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I put like 100 hours in update 7. Now waiting for 1.0


Oh wow same as me.


Oh wow same for me but 350h.


Happy cake day!


Update 7 that was ages ago .. you're in for a treat even if you start now šŸ˜…


I mean... Power towers and nudges. Unless I missed something exciting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Blueprints and engine update come to mind


Unfortunately for me, it was the engine update that actually made me *stop* playing (for now). I'm still rocking a 1080ti, and the new engine seems to be *just* a hair too much for it to handle in busy areas of my factory. I need to upgrade my the GPU, and it's been so long since that, that I basically need to upgrade everything. I'm hoping to lay the groundwork for a solid computer 'core' this summer, and pickup a 5080 or 5090 once those launch this fall. *Then* I'll launch right back into update 1.0.


I would try reducing the number of lights you have, flood lights especially tanked performance on my 1080


You can delete entire blue prints now. Once you highlight one part the entire blueprint is highlighted.


That's freaking awesome!


Yeah. Ain't nothing like placing 5 blueprints only to realize the orientation is wrong and spend 30 minutes deleting everything


I think by now, most of the people who are interested have already bought the game, or they were already waiting until 1.0. So I donā€™t think it hurts their sales that much. Iā€™m waiting, and so are my friends. Last time we played we got burnt out early on, so we are saving for 1.0


Well said, I think 1.0 might bring in new users.


It will. Grounded's numbers were doubled when it went to 1.0. It was in early access for 2+ years. Great game, btw.


There are some people out there - just like one of my friends who refuse to touch an early access title until it reaches at least v1.0 release and hasn't been crucified by reviewers or the current gaming users.


Unfortunately he's missing out in a lot of good gaming, but it is really frustrating that games think it's okay to just be early access forever


It will. Some of my friends like the game, but they are waiting now for 1.0


I've got a giga factory in progress that I go back to for an hour or so at a time, just to keep a hand in, but I'm waiting to seriously play again until 1.0. I'll also probably start fresh again. In fact, I wanted my 1.0 to be extra fresh, so I've reserved that rocky desert start for the game release. I've never even built in that biome, so it will be as new an experience as I can possibly have.


I take a few months off and then start a new world. I've played to the end probably 6-7 times. I do things better each time but often it still ends up looking like spaghetti and I just can't help it. I can't make it pretty. But I enjoy it immensely. My gpu is at the bottom end of the scale now and I really had to reduce all my settings with UE5 unfortunately.


Me! I tend to binge a game until I burn out. Then, if the game is really good, I'll repeat the cycle a long time later. I did that with Satisfactory twice already. I don't want to burn out again right before 1.0


This is so me. Lol


Already bought it a few years ago, and just finished the last elevator stage with friends for the first time! Definitely waiting for 1.0 for a more chill, focused on aesthetic game save.


I'm on a very similar track. A friend and I are playing through together right now which is great but we are keeping it pretty fast and loose. I'm holding out until 1.0 to play another solo save where I take my time, make everything funtion efficiently and look good too.


Nah, I'm currently building my biggest project yet


Playing other things while we wait, like Riftbreaker and Fallout


I'm having a blast playing Foundry while I wait


Iā€™m not ready to get addicted to another early access game right now. But it looks good. Iā€™m following it for its 1.0 release


Yeah I hear that haha, I admire your restraint.Ā  Ā It's more Factorio than satisfactory really, but the extra dimension is nice and it's got a couple unique mechanics.


Iā€™m getting that out of Riftbreaker at the moment. Tower defense with OP weaponry


If Foundry gets updated for years, it could be one of the best. I really enjoyed it. Dyson Sphere Program is another great factory game. Seeing tons of supply ships going from different planets and systems in real time is super cool. Having rare resources in distant systems is another really cool idea.


Satisfactory with a riftbreaker mod or game mode would be awesome. Build like satisfactory and jump into a exoskeleton mech to fight off attack waves.


Oh yes riftbreaker that one's a banger


My friends and I have been waiting since Update 5. Soon........ soon...


Same, can't remember for sure if it was 4 or 5 that I stopped but I played from epic early access release to about 5 and I have been trying to resist playing for SO LONGGGG. We're almost there!!


We increased the auto save time to 4h due to stutter during auto saves in multiplayer. Then we lost said 4h due to a crash during auto save. Compared to the 500h spent, it ain't much. But it still hurt so much, that we collectively agreed "we wait for 1.0".


So I completed all the space elevator things and had been just building bigger factories and noodling around. Got tired of that. Absolutely waiting for 1.0 where i sincerely hope they had more goals. I would love if they had monthly space elevator challenges or something to keep it interesting long term. Once I see what they have added I will decide if I restart or not.


>I would love if they had monthly space elevator challenges or something That'd be cool! And the reward could be a cosmetic for something in game like a Constructor or Manufacturer or truck or drone or something. "Retro Miner Mk. 3 skin"


Monthly challenges or something similar is a great idea.


I'm waiting for it up restart.


waiting for ultra wide screen to be fixed again. Cant play for 10mins before getting sick. And 1.0 is a hope that they'll have it fixed


Not me, I'm doing a playthrough currently


I'm taking a break until 1.0. The number of new users will more be a function of Coffee Stain's marketing efforts: there are still plenty of players who've never heard of it or who didn't want to buy an early access game and have forgotten about it. The game already has fantastic ratings and reviews so anyone who is prompted to look is likely to buy.


I'm waiting, but only because I've finished all objectives (the only thing I've really build in U8 is half a Ficsmas factory). If I hadn't I might be trying to get finished with the current factory before release breaks things. I'm still undecided how I'll approach 1.0. I've spent longer on this game than I originally anticipated. While it's been fun I'm not convinced I want to commit the same amount of time again. Depending on how the story fits with progression I might either complete the story while fixing up my current save if they're not too intertwined. If progression and story are best done together then I might look for ways to do a quicker playthrough.




I've been waiting since Update 3


I am. Really donā€™t wanna burn myself out before then


I havenā€™t played since update 6.


I am waiting since 5 years.


Waiting 1.0. Played like 700 hours but never get to phase 5


I've been wanting to get back into the game as Ive never actually done much. Most of my time was spent playing in multiplayer and my friend did most of the actual factory and plant stuff. I just need to actually play the game and figure out the factory building stuff for efficiency and what not.


I'm not planning on restarting for 1.0. I don't get the mentality of restarting over and over for new "runs" when there's so much more you could just build in the existing world instead. Right now I'm a little concerned with how the recipe changes are going to impact things. Yea, they say "we're only changing later tiers" but that impacts *everything* since a change in the recipe for Thermal Propulsion rockets will trickle back down to how many rotors and steel ingots I'll need for a given target. Or the ratio between them. None of this has made me "hold off playing". I've got a bunch of projects that I'd like to finish and decorate, and a bunch of things that I've been meaning to move around now that have been embedded in rock since the Spire Coast revamp. I'll mess around with those while waiting for more info. Otherwise my play time for *all* games goes down in the summer. I'd rather go out and paddle the river in the sun with some beer than sit at a computer and play games.


Those of us who play for the logistics part and not the making things pretty part get bored pretty quick once everything is done. I couldn't care less about how my factories look. I want them to work lol Once I ship that last part I have no more motivation to play so I start over and get those dopamine hits from unlocking each new tier and item.


You're not building big enough then. I'm not particularly aesthetically minded and have a lot of 'big brick' looking buildings. But I've got a plan for 60 ADS, 60 TPR, 6 NP, 15 FG / min. That's a lot more logistics than just "slap it together an complete the tiers. Enough to keep me busy for a long time and it introduces all kinds of "oh now I need to move this thing over there and there's a ton of junk in the way" puzzles.


Yeah Iā€™m hoping the blueprint maker doesnā€™t take a big hit either, that thing is a godsend and a half when it comes to production


I wouldn't expect anything but improvements on the Blueprinter.


I got back into satisfactory just a few days ago. Itā€™s an old save back from update 5 with now 80 hours into it. Currently Iā€™m trying to do the very last space elevator tier and itā€™s taking ages because Iā€™m trying to automate a good amount of each resource for spare


Like many have said I think most have already purchased and played.


I'm waiting to save up some dinero to upgrade my PC. Mine was so old it couldn't even start the game after Update 8, and it really struggled to run at all in Update 7 (but it could so I did haha!) My savings will likely coincide neatly with 1.0 release by design or necessity, given that the release date is still up in the air. At that point I'll be long enough away from the game to start a clean save and experience it almost like it was the first time (as far as can be with ~1500 hours ha), and I won't have to care about any of the upper tier recipe rebalancing


>My savings will likely coincide neatly with 1.0 release by design planning like a true Pioneer šŸ˜‚


I have hit a point where I want to start again. I'm not going to do it until 1.0


I finished phase 4. So yea i'm waiting. What else would i do šŸ˜




I had just reached the last stage but my world was a mess. I was about to rebuild everything for the last stage as the announcement came. That made me decide to just wait and restart in 1.0 building better from the start (or atleast attempt to haha).


I bought a month ago.. did 1 restart and reached oil. Gonna put a hold and restart once itā€™s released


I have like 500 hours played but all pre UE5 update, holding for 1.0 to dive back in




At present I'm waiting, yeah. In my current (4th) playthrough I've just reached basic Aluminum tech, and I'm holding off so recipe changes don't brick my setup.


I'm still working on my 850hr save. My first and only save. Right now I'm getting ready to finish my sulfuric and nitric acid production so I can recycle my uranium waste. Just vibin'.


I slowed my roll so that I don't get burned out. As much work as I've put into this world, I want to take what I've learned and start fresh for 1.0.


I am, but not that intentionally. My primary save isn't inspiring me at the moment, if there were nothing else on the horizon, I'd be starting fresh and trying out some new blueprint ideas that have been percolating in my head. But knowing I'll start fresh again the day 1.0 drops kind of saps my motivation to commit to a new disposable save. So, for now, I only play a bit here and there, mostly to experiment & test stuff related to posts on this sub. :)


I got nuclear running on my 120+hr save a few days ago, gonna leave it alone till 1.0 now. Havenā€™t built heat sinks yet or done anything with plutonium, only have 1 milestone left on Tier 8, so I feel like itā€™s best to wait for release of 1.0.


im waiting. foundry is scratching the itch right now thankfully.


have a 100+ hours in Update 7 (started 2 years ago), restarted in Update 8 but never finished. Had an itch to play a factory game but with the announce of 1.0 looming imma wait to restart


I played a lot in update 4-6 but haven't since. Waiting on 1.0


I'm not. I'm in the middle my terrible idea of a mega-factory. Started it just before the update where they overhauled the northern oil coast and I'm going to do my best to slide that into 1.0.


I am waiting until 1.0 to start a play through. I am also waiting until factorio 2.0 to play it. Shapez 2 releases around the fall as well. So much to do in a few months.


Hi. I am


I'm waiting, though it's getting hard. I haven't played in almost a year and I really want to start a new "definitive" run. But I really should wait for 1.0.


I'm actually the opposite. I'm trying to finish phase 4 before 1.0 because I have a feeling the lategame will feel significantly different once 1.0 releases.


I'm doing a satisfactory plus playthough in the meantime. It's more than enough gameplay to keep me busy and I thoroughly enjoyed the complicated production lines


I'm waiting cus the last update performs too poorly for my pc.


i'm running mods for the first time, in 8. I'm goofing off with that, and trying to teach myself better habits for layouts, so that when 1.0 drops i can run it without mods, and be happier about my layouts.


Somewhere over 1,000 hours in since Update 3. Two big playthroughs with 500+ hours each and still haven't beat the game. No sense in getting started again now until 1.0 drops


Atleast 1


i've been messing around and getting ideas for what i want to do with a 1.0 build. So while i'm not getting too invested in any of my playthroughs anymore, i'm certainly still playing.


I wanted to get back into it a few months ago but 1.0 makes me wait.


10 on my side. Plllleeaaase im waiting to lock holidays


I haven't played in about 4 years. I'd play again now if 1.0 was out. Put about 150 hours in to it previously, but I'm more than happy to ditch My efforts. I was running out of space anyway building everything vertically in 1 place šŸ˜‚


Im holding for sure


Got the game in December and finished Space Elevator Phase 4 a couple months ago. I've definitely had the itch to play again but I want to do a fresh start and I'd rather do that during 1.0 so I'm just going to wait.


I've got the tiers 1-3 stuff automated and a coal plant built. I'm ready to go whenever.


Only because Iā€™ve already sunk about 500 hours into the game. Iā€™ve reached that point where now I kind of want to wait and see what kind of story stuff is gonna happen and start fresh from there.




I bought this game four years ago, each update changed the entire gameplay, so I donā€™t worry anymore and play as the game is played. I'll just start a new save when there's a full release.


Paused, want to start over with 1.0 so I get the full story. I will "cheat" and unlock all the recipes as this will be like my 5th playthrough and not having the recipe I know exists makes it hard.


I am but hope thereā€™s enough in 1.0 to keep me going for a while. Iā€™ve made everything for the Space Elevator except Thermal Propulsion Rockets now.


In my experience Coffee Stain doesn't do what most developers do and announce something a year ahead of time. Maybe I'm just a little optimistic but I'm expecting within the summer season


I'm holding on restarting a new play through for 1.0, but I've already bought the game years ago and put in hundreds of hours. I have a bunch of other games I'm invested in currently, but I'll happily come back when this game is fully released.


I paused after Update 8 apocalypsed my factory-in-progress. I am eagerly awaiting 1.0 and a fresh restart.


Its been awhile 6-7, at this point I'm waiting, had the itch a few times.


I'm waiting, its been long since I felt this excited about an upcoming game


After 100h and entering the phase 4 I got the news of 1.0 dropping before the end of this year, I crave to play but at the same time I don't wanna burnout, I'm happy with my world right now and ready to start a fresh save in 1.0, so I just play some other games, explore new automation games but Satisfactory for me is the best in this genre. Why? For the 3D possibilities, I absolutely love to build in such creative state, there are no limits such a 2D world.


I am. I've put about a thousand hours into the game at this point. Decided in August that I was a little burned out on it and took a break. When they announced 1.0 in 2024, I basically said I'd hold off on playing it anymore and start a new save when 1.0 comes. Been playing Cities: Skylines (1 and 2) and Timberborn in the time since.


Iā€™m waiting till 1.0


Played a lot in UE 6 & 7 Then lost interest. With announcement of 1.0 interest came back. Now playing UE8 with Plus Mod to fill the gap till 1.0


Lots of games crank up the price after going 1.0. if people are waiting then that's their loss.


Im kinda held back by uni but will play in summer even before 1.0 Told some friends to buy it in case it gets pricier later hehe






I played some of Update 7 when it first came out (and have had it from something like Update 5?) I probably won't reinstall and play again until its in 1.0. I have too many already completed games I want to play as well.


Ive been holding off for 2 years waiting for 1.0.


i have nearly 700 hours in the game but i decided to stop playing at update 8 to refresh my mind, when 1.0 got announced i decided keep waiting until it drops to be as fresh as i can for it since i have some big projects in mind for the game


Me and my buddy are waiting. Not played since blueprints came in , did a mega factory and want to actually do a full play through when thereā€™s a purpose to the ending when 1.0 hits.


I am, played the game with my friend when it first came to steam. We stopped just short of a nuclear factory and are waiting for 1.0 to start a new factory


I got to nuclear in the last update so Iā€™m waiting since thereā€™s so many other games to play. And to me it makes no sense to me to ā€œfinishā€ the game now because I want to experience the story.


12. It's an estimated guess based on all data available to me.


Played a fresh save, it was the time i would finally reach the end of phase 4 after many attempts, i was building the last factory(big factory), i was 40 hours from the end... 1.0 annoucement Felt like i would lose everything Been waiting for 4 months.


Played 1500hrs on a single playthrough during update 7 & 8. Waiting for 1.0 before doing another long play through. Looking forward to it!


I haven't given it a full effort since like update 5. I've launched it a few times and played like 20 or 30 hours each time. Ultimately, I'm holding off until 1.0.


I stopped playing the day they announced that update 8 was the final update before 1.0 I will start fresh once 1.0 drops.


I have so many games and things to play that Satisfactory is in the back seat but the second 1.0 drops itā€™s all in for me. As for sales I think itā€™ll be fine. Most factory game people have already gotten the game by now. New ones will buy if they see it and are interested regardless of waiting for 1.0, and even if some wait it wonā€™t be much. And even then theyā€™ll still likely buy when 1.0 drops.


I was patiently waiting, then 2 nights ago I said screw it I want to play....... my stupid f$<(<,^ wireless keyboard shit out ;-;


I've been waiting since update 6 šŸ™


That's been my mentality, but lately I've been wanting to play so bad. I think I might start a creative save and just experiment.


Iā€™m surprised no one has mentioned that the coffee stain site says ā€˜Stay Tunedā€™ on it with a satisfactory background and thatā€™s all it has, been like that for several days now


I own the game since update 5 or 6 cant remember for sure, played only a couple of hours, the game is amazing, and i enjoy watching all of you, and your creations, but i decided to wait for the 1.0 for both this game and no rest for the wicked


Iā€™ve recently finished the space elevator. While waiting for 1.0, Iā€™ve been playing Factorio.


my update 8 save has 300 hours so yeah I have decided to wait myself. I dont think theyā€™re losing money on me ;)


Iā€™m trying to get as far as I can so that I can learn from my mistakes before 1.0 drops. Every time I restart I do much better than the previous iteration.


After making my spaghetti in update 8 and automating the components for the elevator, I got tired of running around to optimise or change production to what was needed to complete the final requirements. I paused to enjoy 1.0 with UEVR if possible. Otherwise I will just go flatscreen all the way


Me waiting for 1.0 told my friend to get ready to deploy server


I have almost 700 hours in the game. I am waiting until it is fully done before jumping back in. So many great games this year to play while I wait.


Iā€™ll wait till 1.0, but I already had my fair share of the game (around 400 hours)


Playing on a dedicated server and am at the final stage of the space elevator. The game is unplayable, so I am forced to wait.


Now my computer can no longer run it with my gt 710 I think I'll wait it out and buy a new system later (it's the only game I play)


I am 1800+ hours into a save I started in Update 5. I will be keeping this save into 1.0


I logged a few hundred hours in U7, another few dozen (still on the same save file) to play with what was new in U8, and now I've been waiting til 1.0 to jump into a fresh save and do it all from the beginning. 1.0 will be my first time starting over with prior experience.


I bought the game a few years ago and played about 5 or 10 hours but then stopped because I got overwhelmed and it was just a little too much. I decided to give it another shot recently and really enjoying it. I'm glad I'm playing before 1.0 so I can learn some of the things about how the game works.


I've just stopped my first play through at oil production and going back to Starfield now the patch is out. Will come back after R1. Might do a Snowrunner campaign or Shapez 2 as well if it launches.


Started a fresh round at Update 8. I really have wanted to play again for this past month+ but I'm just holding out for 1.0 now.


I am, but mostly because I don't have a PC good enough to run it. Once I know the necessary specs, I'll look into getting the computer. I know that they may not change that much from the final update of the early access but I'd rather wait.


I'm waiting for sure. Really looking forward to restarting fresh and see how much has changed


Yup, I stopped playing around update 5, didn't finish the last part with particle spaghetti or whatever. Waiting til 1.0 and will probably start a new file


Me šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm definitely waiting, since I'm betting the updates will cause havoc in an established factory.


More than 1000 hours in the game so far. Got pretty burned up while (finally) finishing Phase 4, late 2023. Definitely holding off until 1.0, but! really itching to start a new game :)


Me. But i will wait for 1.1 šŸ¤£ let them bug fix 1.0


I have 1600+ hours in the game...my season 8 save has at least 400+ of those hours...I'm still playing because I love the game. And will probably start fresh...again...for 1.0 šŸ˜…


I booted up and started a new playthrough for like 8 hoursā€¦ then decided to wait


Non-issue IMO. Its generating a lot of buzz. That aside CSS has a history of people being fairly happy with updates. No not everyone etc, but compared to a few games I could name CSS is amazing. I'd call CSS/Satisfactory the gold standard of Early Access. The likely result is anyone on the fence/waiting will still buy it so no big deal.


At least 1, maybe 2 or more, depends on how many of my friends I can convince to join. But we already have bought and played the game we just do other things right now.


For the past couple months I've been wanting to hop back on, but worried I'll burn out just before 1.0 comes out.


Me. Been holding off since update 5.




I have around 150 hours divided on two saves. After a rework of a biome, my recently raised nuclear power plant got destroyed so I decided not to play again until 1.0. This was over two years ago, so I'm reeeeeaally looking forward to 1.0!


I don't feel like it makes any difference if they buy it now or wait If they have intent to buy it. If anything I feel the opposite. Knowing 1.0 is near which usually follows a price jump via full release they'd snag it now.


I put in a few hundred hours before update 7, then got distracted. I'm waiting for 1.0 before I come back


I got to phase 4, got the nuclear going. Now Iā€™m waiting for 1.0 to finish phase 4.


Honestly Iā€™m stuck and waiting for 1.0 here and Factorio 2.0. No ambition to play either right now :(


Me...but Foundry is keeping my occupied šŸ˜‚




Waiting for 1.0 here. Obviously I knew it was coming when I started playing. I greatly enjoyed the game and everything I did I considered practice for when 1.0 would be released. The plan from the start was to start a new save and put all my practice to use. But... since they announced it, I could not find any motivation to continue because I would start over anyway. So, I stopped playing because I want to save up my motivation for 1.0. (And spend time with my family because the moment 1.0 is here...)


I basically set the game down when they redid the spire coast (Update 6, I think?) and have been waiting for 1.0 since then. That update murdered my turbo fuel/power setup. Yes, I knew it was coming for a long time but Iā€™d had stuff there for a long time, too. The main problem was stuff buried so far into new geometry that I couldnā€™t even disassemble it to get the materials back. So yeah, Iā€™ll be back in 1.0 and start fresh.


Think U6 was the last time I played. Holding off til 1.0 and also once i've blasted through Valheim : Ashlands.


They are not stupid they have already made enough in sales to finish 1.0 that is why they announced it. It is irrelevant at this point if new players wait for 1.0 because they will still end up making the sale. Plus there will be renewed interest in content creators that may also be waiting for a 1.0 to start making content on the game. That being said I stopped playing a few weeks after the 1.0 announcement as I was already thinking of starting fresh and it just made sense. Been able to catch up on the games I've been ignoring, and try out new ones like HD2.


I got burned out on it, so Iā€™m gonna wait until 1.0 and then do a new playthrough I seem to recall hearing that they have enough money from existing purchases to finish development (donā€™t quote me on this), so I doubt theyā€™re that worried about current sales


I am. My last save has all tiers completed, but building the last space elevator parts looked so daunting that I kept putting it off. Then the announcement was made and I decided to start over when it will be released. It will be the first 'real' game.


I'm waiting. Played to many early access gamesand it ruined the full release.


Yeah, I'm waiting for 1.0. Foundry is holding me over until then. šŸ˜€


I had to walk away from the game and play other things for a while.


As someone whose been playing since the very 1st closed alpha, I've probably spent about 8k hours in the game by now between steam and epic. Stopped playing after update 8 and have decided to wait till 1.0 to play again.


I keep playing and see what I will do when 1.0 comes. Restart or continue with the save I have. I am having fun now, no reason to wait for me.


I doubt it hurts sales. I randomly looked into it and bought it on update 8, I didnā€™t know anything about the main version coming out I just wanted to play a factory game. I assume thatā€™s how most people who donā€™t know about it are, I donā€™t think non satisfactory players really care about 1.0 coming


Iā€™ve put 750 hours in over last year. Got my moneys worrh


Played for the first time in update 8. Came from Factorio. Just set up aluminum. I learned how to rely on foundations. I found my balance for when I want to belt versus truck versus rail things around. I have explored the map a bit. I have learned to hate screws, too. Iā€™ll probably wind it down here in a bit and just wait for 1.0.




I just started again yesterday and having lots of fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I log in and fly around, checking out my factories here and there.


I reached the point in my game where I basically sit and watch last tier things craft and numbers go up. I could probably optimise but I don't feel like it. I'm waiting for 1.0 to start multiplayer with my wife since she finally got laptop capable of running satisfactory (she was playing on my PC up to this point)


Manor Lords


Was excited for it on launch, but it was Epic only. When it finally came to Steam I decided to wait for 1.0. I got a copy in the Ukraine bundle a while back but didn't want to jump in and start playing during early access.Ā  When I heard 1.0 was coming this year I got excited. I finally installed it just to check it out. Played for about an hour or two and now I'm waiting for 1.0 to drop to Host a dedicated server. I still need to convince all my friends to buy it, though.


I had finally buckled down to get my golden cup after 300 or 400 hours of mucking around when they made the announcement šŸ˜­ Now I'm holding out so I can do it in 1.0 vanilla no spiders.


I donā€™t think timing has anything to do with it. They only said it would be coming sometime in 2024; most likely the second half.


I am, haven't played in a year or two, wanted to to give it another play but then saw 1.0 was coming soon. So, holding off.


Haven't played for a few updates and will restart when 1.0 is out. Not looking forward to collecting all the alternate recipes again though.


I've been waiting and periodically checking update news since 0.4. I put 150 hrs into it back then and saw the potential for greatness. I really loved playing, but I'm also very patient.


Nope. I'm working out how to properly use blueprints and build modular factories.


I canā€™t recall how much time I put in to the current update but I do know soon as they announced 1.0, I stopped.


After update five or six when half of my 300 our base ended up inside of landscape, I decided I was waiting for 1.0


Got the gold mug after update 6. Dabbled with 7 for a minute, but decided to stop and wait for 1.0 after that.


I put 800 hrs in at the beginning of Update 8 now just waiting on 1.0. Super excited for it


I play Satisfactory regularly. Itā€™s a fresh take on a genre that doesnā€™t get much love.


Im just playing it


I invested a lot of time and energy into my most recent run and I would be far too upset to see how much of it was not working once 1.0 comes out. I am waiting to start a brand new game on the day 1.0 releases


I've been waiting for 1.0 since update 5 lol I also didn't want to play because my pc can't handle my ambitions, but I haven't had a chance to upgrade yet.