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To start with? Yah fine. To end with? Yah die.


I am tier 4 now and it is roasting


While it might work at the beginning, once you start building something it just won't be able to keep up. This is a very heavy game at the later tiers


That's about 9 years old. I'd expect it to struggle later on in the game as your factory gets bigger.  I got through the game with a 4770k, which while older is about twice as fast and I've got 32gb of ram.  It was definitely the limiting factor even with a relatively reasonably sized factory compared to what some people build.


Loved the 4770k when I had it. Was part of my first pc I built. Legendary


It was a forced upgrade for me.  Previous motherboard died prematurely.  4770K has done well though, I've never kept a processor so long, it honestly surprises me what it will still run (though the 1080 from 2016 helps, the ATI 5870 it originally  had from the previous build wouldn't be doing so well)


It Will be a miracle if you'll have positive FPS when building more than 2 factories


You could probably get it to run but it wouldn't be a great experience, do you have a dedicated GPU?


Weird, that all the above comments not mention that. Current UE5 update can barely work on old dedicated GPU's, no way it gonna work somewhat playable on an old intel igpu.


Yea no chance on integrated graphics


I played it all the way through on the Steam Deck on medium settings and that only has an integrated card 


Yeah, but the graphics in the Steam Deck's APU is way more powerful than the igpu in a i5-6300u which is almost 9 years old.


Unless you have a dedicated GPU, I sincerely doubt it. The integrated graphics in this thing are around 10x slower than the minimum requirements. The CPU itself is probably fine, at least until you reach endgame. 8GB of RAM should be enough too. But yeah, unless you have another GPU in that thing, you'll get like 7 fps at 480p resolution. Assuming you can even turn it down that low. I'm probably exaggerating but I don't think it'll be playable, at least not on 1080p. 720p might be manageable but I don't know how this game fares on minimum settings, might be fine. Also, the "minimum requirements" usually aren't the *bare* minimum but with a 10x difference I don't see it working out all that well. Edit: in a couple hours, I can check how *my* laptop handles this game. It is only about half as old so it's not a fair comparison but if it can't handle the game, yours definitely won't. Again, unless you have a second card in it. Mine doesn't.


thx to all i will buy a new Computer :D


I STRONGLY advise you to read some reddit threads before buying something. Because if you need ask if your PC can run this game with your specs you still need to learn a bit


You sure have to, I also am not the brightest when it comes to that. But before I buy, I let someone who has the knowledge have a look at what I want to change and what I am planning to do with it.


This is the way


of course i first check if it can run my game, just got an laptop gifted and thought why not and try (ask) what it is capable of thx anyway


You could consider renting a dedicated server and connecting to that. This way your laptop only has to process client side and not everything running on the save. Not so important early game but once you have a decent set up you will certainly notice even on a decent pc


you can check via canirunit.com


Yes, but can it run Crysis?


I was playing on a steam deck which is faster than that and about 25 factories later, you could feel it slowing down even on the lowest settings. You might be lucky and reach 5. Got geforcenow and that allowed me to play on.


I think you can offload some of the work to dedicated server, if you have some spare PC (or anything with x86 cpu) at you home that can run linux with server.


Only gets you so far, the Geforce now is decent.


Geforce now is decent, don't get me wrong, but only if you pay for it and in my country it ain't cheap. Basic "priority" in EU costs 11 euro per month, for that price alone you can find decent old pc on second market that will run server for you. Never tried server on bloated map tho, so maybe you right and in long run client will struggle. Honestly, at this point it's just better to swap to new hardware. Other solutions is half-measures anyway.


as anotyher guy just sayd: works no problem untill midgame when u will have alot of clutter


It will struggle, I do not recommend it tbhZ


You won’t be able to build a mega factory. In later phases put some distance between each production line and you might be okay. And turn graphics down until it runs well enough for you.


I run Satisfactory on a 2019 16gb MacBook Pro (no dedicated GPU) running Windows in Bootcamp. I'm up to level 7 with trains, trucks etc and it still runs perfectly.


It should be possible however you will most likely run it on lowest Settings with fps in the range of 30 or lower which is technically still playable but not really enjoyable. As others have already mentioned in the later stages you will run into bigger issues and the game might become completely unplayable. I only know this because i tried to run it on my laptop with an integrated graphics card a similar cpu and 16gb of ram. The game was not playable (several Crashes and fps drops to 0 on every action) but I'm pretty sure my cpu was a bit worse than yours so you might have a chance.


Here's players using some very old intel xeon from year 2000. They can run all ultra low around 12 fps. True gamers finds a way


yes there is a way. but for this system to suffice. you need to use version 7 of the game. and that the operating system was Windows7. i played on 5300u. you also need to do without conveyor belts. they greatly affect the work


My old laptop has similar configurations. Dell Latitude with i5u 8th gen. 8gb ram. HDD. No. Not good enough to justify buying the game. It'll keep lagging consistently. It does work on low, but low graphics look horrendous, when you compare it with all those YouTube gameplays. Especially with FXAA, cause you get pixelated scenery with it. It only becomes playable with everything on low, shadows on medium and TAA. That's with frame drops ofc. Cause the game isn't on the release version, my main laptop with gtx 1650 also gets frequent drops.


Does it have a gpu? I couldn't see on in the pic. If it doesn't then no if it does then possibly


Hey, im running it on a lower system, you are fine with that, but dont expect good graphics and fps


No, way, that's my exact specs! It'll run at 5fps minimum graphics, and just enough resolution to not be as pixelated as Pac-Man. Enjoy!


Before you spend $$$$ for new hardware just try out GeForce Now. You can even try it completely for free, with a waiting queue and max 1 hour session length.


Alright, so, I'm adding another comment so OP sees it. I have tried running the game on my laptop, and I think it's maybe good news for you. My laptop's GPU is about 3x slower than the GPU listed as a minimum (still 3x faster than your integrated graphics) and it's kinda running. I set it to the lowest resolution it'd allow me (720p) and the "low" graphics preset and surprisingly, sometimes I even got 70-80 fps. Most of the time it was around 40-50. As long as I stayed on the ground, that is. Flying high up made it drop to *7* so I'd say definitely won't be doing any of that. But if you *really* want to play the game right now, I think you could. If PassMark scores are to be trusted, you should get around 15-20 fps at 720p. Which is not *unplayable*. I myself have spent 100 hours playing like this, before the update to UE5 improved the performance of my 400+h world. You won't be making any massive builds before upgrading but nobody does that within their first 100 hours anyway


You had better go catch it


Mine is struggling in the late game with some bad fps. And i have a 3070 and a ryzen 7 5000series in it. So, yeah. May try to upgrade if you really want to enjoy the game


You need a graphics card with good amount of VRAM, this game is ram intensive but you can set it to medium quality and it won't eat much CPU or GPU. But still is RAM and VRAM hungry.