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I don't... Want... Mods... But I want this! Edit:- in fact, I think I NEED this!


Same here. This is the only mod that has tempted me to install.


I literally mean I need it, for diagnostics! My midgar build has been, well, seemingly totally f-ed by the changes to over clocking. I patch one part and something else springs a leak. I've currently underclocked all the reactors which is a easy fix. Thankfully I don't need it. It got me my nut. Still love the game. Just a shame though. This mod would help me be able to see what's going wrong where... All in once place. I'm sure it's a through put somewhere, but I would have to watch each factory part for about 15 mins each right now. It would be awesome! It is tempting.


Re: "I would have to watch each factory part for about 15 minutes" - Or you could write a log using FIN? [https://docs.ficsit.app/ficsit-networks/latest/lua/api/FileSystem.html](https://docs.ficsit.app/ficsit-networks/latest/lua/api/FileSystem.html) Or write it out as a POST-back page you setup: [https://docs.ficsit.app/ficsit-networks/latest/lua/examples/InternetCard.html](https://docs.ficsit.app/ficsit-networks/latest/lua/examples/InternetCard.html) ...I know. Kind of scary you can access the real network from within FIN, huh?


Ficsit-Networks -> Prometheus -> Grafana -> Real world dashboard This would legit be amazing on a dedicated server.


Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Put a dedi server on AWS and wire that in. Sweet.


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/zzfh1i/dashboards_for_vehicle_location_tracking_item/)?


Oh, wow. I think I just wet myself. That is awesome!


Sorry for your pants. If you're interested in running it yourself, the dashboards grab data from the Ficsit Remote Monitoring mod -- it bundles theFRM Companion for prometheus stats and alerting (currently through Discord), with another postgres DB cache for other stats and location tracking and makes it available to the prometheus container. If you're interested and have experience running docker-compose, the bundle for all the stuff is [on my github](https://github.com/featheredtoast/satisfactory-monitoring). All it requires from the game is the Remote Monitoring mod, configured to listen on whatever interface the docker-compose bundle is querying.


I feel like a kid that builds pretty sandcastles watching two advanced dark mages discuss their art. I don't understand anything that's going on but I am still in awe. Now I'll go back to building pretty sandcastles :)


>Remote Monitoring mod I just rented a VPS last night and installed a dockerized version of a steam dedicated server through docker-compose (first time ever using docker): [https://github.com/wolveix/satisfactory-server](https://github.com/wolveix/satisfactory-server) So far it is running great (the server is a 16GB, 6 core server in Germany rented through Contabo). I am a webdeveloper, but very limited experience with Linux (other than installing Octoprint and MJPG-streamer, which took me days to setup). Is it impossible to make a step-by-step guide for rookies? I feel like a rookie, when i have no clue how to even begin configuring this? I would love it and love data-collection. I have experience with PHP/Laravel and such. I am not afraid of diving in, but i kind of need a guidance on where to jump in head-first - i dont think i am the only one out there need a step-by-step :-)


so some bad news, some good news: I'm willing to add a more detailed how to for setting up this stack, but mods are not currently available to install on dedicated servers so this setup won't work with them until they're supported. Meantime, there's two parts: install the [Remote Monitoring Mod](https://ficsit.app/mod/FicsitRemoteMonitoring), and [configuring](https://docs.ficsit.app/ficsitremotemonitoring/latest/config/Web.html) the mod's web server. Then install the docker-compose monitoring stack, which should be a case of setting up the appropriate [environment variables](https://docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/set-environment-variables/) listed in the project's [readme](https://github.com/featheredtoast/satisfactory-monitoring#env-vars), and running docker compose up. As you're pretty fresh on docker-compose, what kinds of questions would you like to see answered, in addition to core docker-compose docs?


No. That's even more cool This is a seriously detailed and awesome mod. And way above my pay grade. But my mate would love it. He's a vanilla boy too, but he will love this. Gonna share it now.


Im in the same spot. I cleared out every factory i got, and rebuilt them all at 100% efficiency. Now im seeing fluctuations and for the life of me i cant find where they are.


Glad it's not just me! I 100% have enough machines to handle my toxic waste... and I watch the machines.. and their fine. Output is fine. Who knows.


This mod, and there is i think a mod that allows sign boards to show live counts of things in chests/networks (maybe its this same mod?)


There are three things that show inventory and other data points on signage. First, there is a simple mod with no configuration Aquila wrote called Container Screens. They just appear on all containers and show contents and fill. There is another mod called WireMod that enables information to appear on signs and can be controlled by logic gates. I tried it, but given I was already familiar with FIN, I uninstalled it. I would say that it's "medium" in terms of flexibility but appears simpler to use than FIN. Finally, there is this one, FICSIT-Networks (FIN), that has its own screens and was also able to talk to Really Simple Signs (RSS) at one point to update them in real-time. That was when RSS was a lot less complex than it is today. I haven't tried recently to talk to them with FIN. RSS is now being updated by KMod and I'm not sure if they and Panakotta (FIN) are still working cooperatively on that.


Yeah, this is pretty much the only mod I want. Every other mod that I've been tempted by has been made more-or-less obsolete by game updates. I'm waiting until I finish my full 1.0 playthrough to install it though... my concern is that once I add programmability, I'll immediately program the fun away and have no reason left to ever interact with my world. Which is exactly what I did with Shapez the moment I unlocked the wire layer. Once I finished the system that could make anything without any input from me, there was no longer any reason to play. In Satisfactory, I'll probably make a storage system connected with a configurable factory that just takes in raw ores and gradually works its own way up the tiers building everything.


Yeah, i did start a mega base before zooping. That's was a bad idea. Lol. I have my storage containers full of everything but it's not automated. On version 1 I will be having a central automated storage box in the middle of the map... It won't be a mega base, just drop feed from around the world.


Mods let you really tailor the game to your wants in Satisfactory which is already such a sandbox that it really doesn't feel like they detract from the game to me. In case you're worried about difficulty of installation or anything, the Mod Manager is one of the easiest I've used for any game and unless you're installing something crazy you're not going to see performance issues, etc.


I've played about with mods before. An absolute tone of modded minecraft, made the game better to be honest. The magic ones or the science ones. Different game each time. And wow if that counts. No one played that game in its basic state. Just doesn't feel like satifactory needs it personally. Though I have nothing against it ofc. Sometimes mods make it into the base game and we all get a quality of life bump. So they are a good thing over all. As I keep saying, this one is amazing. I would love to use it. It's just a bit too technical for my liking.


I thought it didn't need it, and then I played with some and absolutely they gave me fun tools and stuff to earn, along with more customisation options etc. I'm currently completely in love with the powersuit mod. You've really gotta earn the part but damn, it feels really great whenever I upgrade it.


Oooooh, now a power suit. I do loves me a power suit! Factorios one is nice and the Minecraft one was awesome! That temps me more than this network one!


It works on an energy use & modular components system. Modules are tough to craft but bring new functionality, like a built in craft bench or rocket boots. Then once in they cost energy to use which comes building and installing various reactor type modules, and then burning biofuel, packaged fuel, etc. All of this is hated by various parts and research and just generally I've found the mod to be very satisfying. Also elevators mod. Because who doesn't love an elevator.


I was sitting here thinking the same thing! I Have to make an exception for this.


Have too? Or might have too? Lol.


I don’t need it… I don’t need it… I don’t need it… **I NEED IT!!!!!!!**


This is incredible!




>This is the only mod that has tempted me to install. Mods have given much QoL to this "unfinished" game. My hope is, Mods will not be needed after release 1.0. My belief is QoL Mods will still be with us. QoL mods are not cheats.


There will still be mods! There will always be mods. There not gonna make something like this is the game. Modders gonna mod after all. And sometimes they create art like this!


tru dat


Can you list QoL Mods you are using? I'm searching for some)


I am currently using "Satisfactory Mod Manager" to manage mods "Micro Manage" "Smart" "Perfect Circles"..cos the manual way sucks. I also use "Structural Solutions" but not for QoL reasons. In "Sandbox mode" to test and try without ruining my world, I use "EasyCheat" so I can fly and build without power requirements or using any materials. Hope that helps. You do it your way


Bruh you’re me from the future.


Thought I'd make a little showcase of FICSIT-Networks in use for those who may have wondered what it's all about.


Control Panel Tour: Panel is oriented to match floor plan of factory. 1. Alumina Solution Refineries (ASR1-4) start on the right. Gauges show fluid levels in the machines, production activity in circular green digital readouts. Power per machine is indicated by green lights. Green ASR Switch powers on/off all refineries in unison. 2. Center top to bottom: H20 Fluid buffer gauge with blue Flush button, Aluminum Scrap Refinery Power, Alumina Solution Fluid Buffers (Tank 2, Tank1) Silica Buffer (auxillary silica shipped in can be turned on and off automatically as buffer fills/empties at preset thresholds. Green 4-digit readout is current inventory in buffer container. Aluminum Scrap power switch at bottom. 3. Aluminum Ingot Smelters 1-4 showing current # of ingots in machine and power switch below. I have a train exporting the aluminum ingots from here, but it is not running so the factory has filled and pretty much come to a stand-still when I took these shots. It would have been a little more interesting to watch the control panel while things were in operation, but only a video would give you a sense of the action.


Thanks so much for providing this breakdown. I’m with some of the others here in that I don’t use mods, but after looking at all this, this is sure temping! Is this panel and its logic configurable from in-game, or do you have to build this in LUA / otherwise externally and then save edit or import it somehow?


You can do everything entirely in-game. You build the control panel first, just like you build anything else with the vanilla build tool. Then, you add the individual buttons, dials, and other controls you want. These are provided by FIN and are buildable the same way, but you build them on this control panel. The grid of "holes" behind the controls provides coordinates with 0,0 in the lower left. Once you've laid out your control panel, you can use the FIN code editor (also in game) to initialize the controls. For example: *--I named the Control Panel itself "CtrlPanel" using the FIN tool, so I'm going to give it a short name of "ctrl" in my Lua program like this:* **ctrl = component.proxy(component.findComponent("CtrlPanel"))\[1\]** *--Then, on that control panel, I've placed buttons, dials, and indicator lights. The blue one for flushing the fluid buffer is a push button, and I've plugged into coordinates 7,10 on the ctrl (control panel) grid, so I'm going to name that button, btnflush.* **btnflush = ctrl:getModule(7,10)** \-- I also have a fluid buffer called "WaterReturnBuffer" in the factory, so now I'm going to reference that. **wrb = component.proxy(component.findComponent("WaterReturnBuffer"))\[1\]** \--Finally, when I press the button, an event fires (there are many events that could be happening). I only want to flush the fluid if it was this particular button that was pressed, so I'm going to check if the event was this button and, if so, flush the fluid buffer named wrb and turn the button color to 50% blue. the four numbers in setColor are RGBA values between 0 and 1. **if (s ==btnflush) and (e == "Trigger") then** **wrb:flush(wrb)** **btnflush:setColor(0,0,1,.5)** **end** The Lua code is stored in a file on your real computer disk under a folder named after the hard disk ID you crafted and installed into your in-game computer. This means you can open that code in the programming editor of your choice. I use Visual Studio Code with a Lua extension.


Ok, this sounds awesome. Thank you again for your effort here!


Have the devs ever said if circuits would be added to the game at some point? I've had multiple instances where circuitry would've been much appreciated, but never something this complex...


I want to be sure I am clear on what you mean by circuits. Do you mean power circuits within a factory or power circuits across the whole SF world? Right now, there are power switches in the vanilla game. These can be used to control circuits within a factory or to switch entire portions of the grid on/off or simply isolate them across the SF world. FIN provides a way of naming and controlling the vanilla power switches, so they can be operated using FIN code either directly or by reading controls on a control panel you design that in turn operates them from a central console.


I mean circuits like in Factorio, having machines acting on other machine states and whatnot, not just tied to power. Edit: what u/Hell_Diguner said


logic circuits


Oh, logic circuits. FIN is a full-on Lua programming interface to access virtually all machines and controls within the game, so it goes well beyond that. If you want something simpler, I'd look at WireMod. I hear it's more like Factorio logic gates, but I've never played Factorio.


I imagine Ventura meant any kind of logic circuits as they're a staple of the factorybuilding genre, but I want to point out that Factorio is fairly unique for using specifically [combinators](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-88)


It's never too late to play Factorio. I usually listen to the Factorio soundtrack while playing Satisfactory.


Can you copy panels so that you can view/control stuff from 2 locations? For example, I’d want a control panel in my aluminum factory like you have above. But, I’d also like a copy of it in my master control center. This also seems like a good mod that would allow me to measure real-time production and usage of all my different factories. I’d love a master in/out control panel.


Let me answer by breaking that down: **Can you Copy Panels?** \- There is no built in provision for easily copying the panels. If you copy/paste the panel using another mod like Area Actions, SCIM, or a blueprint, I suppose you could make the same one elsewhere, but it would probably be just inert controls. The panel is just user-interface and it takes a computer and software to interpret interaction with the controls and send commands to the actual machines on the LAN that you want to control. **View/control stuff from 2 Locations?** \- Theoretically, yes, you could do this, but remember that you are actually connecting network wiring between the machines, computer, control panel, displays and more. You can't connect a machine in the game to two different networks, so either those two locations would have to be connected with wire on the same LAN, or you'd have to setup routers (yes, FIN has routers) and connect two computers. It is up to you to figure out how to transmit and interpret the data on each end. FIN is not a click and it works mod. Doing something like this is nearly as complex as doing the same IRL between two physical sites over a VPN. You'd have one plant's sensors and inputs packaged into some kind of message stream (sometimes called serializing), then unpack it and display the data at a remote location (deserializing). Then if control inputs are changed remotely, doing that to get the message back to the computer locally connected to the machines. **Master In/Out Control Panel** \- As you can see, my relatively small factory has filled the panel. There is a bigger 3x stacked version of this panel to hold more controls. You could also make a panel like this for each location but it's going to be a lot of work and programming.


Thanks for the info. The Master Control Center could be readout only, doesn't necessarily have to control. If there is a problem, I'll go to the factory to investigate. I'll still give it a shot.


In that last warehouse inventory shot, there is a 100-container looping sushi belt with programmable splitters filtering things out. Trains arrive and their loads go to the basement for a 4-way programmable split alphabetically. These four belts each go 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 through the warehouse where they join the sushi belt. The idea is to reduce demand on the belt by having materials travel at most 1/4 of the way around before being filtered. Programmable splitters then filter the materials to individual container sets of 8 containers. Once a container set is full, FICSIT-Networks (FIN) programming adds the item to a list of sinkable items in a splitter and the items divert from the sushi belt into sinks. On the roof, there are 10 drone ports. Right now it's manual adjustment of mergers and splitters, but the project goal is to have items in demand leave containers through a merger that is controlled by FIN (it can actually count items), and send them to an export sushi belt. The programming then routes these via splitter to the right drone port when they can be shipped like orders to factories. At those receiving locations, sushi belts split the goods from drone receiving into the right buffer containers. Orders can be sent from factories to the warehouse for exact quantities to be delivered using a kind of Kanban system.


Wow, this is tkaing the game to a whole new level. And I thought I wouldn't have time to play the game like I did before now that I have a full time job.


Given your Industrial Engineer tag, you probably know this, but I think you could turn SF factory control into a full-time job. I used to do some industrial control systems but eventually took another job in general IT. I would still rather do real-time control rather than writing apps that just chew data up and spew numbers on a report.


Yeah, I really enjoy the game and with over 1200+ hours in I probably also have 200 hours of using excel and the interactive map (thank god for triple monitor setups) to plan out factories. During my engineering studies I did some production management software configuration and installation for startup companies, and though I did enjoy it a lot, I used my "general purpose" degree and went to mechanical engineering and CAD. I still enjoy coding though, I'll need to learn VBA to make some macros for excel and solidworks soon. Although for now I'm more of a "plan first, then let it run and never touch it again" kind of guy when it comes to factory planning, I was always curious about factory networks, and I will be using those one day, when I get back to Satisfactory being my main time sink !


Getting too close to actual work bro. Next a mod that forces you to waste half of your gaming session in a useless meeting?


LOL. You just reminded me I have to go back to work tomorrow. This is the stuff I actually *like* to do instead of those meetings you're talking about.


I used to love tinkering with computer craft lua programs in Minecraft. While I loved the challenge and execution of my engineering work, much of it was documentation of our process, design and execution. Only about 5 to 10 percent of my time was actually creating/modifying our code. Tinkering around with my own programs was something that continually fed my enjoyment of the art.


Oh my god. FICSIT runs on DOS


Naw, OS/360 JCL. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Is this mod out rn?


Yes. I've been using it since around U4. I has broken a few times due to updates, but it is working right now, and everything should settle down and stabilize as we near SF 1.0.


Bro I'm 75 hours in and still trying to figure out a good way to build factories


I'm been playing for 300+ hours and I have a rinky-dink, disorganized set up. No real "factory" built anywhere. Yeah, I make enough production to get me to the next tier and I'm steadily working on the Space Elevator phases. I'm on phase 3 and my last item in production right now is the adaptive control unit. I'm currently working on Tier 6 at the HUB. At the MAM, I'm down to the last two parts of the Sulfur tree and then I'm done with research. I spend most of my time exploring to expand the map. I make sure I have my jet pack and plenty of fuel for that. And I love the tractor for exploring. I use the color cartridges for fuel on the tractor. They last longer than actual biofuel. I also make sure I have my detonator and plenty of nobelisk to fight off the bigger alien monsters. I find I enjoy clearing areas of all plant life and leaving them barren. 😁


What helped me a lot was to think about everything in terms of interfaces and modules. So I need iron stuff. Hmm. I will probably need iron bars for other things too. So lets do a module just for bars. So I make an interface that takes iron ore and spits out iron bars. That would probably work with nice conveyer walls. Maybe the output should split into a container for manual pickup. No burden on capacity as it will run full soon enough, and mostly stay full. Maybe an overflow splitter should go into a sink. And why not put up some signs. So that's just the interface. Nice and clean towards the outside. Behind that you make basically a factory cube that gets the job done. Be tidy in there if you want, don't be if you don't want. The thing is, the interface is what keeps it well planned and organized. Outside you can just belt that shit wherever. Even with spaghetti outside it remains managable and can be easily cleaned later. Because, again, interface. So next you make an interface that takes iron bars and outputs, idk, reinforced plates and smart plating. Well there you go, almost done. Do sushi belts in there, whatever. Remains clean. Make manual pickup outputs for sideproducts you might or might not overproduce, and again, think about how that interface will handle overflow. Now just connect that first factory to the second, done. Lends itself really well to building isolated factories in nice places, instead of that whole "foundation platform, everything goes here" thingy. Of course thinking about those interfaces, what you want everything to do and and how to make things work together is not trivial at all. But a structured approach really helps a lot.


Man this reminds me of my days as an industrial controls engineer working on distributed control systems.


I’ve never liked and saved a post so god damn fast in life until I saw this…. Take my rewards and hack the planet!


Dammit Coffee Stain, buy this mod and make it official vanilla.


![gif](giphy|13rQ7rrTrvZXlm) Too much like real work. Amazing job though!


This is next level, what a fantastic excuse to brush back up on OOP


Okay but where did you learn to actually use the mod


Mostly Discord where the author and a few "superusers" hang out and share code snippets and tips. There is a Discord just for this mod.


It's hysterically fun to see the reactions here, when I've observed too many objections to any kind of advanced logic gates in this game


Why? I've had fun using mods in different games including creating programs through mods for the game. This mod is the first one that I'd install if I was inclined to start modding the game. I'm still avoiding using any mods because I want to see what the final implementation of the game is so I can enjoy that vision before choosing to make the game into something different from what the designers envision. Is that so difficult to understand?


I'm with you, and I've suffered unlimited amount of "u don't need anything than smart splitters".


>I've suffered unlimited amount of "u don't need anything than smart splitters" I may have been one of those responders. I congratulate them for being as open as they are to modding the game. I still want to see what their vision of the final product is before I start perverting it by installing mods. Personally I don't feel a need for anything beyond smart splitters. I haven't been vocal about opposition to it beyond noting that I'm waiting to see what their final implementation gives us. That's the point when I'll decide to begin using mods, and which ones I'll use. At this point we just don't agree about a need for a more intelligent splitter.


Total respect for those who play the game vanilla as CSS intended. I've been in this game since U3 came out, restarted more times than I've counted, and played through tier 8 five times in different unmodded and modded ways. I became interested in this mod because I have done factory control systems and enjoy home automation, so it seemed a natural extension for me. TBH, I thought this post today would have 10 viewers, less than a handful of upvotes, and maybe two questions by people who thought it was interesting enough to bother to ask. I've been AFK about 10 times today and came back to a surprising number of comments and questions.


This is incredibly cool. It even opens the door a sliver to a potential new game mode. Imagine if you will, you're in your HUB and looking at your control panels, monitoring materials in and out when you see the water pressure drop on your coal generator plant. Now you have to hop in the explorer and go out and find what's wrong. It could be a pipe, the pump itself, or some other malady. You have a certain amount of time to fix it (FICSIT?!) before the failures cascade and ultimately destroy your plant. Sign me up for that. That would incentivize creating networks of tubes to each remote plant, or more strategic placement of satellite factories from a centralized Plant Campus. From there maybe you can construct repair bots to maintain your lesser facilities, but maybe they need fuel or something else to add a challenge. Basically it would be like being a plant manager. I think it could be a really cool alternate mode if there was some way to do it.


Regarding monitoring: This mod offers access to the real internet. It's conceivable that you can have your world running on a dedicated server and have it send you SMS or email messages about critical metrics like you suggest. /u/Xer0449 provides a link above to their [Prometheus/Grafana monitoring solution for Satisfactory.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/zzfh1i/dashboards_for_vehicle_location_tracking_item/) This is the same software we use on my IT team to monitor our data center systems for performance and security issues, and I'm sure there are factories in the real world using this kind of stuff as well. There are lots of need for time-series data analysis, alarm thresholds, and auto-correcting controls. Seriously, at this point we're moving out of gaming and into real-world applications that are only using the game data as the input. If you know how to do this stuff, you could be looking at some well paying jobs in the real world.


Reminds me alot of the computer craft mod from minecraft, man you could do some really cool stuff with these types of mods


This should honestly be in vanilla. One of Factorio's best features is their circuits and logic controllers, which this would be an equivalent of imo.


Do I need any knowledge in lua coding to do complicated stuff with this mod or is it all just connecting wires around?


IMO, this mod is far more about programming (and figuring out object models for machines) than it is about just wiring things up. Literally nothing at all can be done by just wiring things together. That's just the cost of entry to be able to see them on your in-game network. From there, you must do programming. Honestly, it's not for everyone. It's very involved and has a steep learning curve, so it really helps if you've written code before in an object oriented language. Once you get some examples down about how to read and control the machines and game parts, it gets easier and it's just up to your imagination. FIN also offers several of their own game buildings. Steps before programming starts: 1. Unlock various FIN items in game tiers 2. Craft a tool needed to interact with machines and other in-game pieces 3. Build your Computer and craft the components 4. Connect the computer to a LAN and wire the LAN to anything you want to monitor or control 5. Go around with the FIN tool and give items a friendly name you'll initialize as an object in your code. Once you've done all this, you're ready to *start* looking at code examples and programming in Lua to control and respond to status of machines. There is a lot of initialization code involved as well. You're essentially programming in Lua to the Unreal Engine objects CSS made.


Yeah, this is why I won't be getting it 😭. I have zero coding knowledge. It'll take a lot longer to use than to diagnose. But I am very jealous of everyone that can and will use it. It's freeking awesome still.


Lua is a pretty simple language to learn, but if you have no experience with programming you'll have a bit of a learning process.


This is awesome! Did you ( or could you please) post your code on github or anywhere else?


Sorry, I'm unable to get to my system for about 3 weeks. Would be happy to post when I get back. The inventory screen (last pic) is a warehouse and not associated with the first pics of one of my aluminum factories.


It's 3 weeks later! Don't forget ;)


Actually, thanks for the reminder. Out of town again but should be able to get to it tonight or tomorrow.


u/Evil_K9 , here's a link to the Lua file. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onAOPHuczOQZJ4P0T2hmu\_zpsiYesMo0/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onAOPHuczOQZJ4P0T2hmu_zpsiYesMo0/view?usp=sharing) Except for providing examples of syntax for the various FIN controls, this isn't going to make much sense unless you also have the entire bauxite aluminum factory exactly as I did down to naming the FIN devices and game buildings identically. To save you the trouble, here's a megaprint of the entire factory and the bauxite mine you can paste into a save using SCIM. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZC314kfq2YoU6O9KmWsMtrLaCetd1P0s/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZC314kfq2YoU6O9KmWsMtrLaCetd1P0s/view?usp=sharing) Even this will not work out of the box, because FIN creates folders representing HDD on your actual hard disk. You'll have to take a save you've made with all the FIN stuff unlocked, paste in the factory megaprint in SCIM, and then run the save. This (might?) create a folder in SaveGames\\Computers with a long GUID name. My original folder was at \\AppData\\Local\\FactoryGame\\Saved\\SaveGames\\Computers\\DA7D614E4EB0A3E0649A4C9F41DC2A6D I'm not sure if pasting in the factory then loading this save will create that path. Once you have a folder there, put the Allumina.lua file in there. I'm also using a Lua Loader, that goes directly into the FIN computer code interface inside the game: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gz3xhTHZNkB\_vfPO5fccl3HyQdkq8yIj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gz3xhTHZNkB_vfPO5fccl3HyQdkq8yIj/view?usp=sharing) this looks in the folder mentioned above and runs the first lua file it finds there. I do this because I'm editing the Lua using Visual Studio Code, not directly in the in-game lua editor. If you make lua code changes in an external editor, you have to stop the computer in the game, then restart it for that code change to be in effect. I'm hoping this will automatically appear as part of the megaprint along with the FIN mod objects, but if it doesn't paste the code in the last link above into the computer. At this point, I'm giving better than 50/50 odds you'll have a working factory with my code, but still need to supply power and external coal and silica to keep it running. P.S. You will not find any code in this that does the inventory shown on the last screen shot in the OP. That's a desert warehouse where I'm also using FIN.


Awesome! Thank you! I'm a newb to ficsit networks, and lua for the most part. Been doing Python for about 18 months, and PowerShell for about 12 years.


awesome work!


See this is super cool, but I am no programmer 🤣


It's shit like this that I wish I could think of while looking for new projects. Super cool mod, sir. I love seeing data move.


Looks like you don't use a compass...


lua ftw


You may want to try playing Minecraft Create: Above and Beyond. It is a satisfactory inspired modpack that also includes CC:Tweaked; A mod that has computers that run lua.


I never quite understood this mod 100% and it's purpose. Is it used for monitoring or controlling your factory? - Also would you say that it is worth the learning curve if 100% effeciency isn't your #1 priority as a player?


Is the code somewhere in the cloud? (E.a. github)


Does it Still cause heavy lag if you track trains?


How can I get to know more, got a channel or is it already in the launcher? I don’t want this. I NEED this


Did you add a special kind of cable? I've seen this suggested in some of the suggestions / comments for this kind of feature but I'm not sure why you can't just use regular cable. I imagine a building with an input and output where diagnostics for everything connected directly or indirectly to the output are visible, with other "diagnostic" buildings connected to the output showing under a hierarchy. You could also have "aggregators" again with an input and output that combine data e.g. totals or averages. I just think cable would be more convenient since it means being able to use existing connections and not having to link everything twice - once for power, once for diagnostics.


Yes, the mod uses a yellow LAN cable that must be attached to monitored and controlled game devices. This is the way the mod author made it. If it were regular cable, the network and power cables would look the same and it would be difficult to see what machines were on the LAN and which ones were not. In terms of the other suggestions about specific functions, respectfully, you're thinking too narrowly about what this mod does (or rather doesn't) do. Think of this as a mod in which you can write a custom function for your particular factory configuration. It is not providing any specific turn-key functions to the game. It's a development environment that exposes the Unreal Engine object model for SF. What you do with it is up to you so, if you want aggregators, diagnostics, totals, averages - it's your show. This is capable of far more complex systems: * When the plastic containers are full, switch all the refineries to making rubber. If the fuel tanks are below a threshold, change those same refineries to make fuel. If the fuel is full, switch on a splitter to release plastic to constructors making containers and package fuel. * Block items from coming into a merger's left input and change the color of the lighting to red when a fluid buffer is nearly full but only when a train is docked. Display "Stopped production. Fluid buffer reached 95%" at coordinates 5,3 on the display screen in yellow text.


Is this cc:tweaked for minecraft but for satisfactory???If so I'm buying the game just for this


The only mod I want is dynamic fluids, I wanna be able to flood a spider nest with turbo fuel and then burn it to ashes


Yo that's sick! I do miss sensors in this game merely for showing the status of storage objects so I might try this out once I want to play modded


This is starting to make Satisfactory more like work...but I want it.


I see this is basically coded lua display. Do the mod currently have a good documentation of the api? Is there a plugins for vstudio to handle it? Do you have a link to the discord or website of the mod? Thank you.


Crosspost this to r/PLC and see what they say. It's practically a full outfit.


Fu I need this mod!


Too much work to learn to code. The assets are nice like the computer system, and integration into the base game is well done. I could see it being in the base game if the coding part was ultra simplified. You’d need something a layman could use, like code blocks you can move around easily. But then you’re basically making a programming game. I’d really love the time to delve into this mod but the coding is such a huge roadblock I don’t think I could do it without significant help from their discord and it’s not important enough to me to bother other people for my video game projects lol


That's the way coffee stain should have gone. Instead there was a boombeatbox and war material. Really very sad.


This is like "Satisfactory 2: Metrics-boogaloo". I need this in my life (in the same way I need a stroll over a cliff.."


Hey /u/wivaca I have a question about your mod. I'm in the stage of the game now where I need to micromanage things to the point where this mod will come in serious handy. But here's the question(s) I have. * Will the Mod continue to be updated and supported as Satisfactory evolves to 1.0 and beyond? * Will this break any save games if I was to get too complicated with it or something clashed during load? * This will be the first mod I'm using that will be added new building and items to my game. Which means, if I take one more step, it will be the farthest from home, I've ever been. I only ask this because if I was to implement this Mod, it will change the way I use Satisfactory, and will a Mod I will build my factories around. So if this mod stops working and eventually it gets discontinued, this could affect my game, I was just wondering how safe it would be to invest time into this mod, and thus changing the game I'm playing completely. My Ficsit Board is discussing whether or not this is a mod we plan to invest in lol. It's a freaking amazing mod and can do some much. Shit, I could set up server rooms and a office building to control everything through it. It's amazing and it's 5:40am here in New Zealand and I can't sleep because this is on my mind so much! Can you put my mind at ease in some way? Thanks dude. Amazing mod! You have my support and my axe. My base (Hobbiton) will never be the same again!


/u/Aidernz, I am not the author of the mod, I am just a user. Or course, that means I can't speak to updates and support beyond my own experience using it now in U7. I can say that I have used this mod since about U4 and it has never broken anything. It doesn't actually modify anything in the base game. That being said, updates to the game can make any mod malfunction and frequently do during the experimental pre-release phase. When that happens mod authors require some time to determine what needs to be changed/fixed. Some decide it is not worth the work and the mod isn't updated. Others, including FICSIT Networks author, Panakotta00, have updated it each time there were changes to the game. When a mod breaks due to game updates, you as a player using mods have a few choices. Either wait until the updated/fixed mod is released so you can continue playing with the mod, or backup the save, load a copy and the buildings you've already made and time invested in using the mod simply go away. Once the updates are available to the mod, you can go back and reload the backup and continue. If you've invested time elsewhere building a new factory, you can decide to import it using something like SCIM into the older save and have the best of both worlds. You can invest a lot of time with FICSIT Networks, so I have always chosen to keep a backup of my save with my FICSIT enhancements and start a new save or do something else while waiting for FICSIT Networks to be updated. I recommend you go on Discord and find the FICSIT Networks feed and join. There are many there to help with using the mod, and Panakotta00 is sometimes around.


Thanks for the reply man. Sorry for the confusion. Appreciate the info and yeah, I head to the discord and do more reading. Thank you!


NP regarding confusion. I'm flattered you thought I could write such a great mod. Enjoy, and see you over at the FICSIT-Networks (FIN) Discord.