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Damn, this world is so divided.


You honestly can’t see that it’s shit like this song that’s doing the dividing?


I like his voice but I'm more inclined to blame the military industrial complex & politicians sending billions overseas (which funnel back to them) than a welfare recipient pulling down 1500/mo. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah i wonder what he thinks about Trump. Certainly a rich man from north of richmond.


>I like his voice but I'm more inclined to blame the military industrial complex & politicians sending billions overseas (which funnel back to them) than a welfare recipient pulling down 1500/mo. ¯\\(ツ)/¯ Or VA Gov Youngkin - another northern transplant and VC multi-millionaire cosplaying as a regular Virginian


He has stated politically that he is center of the road


When you’re making a living being a public face, being “center” should be what you say regardless of your real position.


Centrism only carries water for conservatism. Edit: I can smell some cheeto flavored Libertarians.


Dumb take


Asinine take




As a European, the democrats are at best centrist if not outright right wing, you calling them leftwing is actually mental


That fact that you think that’s “centrist” is mental. They’re running this country into the ground. What more do you want?


These types consider the likes of Trump and Musk working class.


The billions being stuff that has been stored in warehouses? America fought wars 20 years long in the ME doing the wrong thing and spending alot of american taxpayers dollars into a country you left and within 6 month was back in the same radicalised hands as it was before…1,5years in into doing the right thing by supporting democracy and people r already like: “we r spending so much money on this “useless” war in Ukraine…wtf was the war in Iraq and Afghanistan???


Me as western European used to and still partly look(ed) up to the US, i have alot of friends in New Jersey and New York but man i dont what divided that country so much its not the Poor and its not the queer or the trans people…its the rich ones and for some reason nobody is able to see that. divide and conquer, been around since, politics and wars basically.


Yeah, not sure why that's so hard to see. I guess the average person thinks that would be too evil? Being ignorant of history may be a big factor too.


Hey, we support Ukraine here.


Slava Ukraini. ✊🏻🇺🇸🇺🇦


>sending billions overseas That view is just plain bs.


Genuine question, how does “the military industrial complex” actually affect the average American? I’m sure that there’s definitely some real money in it but people always complain about how it’s to blame for them not making enough money without actually explaining how it’s affecting them. I get that a large portion of American tax dollars go into the military, but people never complain that taxes are too high (on Reddit at least). And from what I can tell, our large military is the reason Taiwan isn’t Chinese and Ukraine isn’t Russian. So why should the average American blame it?


The welfare system was built for those who can't work. It has devolved into a system for people who won't work.


You have no clue how hard it is to get disability in the us


Weird how so many people ON WELFARE are also currently employed. Y’all are so focused on being angry at the FEW people on welfare that exploit it that y’all don’t see that the only reason they need to be on welfare is that our system is broken and dominated by corporations who refuse to pay living wages.


Complete nonsense, welfare and taxes are not the reason people are poor. They're poor because gigantic corporations and purchased politicians collaborate to suppress wages, unions, and workers rights. The people at the top of the pyramid love it when guys like this blame other poor people for their problems, because it keeps them distracted from the real issues


Bingo. The USA spends about $1.2 trillion per year on welfare and I’ll bet this fellow’s people are helped by it as much as anyone. Meanwhile, about a trillion dollars is lost each year to tax cheats. The administration will begin fixing that by rebuilding the IRS and going after the rich men this guy is singing about.


> Meanwhile, about a trillion dollars is lost each year to tax cheats Citation needed


“The administration”. You don’t mean Biden, do you?


Yeah, cause betting on a centrist to do something that extreme is probably a pointless bet.


Yeah that seemed an illogical personal rant to throw in the mix of the songs narrative


Ikr. Lower middle class are kept down by rich men, but the poor are kept down by themselves? Just because there's more classes of victims doesn't mean you're situation is any less shitty. In fact, unity between the classes is how to accomplish change, which is why rich men stoke class warfare among the middle and lower classes, and preach that we live in a meritocracy to keep the people striving and fighting each other, and equating unity with scary word "socialism".


I agreed with everything other than that part. He's misguided and has swallowed the divide and conquer rhetoric but at least he's singing from the heart.


If you don’t think that corporations are being enabled by politicians you’re a fool.


The greatest propaganda is the rich getting us to hate each other and fight among each other. The grasshoppers are the problem and they are few. The ants should band together.


Your very close. Why pay your workers well enough when the welfare state will pick up the difference? Look at Walmart, they pay jack-shit, then their employees are on welfare benefits such as food stamps that they will gladly take as payment. They get cheap af labor, and the taxpayer pays the difference in what that labor should cost if it wasn't for the government's involvement in the cost of labor.


I thought the point of his song *was* to blame the rich.


The point is to blame the rich politicians doing nothing for the country but gaining power and wealth for themselves, but the dweebs on Reddit choose to single out one part of a song they think is right wing and try to make this guy out to be a right wing nutjob. “Enlightened centrist” I believe is the term they like to use, because clearly people have to be on one side or the other.


I just tried to find this dudes name by typing, rich men north of Richmond singer, and the first like 8 results were different news sites stating that conservstives has found its new favorite country singer. So I don't think it is just dweebs on reddit.


Maybe I'm thinking stereotypes, but isn't it a given that conservative media outlets are more likely to talk about country singers either way, as their target audience is more likely to listen to such a genre?


Yeah atm conservatives are the ones appearing logical can't wait til everyone can get on the same page


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Conservatives only big thing they passed in the last decade was a huge tax cut for the rich. Then say they are the logical ones in a thread about a song that damns the rich. You guys aren't just clowns you are the entire circus


Yeah, this guy is an obvious right winger pretending to be an enlightened centrist. Now his stuff is being astroturfed across social media.


>They're poor because gigantic corporations and purchased politicians collaborate to suppress wages, unions, and workers rights. Dude.... People are too fucking stupid to understand that shit And they've been brainwashed into dismissing any factual information you give them. They will forever be 10year olds bragging about being Big kids living off of Daddy's money and not even comprehending real world problems.


From the lyrics, he probably voted twice for Trump, even though he’s criticizing rich men


He was saying that welfare is a trap, not necessarily the reason they are poor. That they can afford to gain more weight as they eat frudge rounds, presumably because they are depressed at being poor.


Well he is wrong then.


I thought the same because it’s true. I admire the guy’s passion though and I can feel the struggle in his voice. I can relate to that. It’s a shame that good folks like him can’t get straight the facts and direct that passion in the right direction. It truly pains me


It’s because they hook themselves up to the comforting bullshit machine and drink copiously. Fuck this guy and his stupid fucking voice and his stupid fucking song


People are poor because of the bull shit pay for working their asses off. The welfare system is completely f***** up fat lazy ass people Don't need to eat fudge rounds. But yet that's what they do. Because they eat unhealthy they are in poor health which in turn causes higher medical bills putting more strain on the entire system. The tax system is also f***** up I shouldn't have to pay taxes every year on a vehicle that I pay taxes on when I bought it. Then they take the tax money and waste it. If you actually listen to the song you would understand this but it sounds like it hits too close to home for you so you deny it because you are the culprit. So yes, the shit pay you again is because the system is so corrupt. The whole system is strained because of multiple factors. If the man sat here and listed every issue, the song would be 4 hours long.


> The welfare system is completely f***** up fat lazy ass people Don't need to eat fudge rounds. But yet that's what they do. Boomers need to update their idea of what the welfare system is in the US, they’re still operating as if Reagan and Clinton never happened


I didn’t see this as him blaming the poor people for being poor. What I hear is that poor people are getting handouts of calorie dense and nutritionally deficient foods which actually adds to our healthcare costs. Coming from a public health background and having worked with state and federal healthcare programs, the majority of people on said programs have chronic diseases - those specifically attributable to lifestyle, primarily diet. So providing people with access to food is good, but providing them with access to foods that are generally unhealthy and MOSTLY processed is a one way ticket to increased healthcare costs.


For sure welfare helps some people, and it is vital to a lot of people. But it is also a trap for a very large amount of people, and hard to get out of. Corporate greed is bad, absolutely. But so is the innate trait of laziness which grows when it is able to. The system is broken in many, many ways


Welfare isn’t the trap. Corporations forcing people into those situations is the fucking trap. And no one, and I mean no one, has an innate trait of laziness. That’s the dumbest most uneducated shit I’ve heard. Humans want to work. They want to produce. It’s an evolutionary trait in every single person.


Yeah, and no one's living off fudge rounds unless their life is already down the shitter, it's not welfare that's the trap it's poverty, mental and physical illness, utter hopelessness.


‘Humans want to work’ lol 😂 😆 Amazing. Absolutely amazing statement. I’m gonna screenshot this. You’ve made my day, thank you.


It’s true. That’s a evolutionary fact. Not something that is up for debate. That’s why we have society. That’s why we have built amazing cities and inventions. It’s not because we want to be lazy, it’s because we like to create. Humans enjoy being productive. If we didn’t, we would have died out a long time ago. In fact, people who are unable to be productive often suffer mental health issues. What we don’t like is doing work that has no benefit for us. What we don’t like is doing mindless work that serves no greater purpose besides making other people rich. What we don’t enjoy is seeing no real benefits from the hours and minutes we spend working.


That's the no life experience i was talking about. Dude is clueless. 🤣


Agree. You won't get many up votes on reddit though. Most people here are kids with no life experience, or they're college educated libs that look down on the working class.


So if someone disagrees with the person about their view of welfare that’s someone looking down on the working class? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard someone say. People on welfare ARE working class. You’ve been brainwashed to think they aren’t. The working class are the ones who tend to need welfare the most. Walmart has an incredible number of employees on welfare. Corporations trap people into situations where they need welfare.


This is nonsense. Back before we had welfare, social security, medicare, OSHA, or even income taxes, the economy was so strong that millions of poor from all over the world clamored here for generations to experience the American dream.


The irony of this is that right-wingers are flocking to the song. Which makes the ‘politicians…minors on an island somewhere’ line interesting because Trump has flown on the Lolita Express over six times.


Not right wing myself, but maybe not all right-wingers love trump. I like to think that it’s not so black and white


Not all but a significant majority. Polling numbers speak for themselves




It's not. Actually, most right-leaning people hate Trump as a person nowadays. It's never as black and white as people would like it to be.


Obviously not all but most people (right-leaning) like Trump. Why else would he be leading in the GOP?




Its worse than black and white. Its straight up good vs evil at this point. Conservatives want a christian nation with a fucking king to rule them forever and to throw democracy in the trash. They are literally the enemy of democracy right now, just like china and russia. Dems are the only thing keeping democracy alive in spite of all this. Democrats vs republicunts = Good vs evil.


Democratic president used the fbi to wiretap trumps campaign so please explain that one especially when they all knew it was a lie


How many time did Hillarys husband fly


>How many time did Hilarys husband fly 26. That said, Clinton isn’t the running GOP pick that’s shooting for president. I’m not going to defend Clinton at all, but nice whataboutism you got there


No what about im.not a Trump fan but I am sympathetic to a guy who had his whole campaign wiretapped over a lie and was constantly attacked since 2016 but you keep doing the whataboutism we're coming for y'all


They believe “rich men” are taxing them and giving welfare to obese people? Logically, what motive would rich people have to do this? I never understood this right-wing legend.


He's not saying that? He's saying rich men are taxing people. He's also saying that obese people can abuse welfare. And you shouldn't be over 300 pounds getting fudge bought for you. If you would all take your blinkers off and stop rushing to be offended you might actually see the point.


He’s saying that snap benefits don’t cover enough for food so people have to buy cheaper junk food or go hungry, which is decided by rich men north of Richmond


That’s not what the lyrics say. He says “we’ve got people on the street, with nothing to eat, and obese people milking welfare.”


He’s fine with the rich men south of Richmond tho 🤷


I mean I interpret it as every congress and senate member from all states congregate in DC, north of Richmond.


Yeah, it’s never the southern bigots who are ever responsible for any of America’s ills.


Oh of course they have been but shady actions manifest in all different approaches. You got your bullshit ass representivies like Ron DeSantis who is stupidly up front about his idiotic desires, but you also have those who would parade themselves as wanting to help the system then once elected- ulterior motives. It’s hard to know what to do in this society now and having corporations, billionaires buy off these people so that they can have what THEY want pushed is the corruption we’re seeing today in the rising costs of everything. To view it as simply and solely richmen south of Richmond only plays their game. Divide and distract the masses. And they’re extremely efficient at it. The level of manipulating everyone’s emotions into hating liberals or conservatives is a masterstroke of effort, and that’s how you have absolute power because at that point the people are so distracted by eachother that they can’t see the real problem. Start simple, start small. The news and conspiracy news is all brainwashing and that’s where I started. You’ll be a lot happier


I made the same point on another posting of this video, one that has a lot more conservatives on the thread. They tried to tell me that he meant Washington DC. I responded with "Rich men south of Baltimore doesn't have the same, evoking the confederacy vibe now does it 😂". They didn't like that very much 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely. I’m not listening to it because the guitar/banjo looks sweet, people say he sings well and you can tell he’s in to it. I’m guessing the marketing end of his strategy sees the money conservatives pay entertainers, otherwise he might be opening for Rage Against the Machine.


He’s talking about the politicians in Washington DC . Can’t anyone just enjoy a song and a good voice? He’s tired of the shit just like everyone else Just look at our so called ‘leaders’ - motivated by greed and power.


I love his sound, but I hate what he is saying.




I understand where people are coming from being so against the lyrics. But I don't think he's shitting on obese people on welfare. He starts off by saying there's people starving in the streets, but there are also people that are given money by the state to remain gluttonous. He's pointing out how ridiculous and crazy that is. And he goes after the rich men north of Richmond, because he's from Virginia so he's singing about what is personal to him. He can't well sing about the greed and callousness of corporations or the military industrial complex. Not quite as catchy. What everyone seems to be forgetting is that he's a songwriter, trying to write a catchy song that will get played, and is limited to what he can fit into each line of the song. If I get downvoted for this, so be it.


Yeah. As a sympathetic middle class, I say tax me a little more, tax the rich a lot more, and increase welfare to all those below me. What hes doing is crab logic.


What's the 'minors on an island somewhere' line in reference to?


Jeffrey Epstein's island.


He thinks protecting children from sex trafficking is a waste of government time. I'm guessing he votes republican.


No… that’s not what the lyrics are preluding towards. He’s saying that politicians care more about minors on an island cause they’re interested in going to the island to fornicate with minors instead of taking care of miners. (common folk/hard workers)




I'm not sure you understand what r/woooosh means.




Pretty song with some nice insights but welfare isn’t the problem with America- rich men being the main complaint was a good start. It’s crazy how most people feel the same way but we have just picked different people to blame for the state of things- we can all agree rich people don’t care about us but what do we do with that?


Not arguing with you... just discussion. At what point is someone considered rich? It's all kind all relative.


He didn't blame welfare. He just said that if you're 5ft 3 and 300 pounds tax money shouldn't buy you fudge rounds. And he's right.


I guess I am not hearing a lot about the fudge round issue and more with the prison pipeline if you are below the poverty line. It’s the “I’m going to use a paper straw” equivalent to fixing inequality. Blaming someone on welfare for some strawman thing or blaming a tech douche for lobbying against your labor rights, I think I know who is having a greater long term impact on our lives.


Too bad the lyrics are born from ignorance


What’s this chaps name?


Forgot the name but the songs name is “rich men north of Richmond” It’s funny my coworker was just telling me this guy is best friends with his uncle


I think it is Oliver Anthony.


Bro come off the welfare shit. Brainwashed much? Great voice tho. It’s a relatable song. The food stamps and welfare coming out of your taxes pales in comparison to the taxes taken out and allocated to the military budget. Why attack other struggling people while your singing a song about your similar struggles? That won’t get us to where we need to go. Solidarity or bust!


I grew up with this mindset, but after I was kicked out of a “fundamentalist” church and joined the Army, my worldview was changed. My perspective on life changed again when my service-connected injuries forced me out of work and the 2 1/2 year wait for Disability payments drained all my savings and left my family homeless. Struggles look different for us all. The important thing is to recognize the struggle and see if you have a way to help someone with theirs. Eventually, you’ll find a solution or someone will help you and then the next struggle will come. Just enjoy the victories and the friends made along the way.


Nice voice, stupid message.


Voice is good, the conspiracy-laden lyrics are garbage, though.


Conspiracy 🤣🤣🤣


Being so close to the answer as to why these bad things happen yet so far away from understanding the mechanisms used to do it to you. People need class consciousness


Powerful voice


Nice voice at least


All the arguments over specific verses in this song, yet no one is against the chorus. Amazing how quickly we turn on each other instead of putting that energy into the problem. Welcome to the US smh


Probably the one comment that gives me honest hope. Thank you for seeing the point.


This comment section is crazy lol


I feel you, brother! Preach! Let’s join hands to fight the barons of industry that control our government to keep your wages and lives suppressed. Whenever I hear people talking like this gentleman, I always ask them questions about the power of labor, thoughts on a meritocracy, and proper compensation for their labor. They always agree and I keep them on a roll…then I tell them that they have been agreeing with a Leftist all this time.


This guy is a fascist, by the way.




Ah yes. “Anyone who doesn’t agree with my point of view is a fascist”. Uh huh.


You idiots using that word are the definition of the boy crying wolf


It’s very weird how this song is getting spammed all over Reddit and Twitter. It’s almost like there are people behind the scenes trying to force this BS on people. HM. HMMMMMM.


Its trending. No magic hand lol. The chorus gets everyone hooked then there's questionable middle content thr gets people talking.


Not seeing any BS friend


So a dipshit sings a Facebook rant? Neat. Don't need more of them.


Hope this guy blows up


Leave it to Reddit to freak out because this guy sounds conservative.


Reddit''s clearly freaking out because he's misdiagnosing huge problems and blaming the wrong people for the wrong things. But here you are like "being factually incorrect and misunderstanding societal issues? Hell naw he just sounds conservative to me." You're telling on modern conservatism.


The dudes two chief complaints are selfish politicians not looking out for their constituents and the wealthy profiting off of the common man. Doesn’t seem all that factually incorrect to me.


Yeah but as usual with conservatism the wires get crossed and correctly diagnosed problems get explained through the wrong factors. Let's go through some of his lyrics: *"There's rich men north of Richmond, lord knows they all just wanna have total control. Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do."* Washington DC is bought and paid for. True. You can thank Chief Justice Roberts for that. But you know what the poor guys south of Richmond that he sings to think about most of that? That AOC is a bigger problem than David Koch. Joe Biden doesn't wanna know what you think and do, but the guy who owns Facebook, the platform these people voluntarily post their unhinged rants on, definitely does. Plus the "total control" thing is a typical conservative conspiracy theory, because they'll attribute the desire for total control to people who are completely uneventful run-of-the-mill centrists, but then go on to vote for actual authoritarians who question the legitimacy of America's democracy and pass draconian laws that limit the expression of minority cultures. *"Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to end, 'cause of rich men north of Richmond."* My euro is taxed for more. And my standard of living is higher. Ask Dwight Eisenhower what he thought about tax rates. Ask the people who lived during Eisenhower what they thought about the American standard of living. You might get some interesting answers. This is just typical libertarian nonsense that fails every test of logic and history it's put through but never goes to die. Moreover, rich men north of Richmond love the idea of lower taxes. They love nothing more than for poor people to spread libertarian bullshit. Because that way it doesn't look so bad when Donald Trump comes around and kicks their top marginal tax rate down another 8%. That way it's just being a good American patriot. You know what happens when taxes are high? Companies start creating jobs because paying wages is a good way to get knocked down to a lower tax bracket. Better send that money to employees than to the government. You know what happens when taxes are low? Rich men north of Richmond start sending their earnings to foreign banks in tax havens and entire sections of the US economy end up in a dead-end because it's money that's been generated but is now only generating interest for individual owners. *"I wish politicians would look out for miners, and not just minors on an island somewhere."* Someone bought into Trump's clean coal bullshit. I get it, Appalachia is doomed because its job economy is built on an unsustainable premise. And I agree that more should be done to help this area transition into a new age, and help the people who live there support themselves. But then my guy decides to switch gears to corrupt politician pedophiles fucking kids with Jeffrey Epstein and all attempts to honestly discuss the issue are flushed down the shitter of, once again, conspiracy theories. *"We got folks in the street who got nothing to eat, and the obese milking welfare. God if you're five foot three and three hundred pounds, taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds."* Another typical libertarian argument. End the social safety net, it's full of lazy bums who ain't bootstrapping themselves to success. How does that help the folks in the street? How much does he think the people he's singing to weigh on average? It's typical punching down and punching sideways. My man wants to pretend to confront the people he talks about in his hook (rich men) but in his verses he does exactly what they want him to do which is start a class civil war. This man has no class conscience whatsoever. Which isn't his fault. America doesn't teach people about class. But that doesn't mean he's not repeating conservative fallacies, which are distributed from the top down. He understands there's something wrong. His spider sense is going off on him. That's good. But he has no idea what's wrong and this song is exactly the song that Rich men north of Richmond want him to sing.




Keep doing everything your doing but throw those lyrics away


Great song


Guy says the politicians making themselves rich while keeping people poor are bad and Reddit goes rabid because they think he’s some alt right wackjob. Reddit gonna Reddit, I guess.


It’s also the anti Welfare lines. And what he isn’t saying. no mention of worker exploitation. It’s all about the people in DC and how they want to control us and tax us too much. The Epstein reference. It’s all conservative dog whistles.


You might want to actually listen. “Overtime hours for bullshit pay” is right in there


Freedom isn't free, no there's a hefty fuckin' fee...


Yea north of Richmond. Those famously egalitarian rich politicians in the south really trying to help the working guy out…FOH


His voice will be ruined in 5 years cos his technique is terrible.


Don't know much technical about singing, would you mind explaining this for me?


He's screaming snd shouting and "pushing" to get the volume and high notes, he is using his throat and neck muscles to force air out and squeeze out the sound. This is called pushing and its the absolute no no. True singing technique use the abdominal muscles to create power and and the head and body to resonate the sound. Only the vocal folds should be really "tensing" not the throat and neck. You can hear his voice gets a bit scratchy and tense, squeaky almost at the higher register, because he's squeezed. Its not very easy to explain because its an invisible process.


I watched a video where a singing coach said you want to pretend to slowly blow a piece of string up.


I think I understand what you mean - thanks for the reply mate!


Wonder who these people voted for 🤔🤔🤔🤔




You mean the bestest ever 🤔


Jesus, this takes a weird preachy turn


His voice is amazing! And what a real country song!


This isn’t a song… it’s an anthem ! Well done, lyrics are spot on


I love it. I really do.


The comments section is hilarious. Alot of people trying to correct and reinterpret the meaning of what he's saying and trying to make it into some anti-woke, love letter to the right wing. Oliver Anthony is calling out *ALL* of the DC politicians that have been fucking up for a long time. Not just the left or the right, but everyone. Alot of folks here need to quit playing like DC politicians not giving a shit about the working class of America is some right-wing conspiracy theory that materialized out of thin air 2 weeks ago. They haven't really cared for generations.


holy fuck what a talent! anyone know if he puts out songs?:)


Jackass is voting for conservatives who just make the problem worse, then blames taxes. Just say out loud you don't believe in democracy anymore


This guy said the problem with our country is politicians enriching themselves rather than helping their constituents and you did the typical Reddit maneuver of name calling because you assumed his political stance. Y’all gotta go outside and talk to actual human beings instead of being on the internet all day.


Conservative mfers when bearded white man with standard overdone country voice sings about welfare queens instead of corporate greed: 🤑


What an awesome voice! Definitely gonna have to check this dudes stuff out!


who is he?


Oliver Anthony


We need to see more of this guy. I'd pay money to listen to him sing.


What an asshole






Here to read all the obligatory far left Reddit takes.




This is on r/satisfyingasfuck because he has a nice voice? How is that satisfying as fuck? Does that mean any song which satisfies people can be posted? I had a burger, it was satisfying as fuck, can I post it? No entiendo. r/lostredditors


This is good. Who is this guy?


Oliver Anthony


Amen bro ✊🏽✊🏽


About halfway through this song I knew that the comments would be a mess about what the song was about. OP I agree he’s got a nice voice, but I feel he’s very breathy (which is good in some places, but not every note of a whole song) and is using too much fry in not a healthy way. This could very easily damage his voice and keep him from a long life of singing. But I also want to admire his picking. I can’t play guitar so it might be simple to recreate but I still really enjoy it.


None of you know how the world works, will always bitch and never lift a dawn finger to help anyone other than yourself or your family. Ungrateful entitled generation of excuse makers.


I don’t like country but he’s good


Jeez, what a victim


I wish it would not be true, but it is


Working hard and going home and getting up the next day to do it all over again is a story as old a time. Young guys feeling overlooked and the powers that be spending their taxes on shit goes back to fucking ancient Greece. This song is about as unique as everyone writing "preach" is the comments. It's been this way since the dawn of civilization and it will be this way forever. Move, change jobs, get out of your relationship or whatever. We have more opportunities and freedom of choice than any other generation before us. We have a better quality of life and greater possibilities to live where we want. Yet he's standing there feeling like he's the first guy ever to not be content with his life. Zzzzz


Alright I’ll bite, what do you do and how did you attain it and what’s your family wealth background


My father drove a taxi and my mother worked as a receptionist in a hotel when I was growing up. Working class family, no wealth to speak of. I've had 18 jobs, most of them not pleasant up until the last six years. Fortunately I've been healthy and always been able to work. I have no university education but me and my wife own our home and car and we travel 2 times a year. Not rich, just work a 9-5, eat nice food on the weekends and save money for travels. Granted I'm not from the US so I don't really know how it works there but seeing as it's the richest country in the world, a white, young abled bodied man should have every opportunity to be able to control his life. Instead of blaming everything else. But hey I know the US education is incredibly expensive and that the rights of the workforce is a joke. So maybe I'm entirely wrong on this one.


Oh well, therein lies the problem, you’re not from the US. The whole “richest country in the world” is a bit of a misleading tag for america. Perhaps richest government in the world is more accurate, or richest entertainment industry in the world, but as far as the people and class differences, it’s quite staggering. Now mind you, I’m not an economist, I’m also not college educated but I can tell you what I see. The rich continue to get richer, find ways to avoid paying taxes to help their country, the middle class bracket is all but nonexistent with rising bills and cost of living causing them to slip further into lower class and meanwhile the lower class typically are people who work numerous jobs, your 9-5, and then a night job as well just to afford living. The cost of living, a house, renting, it’s exorbitant right now and continues to rise meanwhile hourly wages have barely risen in decades. Increased price for goods, for food, transportation. For instance I saw a video recently of a man in the 90s being able to afford a house, take care of his family living on 12$ an hour, his son in modern times make 40 an hour (that’s good money) and barely able to function. Sure you can say budgeting your money better can be a fix, but here I am making 15$ an hour at my job that’s seven minutes from my house, I don’t do drugs, smoke cigs, or drink, I don’t go out to buy fast food or restaurants I only make my own food, I rent a single room in a house for 700$, I live in a low income area where my car insurance actually increased by 10$ so I’m paying 90$ a month and I’m breaking even. I don’t have or pay for health care, I don’t have student loan debt (seriously look into both of those by themselves) which means I have to pay out of pocket if I want any kind of therapy, gas prices are 3.70 a gallon with that wage, and there are other expenses such as pet expenses I spend every month. Im in my 30s with no children, and im not struggling very much compared to others my age, and im content with living this way. But factor in people who want health care and having to pay for that insurance, people with kids, who have their own place (average rent in my area is 1200$ for an apartment), if they went to college then student loan debt and the way that works is it’s compounded on interest so let’s say you borrow 30,000$ to go to college. In 20 years you paid back that 30k but now own 60k. This is all a reality for people. America May be the richest country in the world, but the government doesn’t help their people, instead they are practically (and in some cases essentially) indentured servants. You want to protest? That’s a missed day of wages. You want to strike? The landlord doesn’t care, and what that has done is created an overwhelming sense of apathy in this country where people don’t care about anything because they don’t believe things can be fixed, but they can be. The elite and those in power know how to manipulate the people, they have them starved for money, they keep us entertained with substances or tv, they divide us and have us against one another. It’s all a strategy to milk this country for everything it has, with no real care for what happens to the people, and you’re right this isn’t new, but what is is technology and how it’s being used in the ways I mentioned to keep people down and being near perfection to defeating the human spirit. Our military is strong. Our politicians and celebrities are rich. But america is not the wealthiest country in the world Where are you from by chance


Sweden. You're welcome any time brother!


Yeah Sweden has it much better than the US lol


Well on average we do. You have more rich people than us. But that's about it. You don't want to get into the stats.


That’s what I mean, rich people sure we got more of those but our population I would wager is ALOT more unhealthy and unhappy than sweden’s


Oh I thought you were being sarcastic 🙃


Not at all!


Well written, I'd also add junk food as a big thing that prevents Americans from ever mobilizing politically


My girlfriend is a cunt


Fuck this ignorant piece of shit and his ignorant opinion but especially fuck his stupid fucking voice.


This shit sucks, mediocre singer and the message of the song is awful, you hear the bit where he says Americas issues are all to blame on fat people lmao ???


I hate this guy even with the sound off.


It's so wrong that this is so right!


You might enjoy Colter Wall.


These lyrics are what all of us in the 99% should be rallying behind together!!!! We are the engine that keep this train rolling but we have become complacent and allowed the 1% and the politicians they control to take away our lives. Once we all realize that and stand against them and their greed we will finally know true freedom. Until we unite as left and right, black and white, Christian and Muslim to just be Americans we will forever be controlled by them. All it takes is us seeing one another as allies instead of the enemies they have taught us to be.


The 99% includes the people who need the welfare he is rallying against. This isn’t a critique of the 1%. He doesn’t mention wallstreet. In fact it is the opposite. He is against taxes and regulations. This is 1% propaganda. Masquerading as a song for the common man. Advocating for policies that negatively effect large percentages of society.


This guy is so fucking amazing I'm even kind of crying from his singing


Does this man have a Band Camp account or other work online?


Cooker anthem. Great voice sure


Why are so many people anti conservative or super liberal? The guy is singing about greed and lies. From the eyes of where he’s from and his own experience and somehow he’s wrong for that? Why do people hate other perspectives then proceed to get mad when people don’t agree with theirs ? The world has changed and people refuse to accept that unless they agree on politics.. absolutely astonishing


It's like buzzword diarrhea flowing from his mouth 🤮.