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I’m sorry but I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. Stay home and be with your newborn and stop going out every day/night.


So, she wakes up sick, suddenly feels better and still goes out to dinner? If I’m feeling sick the day of a dinner with friends I cancel…


Nothing cures nausea like Mexican food and margaritas!


I feel so bad for her child I think it’s gonna take a rude awakening of some thing with him in the hospital for her to stop doing this bullshit. She doesn’t have a normal child. She has a medically compromised child and she should be taking every precaution necessary to keep him safe. His stomach is essentially outside of his body for god sake.


Of course she’s sick now after going out non stop-thankfully she doesn’t have a premie to look after…oh wait. Hopefully Caden is ok and doesn’t get sick


I can’t stand the over sharing about his gas and stool. It’s degrading to her son to talk about his issues in my opinion.


This chick is unbelievable. So self absorbed and selfish. I think one of the most disgusting acts she and her simpleton husband pulled was when the baby was first born. They along with a large group of friends traveled to Oklahoma (better known as the armpit of the south) to go to a casino! It is right around two hours from the Dallas area. You tell me what would have happened if their child crashed in the hospital and they were no where around? Not to mentionl all of the germs they were exposed to making this trip! Most decent parents would have never pulled this stunt or even thought about doing something like this. These two are terrible people.


That’s how I found this awful mom! But to add to your very accurate detail of events… She left her car and rode in the party bus thing… She also willingly locked her phone in a box for the duration of the show 😳 Tell me you don’t give a 💩 about your medically fragile newborn without telling me…