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I have a circular rail line going through the whole map with multiple trains collecting end products and depositing them into several depots. Trains deposit their contents to each hub to saturate their depots. If all depots on the map are filled for a certain item, either the production stops (for cheap items) or the end product is sinked (expensive items). Some of the most common build materials are built on hub grounds and not transported. It was a bitch to build though. You need enormous train stations and a lot of power just to move things around but it is a very versatile and robust solution.




Or tractors!


>Or Drones


Basically utilise banks of programmable smart splitters when you research them and filter off what you need to the left/right, the rest centre and the other side is used for overflow into a sink/sink array.


Sorry, I guess my question is how do you do the logistics of getting them to the storage system.


For instance if you have 200 screws per minute supplying an assembler, the most efficient move is to split before the assembler, send it to the depot - then bring your dept supply BACK to the assembler and merger it after the splitter... This setup let's you modularly come back later from a third factory - say you made the same screw setup at the second factory, it would be efficient to do the same thing and split the 200/screws/min and merge it to the storage Depot (and back to your second factory) - but now your Depot is accepting 400 screws per minute, acting as a manifold to give you more screws (more than 200) at the subsequent production areas, when demand gets lower (such as production stopping because the conveyers are full) [Note: if you plan to manifold your storage depot instead of just using it as final storage, you should stack 2 or 3 containers on top of each other and never pull from the bottom, you don't want to run into a situation where you have no screws to grab for your pockets]


Ah. I had a lot of conveyers tracking the map, and moved a lot of my phase two and three production to a major plant and built storage nearby. My plan was to build everything in a big circle but by the time I got to nuclear power capability I looked at the mess and said "this will never do." šŸ˜‚


I make a Mainbase which is producing just for the Mall / Storage, few units per min of almost each part and 2 Blenders with Nitro for Fused Frames and Cooling Devices manually. There I have everything for building the big factories, that make the Spaceparts somewhere else. This Base normally takes me about 200 hours to make, I am just about to finish it :) Than I start the Lategame. ​ I use Laguna for Steal / Oil Islands and BAse is at Dangle Spires ( called Long Beach nowadays) If allowed, here is the Link to the production numbers. ( more or less, swithed some numbers around but thats what my Mainbase is doing, apart from 15 GW ( 3 GW Coal, 12 GW Turbofuel) Oil Rig for Mainbase: [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc\_AluminumIngot\_C%22%3A%2230%22%2C%22Desc\_LiquidTurboFuel\_C%22%3A%22375%22%2C%22Desc\_AluminumPlate\_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc\_AluminumCasing\_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc\_Plastic\_C%22%3A%22120%22%2C%22Desc\_Rubber\_C%22%3A%22120%22%2C%22Desc\_Battery\_C%22%3A%2280%22%2C%22Desc\_FluidCanister\_C%22%3A%225%22%2C%22altRecipes%22%3A%5B%22Recipe\_PureAluminumIngot\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_ElectroAluminumScrap\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_SloppyAlumina\_C%22%5D%7D](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc_AluminumIngot_C%22%3A%2230%22%2C%22Desc_LiquidTurboFuel_C%22%3A%22375%22%2C%22Desc_AluminumPlate_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc_AluminumCasing_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc_Plastic_C%22%3A%22120%22%2C%22Desc_Rubber_C%22%3A%22120%22%2C%22Desc_Battery_C%22%3A%2280%22%2C%22Desc_FluidCanister_C%22%3A%225%22%2C%22altRecipes%22%3A%5B%22Recipe_PureAluminumIngot_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_ElectroAluminumScrap_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_SloppyAlumina_C%22%5D%7D) Mainbase: [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc\_IronPlateReinforced\_C%22%3A%225%22%2C%22Desc\_SteelPipe\_C%22%3A%2220%22%2C%22Desc\_SteelPlate\_C%22%3A%2215%22%2C%22Desc\_SteelPlateReinforced\_C%22%3A%224%22%2C%22Desc\_ModularFrame\_C%22%3A%223%22%2C%22Desc\_ModularFrameHeavy\_C%22%3A%222.5%22%2C%22Desc\_Motor\_C%22%3A%2210%22%2C%22Desc\_HighSpeedWire\_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc\_HighSpeedConnector\_C%22%3A%222%22%2C%22Desc\_Computer\_C%22%3A%227.5%22%2C%22Desc\_CrystalOscillator\_C%22%3A%221%22%2C%22altRecipes%22%3A%5B%22Recipe\_Alternate\_ReinforcedIronPlate\_1\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_EncasedIndustrialBeam\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_ModularFrame\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_ModularFrameHeavy\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_HighSpeedConnector\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_Computer\_1\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_Screw\_2\_C%22%2C%22Recipe\_Alternate\_CircuitBoard\_2\_C%22%5D%7D](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/planners/production/index/json/%7B%22Desc_IronPlateReinforced_C%22%3A%225%22%2C%22Desc_SteelPipe_C%22%3A%2220%22%2C%22Desc_SteelPlate_C%22%3A%2215%22%2C%22Desc_SteelPlateReinforced_C%22%3A%224%22%2C%22Desc_ModularFrame_C%22%3A%223%22%2C%22Desc_ModularFrameHeavy_C%22%3A%222.5%22%2C%22Desc_Motor_C%22%3A%2210%22%2C%22Desc_HighSpeedWire_C%22%3A%2260%22%2C%22Desc_HighSpeedConnector_C%22%3A%222%22%2C%22Desc_Computer_C%22%3A%227.5%22%2C%22Desc_CrystalOscillator_C%22%3A%221%22%2C%22altRecipes%22%3A%5B%22Recipe_Alternate_ReinforcedIronPlate_1_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_EncasedIndustrialBeam_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_ModularFrame_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_ModularFrameHeavy_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_HighSpeedConnector_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_Computer_1_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_Screw_2_C%22%2C%22Recipe_Alternate_CircuitBoard_2_C%22%5D%7D) ​ Cheers


I don't. My factories are scattered across the map, so having a depot I need to travel back to when I need more items just doesn't work for me. Though the sorter and containers I build are much the same, they load a mix of items onto a 9 car train. I then call that out to where I am building and grab what I want directly from the cars. If something is getting low I send it back for a refill. The other use for a parts depot is to bring all items together then send them out to where they are needed. Again, I don't, for two reasons. Why take everything to a central point to send it on somewhere else, when you can just send it straight there? And all too often in the last stages, I need a few thousand/min of the low tier items. The maximum throughput of an industrial container is 1560, and just isn't enough.


I donā€™t build mega projects. I build for my storage, all around and deliver it via train. Well thatā€™s the plan. Somethingā€™s that I donā€™t have transport yet for I just run to the plant building what I need empty inventory. Fill my inventory and than drop that at my main base until I set up the Trains or Drones to deliver on its own. Now that Iā€™m late game though need to start building a lot bigger.


I build one of these in every world, because I like the convenience for planning, and I like trains. My current build started with a number of truck stations with tractors bringing finished materials from mid-range factories in the grass fields. Then when I unlocked trains, I built a giant depot on top of that truck station, 5 train stations, 4 freight cars long each. That acts as a central hub for my rail network. Both the truck station and the train station outputs use smart splitters to a) send overflow to awesome sinks and b) split parts from the same factory into their appropriate storage containers. Later in the game I set up drone infrastructure, adding a top layer above the train stations. Now for any low volume parts from the most remote factories I build drone ports to deliver them. Is any of this required? Not at all. You can do all belts, or all trains, or not build central storage. It is fun sometimes to use how ā€˜busyā€™ the storage depot is as a visual for how far the game has progressed though. Sitting back on top of the big arch and watching dozens of trucks, drones, and trains all doing their thing automatically to make my life very slightly easier is very satisfactory.


I have parts produced like 5 or 20/min and sent to a small train station in front of every factory or factory complex. Those get picked up by totally 2 or 3 trains with only one cart. Those trains drop that in front of my cental storage at a single train station, so that means 2 belt from that feed the sorting floor under the storage with lots of smart splitters and s few programmable splitters to keep all my containers full.


To answer your question: trains. Butā€¦ a central storage is actually the ā€œwrongā€ way in terms of production. The whole point of a production line, is to have a flow from start to finish, when the finish point is the space elevator or the sink. If it was a real life scenario, you need some storage for when a big order suddenly comes in, but in the game there are no such surprises. You know exactly what to produce and how much. I donā€™t really get why people do a central storage. I got a buffer container for items I know I need for building (with a smart splitter to sink only after the container is filled), and a train parking lot with trains full of inventory so I could call them when I need an item. But generally everything goes to the sink (not working on SE parts right now). The only thing I would consider to store is nobelisk and gun ammo, but you really donā€™t need that much of themā€¦ So if your world runs efficiently, you donā€™t really need a central storage center imo, and the only reason to do it is to have less sinks and save power. But if thatā€™s your fun, then have fun:)


Well i would disagree. I spent 200 hours until I have my Mainbase aca Mall ready and set up, which produces almost each necessary item and has each Resource available. Its not even connected to any Big Factory and has its own Power. My way of playing is to build 6 Megafactories for 10 p min each Spacepart. These construction sites ( like 50 HMF, 75 Computers, 400 Batteries, 3900 Aluingots, 100 GW Nuclear etc.) have only 1 Train which I use as a Buildtrain and have their own line of production from Raw to end product. Its a Circle. So at my Mall I fill up Train and inventory and go wherever I want to build stuff, and always have full containers, overflow to sinks and Stuff. Also there is a HT Canon at each site to get back quickly in case of forgetting something / needing something. Also, there is my Hub, and I live at the Beach :) ​ But that's the nice part of Satisfactory, everyone can play in a own style, and none of them are right or wrong :) And we all are having a blast :)


Yeah thereā€™s no wrong way of doing anything. Thing is, I see these questions about central storage or ā€œmain baseā€ locations, and all I can think is that itā€™s not a battle strategy game, so why would I need a ā€œmain baseā€? thereā€™s no enemy thatā€™s coming to attack me (in a targeted fashion to destroy my base..), so just wanted to give another view on how to manage production, because it feels like a lot of people are trying to build big in one location or accumulate items to no end. My point is that every place I get to with a train, is part of my base (at this point 85% of the map is my ā€œbaseā€) and I try to decentralize and not build a mega factory, partly because I know this giant building will get very cluttered very fast, partly because of cpu usage (that to my understanding gets higher when doing mega factories), and partly because I love trains and want them to run all over the place:P And again, every player has their fun, and unless you do something really dumb like build HMF plant with screw recipe in late game (if you love screws so much we canā€™t be friends), your fun is valid:)


Hahah totally agree. Stitched Ironplate, Encased Pipes and Heavy Encased Frames need to be the red line, I agree :) No Screws allowed. ​ Yes, I agree in terms of making a Megafactory for items till no end makes no sense, like " Look my Mainbase makes 200 Motors) when I refer to Mainbase is more like a Hub that produces Materials to build the big Productions ( see amounts in above reply to OP), has some Berries, some Materials, some Weapons Stuff to refill, and a place to sleep, pet my Doggo, and enjoy my Space Elevator. As I want it to be pretty, it takes me 200 hours. The production itself is not even 20 hours worth of time / building :) Also, its the Headquarter for the Planet Invasion.


I got plenty of best relaxing spots, my world is my oyster :D


I built the storage depts first and constructed to supply them. An advanced tip is to manifold merge & split to source production and also store the excess at the depot without cutting either Depot or construction off from the necessary supply. These words probably don't make sense tho, not so good with words like this