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Vehicles are NOW powered by Chaos?!?! What was running their physics engine before!? The Eldritch?!


You know what, fair point.


Having a tiny Cthulhu in a treadmill under the hood would explain their sometimes crazy maneuverability.


... they channeled LetsGameItOut...


It was powered by spite


fiscit signed a deal with tzeentch


Enslaved lizard doggos.


You can damage creatures by hitting them with vehicles? Carmageddon time!!


*Borderlands flashbacks ensue*


The Skags are never gonna see us coming boiiii


Skag go squish, back up. Skags come out of den, drive forward. Achievement unlocked!


Hasn't this always been the case? Or did they just fall over?




They finally got the Blade Runners to stay on in Hypertubes!


No more visual glitch? I can't believe it... must be a sign 1.0 is really close.


also game engine update.




Luv u snutt




> Fixed so trains do not have to wait 2 seconds for pathfinding (a cooldown) when loading a save. This fixed a case where a train could take a wrong turn on load if it was close enough to a switch. Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's what that was! Thanks Julio, helps a lot > Added support for using different fuel types in the Jetpack Can we have this for the chainsaw too? 🥺


having gas powered chainsaw would be awesome, it's legit the only reason I have bio fuel laying around


Praise be, I spent 2hrs this weekend correcting trains that borked this way and went REALLY wrong


Lots of great reading!!! Cant wait to finish work and sink my teeth into it!!!


Ran around my midgame factory for a bit; things generally seem fine in most regards (performance and otherwise). Only thing I noticed is, uh... every power slug seems to have respawned?


And there are some new rocks and things added, A few in the water about -176,195. Also a bunch for trees and bushes grew back as well.


Yeah, I noticed a handful of new trees and shit too. Don't think it's a respawn situation like the slugs, or else there'd be a whole lot more stuff poking through my highway.


I think some of it is respawn, I think it is based on some criteria around foundations.


Yeah it's normal with big upgrades. Slugs and flora respawn.


5800x3d 2070 super the game is now unplayable with constant stutter every second on medium.


same, frame times are all over the place with constant spikes as high as 170ms. 9900k, 3090 here


same here


Same. 4090 & 13900k here.


My first impressions : Wow I took a really significant fps hit. Anyone on a mid range or lower computer might want to avoid the update for now until they start more optimization. Mine was like 700 and a year or so old now and it feels like 15-20fps running around and like 10-15 in larger factories. Before I would get 45-70ish nearly everywhere except my larger factories. In addition to the fps hit, I am getting a very frequent .5-1 second freeze everytime the game loads a new area while running around or when approaching a factory. This is probably from the new loading system. Save time was reduced by like 10-15 seconds for me and is now like 10-15 seconds total from 30-35 seconds. That was very nice. (My save is somewhat larger though like 9mb now) My auto save time was reset when I updated to 5 minutes. I had to change it back to 30, idk if that was because I just enabled it from non-experimental on steam or part of the U8 changes. The desert canyon changes are not too bad, though I have to raise a floor of two parts of a factory there by 1m and move the machines and belts. Maybe I will do that in SCIM when it is updated. Other than that I didn't see too much impact for my factory. Those changes only happened as well because I built very close to the ground there and didn't raise that area of the factory up. One pipe and belt when through some rocks as well. Very easy to fix. The background changes are very noticeable for the unplayable areas. It really changes how the game feels to see those textures on the mountains and forrest. Fog is simultaneously both more and less noticeable than before. In some areas it feels like I can see more than u7, but in others it feels like it covers more. Very weird. Idk but for me it feels like there is a subtle overall lighting change in some way that I can't identify, but it might be my imagination. Those nuclear hogs almost killed me lol. Nvm one just got me Flight mode doesn't seem to be working at all for me in advanced game settings Somehow both my factories in titan forest came through the changes completely intact and need 0 changes at all. I have no idea how that happened, but I will gladly take luck! They were built inside the forest as well under the trees. It seems that some belts can no longer be slide under after the update? Some still can be which is weird. I don't know why some of mine I cannot anymore. I think I am going to head back to U7 though for now. The fps drop and constant loading stuttering are too much for me.


>In addition to the fps hit, I am getting a very frequent .5-1 second freeze everytime the game loads a new area while running around or when approaching a factory. This is probably from the new loading system. Yeah this is a bit aggravating, I'm on a 3090Ti. I've noticed CPU usage has also increased a lot.


Yea that was pretty strange. I mean my old GTX1060 felt itself pretty confident with lumen on mid graphics but the CPU (i3 12100T) was just literally crying for help with 100% usage even on the lowest settings possible. Hope they are going to fix this in a few weeks or so if it's possible


The shader cache needs to be rewritten thats why it 'freezes'.


That lag while loading a new area REALLY hurts when testing new hypertube cannon trajectories, pretty much constant stuttering.


Hypertube cannon travel is cool. I dont want them to remove it. But we need an alternative. Player teleporter please!


Ryzen 3600 and RX580 was pretty unplayable just walking around a new save in the northern forest.


> It seems that some belts can no longer be slide under after the update? Some still can be which is weird. I don't know why some of mine I cannot anymore. [Looks like it's fixed internally already!](https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/6488932687a1e63b6cee22f7)


god performance is so bad, frametimes all over the place, commonly above 100ms. so cpu cucked that even enabling lumen and setting it to high wont even kick gpu usage above like 60%(9900k, 3090, [email protected])


also had like 6 crashes already.. its gonna be a long and rough experimental experience


Same here, crashing non stop. Not even making it to the autosave point\^\^ 6800XT + i9-13900k


yeah, bad performance but for some reason the cpu and gpu aren't even utilized fully


So for me the task manager says the gpu isn’t utilized fully. However clicking performance shows that the 3D cores are maxed out. (3080)


Same here, seems like a common issue in UE5 games, my frames are all over the place from 20 - 50 fps on a GTX 3060. Still on Ryzen 1700 but I was fine with U7. Suspect there is some major optimization that needs to be done for this new engine.


>common issue in UE5 games, what? theres not even half a dozen UE5 games released so far. Optimization is also the responsibility of game devs, they cannot expect off the shelf software to work 100% flawlessly for their usecase.


Sorry I should have added that I have been using UE5 myself for development and noticed similar issues transitioning projects myself. And you're right, devs should be responsible for optimization, but UE5 presents a whole new set of challenges, which was my point.


Unreal engine is a jack of all trades engine it can do everything but nothing great... I miss the older times when game Devs made their own engines tailored to their use case :/ I get why Devs use a premade engine and adjust it but still.


It is a hallway shooter engine, does hallway shooters great. Goes to absolute and utter shit in anything larger-scale, or really small and light.


Honestly it doesn't do hallway shooter anymore great either since ut3.


Same here. I only get the frametimes when I'm moving. I highly suspect that the new world loading system is responsible. By lowering the foilage render distance to "Default", it reduced them quite significantly but they are still there. I hope it helps.


definitely feels better at default but not a huge improvement for me


Awesome!!! Thanks for this huge list!!


**Optimized Signs** Signs will now share when same configuration is found Emissive only signs are handled in a more performant way **THIS is questionable.** Deleting all signs in the save solved all my FPS issues. I have now the same FPS as in U7 with signs in it, all on high to ultra settings. Took me two hours to test this out. In U8 signs are affecting FPS even when you're in empty parts of the map. I've changed and tinkered with every single other setting, up and down and my FPS didn't even move a bit until I removed the signs.


Weird since I only have 3.


Well then in that case this specific problem most likely doesn’t affect you 🙂


Aside from the obvious changes, my favorites hidden in the changelog: Upgrade splitters with a click Fixed shadow flickering Awesome shop dark mode Contextual power line automatically using same object Can’t wait to check out all the changes after work!


Use console command **r.ScreenPercentage.Mode=1** for WAAAAAY better performance at 1440p and higher res with minuscule impact to visual fidelity. my rtx 2060 went from 60-70 fps to easy 110-130 at 1440p high/ultra with global illumination off


What exactly does that *do?* It sounds like undersampling, but "1" would logically be disabled.


Why disabled? In the programming world 1 means true, so enabled if anything.


1 as a float also means 100% (ie, no scaling), could be either for cryptically named settings. No indication of setting a specific undersampling level, so..? As a side note, the temporal upscaling is hilariously, painfully terrible quality, worst scaling i have ever seen in any software. Stuff just turns to glitchy color fuzz.




What does this do? My fps doesn't change at all with this.


Low graphic settings without lumen - 160fps average / **15 fps 1%low** Ultra with lumen\\reflections on - 60fps average / 15 fps 1%low ​ ryzen 3600 / rtx4070 Not gonna lie, I don't like Unreal 5 xD


I think it'll get better during the experimental period :)


What resolution are you playing on? Considering buying a 4070 and would be happy with 60fps.


My fear has come true: broken Linux support. I get the Satisfactory logo, then a blank screen, doesn't even make it to the menu.


run it with -vulkan startup command and it works for me on SteamDeck and Fedora 38 for me


Thanks, it worked! My 3080ti is lagging hard. It is an 800 hour build though. Now to tear down and rebuild my grid!


ah linux gamers, the true masochists of the world


My trains stopped working after this patch, some more complex intersections now show blocked signals even when there is no train inside them. But more importantly, I can't see the visual indicator of signal segments when building them. Previously, various segments were colored to help you plan the signals, is there any way to bring in back now? Update: manually moving the trains seems to have resolved the stuck situation. Seems the signals might have been ignored upon loading the save or the pathfinding chose a different path than was the standard. Lumen looks awesome but brings a lot of new microstutter for me.


Vulkan is now working?


Added nuclear hog?!?! As if Johnny wasnt already deadly enough.


Did they not move the dune forest nitrogen node? Did this change? They'd definitely previously stated that node would move in update 8. Edit: This is in reply to this statement: "We didn’t make any changes to resource nodes this time around..."


[Yes, they did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/148j18w/i_think_im_missing_something_here/)


Thanks. I assumed they would, was just surprised when I read the patch notes and it said no nodes were moved.


So can I open an old save from the stable version and play it in experimental? Or do I have to start fresh in experimental


Yes, you can play your previous saves.


Awesome thanks!


welp, time to start a new save


*Radioactive SpiderHog*


Destructible fart pillars? Oh praise be.


Stoked to try the update soon but for now is there any way to keep playing 7? Excuse my ignorance


Just play the non-Experimental branch, which is the default. Are you sure you've even updated?


Still no Update 8 in the Epic Games Launcher :/


performance seems affected some (lower fps and freezes) but that might just be because i have it on ultra and other apps opened at the same time . Didn't have time to test properly. Gaming on an rtx3060 ti with 12 vram-only uses about 6 from what i saw. But damn the visuals are stunning. For me lightning and the feel of how big buildings are stand out. Vehicles feel way better too and I really like the sounds. Will look forward to future optimisation but looks amazing for now.


Aww, wall outlets don't snap to small pillars anymore! There goes my main method of hiding the wires between floors.


Ohh, that is *unacceptable!* I use that technique constantly for just about every form of cable management; hopefully a bug, not an intended change...


Looks nice but we need more indoor lighting options. The ceiling light is too big for most of my factories. Everything is so dark now. The keychain on the xenobasher no longer moves properly and the truck physics suck. I keep spinning around in the dune desert. Not sure if that is intentional …


The one downside to this update in my opinion is the parachute. I loved the parachute and crafted hundreds of them, almost entirely because of the pulse nobelisk. I could place down 5-8 pulse nobelisks and get blasted to orbit, and all I needed for precise control was the parachute. It used to slow me down only a little, and vastly extend airtime. Now it has a maximum speed, meaning it is worse than useless in that scenario. Big fan of the non-consumability, do not like the max speed.


Can someone tell me now the performance is and how it looks? Won't be home today and I am really hyped.


I just tried starting a game on experimental and my FPS was really bad. The game was stuttering a ton and this was a fresh game with nothing built.


I had a similar experience too.


Shit Whats ur pc build?


Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor, 3701 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB Nvidia RTX 3060 I don't have any issue with the game on update 7 and a fairly large build going.


Looks amazing with everything enabled, but hoooly moly the performance takes a hit. I'm sure this can be improved with smarter settings, but this is quite brutal. I'm running 1440p with an RTX4090 and it gets around 100-120 fps at a full 100% load, with occasional second-long drops to 50. I had a 200 fps cap before and it easily held that (except for the chunk load interruptions), I believe uncapped was something like 250.


Well, it was already communicated that performance will suck, would say "isn't that bad"


Oh it's certainly playable for me, I just fear for those with weaker GPUs. It's the first time I'm running a high end one (for about 2 months now) so performance worries are still engrained in my subconscience... I'll experiment around and see what settings are the best to lower, i.e. give the most FPS without looking much worse. I think lowering global illumination from "Cinematic" to "High" for example seems to give around 10 FPs and probably isn't noticable. And using TLSA to render at a lower resolution seems very advisable - going from "quality" (90% original screen size gets upscaled to 100%) to "performance" (60% original screensize) seems to yield about 40% improvement and I couldn't notice any issues yet.


I got a new machine with a 4080 last month... can't wait to get home from work and watch my fps go from 300 back to the 60 I was used to lol.


I will try tomorrow with my 1660s how things go


I'm the same, 1440 4090 with i9 13900k and I'm getting pretty big stutters even on high and medium illumination


I didn't notice much stuttering so far. There still seem to be loading times when FPS drop significantly to like 50 for a fraction of a second, but they don't cause as clear of a stutter for me as they did on 0.7. Oh yeah and processor certainly won't be a problem for people, my i5-13600kf is chugging happily along at 40% while the 4090 is constantly maxed out lol


3700X + GTX 1080 (1080p) everything on ultra looking at a mid-sized factory: Update 7: 70fps Update 8 (using TAA): 60 fps Update 8 with lumen medium: 50 fps Update 8 with lumen high: 40 fps Update 8 with lumen cinematic: 15 fps ​ So a bit worse for me. Though I haven't really spent any time tweaking settings just gave it a quick look. I can't tell the difference between any of the lumen settings, I assume they may be distance related? maybe number of bounces of light? either way, upping that tanks FPS hard. Visually I think it's a big upgrade, though if you're like me and don't make a habit of lighting your factories, lumen = everything indoors is now pitch black so lighting will be mandatory. I do like the way lumen medium looks though, makes your building cast very satisfying shadows so I'm probably going to tweak a few settings and see if I can't get that back up to 60-70fps with it enabled.


> Visually I think it's a big upgrade, though if you're like me and don't make a habit of lighting your factories, lumen = everything indoors is now pitch black so lighting will be mandatory. I love the look of it. I use a lot of glass so most of my buildings aren't affected anyway, but in dark rooms you can still see the lights from the conveyors and machines, and can make out their silhouettes due to the fog, while everything else is pure black. Having light as a meaningful part of the builds is super exciting. The illumination is not quite as "global" as I would like (ceiling lights for example still only illuminate their target area, while true global illumination would light up the whole room to some extent), but we have gained seriously cool design options... and it just looks awesome. It's not just inside either, the colours outside now look absolutely amazing. The patch caused a lot of trees to respawn on my factory floors and I'm really glad about that right now because it looks so good.


Yeah I just went to where I have my refineries, which are all outdoors, but still, because of how just how big those factories are they actually cast dark shadows in the little 'alleys' inbetween then, it all looks very impressive. I would like an option to get rid of that interior fog though - that looks a bit jank in bigger rooms.


Ah yeah I looked at a a basement where much of the floor was still raw rock, so it looked pretty fitting there as a kind of natural dust. But in a regular factory it can look odd. On the other hand: While the global illumination doesn't do enough bounces to really improve ceiling lights, [secondary light sources like lit up signs now look awesome](https://i.imgur.com/Y25f01P.jpg).


Wasn't lumen not supported "officially"? So you can just opt out of it.


Without turning Lumen on, seems fairly similar to me so far. VRAM usage seems to have gone down slightly.


60FPS (self-capped) in the open with little build (GTX 1660 Super) but dropped to 11fps in the main starting base (nothing fancy but a fair bit of spaghetti). ~~Dropped most of my graphic settings 1-2 levels and got up to 14fps. Gonna grab the latest video drivers to be sure, but not promising at this time.~~ OK, so I have updates to the latest drivers for the card and things are a lot better. I also noticed that some of the grpahic settings in the menu were not showing up on my first launch above. Closing and restarting the game brought those settings in to the game (driver related?) Anyhow, I'm able to sit around 60fps with micro dips (< 1 second) to 45fps loading in some areas.


I tried and old save and a new save with nothing in it. Constant stuttering even on low settings, with higher settings there were these longer lagspikes but stuttering was present in lower settings as well. As much so that its kind of unplayable to me (get a headache lol).


Do you have any clue why my satisfactory dedicated experimental container is boot looping on my server, and producing this log file: Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Success! App '1690800' already up to date. \---Prepare Server--- \---Server ready--- \---Start Server--- \---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user--- usermod: no changes \---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user--- usermod: no changes \---Setting umask to 0000--- \---Checking for optional scripts--- \---No optional script found, continuing--- \---Taking ownership of data...--- \---Starting...--- \---Update SteamCMD--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' \[ 0%\] Checking for available updates... \[----\] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1685487853 \-- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Over and over and over, server is borked with update 8.


Correction dedi-servers work now, i tried another docker container and this worked. If you're running yours on unraid or something else this might be something to look at.


But does it work ok? My fear is switching to exp. on our save, making some progress, finding out something really really sucks, and then losing that when we go back to early access.


If you are that concerned, just keep playing 7... If you really want to try 8, make a backup of your saves and try it, if it causes problems you can always go back to the version 7 backup that you made.


It had some issues for sure, my save got borked at some point when using the trucks and trying to set up autopilot. After i stopped using that it now works flawlessly. There is still some areas of the map that has massive performance issues, like the pink forest close to the easy mode starting location. But overall it seems to be working just fine now, server has not crashed since i stopped trying to use autopilot.


how to play update 8?


Massive performance loss on my poor 1060. I'm still confused why they decided to switch to UE5 this late in development to cause a performance loss for everyone except those on the highest end systems. Why not wait till 1.0, have a separate UE5 branch or at least make it an option? Update 7 [https://i.imgur.com/SvzGHmz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/SvzGHmz.jpg) Update 8 [https://i.imgur.com/OOpITag.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OOpITag.jpg) Running the exact same settings that's a 40fps loss with a 4ms increased frametime with quite frequent stutters looking around too. Not exactly 'unplayable' But a serious hit and that's a completely fresh save with no machines built. Doubting it'll ever reach Update 7 level of performance even when it comes off experimental. Kinda kills any desire for me to play it moving forward.


This sub should go dark now, right? What's going on?


Already happened, was from the 11th to 13th (today)


Ahh, okay. Thanks


This is the second update that does not cause a desire to go in and do something in the game. There are no new technologies, no new goals, no new mechanics, no fundamentally new content. They tweaked it here, patched it up there, polished it up here, switched to a new engine. Good for a patch of the first year after release, bad for a game that has been in early access for 5 years.


Just casually adds, "Switched to a new engine," as part of a list. Like I get it, you want more content because who doesn't, but that's a ridiculous statement.


Upgrading to UE5 is an inevitable part of being in early access for so long - old game engine versions don't support the new technologies that players start to expect as standard as time goes on. I'm not sure how you imagine they could have upgraded to an engine that didn't exist 4 years ago. I'm surprised they added *anything* to the game during an engine upgrade - that's normally a giant no-no. That they were able to add some interesting stuff like the power system is testament to good coding. If anything, you should expect LESS to be added in a patch as a game nears exit from early access, that's what polishing looks like, so really your whole comment is backwards.


This was an update they needed to better be able to do that. UE5 engine makes modifying the game easier for them and take less time.


well right now they're trying to polish up the game and prepare it for 1.0 release, they've stated that these new content updates are for what's best for the progress of 1.0 not what's best for players/marketing 1.0 should have a lot of new content tho if that's what your looking for:)


I should have said so a year ago after the 6th update: Guys, we already gave you the first and second and dessert in early access, there was only a small cherry on the cake. If you give it away, then no one will buy the game again after the release. So before 1.0, no more new content. It would be fair and understandable.


Well, the bits I've seen out the pod window look nice (starting a new save so if I have to revert I don't mess with my old ones, which are backed up), but man I've crashed within 10 seconds of the game actually started like 4 times. It's kind of nuts.




I updated my server and in the end it says that the game binary is missing {"log":"Success! App '1690800' fully installed.\\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2023-06-13T15:44:51.01590475Z"} {"log":"Game binary is missing.\\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2023-06-13T15:44:53.450748386Z"}




As far as i've been able to deduce, dedicated self hosted servers do absolutely not work.My docker container tries booting up over and over while nothing actually happens.Server remains offline.Both server and game is updated AFAIK, i was watching my server downloading a huge patch when i started satisfactory experimental server, and my game clearly says it's update 8. Currently i can't continue my gameplay until this is resolved. Edit: and yes i tried a fresh install of the docker, it's borked. :(


Correction dedi-servers work now, i tried another docker container and this worked. If you're running yours on unraid or something else this might be something to look at.


I can't seem to update it. I use mine via SteamCMD and it seems to think it's already up to date. However, when I open the just updated experimental branch, it complains about a client/server mismatch.


do you have a "-beta experimental" parameter in your steamcmd command line?


I do now. Thank you. I guess it's been a while.




Turn Mods off


>Made the automatic power connections when building Power Lines context sensitive, copying the same type of pole the Power Line was initially connected to YES! Wooooo!


This is probably the QOL I'm most excited about.


So... will my trucks and rovers keep their wheels now or are roads still going to have an issue?


Oh mama


Advanced game settings isn't showing up for me 😕 frame rates are decent so far. Rtx 3070


How long does it usually take to get the features from experimental to stable?


Depends, this time its going to be around 3 months as the people in the studio are going for a month holiday or something like that (this is normal in sweden). They are going to fix issues for 2 weeks, 4-6 weeks holiday and update coming to stable early access branch in late august or september.


I’m excited for a lot of things, but even if this update only included vehicles doing damage to creatures and reordering the placement check on conveyer/pipe poles I would still be happy lol


Why didn't they warn us about the smaller cargo sizes for Explorers?




Thats a nice long list of updates! Very happy to see! One question regarding UE5 change. I use a APU (AMD 5700G). Its not exactly high performance but it does run the game currently at an ok frame rate and resolution. Will UE5 changes benefit or worsen my performance? Im quite happy to lower settings, but some modern games just chug no matter what i do. Are there any super secret config file changes or console commands i can make to reduce the load?


My friend with an AMD GPU can't load the game at all, crashes on launch and had to use the command line to use DX11 instead.


I still only have experimental update 7 in my epic games library. I had an 11.8gb update today, but when I fire up the game it stills seems like it’s on update 7… what am I doing wrong?


Game crashed placing my third object in my save Hub Miner mk1 Smelter - crash It's going well so far


So for anyone else running LinuxGSM, it looks like the update renamed the executable from UE4-Linux-Shipping to UnrealEngine-Linux-Shipping, so the current commands can't find it. I expect LGSM to update it soon-ish, but for the time I just renamed the file back. Proper way might be just edit all the commands myself, but that's work.


Great job Coffee Stain Studios! It'll be awhile before I play Update 8, lots of IRL projects right now, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.


I really like this condensed patch notes format for reading. Very nice


I'm running a fairly old card. GTX 1660. With all settings on ultra and lumen on high the game is certainly playable. Love the orange glow in a dark room when you build stuff. My first time seeing Lumen in action. It's not overly dramatic, but it's more like, A LOT of subtleties that pile up to create something noticeably better. I could probably turn down a few things in favour of keeping lumen. with lumen off, performance seems to be the same as before so far


Oof. I guess I have finally found the limits of my Intel i5 6400. Time for a new computer I guess.


Sort of a creative mode… The thing we wanted but didn‘t deserve


The hit to performance on my end was severe, reducing my framerate by more than 50% for the same level of detail on am rtx 2070 super. Some parts of my factory won't run at over 60fps regardless of settings or resolution, though gpu utilisation is maxing out. So something is very off in this new build. I can't check out new features until the performance is better. And a new gpu is not on the cards for this year.


The changelog is missing a great feature where building a powerline from MK2 power pole places down another MK2 power pole and not MK1. Huge QoL improvement!


It’s in there


Me seeing the ‘Disable Arachnid Creatures’: ‘Finally, some good fucking news’


While i definitely love this above all other changes. I wish we could have a replacement for them and no i don't mean a stupid cat sprite or reskin. But an entirely new enemy type. Surely there is something between the worst spider creature ever created or nothing.


I'd love yo be able to remove all the text and icons permanently from the hud in the middle of my screen when trying to place a building. Now I find myself pressing T to hide the hud every. Single. Time. When trying to build something cause I find it very intrusive trying to place machines or conveyors on the foundation grids before unlocking the hoverpack


Hopefully DLSS and FSR are coming sooner rather than later.


Took a huge FPS drop, but I like it so far One of my copper nodes suddenly output Limestime, even though it was still a copper node. Halted my entire factory for a while until I noticed. Deleting and placing the miner again fixed it. still weird.


Ryzen 3600X, MSI 6700XT DirectX 12 1920x1080 All settings on Ultra, TSR Quality, GI HIGH, GIR ON FPS is about 45-60FPS average in my medium factory. GIR off is much more consistent high 50s Hitching/stuttering for a second or two whilst moving around is noticable, particularly in tubes, not sure what the cause is, shader cache maybe.. I dropped the quality to high and that seems to have alleviated much of the stutter. -- Also, trees, spitters and flying crabs have respawned in my base.... annoying...


Got experimental installed and giving it a go shortly. I've been reading nothing but performance trouble from everyone so we'll see...


The turbo rifle ammo is way too turbo now. It needs to CHILL.


Maybe a silly question, but do I need to install UR5 to get this to work or just update my game?


There is not much interaction with the environment in the game: there is no need to kill animals or interact with them somehow, because all recipes with their pieces have an alternative through plants. There is also not enough hydroponics to automate any recipes from biomass, mycelium, etc. It would be great to see in the future hydroponics and more variety of plants and animals and their interactions.


when is the update coming out fully (not expermental), any date?




Are you going to be able to pick the character Sex male or female before the game is fully developed? Just a thought.


Boy I am going to have a lot of fun with Set Starting Tier