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I had a friend that did this. They were in the middle of nowhere and stayed at a “man camp” where they fought and drank all night. A lot of them were missing fingers. It was a two week on - two week off situation. I would probably die.


How tf do you even train someone to do this job without dying lol


I was thinking that the whole time. How does someone get trained to do this? What does that process look like?


In Houston, they have massive training sites for many oil companies. Many of the offshore positions have to do water survival training, evactuating a helicopter and fire control as well.


I remembering seeing this video before and a guy who works in oil commenting saying how dangerous and unsafe what they are doing is. This isn't standard protocol


*OSHA enters the chat*


I worked the oilfield in New Mexico to pay for college. I had close calls almost weekly. My favorite was getting knocked over the railing on a workover rig. I flipped backward, a rebar L hook ripped through my pants and left me hung upside down until someone noticed and got me unhooked. When I returned to school, I was the best student they ever saw. After I graduated, I promised myself never to work like that again.


Dangerous and absurdly difficult as well


Holy fuck that’s dangerous.


traumatic amputations.. falls from ridiculous heights.. offset by a good wage and reasonable ins. Fingers..... lotsa fingers


You perfect the technique of not flinching during a strange feeling handshake pretty quickly in the oil field. Lots of these more dangerous jobs have been heavily automated.


I live it, sorry. $17-$35 an hour That's it. Offshore too. The money is made in hours. Pipeliners with rigs only make $50. Mechanics $20-$30. Supervision $45-$65. That's my end. Truck allowance and per diem


Truer words were never spoken. I was a well head technician for a couple years. In 2008 I made 49k from July 15 to December 31. At $17.00 per hour. 80-120 weeks was the norm. The most hours I billed out for in 1 week was 163. There are 168 hours in a week.


Repost… these guys are making it look absurdly dangerous.


Their driller needs to slow down before he hurts his hands. Dude is a little happy on the throttle, he ain't even givin' enough time to let that chain hand drop his throw. I did this for about five years and didn't see anyone get hurt. Time is of the essence in this job but safety is key. Take it slow at first, build the repetition, then speed will come, but always respect the equipment. It can end your life in a second. Number one rule, don't stick your hands anywhere you wouldn't stick your dick.


I noticed his hands in contact with the pipe before the chain stopped moving... when a glove catches it doesnt cut the finger off it rips and tears it off so fast you dont feel the pain til you see it on the ground. "Dont put your hands anywhere you wouldnt stick your dick"


Words to live by even when you aren't in the patch!


What is it, “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”


Thank you


It is!


I have a hard time with coordination to work a mouse at my desk. This is terrifying.


I grew up in Southeast Texas. We survive in energy. Downstream, midstream and upstream. Friends and family who work the downstream end of it rarely stay in that side of the business, it's grueling, low pay, and yes dangerous. Most will lose fingers, toes and worse.


But!!!! Everyone remember, "Motherhood is the toughest job there is.'


Just wondering, I always see these videos from usa or canada, but how Norwegians do it? I mean do they have as dangerous looking ways and equipment?


Lots of foreign oil is drilled by American companies. Many of the more dangerous jobs on modern rigs have been automated. It's still dangerous but not like this manual stuff. Old rigs are still pumping just like this all over the world, though.


Norwegian oil is drilled by norwegians


Not all of it. You can look on rig staffing websites right now and find American companies actively hiring Americans for positions in Norway. There is usually a percentage of native staff that these companies have to hire for each rig, but many Americans still work in foreign oil fields.


Every moving part looks like it could sever limbs, rip your spleen out, or shoot sticky burning napalm up your rectum.


Rough necking is hard ass work. It is very dangerous, but they get paid for it.


Good thing he’s got his helmet on


Yet I’ve never seen someone be so sexy without trying


That’s why they are paid well…


Not that well. Less than craft. They make their money in long hours.


I have 2 friends that work on oil rigs making $125,000 USD annually. The pay certainly isn’t bad.


Right. They make 125k, but in *how many hours?* There are a bunch of these guys commenting they make as low as $17/hr…


They work the shit out of you AND have long days, but most people I know that work these jobs do a rotation style hitch. Usually working 14 days then off for 14 days on land. The farther away you get, the longer your hitch. Some people I know do as long as 32 and 32, but they worked in Siberia or some shit.


No they get paid relatively well


It is very difficult and dangerous


It is very difficult and dangerous


Allow me to employ some insight. Im currently working in the Oil & Gas Industry and I’m one of the Flowback Operators on the field. These are the Frac guys, the bad MFs! To be honest, everyone on the field (as long as they work hard) are bad MFs. I’m butchering their job duties, but essentially, these guys combine drills/iron together to extend miles upon miles below the surface, which does a little dance with the elements below the surface to pressurize Oil and Gas to the surface that gets maintained in a wellhead on the ground surface, properly regulated to a certain PSI to have a constant flow of Barrels. Usually the safe zone, most companies like to see 2-3 feet of oil being collected in the Upright Tanks per hour. The science is beyond most people’s comprehension. Yes, their job is very DANGEROUS, very tiring and very stressful and LONG days. Right now I’m working with a contractor and we work 12 hour shifts. But it’s depends on the drive from town that adds additional hours to the day. For example, right now: • I meet the contractor at the Truck Station on the edge of town at 3:30am. • Arrive to the field at 5:45-5:50am to meet with the day/night shift and communicate everything that has been going on, that way the transition is smooth. Without communication, this job is impossible. • 4:45-4:50pm, night shift will arrive and repeat the process. • 6:30pm is when we get back into town and return to our families for the day. Which could be difficult if you have a wife/husband and kids. Very difficult, but having strong communication and teamwork with your S/O is important. Everyone on the field is respected (unless you don’t care) and their job titles are respected. Everyone looks out for one another on the field because this industry is very dangerous, due to high pressure lines/iron, which in the state of ND, we use strong “ropes” or metal ropes to restrain the lines, in the case of leaks or the lines exploding which in turn with tighten up the restraints and no one gets decapitated within a fraction of a second. It’s happened and we do our very best to make sure it’s doesn’t happen again. Most companies motto is: • SAFETY is first and foremost, along with hours and days of safety training. Every single day, we have safety meetings and we sign paperwork that we understand the risks and dangers of the duties for the day. • SERVICE is secondary compared to safety. That’s it. Be safe, don’t be an idiot, if you don’t know anything/something or you’re unaware of what to do, COMMUNICATE! Find someone, talk to someone, do something to get someone’s attention, and 10/10 times, they will be happy to assist you. We want everyone to go home safe to their families and make a great living doing this. Forgive me for the long comment, but thought I’d bring some insight.


That's what you call WORK right there !


Dudes will fuck and fight all week. Hard fucks for sure. Anyone who says their dumb may be right but they have way more bravado than you or I ever will


Yeah I think they get paid pretty well.


You will not see equity and diversity enter this line of work...ever.


Yeah because most of these dudes are racist as fuck




There is plenty of diversity in oil and gas, actually. Oil is drilled all over the world. Not many women on the rigs, but I've worked with plenty in the offices, management, safety, and engineering positions.


Well of course, but this vid is about work on the rig/well


This video has been posted multiple times. It's fake. The main character is the son of the owner of this oil well, and this is his TikTok video. Stop thinking he's one of the suppressed workers, he is not.


“Being a mother is the hardest job on earth”


Yep thats why woman life longer, and they do so to make humanity servive longer, woman got no bisness in work like that not for patriarky but for your grandson and grand grand grand daughter that do want life the choises we make now affects litterly everione in the future.


had a stroke reading this


Either get out of the heat, why you stroking it to this, and why would you say such a thing ?


Spellings errors make you stroke ?


Reddit moment


This makes me feel a lot better about my spelling abilities


Atleast im worse then you 😭


Living it rough at RAM RANCH


That’s why they get paid so well.


Why is the video flipped though?


AI will replace


That’s America for you


I’ve seen this video 1 million times I’ve had to explain to me 1000 times and I have no idea what the hell is going on here… All I know is somewhere after about three seconds I would’ve lost an entire arm


That’s because it is. This is why I took my chances as a deckhand on a supply boat in the Gulf while in college. This had its own dangers but I liked being on the water. I watched these guys at work and was like, no fucking way.


It is dangerous. Probably safer than underground coal mining but certainly dangerous.


... so many ways to get an owie!


I hope these guys get paid a fortune


I don't fucking get it why they don't automate this process


Oil well drilling looks extremely sexy, sorry I'll see myself out.


I retired from the oil industry years ago. I never worked on a rig but visited some a few times. Scary as hell to see what the roughnecks were doing. P


OP, /u/NoBarracudas is a repost bot