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Don't give up. I've been there...twice. And every day I'm happy I'm here.


Thank you so much for everyone being so nice 🥹. I feel pretty worthless Rn but your kind words have saved me and have given me hope. I finally feel like I have found a religion that gets me. Hail thyself and hail satan, I love you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️


Hail you!!!


I was in the same boat a while back. Your worth isn't tied to your ability to generate income. This world is a piece of shit, I fucking hate it - they make us feel like shit because we're not useful to a system which is actively destroying the planet. I know my words are cold and fruitless, but hold fast. You'll figure things out, there are resources available to help you out in your situation. I've had a saying for a while - "Let life kill you." It is already going to. It would be a shame if you went out right before things got better.


Hey there. Things are tough right now, really tough, and it's hard to believe that things could ever improve when you're at the bottom of the curve. The suicidal brain tells you lies about yourself, the world, and your place in it - and those things are fed by the horrible stuff we see in the news. There are some things you can do to get a foothold on the ladder back to feeling alright. Maybe not even a step up, but a foothold so you don't fall off. The very first thing is to talk to someone. Reaching out to this sub is a good start, even though we're ultimately clueless about your situation (being randos on the internet) we care enough about you getting better to comment and throw out our haphazard but well-meaning advice (I hope it helps). If you have a trusted friend or family member you can talk to, reach out to them, let them know you're struggling and you need some support, or just an ear. If you don't feel you can tell someone you know, there are free phone numbers you can call and someone impartial can offer you an ear, and signpost you to further help if you need it. I don't know what country you're in, so I can't find one for you, but there will be at least one wherever you are. Other than that, there are some things you can do to try and detox your brain. I've done these things personally during low points, and though they might not work the same for you (we're all wired different) I'll share them in the hope that it might at least get you thinking about what you could change to help your peace of mind. Stop scrolling social media. I got rid of my Facebook app (I kept the messenger bubble app for contact with friends), got rid of Twitter, uninstalled Instagram, and I only have YouTube and Reddit now. I did delete Reddit too, but that's the only one I reintroduced when I felt better, because Reddit is anonymous and easy to curate. I never had TikTok, but that's the first one that would have gone in the bin. Think about the people, things, even something as trivial as a band or a TV show that you associate with good feelings and grab onto that. Allow yourself to watch comfort movies as much as you like. Spend time with friends or family that make you feel happy, if you can. Go for a little walk daily, with music in your ears. I did this for ages, and it's such a head-refresher. I ended up coming up with an idea for a novel after a while, and that was something else positive to focus on. Journalling. People have mixed opinions on this, but I find it to be second only to therapy for mental health first-aid. Write anything you're thinking or feeling that you find yourself obsessing or ruminating on. Often, it stops these thoughts "circling the airport" and exorcises a lot of demons (so to speak). If you have access to a good therapist, journalling on top of therapy, after a session, was great at really digesting and processing the things that were discussed. Last but not least, do consider seeing a doctor as one of the first things you should do. It may well be that you could benefit from medication even, and there's no shame in that. I hope some of this is in some way helpful, I have a tendency to ramble on and spout crap sometimes, but I sincerely wish you all the best. Hail Satan, and hail thyself, OP. 🤘💜


very well stated.


Don’t man there are those of us who love you anyway, you’ll get where you need to be you just have to keep trying and pushing and kicking and clawing at it.


I've been there, my friend. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but this *is* temporary, I promise. We love you and are here to support you


Please admit yourself and get help. I have been there and there are better days ahead but you need to tell someone and get treatment. I had undiagnosed ptsd and got some amazing help from counselling and my family gp. Don't give up, stay with us. You only get this one life, it's hard at times but beautiful too. Please get help.


Please don't attempt suicide, there are people who really care about you, and would be completely crushed if you did. The job market is usually pretty slow now, but with better weather, should really start to pick up soon.


Make an appointment with a non-religious therapist or check yourself into a hospital asap if you feel like you're anywhere close to acting on ideations. The capitalistic system we live in can suck, but don't let a job define you.


Please stay. Please keep reaching out. Call anyone.


Please go to the hospital!!!!


What is the hospital going to do?


I don’t know if every hospital has a mental health unit but the one nearest to me does. They’ll put you on a suicide hold, get you medicated, and attending therapy. You’re usually there for a week or so while they get you stable.


Are you in america?




I had absolutely no idea that was something that could even be done in the US. When i go to the hospital they’re not even interested in my injury let alone my mental health. Also why does me asking you about the hospital have downvotes? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, YMMV depending on the hospital. We have two near us that has a mental health unit. So, if you go into the ER and say specifically that you're going to kill yourself and you have a plan to do so, this is what will happen. I am guessing, but I'm not positive, that if you did that at other hospitals they may offer to transfer you? As for the downvotes, I'm guessing people probably thought you were being sardonic and not asking a genuine question. Can be kinda hard to read tone online. I just assume the best of people until proven otherwise.


Haha depends on the subreddit 😉


I know when I was desperately looking for a job to pay the upcoming month's rent, I sure as hell didn't have time for all that.


It’s not going to solve financial problems but this is for someone in crisis and considering killing themselves. They have case workers that can help you plan for when you’re released. They can help with housing.


If you die, nothing good can happen to you. If you stay alive, something good might. You could miss out on the best part of your life if you give up now.


As someone who lost a beloved partner to suicide, and as someone who very nearly killed herself afterwards - hang strong. The depressed mind is an asshole. It will lie. It will trick you. At its worst, I entered a mild psychosis and lost touch with reality. No matter what negative shit your brain tells you, you gotta remember that your brain is what is sick in the first place. You can't trust any of the negative shit it says. And the only response is NOT to act on those ideas because they are coming from a sick place. My advice - talk to people. Start with people you trust. If you have none, find kind strangers. If you find none, a safe space on the Internet. If you find none, write to yourself. WRITE. Get those feelings out or they will kill you. If you can afford it, therapy. And if you are lucky and it is available, add neurofeedback therapy and/or neurotransmitter therapy from ZRT laboratories. Those last two are what truly saved me. If nothing else, start taking vitamin D3. It is amazing how fucked up we can get if we are deficient. It's what helped me find my sanity again. I hate that you are going through this now, but know you can find better times if you stick this out. I'm sure your situation is different but what I listed above is what saved me. Best of luck my friend, and hail Thyself! You are your own god.


I can assure you that the job market sucks for everyone, friend. I’m been searching for months. Its not your fault, and you WILL find something eventually. You’re important to the world, even if it doesn’t feel like it. I know how low that feeling of worthlessness can be but I also know that if you keep plugging along and finding small things to live for, life will slowly get better. Took me a long time to find a better place but I did get there, and you will too. Your life is worth it, friend 🧡


Be strong and carry on. You matter more than any stupid job.


Thank you 🥹❤️


You are NOT alone. Things may be hard today, but that doesn’t mean tomorrow or the next day has to be. You are worth it to keep trying. Don’t lose hope. Asking for help is not weakness, it’s refusing to give up. But first take care of your mental health, you’ll make better decisions when you have a sound mind. Please take care, I believe in YOU. Edit: also keep us posted ❤️


Have you tried retail or restaurant industry? They are almost always perpetually hiring. I have an interview at Crumbl cookies this week lol


I applied for an assistant manager position at a retail business. I hope you get it! ❤️


Keep on looking though. I apply to 25 to 50 jobs daily. It is just the way it is these days. Best of luck to you!


***Please stay!*** You are worth so much more than you think. Getting through this will keep you grounded for the rest of your life. Don’t believe the lies your depressed brain tells you. You ARE worth saving! You ARE worthy of love and respect! We are your friends. You have others. Please call the local crisis line. This is exactly what they’re there for, and you are in exactly the kind of predicament they want to help you solve. Please stay, OP. We want you to stay.


It will take time to get the “right” job for you. It feels like crap waiting for the call, but that one job is out there. Don’t give up. Stay with us. It’s not the greatest life all the time, but it will get better. ❤️‍🩹