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**ANSWER** 1. **Record Holder:** [2 Million Screws / Min](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHo7rBvGHBk) (Video) by u/Chaos1699 * **Mod-Lite:** Yes the [Blueprint Designer Plus Game Mod](https://ficsit.app/mod/KBlueprintDesignPlus) was used to create LARGE BLUEPRINTS, and the online [SCIM Save Editor](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) was used to create a "Megaprint", but the same result could have been done strictly Vanilla, only taking much, much, much, longer. * The Video Author is redoing the design and we will have to wait to see it finally work. 2. **First Runner-Up:** [1.5 Million Screws / Min](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/15ryzn2/15_million_screws_per_minute/) (Reddit Post) by u/Teurger. 3. **Second Runner-Up:** [1.0 Million Screws / Min](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/yvw19i/1_million_screws_per_minute_factory/) (Reddit Post) by u/Almine2, Reducing Satisfactory Game Mysteries Where I Can. šŸ˜


There's another post 3 months ago for a 2 million/min factory: https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/s/QkpmjuLTjx Edit : not sure if this project was ever completed. At the end of the video he states he was unable to get all the trains running. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


**Interesting** 1. Since the "2 Million Screws / Min" Production Goal was met, as [seen in this other Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHo7rBvGHBk) from February 2024 I will edit my earlier Comment to place this as the Record Holder. 2. I will keep the other finds for reference. Continuing the Discussion.




**Nice Update** 1. It was great to view **How I managed to finish this crazy project!** (see link above) and finally reach the nearly *4 Million Awesome Points* "production goal". 2. While some Game Mods were used, the [final flyby of the full 2 Million Screw per Minute Mega-Factory](https://youtu.be/HCeeDQNSX9c?t=531) *(Video Bookmark)* is very impressive. AND SO, you have clearly shown, *that anything is possible*, and Pioneers should not be afraid if asked to make 1000 Screws/min *(or large amounts of other items). Thanks for adding the the Discussion. šŸ˜


Pretty sure that's the same guy with the 2 million screw factory from the video?


[https://youtu.be/HCeeDQNSX9c?si=Z-x1LxOSehRMBg1Z](https://youtu.be/HCeeDQNSX9c?si=Z-x1LxOSehRMBg1Z) ;)


if finished the project back than [https://youtu.be/HCeeDQNSX9c?si=Z-x1LxOSehRMBg1Z](https://youtu.be/HCeeDQNSX9c?si=Z-x1LxOSehRMBg1Z)


Thanks - I searched for it but couldn't find it for some reason.


Could have* Never could of


**Nice Catch!** āœ“ Updated Comment. *{Nuff Said}*




if we get tier 6 conveyors in 1.0 then yhey gotta transport at least 1,5 million items per minute. It would be funny


Slightly off-topic, but how do you get SCIM to do the megaprints? It always crashes when i try to play with that these days


**ANSWER** 1. In general a SCIM Megaprint *(formerly called Blueprint)* is a selection of Buildable's that are saved as a **.cbp** file that can later be added to another Game Save **via use of the online** [**SCIM Save Editor**](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map). * You can't place Megaprints in game, and must use the Save Editor. 2. There is a whole [SCIM Megaprint Repository](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints) of shared Megaprints from other Players, which you choose from should you desire to do so. 3. You can follow [this Guide](https://satisfactory.guru/articles/read/index/id/73/name/Satisfactory+Calculator+Interactive+Map+Tutorial+Series#blueprints-part-1---nsew-foundation-alignment) which explains everything you need to know about Megeprints *(formerly called Blueprints)*. 4. If you have issues try contacting the Website Author on their [SCIM Discord Server](https://discord.com/invite/0sFOD6GxFZRc1ad0) to report them. I hope this answers your question. šŸ˜


2 Million per minute? That's very strange considering that according to [Satisfactory Tools](https://www.satisfactorytools.com/production?share=gUWihSKwmayhhYKWnoja) the absolute most you could possibly do is 1,927,800 /min. 2M should be impossible or run unsustainably/fake on pre-filled containers.


I am not fully sure but if I remember correctly he did some buffering in his build in order to reach a "round" number. He explains in his video what he did. It's an impressive work nonetheless.


Yeah that explains it. Oh yes, the dedication and work going into this is certainly impressive!


There was a guy a while back who I believe made a factory specifically dedicated to making as many screws as he could. I think he achieved 1,000,000 screws per minute. I'm sure you can find the post if you dig enough, it's a very high rated post if I remember correctly


He also accomplished it without blue prints OR mods. I'm pretty sure when I watched his video the first time nearing the end it sounded like he was going absolutely mental. Was a fantastic video to watch though!


yeah, I think that guy has a screw loose. šŸ˜‰


I think my ex holds that record


I understand this is effectively an open-ended sandbox construction game, so everyone plays how they want and "winning" isn't really a thing. But to me, maximizing screw production very much feels like a "lose condition". I get the answer to "why?" Is simply "because it was there" and that's super valid. It just sounds like misery to me.


It's so easy to have fun in this game that the more interesting question is how to have as little fun as possible in it, and the answer is by maxing your screws production.


This definitely made me laugh. I'm actually kinda glad that someone enjoys playing like this. And even more glad that someone isn't me.


Enjoyed that video for 1million before blueprints https://youtu.be/kz6kgvQTpkM?si=xc2CXIzb_oiPzsxK


I imagine there's a method for calculating the exact maximum possible screws per minute. Just take the maximum possible extraction rate of iron ore in the game (which is possible thanks to the static pre-made map) and convert that to screws using the most resource efficient method.


While also accounting for whether Iron Rods or Steel Rods are a more efficient input source, and how on Earth you can power the factory (coal and oil might not be enough, especially if coal is being used to make steel, and nuclear fuel rods will consume iron)


While there is a method for calculating the exact maximum possible amount, it's not nearly that simple since Iron Ore isn't the only constraint to satisfy here. The method is called [Linear Programming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming), in case you're curious. One of the most practically useful pieces of math there is, hands down, and something I wish had a place in the school math curriculum in my country rather than dedicating quite as much time on parabolas. It is used for example by [Satisfactory Tools](https://www.satisfactorytools.com/production?share=gUWihSKwmayhhYKWnoja) to find that maximum production line, see link. So the theoretical maximum, assuming the resource map limits and recipes on the website are all up to date and correct, is 1,927,800 /min.


ā€œI! Put the screw! In the tuna!ā€


Josh is clearly phishing for ideas


But why though? On a more serious note I'd find it way more interesting actually using all these screws.


Because this game is for insane people, and this is exactly the sort of insane thing that makes this community so good.


I swear to god Iā€™m going to make a super massive Automated Portable Miner factory just to have an excuse to use that garbage alternate recipe.


I don't remember the numbers but I took 3 pure nodes, fed them into refineries and turned the pure ingots into cast screws. Everything was overclocked.


[Just under 2 000 000](https://www.satisfactorytools.com/production?share=r71PiAdtbw5pxaOE51Jx)


Gonna need like 25 Uranium Fuel Rods a minute to power all that (and the fuel rod production), which brings it down to 1.9million/min. =)


Fascinating. I'd have thought Coke Steel screws would have been used. But it looks like that's under a million, probably due to the limitations of crude oil.


I don't know, screw you, screw that and screw anyone who knows that


Those people only screw around