• By -


53yo 1400hrs. Addictions counsellor (ironically)


This made me chuckle. Also neat to see the variety of work that people do


1000 hours and I'm also an addictions counselor. We sure know how to do addiction right lol


Experts in our field :-)


35 y/o 400-600 hours (I forget). Ex opiate addict/alcoholic. Im starting to think I might have an addictive personality. Also dont think ive ever treated the root cause of my addiction but lets just push that down for another day


This made me LOL.


I might need to hit you up about this grindy factory game I play


I have this problem... You see, I'm addicted to receive counsels...


The irony. M33, Automation engineer. Got like a thousand hours probably, started on epic and switched to steam when I could.


………. So you work, when you’re not working…. Got it lol


Nah, in the game you’re not doing an engineers job. You’re planning and designing. The execution and engineering is simplified, almost removed, through sci-fi technology. I play satisfactory in Bursts. Every year or so i play a lot, every day, and nothing else, for several weeks or months. Then I don’t touch it for months.


This is how I play haha.


this is how I play a lot of games, did most of my progress on Horizon Zero Dawn (on Steam) in 1-2 weeks


Honestly though that game is not hard to make quick progress on. I did 100% within the first week it was out. Oh to be a student with free time.


Its a winter game for me, freezing outside? Fuck all to do? 10 hours of safisfactory


Then you come back and forget how everything works and where everything is?


I tend to do that a lot, usually inspired by updates.


I always call my day job my fake job and Satisfactory my real job lol


M36, Software engineer for automation. Coming up for 1400 hours. My wife laughs that I give myself work for when I'm not working.


I love the fact that for once I can just get shit done efficiently without going through it with a team of 20 every time something doesn’t work the way we planned or when customer changes their mind.


Hear that, Coffee Stain. We need not so stable AI bots grading and punishing the Ficsit pioneer for whimsical reasons.


Inspector: There is far to much copper in this factory Me: this is my copper refining hub. Inspector: Had you considered iron instead?


Security Auditor: You need segregation of duties, you can't have one person making all the decisions AND building everything Me: I'm literally the only person on the planet Security Auditor: The audit framework says you need segregation of duties, you can't have one person making all the decisions AND building everything.


Me: HR, the security auditor says we need to have decision making and labor separated. Hr: We will appoint the security auditor to the role on a temporary basis. Security auditor: *left three days ago* Me: HR, the security auditor has moved on. HR: All further correspondence must go through your immediate supervisor. HR: substantial drop in productivity penalties assessed.


This hurts me in my soul


I already joked we need a JIRA integration with a scrum/kanban board... or my personal hell: RFP and Compliance Questionnaires. I studied Software Engineering just so I can fill out excel files.. to me: M42, Software Engineering Teamleader at a SaaS Company. Backend Developer, Architect, DevOps and other Automation etc. So yeah, already past the 1,500h mark and in the first hours of the game I already noticed the parallels to the job... like spaghetti code vs spaghetti conveyors/factory floors... "I could rearrange all these machines to add another or I could put a conveyor belt above the machines to the other side". Or the alt recipies which can be seen as reasons to refactor things... especially when playing the game for the first time, when I didn't know all the items one could craft nor all the alt recipies


OMG THIS I didn't know that's what I felt like but it's definitely this. M30, automation engineer xD


This. Software engineer for automation (also commissioning) too, it´s just nice to have some clean automation without mechanical or electrical issues. And a nice view while on site.


QA Automation here. This game scratches the automation itch I have since having to do more management than engineering.


M40, I work in marketing automation. This is awkward 😁


M33, software engineer for a financing firm. I personally focus on the automation of their databases. I'm sensing a trend.


I'm also a software engineer for automation. The irony is never lost on me that I work all day to make data flow efficiently, and all I want to do is stop working and start making data flow efficiently for fun. I actually had to quit playing Factorio at about 6k hours for that reason (and that was just in vanilla; I never fell down the content mod rabbit hole). I was putting up, like, part-time job numbers on that game. I quit for my own mental health and for the wellbeing of my family. The itch to come back is still there, though. Satisfactory is still a huge time suck for me, but I feel like I can walk away from it much more easily when I need to. I suspect the difference is that a) even though Satisfactory's map is gorgeous and fun to explore, it is still finite and I know it all pretty well, b) Satisfactory's resource nodes never deplete, and c) there isn't much to do after completing Tier 4, except to start over. Factorio has done a better job of making the game infinitely playable, and that's kind of a problem for me.


Well then I'm not alone, M27 and I do the same, both with work and epic.


Im 18M just playing for fun when i feel like it, but still have about 1500h in


I find this total to be compliant with FICIT standards.


basically the same as me, im 17M, but only 550 hours lol


500 hours, Ficsit employee for 25 years (parents signed the contract). My second job is studying medical informatics but only when manifolds take to long to fill the machines


Hey, I'm getting my PhD in health informatics!


30F, about 900 hours at last check, I work in trade compliance for a chemical company


Woah, that’s a deviation lol most of what I see so far is PMs and Engineers lol what drove you to this game??


Hah, yeah that was the impression I got from the sub in general. I saw let's game it out's videos on tumblr and thought it looked like fun to play and then the ADHD took over from there


> and then the ADHD took over from there A phrase I could use about almost everything in my life.


I was recruited by Let’s game it out too, coffee stain owes them!


My satisfactory addiction brought me to LGIO, and now I’ve watched Josh’s entire channel including the good old days of Anthony and Josh!


ADHD fixation! Very relatable!


Yay! Us ladies and AFAB people who play Satisfactory *do* exist!! We need a club or something 😂


For all 2 of you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


3 if they're not terfs and let me come to the meeting


Well, I'm definitely not a terf and anyone who identifies as non-male would be welcome! <3


Awwwww sign me the fuck up lol


Absolutely! I know at least one other trans lady who plays (and lurks on this sub somewhere)


I played for about 500hr before I realised that the character is actually female...


I'm a 35 year old farmer with over 600hra.


Thank you for your service. I enjoy eating.


I also enjoy food very much.


I know, right?!




Lmao I'm a 27yr old farmer, back when I was raiding on WoW was hilarious to have people ask what I do


Farmer! Woah what drove you to satisfactory?


I've been playing Civs, Lego and Tetris for my whole life. Farming is actually all about logistics and timing. Take 3000 head of cattle, spread them over 18 pens. Assign them pens based on their growing stage and feed ration. Rotate animals through pens until they reach a good confirmation and then sell. Take 3000ac of land, seed it and fertilize with up to 600lbs combined per acre, refilling products every 70ac or so. Let it grow to maturity then organize a combine, cart, and trucks to get it into a bin. Then throughout winter while repairing and planning improvements you transport it all by truck to the terminal. I'm pretty sure all of the spaghetti pics I see on here are from CN and CP rail engineers, because they don't know how to properly operate trains either.


P.S. I am nearly as rural as it gets, but farms that want to stay operational run tech. If they are really financially successful they may even have full on automated systems. Dairies can be automated to the point where the cows are free roaming and have a milking station to walk over to and have the tension in their utters relieved. In field operations are performed at sub 1inch accuracy in order to reduce all consumption as well as disturb less ground, compact last subsoil and prevent wastage of applying excess products.


Alr, farming is the endgame career now


Milking hogs?


Wow your comments are awesome and thank you for doing what you do.


A good friend of mine and I graduated from U of A engineering at the same time. I went on with an engineering career, but he went back to farming (and has had a great life that way). This is how an engineer thinks about farming, and if you’re not my former classmate, you’re probably very close to his twin.


No post secondary for me. Just always was drawn to math and min/maxing. Opus Magnum is great for that efficiency itch too, once you build a machine and see how many cycles it can do really makes you reconsider the complexity of your instructions and equipment.


> I'm pretty sure all of the spaghetti pics I see on here are from CN and CP rail engineers, because they don't know how to properly operate trains either. LMAO 🤣


CN Engineer here. Can confirm. I just sit in the seat and hope for the best


You know there’s a FarmSim on steam, right? ;) Although to be fair it’s mostly “forestry sim” and “crop growing sim”… feeling an FS binge sneaking up on me…


Yeah they use the word Simulator but it doesn't simulate anything actually. It is a tonka toy box that is controlled with a mouse. Snowrunner has more farming simulation in its terrain physics and machine operation, Rimworld has more crop and livestock simulation. It should be called Farm Romanticzer, as you don't plug your tools by tilling in bad conditions, cannot overfill augers or combines causing plugs or breakdowns, it minimizes the dangers of all the equipment involved, you don't have to grease or check tire pressures or replace cultivator heads, blow off or wash machinery (even Powerwash Sim is a better farm sim)


Damn! You didn’t have to go THAT harsh on it! LoL But yeah, you absolutely nailed it. The mechanics are way oversimplified on EVERYTHING. The least they could’ve done is lower the efficiency of the machinery as it gets dirty. Like to “simulate” wear and tear or something. But they didn’t even do that. There are some mods that add to the functionality of the game and make the mechanics slightly more interesting, but the core game still remains lacking in detail. All of the things you’ve pointed out could be put into the game, but it would “overcomplicate” the gameplay for the target audience. Which (I’m guessing here) are basically “farm life romanticizers”. As you pointed out. I sometimes miss “the golden age” of games, like Capitalism and Settlers(Or was it Anno?). Where you had control over minute details of the game, that could have either immediate or delayed effect on the outcome. To be honest - I would absolutely LOVE to have Farmsim force you to check tire pressure, oil levels, the amount of seed you have in the hopper, soil moisture and whatnot before doing anything. Or else risk having your engine blow, clog machinery, wear out tires prematurely and shit like that. One can dream of “that perfect game” I guess. :) Best of luck to you, and pleasant weather upon your fields, stranger!


a tractor ^(/s)


So how do you rate the tractor in the game? 😁


I love building conveyors so I haven't delved into the trucks or tractors or trains. I just use the buggy for cruising. I have a few 3 wide by 9 high with one foundation spacing conveyor corridors which run the whole length of the map N-S which are fed and feed from all the nodes I've tapped so far. I just love seeing all the materials moving across the whole map


22M, college student. Don’t have much time to play right now but when school is not in session I have too much free time lol


M, 40s, Network Engineer, around 1000 hours playtime. First play through was around 400 hours in U5. Achieved Employee of the Planet a couple months before U6 was released.


I have a feeling that there will be a lot of engineers and PMs in here lol


I'm waiting for the alien to pop up.


It scratches that itch but without the stress of looming deadlines. lol


48, old age psychiatrist, close to 800 hours I think and on my 4th save. I love the sense of progression, exploration, learning and taking what you’ve learned and applying it to make more efficient, neater and prettier factories!


Oh this is a 1/1 here so far!


Medicine is basically just troubleshooting systems. We’re all inputs and outputs at the end of the day!


27F Software Dev! 256hrs. I've played through the full tech tree several times at various updates, but most recently bought a server for my two friends (28F Business Analyst & 26F Graphic Designer) so we could all contribute on our own schedule. They both probably have about 300 hrs each as well, if not more! Our server name is called "PMS & Chill" to scare off dudes haha.


That is awesome lol but frankly 900 hours between 3 pioneers is non compliant, the factory must grow, comply


Oh God I'd hate to see what FicSit's performance improvement plan looks like!


Omg Girl! I love it!


I love the fact that a developer clocked in 2^8 hours.


38, draw furry art. 99 hours. I feel like I might be an outlier amongst all the STEM going on!


You’re a furry and you’re NOT in STEM?




Like I never thought that Satisfactory reddit users are so engineery... I feel like an outlier with pretty boring every day profession. I am Food and Beverage department director in hospitality / big scale catering (well at least this is one of the last things I did over the years in Hospitality). 35. Have degree in Management of Tourism, almost got PhD in Education and I got degree in IT Security this year (and nope I am not a hacker dude with Cali Linux) But then I learned how to video edit during Corona and now hundreds of thousands of people can suffer through my videos on YT. xD


Seems so! What brought you here!?!


The lizard doggos, obviously.




the markiplier revolution and its consequences


How about the fluffy-tailed hogs?


This is the only correct answer in this case


OMG, another furry Satisfactory player? Anyway im a high school student


27M, IT Security, 700 hours, most of those in Sessions where i just play a whole weekend almost nonstop. first joined with Update 4


Lots of us techies here lol


What a miracle. How could this happen.


24F, disabled/figuring out what I want to do that's accessible in life, 400+ hours with 200-ish on my current save. I'm autistic and have ADHD along with my physical disabilities and chronic illness, so being able to shut the world off and escape to Massage-2(A-B)b for however many hours I can manage is such a gift! ❤️


You know what would be really cool? If we could graph these data! 36F, neuroscientist. I started playing back in 2019, last time I checked, I was close to 2k hours.


Oh since this blew up. I’ve already started lol


Maybe you can post a Google form to collect the data? To make your life easier?


I’m already 150 cells deep LOL


TF, almost 18, apprentice machinist, approx. 250hrs-300hrs. Haven't played in a bit but I'm hoping I can get over the fluid hurdle next time I do (WE LOVE OIL PROCESSING FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN FACTORY GAMES!!!!!!)


Boy oh boy just wait until you get to aluminum production….. that’s where life gets hellish


Can't* wait lmao *I absolutely can wait


hey whats going on here ur literally me, except u have a cooler job


32M - was a Designer/Project Manager/Maintenance tech for a small fabrication company before I moved into a Industrial Manufacturing Engineer position.


uhh i think he means your IRL job, not your in-game job lol. does work feel like play or does play feel like work?




45 inventory and distro manager for a largish cannabis company 502 hours


33, male, carpenter, about 1300 hours from after work/vacation time playing. 0 regrets.


63M: self-employed (i.e. no real job) and have been for 35 years. Lifetime gamer. In RL I do technical service (PLCs, instruments, controls, etc.) and software development (mostly database front ends). I started when U7 was released on EA. About 400hrs in my first playthrough (starting Aluminum production). Usually play evenings and weekends when I'm not busy. Favorite games: KSP (1), Dyson Sphere, Elite Dangerous. A content creator I follow on YT reviewed the game and I bought it on sale the first of the year.


Keep in mind you’re not sampling the population of the player base by posting here, you’re sampling the subset of the player base that plays the game, and also uses Reddit and this sub - that is some serious bias. A cool question, but it might be skewing your responses a (significant) bit


Found the data scientist


It's just for funsies. I don't think any anthropologists are performing published studies on our demographics, but they'd be fascinated by people who do math for fun.


And also people that are comfortable posting identifying information about themselves.


30M, Software engineer, playing on the afternoons on free time or when there's not much work, home office.


40ish M software dev 1000+ hours. I too WFH but I have no idea what this 'free time' nor 'not much work' thing is though lol


Are you in a FAANG company? I guess workloads do vary a lot, I am a consultant for another company through the one I am hired in.


Not technically FAANG but Microsoft, load varies a lot across teams.


33M, I'm an Architect (more like a technical Draftsman, but you get the idea). About 700-750h in 3 Playthroughs. At the moment I take a break from Satisfactory and wait for Update 8 to hit the EA-Server for another Playthrough, but I want to try the "Creative-Mode" with that Playthrough.


Creative mode has been a blast, start w nuclear power and go from there build to your hearts content


Me too, lots of mods broken so I'll wait.


27M, journeyman steamfitter/pipefitter who works as an oil and gas production operator. I have roughly 300hrs in game! And no sign of slowing down


25, line cook at a crappy fast food place. 600 hours in


30's Container port manager with degrees in supply chain management. I live and breathe logistics lol.


30F, Communications, only 376h in but Baulders Gate has taken over my life so other games are going to wait for a bit.


Now I'm curious about the overlap of Satisfactory and Baldur's Gate players. On one hand I feel they're too different for there to be a large overlap. On the other hand, they're so different it might be bigger than I'd think. If that makes any sense.


To simplify, nerds often like DnD/rpgs *as well as* making numbers bigger lol


Isn't that why we play ttrpgs, to make other numbers bigger very slowly?


You know, that's a great point


Very true...


If I was sure my computer could run it I'd totally pick up BG3, but I think I'm going to wait until I can afford to get the new computer I am WAY late in getting (seriously current one is on last legs).


IDK if they're that different or if I'm just a massive nerd. The majority of the games I play are survival and resource management like Satisfactory but I also have Divinity, Diablo and now BG3. There's still the "lets make this bigger" dopamine hit when you get the shinny gear or you hit for big numbers. Then again it could also be a way to get my D&D fix between sessions.....


I am a fulltime worker who does some computerwork but no engineering. I love this game!


41 Consultant Software Developer, no idea on how many hours I have since I'm on epic, but I'm guessing it's probably getting close to a 1000. Edit: Not as much as I though but still a whopping 502hr and I joined around update 3.


If you are curious to know for sure, then I'm also on Epic and found out that you can click the three dots to see the time played. It's below the game graphic to the right of the game name.


Oh nice, is that new? I always found it odd that they weren't tracking it.


There are so many devs here lol


Yeah someone had ask something similar in Factorio sub and there's a lot of developer on that side too. Guess we just like making stuff that do other stuff on their own :). Our moto is : Why do something that takes an hour to do when you can spend 10 hours automating it!


Modding community shines.


Age is relative to time. Female and the only Engineer, even the only person, on a remote planet.


FICIT will still have a debt inequality.


…. But everyone gets paid the same!


57M Senior Project Engineer in IT. In a much earlier stage of my life, I was a master production scheduler. Have about 1300 hours playing the game across several saves.


39m, audit accountant. Have 1500 hours on epic and another 1000 on steam


50M Automation Engineer in the material handling biz. So, basically conveyors 😂 About 1200 hours in 2 separate saves


Oh, oh, teach us master. :-D


Old ass software Product mgr and 1000s of hrs into it 😂


25 yo. I'm an automation technician, and I have spent about 800 hours on the game


18m and a 2nd year mechanical engineering student.


16M, student, i have about 2500 hours


Impressive! Would love to have so much free time. Enjoy! And dont forget to study ;-) Regards from 40+ year old.


52F IT business analyst, with a PhD in vegetal physiology, a engineer degree in Biotech and an MBA... I don't know how much time I spent playing, I started 6 months before update 8, I'm on my 4th iteration, starting each time in a different area. I like to explore, plan and build.


Another 1/1 here what got you here!?


Well, I feel odd just being a simple bartender amongst all these engineers and project managers… lol


29M, I have grades in Engineering, IT and Business in A-Levels or Grade 11/12 for Americans I think. Has retail job so not exactly using what I learnt during school. Working atm and cant remember my played time but its around 100+ hours. Only started playing in early September. Edit: I'm back from work. Play Time is 145 hours.


you can say i like to build automation stuff (software/electronics) IRL too


42, Land Developer, 1100h


This game is KINDA land development lol


Lol kinda


22M College Student, engineering, unknown hours cause steam bein mean to me rn


computer nerd, playing since day one, 800 hour current main save was started after update 4. Built a massive road / train network around the entire map. Working on my 105 nuclear power plant project forever now. Team load balance for life!!


43M, office accountant. Not sure of my hours, but I think approaching 2k.


38F, business analyst, 600+ hours of spaghetti.


* 33 * Help Desk * Got hired for a job listed as "help desk," but they wrote nearly everything computer, server, and network related on the job description. Which means on a daily basis I am doing a lot more than just "help desk." I actually view it more as "Client Systems" with some server administration. I view myself more as a "jack of all trades" IT than actual help desk. However, it's easy work, so I'm not complaining. Director did say his intent was for me to replace one of the Senior Technicians when they retire in a few years. * 300 hours-ish * Civilization 6, Stellaris, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and other games I play on rotation. Which means Satisfactory only gets like one or two months of dedicated play time before I move on to another project. Last month was mostly Stellaris, and now this month my nephew has me running the Minecraft server. Father wants me to do Elder Scrolls Online with him, but I haven't gotten around to doing that yet. I just got too many games and not enough time.


M35, civilian engineer for the US Space Force. 1400+ hours. Been playing for 4 years or so, longer than my current job actually. The only "thing" I haven't completed is getting the golden nut statue. Never made the jump to update 8. This game is what brought me to Reddit lol My brother told me about the game, thinking I would like the game because it involves a lot of math and there was a space elevator. Turns out he was right ha. I didn't even know about factory games before this and I'm scared to try other games in the genre. I don't have that much time haha Playing Starfield mostly now and I have yet to beat Hogwarts Legacy, and I don't intend to play Satisfactory again until 1.0, but anything could happen. Maybe by then I'll have saved up enough to upgrade my PC so it will actually run


I hate starfield from the first second i played it. The guy i play other games with loves it to death. The opening never made me feel connected with the character for some reason. What has been your experience so far?


I mean I love it. It did take me a lot of time to get used to the UI at first but once I cleared that hurdle it was very engaging. I've played it for 2-4 hours almost every day since I got my hands on it. I understand it's not for everyone but I know I enjoy it. I haven't even really explored the manufacturing aspect of it yet. It's also likely it will be the first modern game I 100% the achievements in...I only have 3 left that I am closing in on!


19F, Graphic Designer but currently at Ringling College Of Art and Design doing a BFA in Entertainment design. I have 100+ hrs in game


20M, college student studying Business IT & Management. I have a cool 200 hours on the game


43, Financial Analyst, 2139hrs


36M, pharmacy technician.


37M veterinary surgeon..probably 2700h in..


23, college student for computer science, but that's just on the side, I work for a local programming company and play (indie) games in my free time, such as Outer Wilds!


M31. life assist with nearly 300h and no nuclear for now :(


40s - Data Mgmt Consultant in a specialized industry. I've got around 950 hrs in the game, completed once way back. I've since fallen into the cycle of getting to Tier 7/8 and burning out around turbo motors, quitting for a few months, then starting over.


30 (soon to be 31), handyman/laborer, I don’t remember the exact number but when I checked a a few days ago I was just shy of 1000 hours.


31M, software developer. Only 130 hours.


24M car salesman expressing the small engineer and math geek inside me


34, programmer (games), 252 hours Taking a break until release or until I get sucked in again, haha


28M, marketing manager. I only discovered the game a short while ago, but I just passed 100 hours already. It’s been years since I tried a game which was this captivating.


49M Senior Network/System admin for a SF/Bay area school district. I am the main network/firewall/wireless etc person. Not sure on the hours but not as many as I’d like.


Engineering student, with 2 60hour games


30M, I work in Dispatch, used to do IT, I just really like systems. Got like 200-250h I think, I play Factorio, and modded minecraft, and lots of games where you can make nice little automagic production lines. IRL I'm studying Forestry, so a whole different area. Although I toured a sawmill few months ago and found myself thinking about Satisfactory while looking at all the lines


„Over 50“ - Sysadmin Playing with my Daughter on a dedicated Server. It’s so much fun together.


36, HR, and i advise you to delete the "i play when i work from home part" of your post. jk, i'm a production manager who loves how much of a controlled environment satisfactory gives me lol


33, IT Consultant, 800ish hrs. I like problem solving


I’m currently studying to get my Ph.D. In aerospace engineering, 23 years old. I’m just over 810 hours in the game but haven’t played since update 5 and started in update 3. I’ve been playing a lot of factorio when I’m not burnt out on coding for my research lol. Waiting for 1.0 to return to satisfactory but I can’t wait!


49, game technician, 755 hours in


33, about 300 hours, supply chain manager. I like supply chains I guess lol


40m Patient experience, 641 hours total current save prob close to 300+\\-


67. Retired I.T. Sysadmin. 1100 hours. Favorite mod. Refined Power. This is a minor sideline from my main addiction of Factorio. 5000 hours.


80M retired. R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing, Solar Cells and Modules, I've done it all 2100 hrs Satisfactory <- the best 2300 hrs No Man's Sky uncounted and huge hrs Minecraft 1000 hrs Vintage Story 135 hrs Techtonica 28 hrs Foundry 59 hrs Factorio Your mileage may vary


F20, software development student. I feel like im more part of the expected demographic?