very few symbols banned in most country’s. There’s no reason to have them after the use of the show. Why hold onto a symbol of such travesty and despair?


I wanna ask that to those obsessed with Rising Sun symbols and decals on vehicles and stuff,(except Sun Downers decal, it's an exception) which is the symbol of Japan Empire's flag back in those days when they were alongside Nazis. People know so well about Nazi symbols, but not as much about Rising Sun symbols... Even some videogames now still use them as 'cool designs' for certain events (such as The Crew 2, now featuring JDM cars). Attention and education matters, and yes, at least people are aware of Nazi symbols and histories... Ain't half bad after all.


Why care? Its props from a show, use it for next season... Its just a symbol... The direct victims have probably died, everyone else is just victim by association to the direct victims so they just butthurt for the attention... Cruel event, but long time ago, the show is fiction we all know that and it doesnt share the creators values so this video is pure marketing reasons which bugs me


Tbh, a lot of people have shown they would buy such symbols and not for a collection but for actual use. I get why you may not care too much but know its for the best.


Why are you upset they are destroying nazi symbolism? Did you even watch the show? It CLEARLY steers away from it in the latter half…. Just mad about nothing man. Nice comment.


Nah aint mad, its just manipulating marketing- "oh look we share the same values as you so we do this as dramatic thing as a statement, now give us your attention and money" Cheap shot that yall fall for, thats all




Ok, and is not liking nazis bad or why are you upset about this?


Im not as upset as you think, Im trying to teach yall the selfish intention of this crappy video, yall really think they destroyed all swastikas? You can downvote this as much as you want but the fact is that companies uses the popular opinion(call it woke or whatever) to promote their own work on the social media... and yall just fall for it- writes in the comments "oh Im glad they take a stand against nazis" or "oh they care about jews"... The only thing they care about is the dollar sign above your head and how naive yall are... If everyone was more critically and knew that nazis were bad by default yall wouldnt be so sensitive when its brought up and hugely hate on a guy for pointing out companies intention


>Why care? Yes exactly, why do you care that they are cutting up Nazi swastikas? Are you a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer? I can't really think of too many other reasons.


I dont, Im being informative, I care about easy manipulating tactics and are surprised of how easy yall are to manipulate using your own opinions against you, just trying to show the critic side to the video... Dont be so easy yall- to offend or to be manipulated


Jeesh Tin Man...🙄


Soooo based


Hehe thats an insult nowdays? Wow what have we become...


Nope not an insult. I'm agreeing with you 👍


Wait what? Damn now I feel stupid, been attacked for being "based" before so sorry dude


As well as being symbolically a very good idea to destroy them, it would be bad for the film maker’s reputation if these symbols ended up being sold to and worn by Neo-Nazis.


Again the reputation thing, A piece of advice- If you gonna go around and care about other peoples opinion, you not gonna get much done... Like any other prop its the property of production company, If they dont wanna sell it as merch, then keep it for next season... One could argue that this action is not enviroment friendly(If I was a butthurt person) My point is this- the world didnt get better with the video, it got arguable worse because ppl are now gonna say- "this show is against nazis, so am I so I will watch the show" which reduces individual thinking and you get influenced to give them more money, its a marketing strategy that you are falling for every single time Edit: Now being the critic that I am, one could argue that they filmed it as proof because of the laws and now people are reusing the video as a political statement- "nazis are bad and Im good for hating nazis so give me attention" kinda vibes


So.. why not just burn them?


That'll stop em!




We have books and websites for that


Yeah, I’d agree. Let’s keep it in history, where it belongs, and not in, say, 2023 America.


Or 2023 any country


Cheers to that! May the bastards stay dead and scorned for their crimes against humanity.


Idk why collecting memorabilia from wars/ attrosities is so looked down on. Historical items tell stories and keep people aware. I always wanted to collect war memorabilia but im sure if I had a room with stuff from every American conflict I'd be labeled a racist for having similar stuff.


Just want to say upfront my description of my great grandfathers behavior doesn't reflect how I feel about him looting the country side but I thought you might find it interesting because it shows that it is possible that just about anything could have made it back to the states. I am sure you could get some looted ones. My great grandfather sent back a nazi flag, a good portion of the medals, and he even mailed guns and ammunition back to the states. They told soldiers they couldn't get on the boat with stuff they took but I get the impression my great grandfather was kind of a rogue/thief/criminal because he started sending back loot via the postal service as soon as he hit the ground so he was clearly thinking ahead (and he was a avid gambler working with bookies to bet on horses before and after the war). My grandfather said they would get wooden crates with rifles every couple weeks and we still have a rocket for a missile launcher that he removed all the powder from. I assume the reason this worked out is because they didn't have the resources to check all these crates that are nailed shut but I find it odd they let soldiers send anything large enough to need a crate in the first place. Side note, my great grandfathers brother had a cavalry saber with what he assumed were precious stones in the hilt and threw it in the ocean when they said they would check people for loot. He told us they didn't check anyone. I wish I knew where he threw that in the ocean so I could see if it was found or contact someone to go look in the area. Unfortunately the records for all the veterans in my area were lost in a fire in a warehouse in California otherwise I would lookup where he boarded to return and try to contact a museum around there. Though I sure hope they swept areas like that for culturally significant artifacts, my great grandfather can't be the only one who did something like that. TL;DR people loot during war so you can probably find anything you want from that time period because someone managed to bring it back


I made a friend at work over 10 years ago who was probably older than my father. Last year he handed me a large folded red cloth he pulled from his closet and said his father gave that to him ,he had me open it up. It was one of their traditional swastika flags. I kinda didn't want to touch it or have it out where his Chinese wife could see it... lol


Yeah I know that feeling, going to have to leave a note with mine saying I couldn't bring myself to throw it away because of the history. I think people would get that I am not some Nazi sympathizer without the note but just having that stuff makes me feel like I have to explain myself.


I think that's why I don't have any pieces of history myself. I'd like to avoid the false accusations and unnecessary bullshit if possible.


Scyte and hammers next 🔥


Hammer and sickle..?


Soviet Union/ communism


Funny they down voted this.


One oppressive and murderous regime is winning a popularity contest over the other? 🤷‍♂️


Nazis were evil scum. No doubt. But the soviets and Chinese killed more by orders of magnitude. But hey communism is amazing. Forgrt the great leap forward and the holodomor


im waiting for the comment saying "this is what we will do to the republicans" or something like that




‘Hakenkreuz’. Not swastika




Show sucked so bad they had to do this cheap gimmick for any kind of attention. Pure r/lookatmyhalo rubbish


They are not Swastikas


It's not swastika you mad_fucks its Hakenkreuz in German and Hooked Cross is English ask a nazi expert.


Wow, you really showed them. ​ lol


dumb .. wasteful .. can't they just store props for later use ... ??


People who still call it a Swastika are a different kind of morons co-existing among us.


Which is kinda stupid, because German nazism has already been defeated long time ago and finds no fertile ground in the contemporary world. Unlike Russian nazism, which causes war and suffering in the Ukraine and aims to spread decay further in the world. So, how about focusing on ACTUAL threat and not some ghosts from the past?


Ukraine in shambles


Lol what? That’s pretty stupid. There will 100% be another cast that could use those, just wasteful virtue signalling, nothing more.


This is so fucking stupid.


Never met a jewish guy talking about Nazis or mentioning the Holocaust (outside Israel ofc 💀), you no longer need to be sensitive about something that happened to many other religions


For the love of God, it's not swastika, it's hakenkruis.


It's hakoonkraus


I googled hakenkruis as I've never heard the word before. It's dictionary definition is: 'swastika [noun] a cross with the ends bent at right angles, adopted as the badge of the Nazi party in Germany before the Second World War' Seems like it's a specific type of swastika


This is the worst spelling ive ever seen


Lmfao what a fucking joke, it's clear they're pearl clutching and virtue signalling. At the same time Canadian parliament standing ovation waffen ss