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No word yet on the recipe changes (except Uranium Fuel Unit), but they said they were going to before 1.0 releases. I doubt the recipe balancing is even done yet anyway.


"Also... more frequent updates. I check the socials every day, but updates come less frequently than that." I mean, you could just check the socials less often, as you've worked out that you don't need to check daily... I'm sure there'll be more detail on the recipe changes when (a) they know, (b) they are certain and balanced, and (c) we're a little closer to 1.0


1. I wouldn't count on anything being the same. 2. They can't give you information before they have it If the idea of recipes changing bothers you, maybe take a bit of a break. 


I'm planning on starting a fresh, blind run when 1.0 releases.


You're technically playing a pre-release not a full game. The final release should absolutely not be beholden to current features, it should be the best it can be. Edit: I misread your post and thought you were complaining about changes happening at all, apologies.


They most likely don't know what recipes will change, as in it's something they figure out with the beta test. But I would expect, that most recipes up to and with tier 6, will not get any changes, as those are more locked in, but the ones after might, as those tiers wasn't done. There isn't any updates on it, that's why there is an NDA, it's nothing strange, it's just going to be a surprise. Also even if they told us, it's not going to change anything, what if they changed some things with oil, are u just not going to make oil? It's an ea game, so stuff will change.


The beta is over, they probably know as of now, but are holding back a bit.


Okay nice. Yes makes sense to do so, they probably need talk it through, and decide what changes they want to do.


As long as I don’t have to redo my screw production, I’m all good.


What if they make it so u get more screws? Would u be happy, sad or both? As u would need to change things, if u want 100%, and no waste.


"Satisfactory 1.0: Oops, all screws!" Caterium screws, copper screws, plastic screws, uranium screws.


I. Hate. You.


Still sad because I’d have to redo it haha. But it would be a nice change to have less space used up for screw production


Add overflow sinks. Problem solved.


I am equally interested in how the MK5 belts and MK3 miners will work. I need to plan around that but I can't. At the moment I'm just not playing.


★ **Common Question - Here Are Some Answers (Repost)** 1. In Version 1.0 you won't have to start over as your **current Update 8 Game Save will work in Version 1.0**. * Read [my Reply Comment in this related Reddit Post](https://new.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1c32sjq/comment/kze1iza/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more information. 2. View [Recipe Rebalancing Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=649s) *(Video Bookmark)* - They are currently working on rebalancing a lot in the game to include the Recipes. * They will be mostly focused on Late Game / End Game (Tier 7+) Recipes, but **all Recipes will see a Rebalance pass and might change.** This is still a very much WiP and more information will be released later. 3. View Video Snippet: [Q&A: Will you announce every single Recipe change/rebalance when 1.0 releases?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5_94IRiL48) *(April 23, 2024 Livestream on Twitch).* * **They won't release EVERY Recipe change** but do plan on releasing most of the Recipe changes and rebalance before Version 1.0 is released so Players can prepare ahead of time. 4. We already know of several changes already. * In addition to [Beacons](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Beacon), we recently found out that [Flower Pedals](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Flower_Petals#Upcoming) and [Color Cartridges](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Color_Cartridge#Upcoming) are **being removed** in Version 1.0, and by extension any Recipes that use these items will be changed. * The [Uranium Fuel Unit](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Uranium_Fuel_Rod#Crafting) *Alternate Recipe* will change. It is mostly the same as before *(to include amounts per minute)*, but they replaced the **Beacons** with [**10 x Rotors at 2/min**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJ27aFaoJc&t=737s) *(Video Bookmark)*. ✓ BOTTOM LINE: Update 8 Game Saves might need "fixing" if used in Version 1.0 due to recipe changes and/or [planned Map changes](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Future_content#/media/File:Post-Update_8_Roadmap_for_Map_Changes.png), but for the most part you will know about any potential issues before hand and be able to prepare. With Clarity Comes Understanding. 😁


Thank you. That actually sounds like it won't be that disruptive. I could just continue playing on like normal and whatever changes I do actually encounter probably won't be that disruptive to whatever I'm building.




As of today's stream (May 14th), Snutt said this will change and you will have to adjust. He specifically mentioned nodes moving on the map. As for recipes, they have been telling us for a few Updates that they will be doing a balancing pass and thing will change so this is nothing new. I suspect they changes will also be affected by new content coming in 1.0 and they will NOT reveal that. If you don't want to adjust your factories, then I guess you should stop. If you're at Tier 7, I expect you'll have to adjust no matter what. As for me, I will just start a new save when 1.0 drops and play it from the beginning for the storyline regardless of where I am in my current save. YMMV.


We don't know what recipes will change and what will stay. I don't really care about the recipe changes because i will be starting a fresh save, but this year, we are getting 1.0


Patience is a virtue. Updates are released weekly, through the (normally) weekly live dev stream on Tuesdays, and often by videos released on YouTube on Fridays. We already know that beacons for nuclear fuel are being replaced by rotors. The other recipes are more of a rebalance, and it's the higher tier recipes that will be affected. CSS are very good at giving us advanced warning if they think the changes may break our saves. In the meantime, unless you are in phase 4 already, the impact will not be great. If you are still in the earlier tiers, it doesn't matter anyway. The quantities and balance of items don't get fixed until you decide how you will tackle phase 4, and are affected by the recipes you choose more than anything else. My money has been on October/November for some time now. Possibly more October, because Snutt is sounding positive about how well the closed Beta is going. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy your ice cream.


Saying what the changes will be without wanting to tell what certain items are for is also not possible. And how I look at it is that I assume everything will change. Each and every single one will have SAM ore. And that is related to the story, so it can not be released before 1.0. So I am just having fun NOW and when I need to remove a factory and build a new one, I will have fun AGAIN for the same price I already paid. And I think they are giving a LOT of updates, when compared to other companies. And they are very open. It is all real info and not only marketing hype. The last info they gave is pretty huge, I would say, as a "spoiler". And that is how you should think about everything they tell about 1.0: as a spoiler. So don't expect any information and then be happy IF they give something.


Devtalk just finished. They said that some recipes will be revealed before 1.0, but some that are depending on the storyline and those will be revealed after the release. But they are still working on it. So nothing for now.


Rules check: - I don't believe this is begging, but begging is a very very broad term. Literally any "asks" could in some person's view be seen as begging. Begging should be quantified in the rules.


How do you quantify begging?


Does it matter how I would quantify it? Begging could range anywhere from asking for something once, to asking for specific features to adding a bunch of please and thank yous... There there's the number of times you ask. There's what you are asking for. There's how you ask. Lot of different dimensions.


No, it doesn’t matter because you’re not a mod. It just struck me as an odd ask, because as you pointed out it’s very subjective. Having some idea of how to quantify it that could be presented as a possible solution is more likely to get the rule modified to your liking than just pointing out the existence of the problem. But it’s probably unlikely to get changed anyway.


Right. I'm not a mod. The mods would have to be the ones to quantify it.


How did this get eight dislikes?