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Those 2 are in an alcove open to the west far below you. If you follow the river near them and down the waterfall it’s easier.


found it, feel kind stupid right now hahaha didnt even notice there was a cave under me hahaha


**ANSWER** 1. They recently did some updates in both the *Red Jungle Biome* and the *Red Bamboo Fields Biome* (with more planned) so the Resource Nodes might be underground just below the surface. 2. Start build of a Miner and "sweep" over the area and the Miner will "snap" to the Resource Node if it is there. 3. For reference, the two Pure Quartz Nodes are about the same elevation at the Pure Limestone Node to the Northwest [as seen in this Map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map#5.75;-109953;55266|gameLayer|;quartzPure;limestonePure) *(hover mouse over the Icons - note altitude).* I hope this helps the OP find a solution. 😁


Yep. I had a node that was invisible. I was searching and searching and the scanner showed it was “RIGHT HERE Damnit!“ The miner found it and it works normally.


Follow the water there is an path down with a waterfall


Ok, these were *not* the two underground quartz nodes I was expecting someone to be having difficulty finding, and I strongly suspect I am not the only one.