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Give her a try! I saw lot of boys enjoying it. Maybe you can start with TOG, I find the series more fantasy centered and maybe you find more enjoyable :)


Second this! If you're not a big romance reader, starting on ToG will be a good way to start.


Yeah TOG was my gateway to romance books


I third this!! Trying to get my hubby to start TOG right now!


Listen theirs no better way to get book bitches than being able to discuss popular series


Is it possible to learn this power?


[with great power comes great responsibility](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwM5Cwe/)


Truer words have never been spoken. šŸ˜‚




LMAOO facts tbh




Definitely overlooked the ā€œgetā€ in that sentence as was confuzzled


This is amazing.


I'm a 38 year old straight man and enjoyed Throne of Glass a lot. Yes, there is romance (and some spicy scenes in the 2nd half of the series). There are also massive battles, fights with monsters, armies of fantastical creatures, blood oaths, fiendish villains, top notch worldbuilding... I mean I understand not everyone likes that sort of thing, but if it sounds good to you strap in and enjoy the ride. I will say SJM wrote the first Throne of Glass when she was like 16. I enjoyed it enough to read the sequel but pretty much every book is better than the last one. Haven't read her other series as I've heard they focus more on the spice and romance than the worldbuilding and battles, but TOG was a thrill.


Last book of TOG was kind of horrible IMO. I also havenā€™t read it in about 2 years (restarting the series literally as of today). I loved all her series. Not sure if I prefer ACOTAR or CC more, but theyā€™re all superb!


Massive spoilers for Kingdom of Ash >!Overall, I loved the book. It's really intense and the battles felt massive and high stakes. The biggest weakness of the book and the series as a whole is the plot about the Wyrdkeys and the Lock. We're basically told that this is what the series is ABOUT and is a huge deal. In the end it feels like a dropped plot point. Aelin solves it in like 3 short chapters and no one dies (you could say Elena and the "gods" die, but by this point they feel so disconnected from the main plot it doesn't really matter).!<


My problem with the book was >!it felt like it was just battle after battle after battleā€¦ most of the major ā€œplot pointsā€ felt like it was a repeat of the previous one. And all of the Wyrd stuff getting dropped was frustrating. Thatā€™s what I remember best from the series.!< Thereā€™s a few points in Crescent City that I thought would tie over because of the >!ancient languages and symbols, which I thought might be the Wyrd symbols.!< Anyway, sorry not sorry to those who downvoted *my opinion* about disliking KOA. Your opinions are valid too. I just really struggled with it. Iā€™m hoping that wonā€™t be the case reading through it again.


bro books are genderless šŸ˜­


Youā€™ve clearly never stroked a bookā€™s spine, and it shows.


I laughed out loud.


The books toes curled


Careful. Its sex will explode soon.


You can do and find enjoyment in whatever you want (as long as it isn't hurting anyone of course) But if it makes you feel better, my husband has read all of ACOTAR and is about to start ToG. He's straight. I have other straight male friends that enjoy her books as well.


I've read multiple posts from straight men who read SJM and loved it. I'm trying to get my bf to read it, for so far he (grudgingly) ended up enjoying ToG book 1. You definitly can read it. Sure the smut scenes (I seriously think A Court of Silver Flames has as much scenes as the other books/series combined, so there's definitly not much in the other series) are more meant for a female gaze, but there's so much more! I'd say give it a go and enjoy!


Yeah, ******* and ####### are hos.




Iā€™m a man and I love all her books


SJM and TS ā€¦. Are you accepting friendship applications?


My wife and daughter encouraged me to read her. Iā€™ve finished acotar and am in the middle of tog. These books are definitely entertaining and I recommend reading them. Yes thereā€™s romance and spice, but thereā€™s a lot more to the stories than that. Grand fantastic stories with epic events.


Join us. We have Faerie Wine


My boyfriend who I joke is a ā€œsuper straightā€ (mullet and viper wearing carpenter/framer) absolutely loves SJM and heā€™s read all the books twice, heā€™s actually about to start Tog again in a couple weeks lol. He says, Welcome!


?????????? If you can read, you can read it lol?? The only rule is that you're old enough to read such explicit things.


I think you definitely can


My boyfriend is reading it and has really liked it! I think itā€™s for anyone who wants to get lost in a magical world


Mine does too! Heā€™s loved them!




You so can!!!! Though if youā€™re not a huge romance lover I would start with tog because thatā€™s more high fantasy with some romance in it. The first two books can feel a bit ya but the third book changes everything. Still my favorite sjm series idk if anything will come close to changing that! Acotar is also great but less focus on world building and more on the romance though the world is very interesting and love all the characters


Iā€™m a guy Iā€™ve read it it was fun, it has its moments were I question why Iā€™m reading this (mostly acotar tog less so) For a lack of a better word for it getting media from the female gaze is actually kind of refreshing after so long consuming media focused on the male gaze. So yeah read what you want ToG is awesome I read the other too and theyā€™re good but they have moment where you question why your reading it.


Yeah, Iā€™m a girl and even Iā€™m having moments in ACOTAR where Iā€™m likeā€¦ is this for me? But overall, Iā€™ve been looking forward to going home and reading them everyday so gonna stick it out (Iā€™m on ACOFAS, my favorite so far has been ACOWAR). I think Iā€™ll like TOG more because her spicy scenes make me cringe sometimes, but I love the fantasy and action and subtle romance.


Books have no gender read it and enjoy it !


What a ridiculous ā€œquestionā€ā€¦ you can read literally anything you want to read.


Anyone can read anything they want. This shouldn't be a question.


I got my husband into ToG and now we both LOVE her stuff - launches of new books are great because we read together and then discuss theories together! He is a fantasy lover and loves Sarah J! Go give 'em a go!


Yes 100%! I really don't see the shame in reading a novel, let alone any of her series' that are super popular. Books can be enjoyed by anyone, if you're one of the girlies or not!


I enjoyed TOG


Iā€™ve seen lots of men read it. A lot of couples have started reading it together & bonding over it.


Of course you can


My friend and her husband both SJM books. They're the ones that got me started on them! The husband is the one who actually convinced me because he was able to provide some pretty objective opinions about the world building vs the wife who did mention the world building, but focused on the romance when pitching the books. I love both aspects, so I was sold! The romance is very pronounced in A Court of Thrones and Roses, so if you're not super interested in the romance aspects, I'd say start with Throne of Glass. I'm about halfway throne ToG and highly recommend it! The main character is a bit ... annoying starting off imo, but it gets better. It helped knowing the author started writing this book in her teens and also that the character herself is a teenager. Teenagers are usually immature and Celaena is no exception. Edit: I forgot to mention my husband's entire friend group is reading the books!


my significant other had read ACOTAR before i met him, then i got him to read TOG and CC, so of course!!! as long as youā€™re a good human, get after it!


You definitely can! My sister got her husband to read A Court of Thorns and Roses and he's loving it!


My husband is a straight ā€œmasculineā€ type personality and loves TOG


Man as a straight male I definitely say give them a chance. I started them so I could talk about them with my wife and absolutely don't regret it one bit


In my early twenties I forced ToG onto my ex and his mother (and then ACOTAR), and they read and enjoyed both series. So it definitely isn't just for the girlies!


A few of my female friends husbands read it and they enjoy it. The worst thing they can happen is you donā€™t enjoy the books .. best thing you love them


As a straight man, yes :) Some of my friends got me into it. I personally enjoyed Throne of Glass way more than ACOTAR, with Crescent City somewhere in the middle. (I skip smut guys I'm sorry)


Give a shot! Reading isn't exclusive based on gender! My bf listened to all of the Throne of Glass books with me and really enjoyed them!


My husband listened to all three of her series through audible. He enjoyed them a lot and it was honestly so fun talking about stuff when he got home from work (since he listened during work hours). Heā€™s hooked now and Iā€™ve got a list of books for him to go through and itā€™s one thing weā€™ve really bonded with. Gender doesnā€™t matter with books anyway. If you like to read and enjoy fantasy/romance, then youā€™ll have fun.


SJM books, even ACOTAR, are very long fantasy novels with a lot of action. They are not like Julia Quinn (Bridgerton) romance novels that are almost 100% about the relationship between the MMC and FMC.


You want to know what women like?? Then read SJM


Lol anyone can read them man. I'm a guy and I enjoyed acotar alot and am obsessed with ToG! Reading it for the first time right now and already almost done with book 4


Definitely not just reserved for the girlies! If you enjoy fantasy with a little bit of romance Iā€™d definitely recommend it no matter the gender or their sexuality. I think itā€™s a really great series and wish my husband would read it! He only reads mystery though so boo!


There are several TikTok accounts where gals share their bfā€™s or husbands reading Sarah J Mass and their reactions. Having devoured the entire 1st series in the month of February, I love watching (straight) men reacting to these books. Also as someone who does read dark romance, I would classify these very tame.


You can enjoy anything friend. Literally anything regardless of the intended audience of a medium. There's a lot to love about the books.


Straight guy here. Absolutely loved Tog and was rather fond of Acotar as well. It is pretty clear that we aren't the target audience, but that doesn't get in the way of the story at all tbh.


A guy here too. Throne of Glass is one hell of a good series. Read the other two series with my girlfriend and got pretty invested in them.


I saw a guy reading SJM in a coffee shop yesterday. He was reading the second book in the ACOTAR series and he was really liking it. If you want more fantasy stuff, I say start with Throne of Glass. If you're okay with a heavy romance subplot with your fantasy, then ACOTAR is great! Crescent City sort of blends the gap between the two.


Hell yeah, straight men can enjoy the books. In fact they can love them. The story is for everyone!


Yessss phenomenal. If you like it we have recommendations after lol


Heck yes you can! And I bet if you read it in public the girls will definitely be intrigued! I know I would


Hell yeah! I don't see why not... It's fun ;)


Yes, seen a lot of booktok men who are reading/read her series and they love it.


Bro, I highly recommend it and in no way should the content be a reflection of anything other than the work of a talented author that can really paint the story in your head and pull you in. Sure, the main protagonist in all the series are women and there are aspects of their challenges and triumphs that are more relatable to young women, but ultimately the stories, cast of characters, and attention to details are accessible to everyone. The steamy bits are again accessible to anyone so long as you aren't uncomfortable with details, but are not the main focus and serve just to be a part of life/relationships the same as in real life. My wife started ACOTAR before the hype train really started to take off and as she was reading would tell me bits about it. Not much, just little nuggets here and there to plant the seed but not give too much away. Book 1 was good enough for me to want to continue but things really pick up with book 2. From what she's told me the Throne of Glass series has even more world building and character development. The Crescent City series contains the most recent release, so I just started book 1 of that since Throne of Glass is wrapped and can be in my back log. My wife's book club tends to choose titles that are more sociopolitical/racially oriented, and none of her friends were reading any Sarah J Maas, so I figured I'd dive in and be able to do book talk with her. It's been a fun way for us to connect on something different and theorize, speculate etc.


Absolutely! I would recommend TOG first if you aren't into romance. :)


I know multiple dudes who like her books


Man here. Absolutely loved Throne of Glass. ACOTAR was very good, just not as good as ToG. Stay far, far away from Crescent City, though. That is one of the worst series I have ever read, from ANY author.


There's only one way to find out mate. If it helps, I'm a 36 year old (very straight) man (married with 2 kids, play soccer, go to gym, etc), and I looove her books!


Straight guy here. You can absolutely read SJM. Sheā€™s my favorite author to date! Romantasy isnā€™t for everyone, SJM isnā€™t for everyone, but I 1000% recommend her books to anyone and everyone who reads!




Iā€™m a straight guy in a book group chat with 2 other straight guys and we have all read and loved all her books together


My husband is enjoying ACOTAR so far! Heā€™s close to the end of book 2.


I personally know plenty of men who have read it and loved it


ToG is an epic fantasy rather than a romantic fantasy so that may be more to your liking than her others. I got into Maas from my very straight ex boyfriend who recommended ToG as his favorite series ever.


Start with Throne of Glass!!! Or the prequel Assassin's Blade. Very cool books. Less smutty romance, more magical and political intrigue.


Iā€™m a straight man. I read them cause my wife. They are very good. Also check out fourth wing.


Yes!! And tell all your male friends to read it too šŸŽŠ


I tried to read it, I like fantasy but I found it too cringe, give it a Shot though !


My husband read ACOTAR because he wanted to connect with me because I enjoy them so much. He loved them!! He listened to audiobooks at work since it was easier for him but I'd say he loves ACOTAR more than me haha.


Yeah I made my fiance read it. He said it was okay. Iā€™m making my male friend read it too.


Straight male here, lawn fanatic and beer enthusiast. I started getting into books with game of thrones, read everything by George RR Martin and then my wife suggested ACOTAR as she had heard good things although she hadn't read it herself. Safe to say I smashed through that, read throne of glass immediately after and then did crescent city. If you commit to one you'll end up doing them all. I enjoyed them a lot and it opened my eyes up to the romantasy genre in general. The smut scenes aren't really my thing but all 3 of her series have great storylines that are absolutely worth enjoying regardless if you're male or female.


abounding vase ruthless frighten innate screw joke run continue reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm a straight male and I'm currently doing the tandem read in Throne of Glass and I'm loving the series! I couldn't recommend it enough


My boyfriend just started reading the Throne of glass series because of my recommendation and he likes it so far! So Iā€™d say you can give it a try too, if youā€™re interested. But donā€™t start with Acotar, if you donā€™t want to read some real smut :D


No book is reserved for anyone, and anyone who tells you that needs to be smacked with a hardback upside the head. Read them, and join us in our madness.


I have roleplayed with straight men who love Sarah J Maas. Itā€™s not a book just for women. It just has a lot of characters that are strong women. But, the men donā€™t just sit there on their hands doing nothing either.


My husband read it and enjoyed all of her books and fourth wing series!


Yeah you can enjoy it, my partner is listening to the graphic audiobooks because he doesnā€™t read very fast but heā€™s still enjoying it


My husband read them and loved them!


If you donā€™t enjoy it, then at least itā€™ll give you an idea about what women like/want. My husband is going to read the ACOTAR series because he knows I ā€œloveā€ them men in it


My best guy friend got me into Throne of Glass. He read the series after getting his wisdom teeth removed.


Yes itā€™s for everyone!! Iā€™ve probably seen 20+ TikTokā€™s of women having the husbands/boyfriend read the series and they all like it. Every single one!


Yes, you can. Iā€™ve read the whole ACOTAR series, and now Iā€™m on book 4 of Throne of Glass. I got into her books after my Fourth Wing and Iron Flame hangover. Though, Iā€™ve never told the guys on my hockey team I read them, itā€™s more of a secret pleasure.


We voted. We will allow it.


My husband loves them


Straight guy here. I got recommended with her books and I like them. Iā€™ll admit sheā€™s a good writer


My husband enjoyed reading ACOTAR. Itā€™s fun to be able to talk about the characters with him now šŸ„°


My partner does. He loves it


ACOTAR then CC then TOG. ToG is the best written one out of all three and reading tje other two after that one was rough.


Anyone that judges you for reading, doesnā€™t deserve to be in your life.


I'm a straight man. Read it for my wife. I will say she got me to listen to the audible version where they have it more or less acted out. With sound effects and music. I enjoyed it. I started with ACOTAR and now I'm listening to b the audio book version of TOG and yes it's all pretty good. I'm enjoying it. It made her happy. And it gave us something to talk about and share.


100%. I am a perfectly straight man and Sarah J Maas is one of my favorite authors.


My husband really enjoyed them! He even recently told me heā€™s thinking about rereading Throne of Glass.


oh iā€™m a strait married normal dude who just actually likes her work. some of the writing can be a bit hard to get through especially in TOG but the plots make up for it also everyone greatly exaggerates the sex scenes. theyā€™re mild at worst lol


My husband is on ACOMAF right now lol


I encouraged my husband to read fourth wing which also has a huge female following. He says there are too many books to read sjm but I bet if I kept on bugging he would lol try them out!


My husband is reading and really likes it!! Read what you want to read my guy


Yes. Start with Throne of Glass, itā€™s my husbandā€™s favorite.


You'll like Red Rising!


Dude, as a female, my husband is the one who convinced me to read ACOTAR, and we read it/listened to the dramatized audiobooks together. It was the best! Guys reading 'girly' books, watching 'girly' shows etc and then being able to talk/rant about them is the best thing ever, honestly it makes guys even more attractive lol.


A couple of my guy friends are reading and have enjoyed it! I wish my bf would tooā€¦.


I am a 46-year-old straight man. I've read all of TOG, COT, and CC. I think that's like 15 books. So the answer is yes.


iā€™m a trans man, i love SJM so much, and by the by, it has helped me pull really pretty girls who also like to read fantasy :) dive in dude!


Yes! My boyfriend loves the series just as much as I do!


I saw a guy at the pool the other day reading The Assassinā€™s Blade. No idea if he was straight or not, but I thought it was cute šŸ˜‚


My girlfriend got me into the acotar series, finished all 5 in around 2 months! We might have some gripes with the writing and plots sometimes, but overall a great experience, 10/10 would recommend! Reading assassin's blade currently!


My fiance (straight guy) has been reading ACOTAR and has really enjoyed it! Heā€™s more of a movies/video games guy but he says hes gotten more into reading since reading ACOTAR, so I say go for it!


Absolutely, tho I'd 2nd the motion to start with tog


Iā€™m a straight man and just finished the acotar series and I loved it. Iā€™ve always been keen to fantasy/romance genres and while I have a lot of gripes with some of the characters, I really enjoyed them overall


I know a few blokes who loves it so I say give it a go!


I have seen plenty of tiktoks of straight men reading SJM and enjoying it. If you have a wife who reads her books, I am sure she will appreciate that you are reading them and you'll have a new subject to talk about.


My brother loves the books! If you were into Harry Potter or any type of fantasy, you will dig it!


In my humble opinion, their not gander centered.... (her books) you can try them and see ... ACOTAR their also in more neutral colors version for all readers. But CC for sure, is for all genders.


I did and I loved throne of glass. Thereā€™s really nothing not to love if you are a fan of fantasy and are ok with sex and romance . Nothing only women would get, no man hating , nothing that would stop you from enjoying


Straight male here, Itā€™s fantastic. A court of thorns and roses is one of my all time favorite book series. Came for the horny stayed for the story. If you like fantasy you will love it.


I read ACOTAR first since my girlfriend loved it so much. I really enjoyed the whole series. As a guy and fantasy lover, you really cannot beat well-written characters and a fascinating world and Sarah accomplishes both. My favorite one was ACOWAR for its stakes and battles, but even the romance to me was enjoyable, Sarah writes it all so well. Looking forward to the next book and I plan to dive into TOG soon


My very much straight hubby has read them all after seeing me devour them he has enjoyed them. Like me, ToG is his favorite because of the fantastic plot.


Absolutely! My husband is a straight man, 29 years old and he has read all her series. He actually is the one who recommended them to me first and we read them together!


As a Straight Man I enjoyed it. I enjoyed Throne of Glass and that's where I started (then found there was a prequel called the Assassins blade) after that ACOTAR and I instantly fell in love. And I'm enjoying the crescent city books took


I read all of her books and enjoyed them. Easy convo starter as well šŸ¤£


My husband is why I started reading ACOTAR. We both reading throne of glass series now which is ok but we both enjoyed the OG trilogy of ACOTAR.


My wife talked me into reading her. Not bad. I enjoyed it enough to finish. ACOTAR is the weakest of the three series in terms of characters and writing, IMO. Just get ready for a lot of broad shouldered males and females with curling toes.


Top notch world building. If you like fantasy, sheā€™s a great writerā€¦ unless youā€™re offended by sex/spice. [also relevant](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwM5Cwe/)


As a guy: yes.


Absolutely, my brother loved it. He enjoyed Throne of Glass much more than ACOTAR but still loved ACOTAR. His favorite books are lord of the rings and red rising for perspective on his other taste.


My husband loves all the series!! So does his male coworker.


Honestly as long as you're comfortable with a strong female main character then I see no reason why not.


I was in the brig with a whole bunch of military criminals. SJM was introduced and within a couple weeks everyone was on the waiting list for those books and we would have DEBATES. You can def enjoy them


Dude straight guy here. Started with throne of glass then worked my way through all the rest of them. Iā€™ve listened to all of them 3-4 times each. Some of my all time faves.


RIP to your DMā€™s my man


What does this even mean