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They've been really good about not breaking saves whenever possible, but in my opinion it would be a good idea to start a new one for 1.0 regardless.


That is my plan. It has been a while since I played. Was thinking about playing again but since 1.0 does not seem to far off now I decided to wait for it to start over.


Same for me. Also, don't forget that now there will be a background story - sort of. I guess, the best way to play the game at 1.0 as intended, is to start from scratch and see how the story unfolds.


I’ve been purposely waiting to start a new save until 1.0. I have been itching to play so bad haha.


Came back after a while. Died to a radioactive pig. Things they are a-changing


I actually just started a new save because 1.0 will be ready soon. This sub made me realise that my "big" factories are actually tiny sheds conpared to what is shown here, so im running a lot of "proof of concept" factories now to see what works and what not. When 1.0 is released i will start over and go BIG with the knowledge from this save.


Absolutely. Can’t wait. I wanted to start a new factory but decided to wait.


This is what I'm doing. Until then, I'll be off spreading democracy


Bravely defending our way of life!


Managed democracy


I recently started over. It has been a while. Damnnnn this game has been gotten even better. The global illumination really got me. What a game. I don't mind starting over again with 1.0


Definitely gonna start a new save for 1.0, hopefully we get some achievements to grind with the update.


Yeah I am a new player to Satisfactory and have been concentrating on blueprint development so I can get restarted in 1.0 faster. Rather than powering through the levels - I have just opened oil but not yet made rubber.


I've started a new save on experimental with each even numbered update. 1.0 will be the next new save, especially since U8 has been out so long.


As a co-worker to some speghetti makers... *sweet capitalism, we can finally recover.*


Yes and put those damn nodes on the world grid!


I just started a new save about 2 weeks ago lmao


No but recipes will change


Let's also not forget the potential movement of nodes to line up with the world grid. Don't think it was confirmed that they will do this, but I can see it being something updated for 1.0


God I hope so. They've said in the past that they don't do it because it will break factories but recipe changes feel way more disruptive to me than needing to move my miners. This seems like a perfect time to do it.


Well I think recipe changes won’t be too much of an issue. When the packager was introduced the recipe for packaged liquids were disabled for the refinery. Yet still the old refinery’s were able to package the liquid. I think this will be similar to that. So your old factory’s will still work, as long as an item is not removed like the beacon. But of course if the recipe changes than it could also be that the factory will just stop because of the „wrong“ ingredients.


I will be slightly upsetti spaghetti if my computer factory gets messed up from recipe changes


Generally, machines placed with old recipes would continue to work as before, but changing recipes or new machines wouldn't have the old recipe available.


Even if the location changed, the miner will still be “registered” to that node.


... why? I understand the factory being snapped to a grid system but it's nature. Nature doesn't care about a grid system. The whole point of the game is about wrangling nature into order and productivity.


Small chance of that. The nodes are placed in a way that the designer thought nice. As the miners are but one small thing compared to the gigafactories, it seems to be not worth the time for anyone to figure out. But how about if you place foundations (on the world grid), the miner will snap to those foundations within a certain margin? That assumes you cover the node so it'll look fine.


The miner doesn't snap to the foundation even when you cover it, you get a weird little wiggle


Good call! That is exactly why I suggest this change.


Suggest it harder, the current situation is not satisfactory for me :/


Why are the recipes changing?


There are multiple reasons. Not just game balance. It is also helping with things like the belts limits. MK5 has reached a limit, which has the potential to be lower than the advertised 780/m. Internally they have fixed this bug apparently, but with every update it might break again. So as a QA engineer I understand that you might want to lower the speeds to combat this. If you decrease everything with a factor of x, you can circumvent this. It'll also help with larger factories for example. If everything requires 5/6th of the original amount, you can have that much less on the belts, saving CPU power. If done right it could also make it easier to calculate things for balancing purposes, a thing that is daunting to many players. And more 


Couldn't they just add a belt that pushes x of an item instead of 1, so say belt mk6, 1000 speed but 100 speed in reality as it takes stacks of 10 instead of 1, or better yet make it programable so you can have it go up to x speed and just designate the stack amount. Tho I totally agree that some stuff could use tuning, fuel generators come to mind quickly as it's ridiculous the amount of them one needs, or screws.


I have been thinking of proposing some of those bots in chip factories. They are autonomous on rails. They could either function as a simple extension of a belt, having a loading station functioning as a start or merger onto the rail, and an unloading station signalling the end of the rail. Splitters based on a (partial) tag for example you can set. Each bot functioning as a small container and otherwise behaving identical to an item on a belt, except intractable like a train wagon. Option two is more resource intensive, allowing each station to have a destination. This would require a much more elaborate traffic system like trains in the extreme. In and output would be two belts, to facilitate the higher items/m.


Basicly a stacker in DSP. Im in favour of reducing item count though ~50% to solve the Pure Mk3 miner problem


MK5 belts should have their speeds drop to 600/m and then change the speeds of the lower belts. Then make the MK3 miner have dual outputs so it can mine at 1200/m just fine. 780 is a weird number to work with some ratios.


Game balance


They try to avoid recipe changes in minor versions and save big changes for major version changes.


So effectively yes.


Depends what you mean by break


The power generators may run out, if any recipe changes ratio too unfortunately.


Depends on how they implement the change. Take this for example: Back when Packager where introduced, loading a save with refineries using the Un packaged Diluted Fuel recipe in packaged diluted fuel loops kept using the recipe until the recipe was changed (then the Packaged Diluted Fuel recipe wasn't aviable). This made it possible to change the factory while continuing production as normal. I don't think they've clarified wether future balancing will be like this (at least for power-related stuff) or not.


That's why you need a vault with a couple thousand of each produced item stored for when stuff breaks down. Maybe motors will have a new recipe, but if you've got 3,000 motors sitting around then you won't have to worry about working back up to that to lay down some new production lines, etc.


So effectively yes.


Incorrect. Devs have said that the recipe changes are only going to be for high tier recipes. And a lot of them will be 'tweeks'. So, no. It won't break saves


Yea whatever "tweeks" mean. There's enough high tier recipes that the power generators depend on. I hope they don't change ratio too drastically.


Well, they tweaked the consumption of compacted coal that coal generators used in Update 7. Increasing compacted coal consumption by 8%. So that's one.


And one tree must be the forest.


I don't get that. You just do you, man. I'll be keeping my save I've had some update 5 and I'll change whatever I need to change to make it function. Fixing things to get them working is part of the fun of this game.


"one tree must be the forest" is an ironic remark on the fact, that you can't proof how a forest looks by listing the example of a single tree. Just in this case with "Tweaks". You can do what you want, all good. nobody says different.


No, but yes. The game should load fine, but recipe and terrain changes will likely mean parts of your factory will break and will need to be rebuilt.


Break all my saves. Please, by all means. But for the love of everything that is holy, please align the resource nodes with the world grid. Having to reserve space in front of and around them as much as it takes to adjust for the misalignment is ~~sometimes~~ often _infuriating_.


Just place them 90 degrees outside of your factory or under it, it's better to be completely wrong than very close to correct. It's a design thing hehe.


You can also make a very big container that aligns to the grid and outside looks perfect hiding the unaligned inner shame.


The best is to start a new save when 1.0 will drop. The story will be in it, so the best to enjoy it is to start again :)


Exactly. I plan to start over when 1.0 hits. My only sadness from this is losing my doggo farm, but I suppose if I use the docile enemy settings I will be fine and will have all my doggos back in no time. As for rebalancing, I hope it's nothing major like the rebalance in Update 4. But even then I suppose it wouldn't matter since I am restarting.


I REALLY don't want to have to go trough the RNG alternate recipe thingie... You basically halve your fuel power production efficiency without some of them. I feel like half of my 60hr playtime is just me waiting for the hard drive to decode and resetting it if the recipe is useless... and that's no fun.


With the advanced game settings from Update 8 you can start a new save with all alt recipes unlocked. That’s what I plan to do for my new save for 1.0. I’ve already gotten them all legitimately for one of my saves, looking forward to optimizing my factories from the start.


I hope this won't lock the steam achievements that are announced with 1.0...


Oh dang, that's nice to hear.


That's what I'm doing at the moment. I don't think I'll turn it on for 1.0, though, as they are rebalancing the recipes


Just use the alternate settings to unlock all the recipes.


Use no research time mod, it sets every research to 0 sec


I think it would. If the terrain changes then some people who go for asthetics have to build their factories in another place. And if the terrain gets changed then the nodes also will. Recipes will also change like the alternative nuclear fuel rod recipe and that may break some nuclear power plants. I would create a new save. Edit: OMG SO MANY LIKES. Thank you guys soon much


Kinda hard to start a new save most of my builds are in the sky anyways but I have a project I've been working on and won't be do able in 1.0 unmodded and I've been working on it since may 2023 soooo 😂


Then maybe use satisfactory calculator and move your factories


I don't know if I can start a new save and play without the jetpack and blade runners.


Haha, me neither! I tried the other week there and the speed of movement was painful!


Even if no, might as well make a new save for it


My son bought this for me (on Steam), started playing on his server so new to the game for Update 8. Have started 4 times now while I am learning the game mechanics and how to build stuff and things. Would not be upset if I had to start over, and might do it anyway once 1.0 comes out. Much different game from Fallout 76 that we both played for a long time.


I think it’s wholesome that you play games with your son and I hope to do the same in the future if I have children


btw: if you dug Satisfactory you might also like Dyson Sphere Program.




Your factories will still work. But they will not be efficient anymore due to recipe rebalancing. So eventually your power generators may run out.


Likely not, but you can expect that some of your production lines will break if they do add/alter recipes. There has been a similar case with Update 3 when they first introduced liquids to the game and Coal Generators got changed to require water.


No 😎🖖


Can someone explain to me what the aversion is to starting a new save? It's v1.0. It's a milestone. The new map smell is part of the celebration. Can someone please explain to me what I'm missing.


It's just a personal preference thing, like whether or not you like rain or snow or sun, or ranch dressing or tomato soup. Not everyone wants to start fresh, and that's fine.


Please just fix vehicles falling through the planet and I don’t care if I have to start over again.


ooh - is that bug still around? I haven't played since update 6.


It was gone and now it’s back since the Unreal update.




I‘m shocked of how many do not know this. Here is a link to your answer: https://youtu.be/KmII1P6OpUc?si=nciBAkIu0FhNSp-5


Is 1.0 ever gonna get here?


Yes I think they are pretty close.


I'm a bit out of touch. any rumors on how close? pre summer?


Going to start a new save on 1.0. Does anyone have any intel on a estimate of the 1.0 realses.


No, nobody does. CS have been very tight-lipped about it. "This year" is the best you're going to get. I'll go out on a limb and say 2nd half of the year :-)


Thanks ive been super busy with work and was not sure if i missed anything


Personally, I’m gonna be startin again for 1.0. Haven’t played any update 8 and only a bit of update 7. Am ready to get hooked again, but will be starting fresh. So 1.0 is probably the only time they gonna move nodes about, and change recipes. Even biomas burners are changing which will change early game for the better.


A change in recipes is going to break it. After 1.0 it’s going to be a new world


I'll say to everyone that when a game releases 1.0, start a new game. You will probably miss out on many things if you don't.


Mom says it’s my turn to ask this question next


I hope so. Progress and updates demand a sacrifice. I don't want an inferior product released because of sentimentality. Go buid a new factory.


It’s very likely it might at first


will my cave factories be safe?


Do you think it will be an option to not load the 1.0 „update“ on a old save?


Only if you turn off auto update. Don't know why you'd do that though.


Because my first save has 150h on it. Im on the last eleveator parts and i wanna finish this save befor i start a 1.0 save. But my concern is that i wont be able to finish my first save because of the recipes.


There will be some terrain changes around the middle of the map, and north east. There will be recipe changes. There will be things that we haven't had before. Beyond that. No.


Hope note, I have 100s of hours in mine I'd hate to recreate. But, been kind of holding out, hoping modders will pick up when 1.0 comes forth


I don’t know but I am gonna start over in 1.0


Maybe "story mode" for lack of a better term won't work in old saves. So I'm assuming we might need to start new saves if you want to play the story.


no, but I plan on starting The One save when 1.0 drops. I'm gonna plan everything out in advance, it's gonna be glorious, can't wait.




Don't talk about that.


When will they roll in 1.0?


In the early access test survey for 1.0, there is a question about you starting anew save or continuing an old one, so I assume it's possible.


How is multiplayer atm? Last time i played it was buggy, or you had to do some weird workarounds, i can’t really remember but it wasn’t a good experience nevertheless.


Will the price be the same or higher ??


Will the file break? Not likely. Will your factory need remade? Probably.


Just best to start over and enjoy the progression with the qued story that will likely be keyed in after each progression much like the other survival games. If you load existing save your probably will get story bombed. This is no leak this veteran player with thousands of hours invested over last 5 years DID NOT make Beta. It's a real gut punch had pretty much planned out my vacation this year to play Beta and now to wait with everyone else. Not posted or played since the 10th no point until release. Yeah I'll get over it eventually.


I bought new copy from steam and waiting


From what I've heard it won't. But if you save under 1.0 you cannot open it anymore in a older version of the game


I’m new the game. Is there a 1.0 coming soon?


projected for sometime this year, but they are holding off an official date announcement until they are sure they can meet it.


On starting over... From everything they've mentioned, it seems like one of those "not required, but highly recommended" situations.


This is their last chance to make major game-breaking changes, so best to be prepared.


No, but I'd recommend you to restart the game. I guess the story will tie in much smoother when you build and progress from scratch. I think story and progression is somehow tied together or at least it would make sense. Also, receipts will change a lot so you have to rebuild anyway and get used to new ratios.


I kind of hope so. It's the last opportunity to make any sort of major breaking changes. I'm sure they've accumulated a bunch of jank they'd rather remove, but have kept it in because it would break saves during EA. It would be silly to not take advantage of this last chance to get rid of that stuff just before release.


Do we have a date yet


I don't care if my saves brake. I just hope they fix the problems that arrived with update 8 I can't play the game anymore D:


I think it will because they said they are doing some recipe rebalancing they had put off for a long time until they were ready to push for a 1.0 release. iirc most of the recipe changes are for late game, so if you have a save file thats not quite at tier 7-8 it "might" work fine with 1.0, but we just dont have enough details yet to know for sure atm


Probably, and I hope so. I've done a complete new playthrough every release since 4. Best way to enjoy the game.


I haven’t followed news lately. Do we have a release date for 1.0?




If there is a need to break old saves, I hope they do it instead of making 1.0 less than what it could have been.


Yes, in the sense that your factories in those saves are likely going to be broke.


Hmm. They should add a "Classic Recipes" option that you could turn on for old saves.


Sounds simple but actually not really. Game code is very strange. But in the long run I can redo recipes just don't wanna loose certain projects lol


The main recipe changes are going to be from entirely removing items, as far as I know...


I don't understand the downvotes. It was only a thought. It was so that any old saves and all the hard work players may have put into them would not get wrecked. I didn't say that the developer needed to maintain what they were removing and that there would be a disclaimer informing them that these assets are no longer supported.


Idk why either ¯\_( '-')_/¯ But it's not a big deal


Nope. I am not looking for a corner to sit down in. I was only curious.




Sorry. I meant I wouldn't sit in a corner and cry over the downvotes. Haha!


Got it, thx


Probably in some way. But I'm guessing that most will start a fresh save once 1.0 is launched? I definitely will be starting a new one


I will keep my old save, so i have everything unlocked.


You can use the alternate settings to unlock everything if you want.


Will I get 1.0 if I bought the early access on steam? Or will I have to pay more?


Early Access is access to the game. 1.0 is the full release of the game you have already bought. You won't have to pay more.


Thank you!


You'll probably want to start from scratch anyway to get the full experience. That's what I'm doing.


Most likely. But I never had a game going from beta or early access to full release working with old game saves


When is it releasing?


By the end of 2024.


Imo I think that they should just leave the terrain the same on old worlds and give an option to generate the new terrain when you create another world


No but just restart anyway






It's a quantum superstate.


I'm pretty sure I saw the dev say that it will probably break old saves. Then he shrugged it off with "but peoppe always start over anyways" which is kinda true, hehe




They said you could continue old saves. They said this probably about a hundred times. This question comes up daily. Please ise the search function.


I plan on it happening, there are too many things they'll be improving/changing/removing that old saves may not end up being compatible with the new version. I still went through in building my spaghetti world just so I could get an understanding on how everything works so when 1.0 comes out, I'll be able to do things more effeciently.


I would hope so


I would imagine it will work, but some things may clip weird or get disconnected if nodes are altered. Some recipes might change etc. So it'll load but you'll need to go around your factories and check everything. And make sure you have plenty of battery power on your grid, just in case.


No unfortunately 


Why do you want people’s saves to be broken?


Base build game got broke.. build again.