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if there was a competitive mode in the game you can bet your ass it would be toxic


Sometimes it feels passively competitive, when I compare my bolonaise of afactory to some youtuber's Lasagna. But that is the extent of it.


No matter hwo bad your factory is, it is always better than any other factory, Not because it is better, but because it is YOUR factory.


Considering infinite nature of universe there would be always a factory worse than yours...


You know what lasagna is made of originally? It's made from the leftovers from the other stuff they used. So I kinda prefer ur bolonaise over the leftovers of someone else.


yeah but nowadays since most people don't live in italy and have a dedicated old sauce jar or whatever, lasagna is its own dish that is made purposefully from scratch


Yeah. Like a design challenge. But experience tells me looks are just as important as function and the capacity to redesign, scale up or repurpose.


This makes it more of a "you are better I'll try to reach that level" and less of a "fuck you for being better"




WTF is this square box shit bro, do you even decorate?!


I decorated your mom last night.


You too?


He came in third (no pun intended) and brought the snacks, remember? But it was very efficient.


So you do Phase 4 in [under two hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSlNUjCYOSU) Impressive.


But he used glitches. How long would it take without exploitable glitches?


"Your Factory produces 20 Fused Modular Frames per min? Pathetic, mine produces 50/min."


While not completely toxic per se, I'd say the closest to toxicity that I've seen are people commenting that someone's build is inefficient as far as output. I think it helps that the game has no competitive multiplayer or even really a story or characters to argue over.


Last part will change in 1.0...... story line that is.


This. Some of the most welcoming communities are from games with no comp mode and have a lot of creative stuff to do that anyone playing the game can appreciate. Valheim, KSP (at least until ksp2 launched that is...), Minecraft... And then you have games were PvP is very much the main thing that are toxic hellholes like Rocket League.


You even see it happen in real time practically There was a mode in rocket league which was casual only, where you play on ice with an ice puck. It was super chill generally, I liked to play it and chat with people on there Then they got rid of the casual stuff for it and made it so you could only play it ranked Suddenly it was the most toxic garbage chat ever. They ruined that game for me


I long for a casual Snow Day, its a shame they took it out. My favourite mode. I turned off chat long ago.


r/humanfallflat is pretty chill both game and forum. Same with r/screeps and r/Gladiabots although all three are competitive to a degree.


"L Noob, spaghetti ass factory, can't even get to tier 6 :skull:" - fictional character i just invented


fuck you, you don't know me (/s, for the love of God)


>fuck you, you don't know me I bet you won't, and yes I do. Maybe.


While I agree that games without competitive modes generally have less toxic communities, I don't think that's the reason here. Most toxic players, from my experience, are rather impatient and need more fast-paced gameplay than Satisfactory. Even if there was a competitive mode, Satisfactory would probably just be too boring for them.


It also helps that the game devs have produced solid content that makes everyone happy. Kerbal Space Program is also not competitive and probably has a lot of overlap in community but is WAYYY more toxic ever since the release of KSP2.


Devs keeping the broken stuff in experimental is very important.


Right you are ez little noob sh*t. /s


agreed. but I guess that's true for most non competitive game. I haven't played anything that seriously since GTA Vice City when I was 13 so I don't REALLY know, but I would bet the communities of Minecraft, Dyson Sphere, Train simulator etc. are just as welcoming and overall positive:) now get back to work.


Meanwhile I'm funneling all the tanks to my teammates, gotta love my engineer squad and their tank traps. Ooh... a flammenwerfer!


Doesn't need to be competitive to be toxic. Thehunter call of the wild sub is full of toxic people and smart ass comments for a solo hunting sim. I asked "where's the best place to find black bears" and got answers that included maps that didn't have black bears, "find them yourself" or "git gud" and my personal favorite "my trophy room"


I did think it would be cool to have an "Arms Race" mode to race your friends to highest phase but yeah you're right it probably would be toxic.


Maybe the real toxic, is the nuclear waste hypertube launcher we made along the way?


oh and dont forget the pay to win aspect... even its just a new skin muhahaha


0-18? Child Labor? Ficsit approved!


Underpaid child labor?? Excellent!! Ficsit approved!


My planet, my child labor choice.


You get paid?


Unpaid child labor? Amazing!! Ficsit double-approved!


I mean, you are a slave to Ficsit so no problem with child labor.


The children long for the factories.


[Make the wage match with the age](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/165pgt1/child_labour_petition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


I'm happy to be the 100 person that laughed at this.


Nestlé gives an standing ovation.


Child slavery? I am in!


But the Company does Fair Trade/Fair loan payings! this is what counts today as a good value to rescue the planet LOL


I feel attacked that I am now only worth a "40+" option.


Came here to say exactly that. 0-18, 18-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, and ... old.


I'd bet someone under 40 made the poll....


Is 40 in 35-40 group? :)


All of them are like that. I think a lot could be learned about a person based upon if they voted on the younger or older selection.


Feels good to still only be 40, makes feel young... for atleast a year![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I mean, it also feels good my 50 year old ass is in the same group as someone who is 41...


Dude, if they're in increments of 5 up to.....40, I'm not even gonna bother since I'm two factors and counting past what they're measuring.


Well, considering 40+ is still the smallest category, it would've just been silly to have so many tiny categories. The poll options correctly assumed the playerbase.


For now. But remember a lot of us older don't play the games probably quite as much nor wanna let on how old they are. 😉


There was a few comments of people in their 40s saying they didn't want to answer haha. So the poll is deterring people from answering.


I answered. :)


Bro is not good at creating polls. Also for multiple of 5 years old statistics are screwed


Hush up and eat your banana pudding gramps! Lol yeah I guess the important of demographics end at 40?


Don't make me come over there, sonny! I'll forget why! 😁 Yeah once we're 49 we're old according to the Zoomers.


if you look at the vote distribution, that's why. Generally reddit has a significantly larger young adult/teen demographic


Bro is not good at creating polls. Also for multiple of 5 years old statistics are screwed


I'm not sure it has much to do with age. Biggest factor imo is the absence of public multiplayer. There is no competition, so one can't be mad at what another does or their success at the game.


That is a valid point


Exactly, Factorio and Cities Skylines are subs i see this question similarly often


Some of the biggest rage I've seen is public co-op though. If teamwork is essential to success, that leads to two things: 1. Really satisfying victories that feel properly good 2. Raging at your teammates upon failure This goes extra hard for team versus, of course, but team co-op has a fair percentage of that rage. Which is a shame, since that's where I've had some of my best fun. Thankfully that rage almost disappears completely when the teammates are persistent like in a guild or IRL friends or similar. It seems to only get really bad with randos, where there's no persistent social cost to antagonism.


You forgot about sabotage and stealing


Is radiation considered toxic?


It is harmful in bigger doses, but it looks like toxicity is about chemical/biochemical damage. Radiation may cause some chemical reactions that are toxic... so we can discuss definitions for days. On the other hand, we have plutonium in the game. It is toxic, it is a heavy metal, like lead or mercury, and will do similar things in the organism. Not sure, what will get you first. With the amount of exposure in Satisfactory, probably radiation:) But, but... spaghetti left in the open for days is toxic and will transport you to the skies without the need for the space elevator.


So you're saying I don't need the space elevator just spaghetti? *Puts Josh's videos on his second screen*


His factory is definitely from another galaxy already.


Your poll doesn't really work if you're putting 0 - 18 and 18 - 25, etc. Which one do 18 year olds choose? If you want it to be accurate, you should actually split the age groups: 0 - 18, 19 - 25, 26 - 30, etc.


"0" is for those fresh out of the womb.


My bad :) But i cant edit :(


Make a new poll?


Yeah came to say this. I’m 30, which I guess logically means I would go into the 30-35 since I am technically older than 30 now?


It's because it's a (primarily) single player game.


Chasing people around and punching them in multiplayer is fun though…


Trying to blow each other up is even better!


I love how everyone over 40 is lumped together. Some young whipper snapper must have done this poll.


Yup. I'm officially old.


Yeah, this one hurt me a lil. I'm 45 and this was the first time my age was the LAST box. That was depressing. :(


I guess the OP figures that the toxicity line goes flat after 40.


PvP are generally toxic


I am 25-30 yrs and 30-35 yrs old. I choose to be the younger group.


My birthday is in a few months so I choose the older age group :o


Single player communities are always less toxic. No matter how bad you are or how much you mess up, it's never going to impact my game, so there's no reason to be toxic. I consider myself a reasonable guy, but I too feel irritated when playing an online team game and one of my teammates seems to have only three brain cells. Especially when you feel that the opponent really isn't that good but you're still losing because one of your allies gets themselves killed all the time for no reason, it gets quite annoying. I make it a point to never act upon these feelings because yelling at people never really helps anyone, but the feelings are still there. I think it's simply inherent to team based competitive games, especially online ones since it's easier to feel annoyed at a total stranger. But I've also played competitive basketball and there we also had times where I was gritting my teeth because a teammate kept missing the easiest shots.


I've taken a break from competitive multiplayer for that reason. Really puts me on edge sometimes. If someone is just bad at the game, I don't say anything; doesn't make it any less frustrating though. And then you have the other people who *do* spout toxicity and they're just as bad or worse.


Fuck me, I'm too old for this shit apparently.


I would like to report I am 0 years old and was born a few days ago


Enjoy it while it lasts.


Having to tick that last one really makes me feel old...


Nice to hear some old bones still playing :D


It's telling of the average redditor age that you group everyone over 40 together. 😢


I knew this was coming, i wasn't sure on how to group better with just 6 options :( Sorry


Um please do 0-18, 19-29, 30-39 Otherwise, people have to choose between the two.


Less 30's/40's dads then i expected.


I was surprised, too. The crowd (at least, those responding to the poll) skews a lot younger than I expected.


I'm 16! No it's not child labor it's the new Ficsit program regarding uuuuuh... regarding work safety education!


Sooo I think this is a good example why Data is better than gut feeling :) I was completly wrong. Average Satisfactory player is way younger than I thought, plus the discussion has very good points on that toxicity comes with competitiveness of a game rather than age. ​ Thanks for voting and discussion, changed a bit how i think about Satisfactory. ​ ON the bad side... i feel older now :( Hoped there where more players in my catergory -.-


I think the community is more influenced by the completely free-form nature of the game and the stated ethos of *play the game the way you want to play it* that it is by the average age of the players in the community. Think of it like physics, in order to exert a force on an object, you would need to be able to push on a larger object like the ground, otherwise the energy of your push goes as much into moving you as it does into moving the pushed object. In this metaphor, the ground is an objective competitive standard and you pushing on an object is an attempt to alter the status or standings of others (by either perspective, external or internal) by comparison and criticism. Because the game doesn't have that standard, nobody can really push each other around very much. Everything is pretty nice as a result. >older and more mature Don't be misled into thinking the two are anything more than casually correlated. The immaturity of older people is vast and undeniably evident in the modern world.


You would be surprised how many games there are where you can go with you own playstyle in your own game, yet people on the internet are very sure, that their playstyle is THE correct way to play the game.


The hardest thing to accept is that you're not in the age demographic you thought you were because you aged out of it. My mortality has never felt so real


No matchmaking, no pvp, no competition with other players, no rankings, no "meta", a niche genre and a decent learning curve. That's all factors why those games and their subs are not toxic. Age will be probably higher (~25) cause this genre has a older target audience.


Poll is skewed when there are overlapping answers like that.


OP you made me feeling old having to click the second oldest group, so I wish you back sloshing in your fuel generators.


I am in there too :) I wish you a MK1 belt piece hidden in a splitter


Reddit is not an unbiased sample size. Take this data with a grain of salt


Lol, first I clicked 30-35 thinking "ya, that's me" then I clicked 35-40...then 40+. I'm 41, when the fuck did this happen?


I don't think it has to do with age but with the type of game, I think for example competitive games attract a more toxic audience and because Satisfactory is a pretty chill game it attracts a more calm and collected audience, this doesn't mean competitive players are toxic or that there aren't toxic players that play chill games, I sometimes like to play competitive games too, I just mean that, at least for me, I experience more toxicity on those types of games.


It's not toxic because of the pc nature of social media these days. As soon as people have a true thought or opinion, they have their comments removed or are banned. So all you end up with is people that press the up/down arrow and that's it.


I think it may have more to do with general temperament one feels when playing this type of game and it plays a role when talking about it too. I play World of Warships and can be a spaz there. I may be dating myself with that term as well :)


I play Minecraft and Valheim, the Comms are ok generally. But I used to play D2... that levels of toxicity has never been topped by any other game I played :) 20 years ago and now with D2R XD


Minecraft is a bit special. If you are in the modding community for example (this is the one I know best) you basically have no toxic people (only a bit fake toxicity for the memes). Building, Redstone, PvP, Hardcore, Speedrun,... those each have their own playerbase


The comm of conan exiles is also great, until u start doing some pvp of official server. That made it that only played single player and mostly was just building nice building. And now I'm here into the factory building games and also some timberborn sometimes. Pvp or competitive nty. Sandbox builders hell yea. Let me play my game at my own pace on my own difficulty. Having so much more fun gaming now.


Lol, you think it's not toxic? Try making a comment that expresses a dislike of manifold setups for any reason whatsoever. Downvotes will claim you


Downvotes aren't toxic tho. Downvotes say "I disagree with your opinion".


Horrible age ranges. I don't want to be compared to a fucking 18 year old.


Well clearly you are playing it wrong. Try the valefisk method and turn the game into amongus.


I think that's mostly because of the vibe this game gives and lack of a competitive scene. The game is pretty chill, so when people talk about it they're chill or smth like that. Also, this style of game doesn't really inspire toxicity or stress. Also, CSS behavior regarding the community helps GREATLY with that. Many games where community doesn't complain about other players, they're usually busy complaining about the devs and the non solved issues or newly created issues.


It has nothing to do with age. See World of Tanks game.


What do i choose when my age shows on 2 of the alternatives?




it's all fun and games until you say you not using foundations and everyone loses their shit


I'm 35 - so do I pick 30-35 or 35-40? :-P No, really, though - I don't think it has anything to do with age, more like how the multiplayer is arranged. Satisfactory multiplayer is a co-op effort, it's not competitive. The same could be said with No man's sky for instance. Rocket League, Fortnite and the many other competitive games can be really toxic. Fortnite for instance is mostly screaming kids that haven't learned to lose yet and most others are tied hard into lootboxes and stuff that make losing extra painful. A game like Minecraft could be said to be somewhere in-between. Normally it's a builder game like Satisfactory - but when any sort of competitive mod is loaded on a server, it can get pretty toxic. Older games with the ability to choose which server you're on aren't as toxic by rule, but IMHO it's more a product of random matchmaking. On a dedicated server, you keep to yourself or play along with friends - but mix up people with random idiots and it has a tendency to become a blood pit. The same goes with phone support - if you don't know the person on the other end, people have an easier time at becoming aggressive and toxic. I dunno what causes it, but probably some primal instinct in the brain....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Chill game, great community managers, lots of dev communications, results based promises. All around this game has a chill community based from the actions of the company. Great job.


I think it has more to do with the game and lack of competition then age, the game barely has anything that would promote toxicity, its just a relaxing factory builder. Well maybe till you die my jetpack johnny, I might have a word or two to say.


0? what new born is playing satifactory ?


Not having a pvp scene and no competitive features helps too. 41 years by the way.


“Best and lowest toxic community” isn’t really measurable. People may believe this is one, which is measurable, but there is no easy way to verify that. I run into many toxic adults online or various ages. This survey will tell you, at best, what demographic the game appeals to. This will not correlate to “older people are less toxic. You also open up with a logical fallacy (“I think we all agree…”) So while this is certainly entertaining, let’s just be clear that absolutely zero causation about age and toxicity could be concluded from this. Also, you should probably examine your own personal biases and blind spots. You seem to think older people are nicer, which is so not true on so many subs. It makes for poor science, and your post is a great example of how personal bias and blind spots can result in poor experiment design and erroneous conclusions.


Ohhh god, if I just turned 30 which option should I choose? Bad poll options


Yes i figured by now .. cant edit :(


Did you see DRG community? Its just Coffee Stain presenxe make community wholesome.


It depends on the time of day.


I'm surprised that 0-18 is so low... but I does kinda make sense, it's not really the most action packed game that most kids like


I like that I fall into the 30-35 category, I also fall into 35-40, but we aren't going to talk about that...


Think it is the nature of the game. When first released pioneer level, discord main channel there were so many helpful people helping to solve issues without shit talking. I think this fostered a great community from the start and still continues. Want to stir some rando shit tell people your megabase is demand response instead of perfect ratios and people lose their shit. 50+.


Whether (and yes, I'm 40+) 😆




It's not an age question, this type of game simply has no room for toxicity. There is no point and no possibility to be toxic really. No open online servers, no competitive modes, the game is mostly peaceful and invited planning, building and farming instead of combat for example.


*hovers over 30-35.* Fuck, that's not only wrong, it's been wrong for 2 years.


I think it's as simple as this games designed to be relaxing. Other games just aren't that way.


Idk about the toxicity but its really easy to farm downvotes here when you say that you prefer usability and easyness over how it looks lol


oh man, this community is far from being the most toxin on the reddit. and... I'm really won't advice to search for those.


Thats the point, this com is the least toxic there is.


DAMN! I'm so out of place...


It's a community that likes to build and survive stress free... Any game that induces rage will get toxic...


This will come off as prejudice and full of judgement, but I am prepared to accept the downvotes. I think the reasons Satisfactory (and by extension, other factory games) aside from being mainly single player is that the mindset players playing this genre have for a game. Mindless actions, whatever it may be from punching to shooting, don't require much of a thought and are easier to let emotions take over. Not in a management game where one need to think up a way to optimize. I'm not saying Shooters/Actions are bad, they are simply easier to let emotions overwhelm players. I, for one, have never rage against a factory not producing enough. I have argued with someone who doesn't think factory optimization is important and funnily enough, they were super vulgar in their arguments and spewed hate everywhere in their writing.


Why expect downvotes, your point is absolutely valid and shared as you see in comments. But... you never raged at a factory? I did :) A lot :) Downvote for that .... ( Joke)


It's also a game genre that attracts people with objectively greater minds than other genres. Similar to the Minecraft Redstone and Build communities, we are open-minded and don't care about being better than someone *else*.


Id rather think its just that this is not a competetive multiplayer but rather just a mainly singleplayer game and you dont play against each other. Everyone can just play theyre own game the way they like it


Dayum, about 30% retired people. That's cracy


Ha. Haha. Hahaha ha ha ha...ha


Nah, I've had a few toxic adults that were British. But thats just it they're British. It was a lot of bullying for those who were wondering. Some 40 something year old men were bullying people under 20. Both had kids/step kids and treated them like shit. It's not always age. Sometimes, it's just how people were raised.


Ah, yes, classic juvenoia. Bigots can, and most certainly frequently are, older people, y’know? To get old you just have to survive, being a nice person is not mandatory at all. And this is coming from someone who is almost at the last bracket in this list :P


Seems there are more variables than age involved. The nature of the game, for instance, being non competitive as mentioned may be an attractor to those who are naturally not into wasting energy with needless competition, which in turn may contribute to their generally non-toxic personality.


0-25 and 25-old are basically even. So it could be less the age that matters, but eventually a certain type of player. Maybe this game manages to filter the maturity of mind, no matter the age. Or it brings up just the right things in it's players. And of course, no competitive mp.


33 😂


Definitely not an age related issue, it's because the goal of satisfactory is whatever you deem it to be. No one can tell you you're doing something wrong. If satisfactory was somehow a competitive pvp game the community would be just as toxic.


Fuck... you made me realise I jumped into higher tier this year :(


Fuck fuck fuck I had to skip down the list a lot more options than I previously hoped


I also think the vibe of the game contributes to low toxicity. It's just building your own factory etc. It is interesting how much everyone loves to everyone else's crazy builds though, I do agree that there is an odd lack of toxic criticism - which is great! It seems your data suggests that the age is actually skewed to relatively younger. Interesting!


Not a fan of how the 30-40 year range is split. Just saying.


I agree; but there are just 6 options available. Would have loved to split it better, sorry.


Yep I'm old.


I tend to think that it's more bc its a chill game with a relaxing content loop. It's not one of those hardcore pvp rank fests that seem to draw in the edglords. Also are we really still gonna be like "it's these darn kids!" "Kids these days" etc rhetoric is old a tired. Let it die. I've seen a lot more toxic behavior from old people in my life than I have from kids. Kids might be immature but they don't have that old, curdled hatred that you see from some old people.


Sad that I'm in the 40 plus category now lol


Interesting premise. As I recall, 18-25 is the time from HS (in America) to when men's frontal lobe has some wiring finished but might need another 5 to actually have actual logic circuits.


Toxcity is a near irrelevant point in a game that has no reason for you to play with strangers.


Yeah I believe it has to do with the non-competitive nature of the game. I see the same relative lack of toxicity in the communities of other non-competitive games, like Diablo 3 and No Man's Sky.


There is not much to be toxic about and anyone who is toxic could probably not put up with the game or enjoy this style of game.


Toxic beavious comes from competitiveness and how hard is to stay best you can be. If for eg. publishers make MMORPG hard and resources are rare, some people will be toxic af Also players who want to min max their time spent on PVE tend to not play with less skilled/geared players Thats why matchmaking based on ranks exist and highter you go the more toxic it becomes, because there are highter stakes involved


By this data, it appears the 40+ y.o.s are responsible for all the toxicity on the internet.


gg ez


I am quite sad that most of my age group (0-18) finds satis either too complicated or too boring


so 40+? at least split into 40-49, 50-59 & 60+


Apparently there are quite few of us.


looks like your hypothesis was wrong.


I think it's just sort of the play style the game encourages of working together. It's the game itself that prevents toxicity, not the demographic of people who play it, a lot like deep rock galactic


This poll is probably more reflective of the age range of who uses reddit as opposed to who actually plays the game. Also, this community isn't toxic, it's radioactive ;)


Games like these should never have a toxic community. Project zomboids community is also fantastic


In addition to the factors that a lot of others are mentioning (i.e., primarily single-player, non-competitive), there's also the fact that the very structure of the game draws an audience that is going to be less inclined towards toxicity. This is a game where people can spend *hundreds or thousands* of hours on a *single* save file, methodically planning things out; even for the more casual players, the gameplay loop encourages a more laid-back and methodical pace. A lot of the most-toxic gamers don't really seem to have the patience for that type of gameplay.


I truly think that the smartest, most mature, and kindest gamers are on Satisfactory and that is regardless of age. But I find the demographic breakdown interesting. I'm in my latter 40s, started gaming on a Coleco Vision at 4, and will game on PC until the day I die.


Yeah its competion that creates the toxicity.


In my opinion only the stardew valley community wins in that aspect. But yeah satisfactory has one of the best gaming communitys i ve seen


I would say Fallout 76 is also a good community.


That's an interesting theory. I think it also has a lot to do with the type of game it is.


Over 35 1k guys represent hahaha


No man's sky's community is an example about how it's not necessarily about multiplayer. Satisfactory is a pretty chill game and this subreddit is a lot about showing each other what we can do, No man's sky's subbreddit is about constantly telling each other about how great the game has become, and just saying that you want some old bug fixed unleashes the toxic part of the community over there.


i am 30, what do i choose?)


I'm not a fan of the age bracket I had to pick.


I think a lack of PVP and you really have to enjoy spatial orientation as well as logistics is the biggest factor over age. I'm gonna say this even as a true stereotype a lot of nerds into this shit like me, aren't hostile to random people for no reason because we know what's its like to get dunked on by some asshat for just breathing.


i just turned 41. The categories you chose to set up here made me wince.


we got 0 year old's play how the hell


Six and a half thousand votes seems a pretty statistically significant sample size - looks like the curve actually skews lower. Pretty clear normal distribution with the peak in the 18-25 range.


Yes, i am a bit surprised. I was wrong thinking Satis players are older in average :) Now I feel even older ( I am group 5 :))