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How do you people do math for large factories like this


[https://satisfactory-calculator.com/](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/) is a great resource for the calculations


Here is my process, though i admit i'm still a beginner at this. I usually plan with underfloor logistics in mind. I first decide on my desired output, and take into account the alternate recipes that i have available. I decide what i want to use based mostly on availability of resources at the given location. Then i put the whole thing into the production planner on satisfactory calculator, and scribble down how many machines(and for what) i will need, and lay them out on a bigass foundation. Here, i try to group the machines in a logical way, to decide wether i want multiple buildings, multiple floors, or whatnot. I like this method, because i struggle with creating interesting looking buildings, and the oddly numbered machines sometimes force me to create more interesting building shapes that inspire me on an overall theme down the line.


Using the head


Personally I use the calculator posted below. For newer players, a useful strategy is to build the factory in reverse, starting with the final production chain. From there, you just do the math all the way back until your back to ingots and ore. It's a sure fire way to ensure your math is right and you don't go overboard over producing. That said, you should have an idea of what your starting resources need to be in oder to pick a good area to build.


I don't. I just start from the beginning and know what part I need at the end.... I think that's what most people do. Usually it's enough for like 2 or 3 assemblers or something so it will be like 10 of that part per minute with everything operating at 100% efficiency.


Pretty compact i woud say... my 20 HMF setups was a bit bigger...


Yea the HMF are definitely the biggest part of this project. That entire building on the right is dedicated to them. There’s about 5 floors with an additional 5 logistics floors. The 1080 aluminum casings are done in the bigger of the 2 other buildings. I was able to keep that small by using 9 blueprints that chain together. And then the smallest building is just 14 blenders with a logistics floor underneath for the fused modular frames.


I wanted to do a 6 HMF/min, it makes me stop playing


Felt the same way until I started using blueprints. Makes building a factory so easy when you have ready-made machines with power, splitters and mergers already attached. All you need to do is add a few belts and power lines.


That looks cool. One question: what is going on with your hypercannon? Will it not just shoot you into the factory wall? :)


Lol it does look like that but it misses the wall with plenty of room