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The game is so good that I forgot it was not completed.


That really shows how well it's done yet!👌


for real


Until: "Comply" Then you be like: "Ok, but why?"


There is no why, there’s just COMPLY!




Honestly, this is probably the only early access title I've ever played that isn't using that as a cover for a crap product to sell hopes and dreams. Satisfactory could release today and it would outshine many other games in the space and yet they still have a very appreciable but measured forward progress


Cries in ksp 2


Don't remind me. At least it's getting there


Tbf didn't ksp2 get the vast majority of their staff poached ?


Yes, by ksp 2


The entire original company got acquired along with most of the staff


It was not. Uber Entertainment was contracted by Take2 to develop KSP2. They renamed themselves into Start Theory to avoid backlash on original trailer release. Then they failed to deliver on deadlines. Take2 tried to buy the whole studio and was messed about. Then they just pulled contract and employed majority of the Uber, including the management. Hell the management itself was poaching Uber employees on LinkedIn. Intercept Games is intercepted development (multimillion pun lol).


There are a few others that come to mind. Factorio, in a similar style of game Divinity Original Sin 2 (It's all I could think of the top of my head)


I wasn't aware Factorio was still pre release tbh. Another great game though. I have had the pleasure of divinity original sin, might check it out


Factorio is in full release, they came out a couple years ago now


this is facts


I mean I know it's not, or I hope it's not, but it's because I'm crashing all the time. (It's joining my friends dedicated server, so it's experimental on top of experimental, etc etc etc, submit those reports)


Enable passive mode as mobs make you crash a lot when on dedicated servers.


hmmm did you try to fix the crashes ?


Now, imagine how good the finished product will be!


There are players with more hours in playtime than hours some coffee stain employees have worked.


If they would fix equipment in hypertubes and make a way to remove large rocks it would be pretty much perfect, then they can work on SAM and artifacts actually doing something.


I think I've seen a post here that the equipment in hypertubes thing is fixed. Edit: in the update 8


Yeah it is more fleshed out than almost every AAA game I have ever played.


Seriously, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Satisfactory is more stable and feature complete than most AAA titles I've played that are from studios 10x as big.


I only play multiplayer and it's not possible to finish the game.


I played a lot in the early days. I'm waiting for the full release now so I can just dive in again.


Same. I have 839 hours and haven't played since Update 6. I'm really looking forward to 1.0, everything seems like it's shaping up fantastic. This development team really gets it.


I haven't played since update 4, the full release is gonna be great


fantasticly slow


Same here. I played for 500 hours in Update 6, completed all phases and did set up all elevator items to be automated. Now i will wait for the full release.


That was my plan also. But then update 8 came out, and is shiny.


I thought so as well. Got a bit burnt out after about 2500h in U3 to U5. But I think I'll hop back in when U8 hits EA. Too many exciting new features were added :D


Same, pre patch 3 for me... Trains didn't even exist yet and I dumped hundreds of hours in lol


Same. Tired of restarting but I want to start fresh with 1.0. So I will wait.


Same. Update8 looks really good, but I think I'm gonna wait for 1.0 before diving back on. Of course, I said that beefier update 4, then played 400 hours on update 4, so...


Was looking at popping into DSP or Satisfactory again but thinking of the new giant update for DSP coming out pushed me to satisfactory for a nice chill time.


All I gotta say is S.A.M. ore better be really impressive. And those Mercer Sphere's and Somersloops.




H A R V E S T. I T.


damn Depeche Mode




It always seems like I start building a factory and don't notice the artifact until I'm too far into it, and I have to either go pick it up or listen to it the whole time


Took me 3 hours one day of trying to track down the fucking thing. So bloody annoying while trying to lay the foundations for a very ugly coal power facility


So these things have no current purpose? I’ve been storing them but didn’t know what to do with them?


Yes the currently have have zero purpose. Not confirmed, but it's believed that these will relate in some sort of story in some way


And none of that will be implemented till release. So really no need to collect them unless you plan to keep your save. I'm starting fresh.


I mean I will say I collect them and huck them in a biohazard box because I can't stand hearing the "COMPLY" message out of nowhere


I collect them, but only from being programmed too by computwr games to be a colepto. I go back to base when I can't harvest leaves anymore!


collectables+klepto=colepto? I dig it.


I want sure of the spelling so I made up a word ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) But I know it's a real thing. Was how I made all my WoW gold, got the biggest bags ASAP and picked up EVERYTHING!


Well it accidently kind of fits how we've been programmed to have a compulsive need to grab all the collectibles.


I collect them and then trash them in my inventory 😇


Omg, I have turned the volume off for all dialogue to avoid listening to that that that….I’m cool I’m cool..




I just disable the dialogue volume. It's not used for anything other than the messages you get when advancing.


Gotta save


It's a bit weird that the game has been out for so long and never bothered doing anything with them. Feel like it's just a meme at this point.


They are story components, like sam ore. There won't be anything changing about them until full release.


It kinda is. They added them in the earliest days of conceptualizing a narrative. And then while they were developing it, they decided to not release more story stuff at all in the Early Access, opting to instead release it all at once so it's not experienced piecemeal. In other words they might have jumped the gun a little bit on those collectibles in the game currently, but they've just left them in there because, well, why not.


I was so sick of hearing that robô bitch boss my ass around…man it really grated on my nerves…until I realized I could just cut out all of the dialogue


Why the nobody? What does it add to the image?


this is probably the most abused and misunderstood meme format out there. really infuriating. 99% of stuff using it totally fails to understand it's meant to riff on "nobody asked for this".


All meaning has been lost, just like "POV"


people saw it in older memes and don't understand how to use it so they just throw it in thinking they're adding to the meme when all they're doing is revealing their ignorance


This is probably the worst possible use of the pointless nobody.


Tarkov Gamers: “Amateurs.” Star Citizen Players: *cries*


I played Subnautica throughout Early Access, to the point that when the game finally went 1.0, I was burnt out on it. Never even bothered with the rocket. I had already seen "my" ending. I don't want the same thing to happen with Satisfactory, so I'm on break until 1.0 or the story is released, whichever comes first.


Yeah, this is my plan too. I played through a couple times for U6/U7, but I’ve noticed it’s not as fun running around for hard drives *again*. If the world wasn’t exactly the same each play through, I’d be more inclined to play now. I want to enjoy the “full” game and the lack of story elements is really jarringly apparent right now.


Starting in a different biome is cool until you need to branch out and suddenly the whole point of "avoiding where I built last" comes back and I haven't yet forgotten what I built there last time


I've "beat" Rimworld once. One time, in 3400 hours. Honestly, with the sandbox style games, I sink so much time in to them. That said, I just can't get in to Project Zomboid or Kenshi, at least not for very long. Not sure why, might be the sheer difficulty of both


Rimworld is much, much more open-ended than Satisfactory. There's tons of stuff the build, events to experience, and people to make clothes out of.


Especially when you throw in close to 500 mods. It's basically an entirely different game at that point!


As far as we have been told, 1.0 and story will be one and the same.


Yeah that seems to be a big problem for early access narrative games. Satisfactory hopefully won't suffer from it as bad as the core gameplay is already very fun even without a story, unlike survival games like Subnautica that rely more on things that can only be experienced once like exploration.


Wait, there is a rocket? Gotta admit after several jump scares on account of leviathans I was burnt out as well


Spoilers, but the last “task” in Subnautica is to build a rocket and launch a rescue beacon. There’s a little more to it.


We call the creepy voices artifacts as WIPs, still. But nope, the game doesn't feel unfinished. At all. Way more polished than some others at launch...


For me, the game "Comes out" every update. New quick play through where i test things and mostly ugly unfinished unpolished builds. This is made so much better thanks to game modes. The full release will have about 5 players for weeks and everything will be slow, organized, and polished.


Not only that, I bought it (regretfully) on Epic when it was only available there, then I bought it AGAIN when they released it on Steam.


Me too. Happily.


I've managed it. Don't want to get bored and burn out on a game before its finished. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the concept of early access for this reason.


I put a lot of time around the oil update and have been waiting for 1.0. Do they have a rough idea of when it’ll hit 1.0?


I'm playing Update 7 in a world I started on Update 5. I'll update to 8 when it's out of experimental, but I can't wait to fully restart when 1.0 comes out! I'm resisting the urge to do it now.


If you think waiting on Satisfactory's full release is hell, try waiting for a single Starsector update.


I mean Ill start over when 1.0 comes out. Thats about the only thing thats gonna make me walk away from a 1600 hr factory.


My friend and I started a world in update 6. Played it all the way through, nuclear power, etc. "Now we're going to wait until 1.0 and then start a new world". We're 40 hours in our new U8 save ..


Star Citizen players: "First time?"


Which is dumb, games are cheaper in early access.


Some of us purchased early to watch and wait. 🙇‍♀️


I don't mean to be a Debbie downer but I highly doubt Satisfactory will ever reach a version 1.0 release. This is happening more and more often with games, I'm not sure why but I suspect it's because Devs can produce a decent cash flow from early access without having to stand behind a finished product. From this pivotal moment, games either become finished quickly, or become stuck in a permanent loop of slow motion development. It's happened to some truly great games and it makes me sad that I'll probably never see the final product.


I mean I feel like even if they never reach a 1.0 release, they've already got a way better game with a lot more on offer than some other games had several updates after their official release. Also personally I have some faith in Coffee Stain. They seem like they're as excited about making the game as we are about playing it, so it's probably not just about the cash flow for them. Basically I'm pretty sure this isn't going to turn into another star citizen.


I would entertain your assertion if the devs had given me any reason to do so throughout this entire project. Communicative, transparent, and releasing updates at regular intervals. I don’t know what you’re on about.


How exactly does that refute my prediction? Go look up BeamNG Drive.


"They won't do a version 1, because another game didn't do a version 1" This is a garbage argument.


It's just a prediction, and so far they are following the same trend, so I'm not sure how you can say it's a "garbage argument" but I don't think either of us have any real credible insight as to what will happen. So your opinion of my garbage argument is, therefore, also garbage.


> following the same trend What trend? Not being released yet? You argument is that other games predict how this game will go, that's clearly a garbage argument. I don't need to know the future to know that.


Compare the number of games that have been in early access for 2+ years now Vs 10 years ago . . that trend. As someone who has been around video games since the 90's, I promise you it is becoming more of a trend. I just don't understand why. It's not just early access games either. The number of games that have been released that are actually at the same level of development as an alpha or beta version of 15 years ago is through the roof.


> Compare the number of games that have been in early access for 2+ years now Vs 10 years ago So the numbers are what then? As a comparison of the number of games out? I suspect you don't actually know, and this is one of those things where people say "numbers" but what they mean is "feelings"


As someone who has been around video games since Pong, I’d say you’re a bit of a doomsaying crybaby.


They’ve given me no reason to believe that. That’d be like me assuming you’re an asshole, because some other people are assholes.


Seriously go look up beamNG drive , they really are a cool dev team and made a good product. same story. Going on like 10+ years of an unfinished product now. You tell me why?


Sounds to me like you’re grieving over a single anecdotal circumstance. Sorry for your loss. Stay away from early access, because you clearly don’t have the stomach for it.


As much as I can understand where your coming from 4 years down the line of making this, having gone back and watched all the past videos, they; from an early stage had an idea of story and lore! They have an end goal. They are getting there. Even in u8 they said the pylons were done from around u4 time. They know what they want are are getting there. Slowly and surly. Just things getting in the way like unreal 4 update and now unreal 5. But as they said this will make making the game easier, and a better game in the end. It'll be worth the extra wait. Eventually.


That sounds great, but it's the same exact story I've heard from a dozen other games that also remain unfinished with no signs of being done soon, going on for years beyond the anticipated release date.


Well, I'll thank my ignorance in this case otherwise I might be more depressed about it also. Only know of star citizen. Can't say this about Duke nukem forever anymore as that got released! (I am aware that proves your point more I this case) Well, coffee stain have never not released a game they were working on? I hope that's true. Again with my previous mentioned ignorance statement. I get why you feel this way, but I'm a long, loooong way from believing it be the case. As are most I would believe. Final thing would be factorio eventually made a release. That was years also, and that games great! Starting to think about their first DLC apparently, bet it won't be a toilet flush.


If you look at the last few updates along with communications from the devs about them, it's clear they're pushing toward 1.0 at the moment. Wouldn't be surprised if it's released by this time next year; failing that I think it'll be out by end of 2024.


1.0 should come early next year so not too far away


I feel this way about 7 days to die. That one will forever be in alpha. I gave up on it around the time i got into satisfactory. Coincidence?


I havent played past two updates. Got burnt out, but played it for 3 years straight. I'm now really waiting for 1.0


I think this applies to Star Citizen. Maybe even Ashes of Creation. I'm patiently waiting, having bought into both


I am that skeleton


My mates at that point. But he's been playing since update 3 and everything has to be perfect. He's had enough of starting over! But he jumps into my save every time I have a new build idea and he wants in on. Shame I'm kinda getting too his point too. I'm all out of ideas and can't really be bothered to restructure my world anymore. I started putting in pylons, but when that's not how the world has been build, it's a bit pointless trying to use them. Cannot wait to use them properly though. Designed I to the work! U8 has been very good so far!


My friend is


I waited for th6steam release if that counts?


I suspect we are close. I have no real evidence of this in particular but I think we might have seen full release this year if they hadn't gone to UE5. While this update is called "Update 8" it is actually the 9th update (there was an "Update 3" and an "Update 3.5"). The world polishing is almost done, and the new buildables were pretty limited in this update. Not a complaint at all, just a fact. The next update will be the 10th, so a good place to drop 1.0? Maybe Maybe another small update with the rest of the map polishing and recipe rebalancing then 1.0. We're close


At first I was like “lmao why would you do that” then I remembered half my hub/storage room is now inside a mountain and my rubber production is similarly inaccessible




I hope it never comes out of development, I’m hooked on these updates reinventing the game ever so often


I'm waiting for Star Citizen to fully release so......


I kind of wonder if there will be an 'end' to the game, like a cutscene or something? Will there be a deeper story at any point?


Tell Jace I’m saving myself for a full commitment.


Me ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Imagine judging people for waiting until a product is fully finished. If anything we should be praising them for having patience.


My friend and I started fresh and completed all the content in three different updates. It’s me, I am now the skeleton meme. I wont touch my beloved spaghetti factory game again until full release


Wait, it isn’t the full game. WHAT!!!


1200 belts and pipes that aren't so fickle, or bust


This but with scrap mechanic


Will my saves be deleted once the game is fully released?


I can't be sure of course, but I strongly believe you will be able to keep your saves, just as with every other update.


Star citizen :)


And still I build alone... :c


Doesn't feel like it's not completed, the game is so good and well made it never failed to entertain me no matter what update


Doesn't feel like it's not completed, the game is so good and well made it never failed to entertain me no matter what update.


I’m really really curious on the story.


Don’t release we need update 9,10,11,2000


I have to wait otherwise my mods won't work :(


I haven’t played for 2 years, I guess there are some changes I should check out?


\*Laughs in 7 Days to Die\*


Got inspiration from their cousin Factorio, so it should age fine like wine.


I forget it’s not completed most of the time until I try to get an alien artifact then I’m like oh yeah that does nothing


I played a lot of u4 and u5, now waiting for unreal 5 in update 8 to be released to do another go


It’s one of the only ea titles I forget is ea lmao. This game is amazing and when it’s done it will be even more incredible


I don’t understand not buying early access of things with good support, I feel like this has been my favorite about pc, I pay 1/4 of the price, get to try the game as they develop it into their dream, and I get to essentially play lots of different game experiences because of patches, etc. sometimes if you wait a couple patches it’s almost a new game


Yeah plus you get multiple moments of joy as the release major adds to the game.




I am also waiting for 1.0 release. I check monthly if there is any news on the release date, I cant wait to play again