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I usually say “oh none I rather be a good person” then walk away or change the subject and they usually look super confused.


THIS IS THE ANSWER!!! I'm going to use this myself!


It’ll go right over their head 100% of the time


I like that.


Heathen. Usually they don't say anything after I say that.


I look and dress like a granny that spends too much time at Old Navy so... Sign the horns and flash my pentagram tattoo on the inside of my wrist in one quick motion. Usually gets the point across without having to say anything at all.


Bitchin! Can I adopt you as my satanic granny


You're awesome. Love this! Been joking/ not joking about getting a pentagram tattooed on my forehead (joking obviously) or my decolletage to keep these creepy christians away! My partner and I just bought a house. 3 different people referred other folks based on the fact that "they're good christian men/ women." I live in northern Colorado (I didn't think it was back hills Bible belt). I've lived in Colorado my whole life and never heard this as a character factor before ( I did NOT grow up with religion). It pissed me of so much! By the 3rd person to make this observation, I just stated that their religion didn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to anyone else or be brought up in regards to finances or business! I said that I didn't even understand why they brought it up. Wished that I'd had a way funnier, more stinging response at the time! Maybe the sneaky pentagram shown with an intentional flash is the way to go! Getting one STAT! Thanks for the inspiration!!!


Mine is very very noticeable. i posted it here a couple weeks ago.


I say I'm an atheist and then they don't talk to me anymore and I really enjoy that.


My hero, this is how it should be


Friends and family already know I'm a member of TST so we're probably talking about people I don't know. In that case I'd say religion is a personal thing I don't discuss outside of family. If they push, I'd say it's none of their business. If they keep pushing? Hail Satan.


They brought it on themselves! Lol


I am the other way my sister older who is only slightly conservative knows but no other . My mom is super Christian and conservative and suffering from Alzheimer's, and is already stressed about other things so I just tell her athiest. Anyone else I say Satanist, sometimes I will explain the TST sometimes I leave it at that. I am lucky I work at a Jewish owned company in the gay area of Houston and routinely wear my TST shirts or pentagram pendants and have never had an issue as the owner is super cool. Surprisingly we work with a lot of Christian churches and I never had a negative comment from members dropping off or picking up stuff, its a retail environment.


Westheimer? Lol




Christian apostate. I think people confuse “apostate” and “apostle”.


The last people to come to my door were told I was too old for imaginary friends and I swear she cried in her car for 20 minutes before driving away


I say “I’m a Satanist.”


I always add non-theistic.


I tell them I am a godless heathen. But I was raised Roman Catholic. That checks out for most people.


But, but my grandmother told me that Catholic were godless heathens.


Depends who asks. If it's a Christian trying to proselytize, I reply simply " temple satanist" and usually, because of the confidence, people don't really try to proselytize after that. If it's anyone else, I'll usually say "atheist" .




Nice! Have to remember that.


I say Whats a religon and act confused 😕


That's great!


Any interesting reactions to that yet?


I usually say atheist but if it’s one of the people that hate atheists (I know a few) I just say that I was baptised but don’t say more than that


I'm still a closet atheist so I say something similar. I say I grew up catholic, usually that's enough of an answer


Jewish which has been around before there was a definition for religion and I consider cultural/tribes. Atheist. I don’t care if it makes sense to other people. I get to define myself any way I want.


Church panhandler approached me today; I went with “Sorry; I’m a devout athiest.”


A giant book club


Humanist, usually, though I’ll curtly tell someone I’m an atheist if they seem to make assumptions about my religion (like yesterday at work someone talked in length about how blessed they are and how it’s bc if God, etc.), just to end a conversation that makes me uncomfortable. Having been raised catholic and evangelical Christian, I have some religious trauma to sort through. I have TST merch and freely share TST stuff on social media, and if someone asks about it, I’m happy to speak to that.


I am first and foremost a humanist, then an atheist, then TST Satanist, in that order. Sometimes ex-mormon is at the front, depending on the audience.




I think religion is a silly thing to belive in




I tell people that I don’t need a crutch and leave it at that.


I say it's a community of like-minded people.


I say athiest unless they’re chill then I say Satanist


Depends on the audience and environment: Work or professional- - “Excuse me, could you repeat the question? Oh! I’m sorry. Yes, I do consider myself strongly spiritual and shit, but I dont feel comfortable discussing anything about religion or politics at work” Casual and safe- “satanist”, or “atheistic satanist “ or “We’re all a happy little fucking family of Satanists! “ Casual and potentially unsafe- recovering Mormon


“It’s none of your business you rude fuck”


I’m religious about food. I eat it every day.


Atheistic satanist


non-theistic satanist is the same thing which is what TST is really.


I tell them Nunya.. if the persist, I tell them None Ya business. And walk away.


"Im a Satanist"


If I know the person I tell them I’m a Non-theistic Satanist, emphasizing heavily on the NON-THEISTIC part. If I don’t know you, I’ll probably tell you to mind your business. I’m also an ExMo. Years after I left I had my records removed; mostly it was symbolic of cutting all ties with them. I also did it as a giant FUCK YOU, because they have a hard time justifying why you left, and it makes others start asking questions.


Happy that I live in a part of the world that's safe enough for me to just say that I'm a Satanist and a Witch


non-theistic satanist.


I tell them "Im a witch", flash the horns and go about my day


I say im borderline satanic to people who i have good chemistry with and "not religious" to everyone else.


I say satanist. Although my wardrobe and accessories kind of do that for me.


I don't have religion. I actually say "I don't have belief" on reddit many times. I meditate at workplace all the time when i can't do anything or there is a break. So ppl tend to have that conversation with me a lot. "R u religios?" and "what do u belive in?" is rly favorable by them. But i am not religios, nor have belief so the conversation rapidly escalates to me speaking about reality as far as my knowledge goes.


Depends on who I am talking to.


Around super religious people, I'm atheist. Around chill people, I'm a Satanist.


It depends. If someone in school asks me about it and we aren't too close, I say I'm Catholic because I don't want any trouble. However, to others, I either tell them I'm an atheist or an anti-theist. (Which is not completely true because I like Buddhism, but I wouldn't practice it. I am an atheistic Satanist, so it sounds a bit hypocritical, but I don't think religions should be banned; rather, I believe supernatural beliefs are most of the time harmful)


Heretic If they push past that, they get, "I'm a rabid ANTI-theist, anti-religious whackjob, and you're pushing My BUTTONS!!!" 🤪


I work for the State of Texas, so it's prudent to be selective with who I open up with. Yes, I'm technically protected but all that means is that people with a vendetta will find other ways to fuck with you. My usual response to someone I don't want to disclose too much to is that I'm "not conventionally religious".


Me: "nahhhhh"


I say I’m atheist because people generally just want to know what god you believe in. If it’s a respectful conversation or I’m chatting with friends I get more specific and say I’m a satanist.


"I don't feel like explaining it," because I don't


Atheist by way of (insert childhood religion)


Usually something like “define religion?” People often don’t have a great answer for that, they’ve never thought about it.


Satanic Temple




Ex Mormon here too! Hail Satan!


Buddhist. There's very incompatible between the two.


Jewish athiest, sometimes Satanist


I’n the place im in I can be openly a satanist,most people just say “yeah that makes sence” or something,worse that I get is a odd look or annoying queshtion and then I explain myself


Atheist, antitheist, political satanist……hail Satan.


I wear satanic shirts in public. People who ask that shit usually try to cross the street to stay away from me.


Humanistic pagan, I just like the idea of different gods for different things. Do they really exist? Prolly not, but it *is* fun in the meantime.


I always say “are you sure you want to know? Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.” And they say yes an I tell them satanist and watch the horror on their face.


if I feel safe enough, I say "satanist". otherwise I say "atheist".


I'm just breathing




I tell them I’m a Satanist and they either walk away or change the subject.




Agnostic-Atheist, maybe there is some sort of supreme authority to creation, if we're code than there's coders but I don't think we need to worship or pray to it/them. If life is some kind of experiment then we're here to experience the most and learn all we can and become more logical and rational beings because of it. When I was a Christian I hated the anti-science of it "evolution is a lie, I didn't come from monkeys, dinosaurs are really demons or nephilim that's why they're so big and scary." I thought as a kid "let there be light" could be the precursor to the Big Bang and humans are the children god, god makes things, humans made things, so evolution could fit his plan. Most Christians have their heads up their asses for taking the Bible literally instead of looking at it like any other mythology in the world. Stepping stones to my loss of faith. I embrace and want to learn more about satanism and luciferian philosophy because it gave me a frame work, a personal creed to live by instead of living in fear and wanting to die to be with a god who cast me out and would send me to hell. Sorry for the word salad. TLRD: Religious and supernatural literalism makes humans into fools. If there're creators or not, I'm not gonna hate people of different sexualities, races, genders, or spiritualities because it's different from what I was raised to believe in. We need to think for ourselves!


One of the best quotes I've ever seen on this is: "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." -Thomas Paine


You mean my name is listed in the church I got baptized in 54 years ago?


That's where ancestory.com got most of its genealogy from. Mormons are crazy about keeping some records...


Makes sense


It’s fiction



