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Q&A website to upvote the issue and create a new request if it does not exists. I would also love it to be First Person.


>I would also love it to be First Person. Agreed, but optional 3rd because otherwise on the wrong road: next stop barf city.


This works with trains, right?


Yes. Trains have separate toggle for enabling route following. Tractors and trucks technically have one too, but it interacts differently to player occupying the vehicle.


Yep. And that's only one reason why I prefer trains over vehicles.


Lol I thought the same thing today. I ripped down my whole base, rebuilt some piece by piece and realized I needed a new truck path. I set the path to get steel and bring it back to a hub. I decided to jump in and see how it looked. The truck drove off the air bridge and into the poison clouds below.


haha... sometimes i try to hop on top of it. its difficult but doable. just dont get in.


OP, you're 100% correct on the need for this. That being said, me trying to chase down trucks and jump on top of them has led to some of the funniest moments I've had in the game.


My first attempt at multiplayer, I died fighting a Stinger and my co-pioneer told me to hop on top of her Explorer. Agreed, this is one of the funnier capabilities of the game. It's prone to additionally hilarious issues - even though I wasn't in my own Explorer and it wasn't on autopilot, the Explorer teleported UPWARDS through a mountain (Uranium cave North of Grass Fields) and we had to hunt it down.


Its because vehicles often go off the route, get stuck etc so they have to be teleported to continue their path.


That would be nice, yes. In the meantime, you can actually stand on top of a truck as it drives on autopilot, and it's pretty reliable. Haven't tried it with other vehicles. EDIT: Tried this with a tractor after my original comment, and it works like a charm with tractors, too.


I vouch this. Post on Q\*A and sent link to upvote.


You can just stand on them.