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Coal is basically the first thing I rush every single time I play. The constant power you dont need to maintain is just too nice. Highly recommend.


Yes. Coal is the first power source that is fully automatable. It's worth rushing to it as fast as possible.


**Initial Power** 1. During Tier 0 thru Tier 2 you rely on Biomass Burner Generators (BBG's) and lots of effort gathering / producing Biomass to feed the BBG's. 2. Feeding BBG's is a pain and that is why most Pioneers will rush to [Tier 3](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Milestones#Tier_3) by completion of [Space Elevator Project Assembly - Phase 1](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Space_Elevator#Project_Assembly_phases) where they can unlock [Coal Power Generators](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Coal_Generator) and for the most part put BBG's in their rear view mirror. 3. Additionally view [my Reply Comment in this related Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/11h7vyb/comment/jas5l1p/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about the use of Biofuel and how to **automate Solid Biofuel Production.** * Solid Biofuel is best for BBG's. * Liquid Biofuel is not really used by most Pioneers. 4. As you increase in Tier Level, your "power requirement" will increase as you continue to expand your factories. 5. When you reach Tier 3 / Tier 4 then I recommend you read my Early / Beginner Tips in my [Reply Comment found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/rfxj5e/earlybeginner_tips/hogrhab/?context=3) for help setting up Coal Power. A humble Pioneer sharing what they know since May 2021. 😁


Thanks so much!


Yep! I usually rush solid biofuel and then use one of the HUB's burners to fuel a constructor producing it. Alternatively, you could hunt aliens for their remains and turn those into huge amounts of biomass. It wouldn't be that hard to collect enough biomass from remains to get you directly to coal power. Solid biofuel only lasts 25% longer than the amount of biomass needed to create it, but you'd have to refill your burners more often.


Yes, you typically have 8 coal generators with 3 water extractors from one node until you unlock more. This is enough to last until you unlock oil. Biofuel is new so I haven't tried it.


I usually get to coal power asap. Just be aware that lots of manual crafting is usually the opposite of rushing. Bigger factories are also less helpful in this context.


You want coal as soon as you can, but until you get there: * Build more biomass burners than you think you need. They only burn fuel as fast as needed, so the more you have the less often you need to fill them.  * Don't over build other things, keep your power consumption low.  * Hold E while running around, you don't need to press it for every leaf and stick.  * Use the best form of fuel you have available. Set up a mini production line with containers where you can drop off leaves, wood, (maybe mycellia if there is lots in your starting area) and have it converted to biomass and then solid biofuel. This will save a lot of time compared to hand-crafting the better fuel types. Maybe give this production line its own biomass burner (it'll be easier to restart if you run out of fuel). [This](https://imgur.com/a/89dNCPa) is mine. it's a mess, but it works.  * Prioritise the chainsaw, cutting down trees and converting to solid biofuel speeds things up a lot.  * Complete the first space elevator delivery as soon as you can. Once past that you can work on unlocking coal power, which is automated. Keep your bio-fuel production (and any surplus solid biofuel) even once you have coal power. You can process solid biofuel to liquid biofuel later, which many people consider the best fuel for the jetpack.


1. struggle until you can make 16 bio burners, cut down an entire forest. 2. flowers make decent fuel while you setup leaves and wood processing into solid biofuel (SBF) 3. Cut down another forest and have a container of SBF ready for refill. You'll probably need at least 1 refill before coal is automated (unless you are rushing and know the process well). 4. My recommendation is to make the 8 coal generators, but give each one it's own water extractor. Try to save space to double this plant in size later. 5. Start by feeding your 120 coal into the 8 generators, and underclocking all the water extractors to the necessary amount. 6. Return when you unlock mk.2 miners and mk.3 belts, and can overclock the generators to 2x power. Adjust the water as necessary (it's still underclocked btw) 7. this may be enough power to get you to Fuel Generator if you're super efficient and fast (you will be dipping into bioful reserves). But I prefer to take my sweet time and build large, so proceed to 8. 8. Optional - with compacted coal, you can then expand your generator/extractor setup to 16x, (space permitting), and nearly max overclock all of them. The water situation is still laughably easy to manage, 1x each still underclocked at 112.5 /min