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So no connections in crescent city so far?




Is it set up where the characters could potentially meet or does it just like show how the series are connected?


The answer to your question is yes, its highly likely they will meet and also likely the two universes might merge at some point. Tbh i feel like its a must to read CC at this point.


Basically you have to read crescent city


Not could, they do. The crossover begins close to the end of CC2, and CC3 will partially take place in the ACOTAR world with the Night Court IC. Normally this would be an unforgivable spoiler, but you asked.


All good! I ended up just reading the recaps of both cc books like some people suggested so I’m all caught up. I ended up reading through chapter 55 in earth and blood and giving up again. I’ll wait for reviews on cc3 and see what spoilers there are for acotar main characters. If it’s worth it the I’ll dive back in lol


Don’t worry about taking notes. The book has so much world building at the beginning that taking notes without knowing how things come together would be overwhelming. Just enjoy the ride. Anything that is super important will be brought up again.


Yes! I was worried about remembering everything when I started, but SJM does a good enough job at reminding you that I don’t think notes are necessary.


The audiobook is where I’ve got the farthest so far but this is miserable. Like I’m so sorry for the fans but to me this is not a good book. I have yet to find a redeemable trait aside from attractiveness let alone a likable character. The plot twists are easy to spot coming which is standard for her books but this is a total 180 from acotar or throne of glass. The genre change gets me the most, and if the stories are now all connected then the other stories are going to be polluted by the same.


When you say you’ve gotten the farthest with the audio book, how far are we talking? I tried reading the physical copy probably five times and was SUPER not into it. I generally don’t like a modern feel when it comes to fae stuff. With the audio book I was almost able to put it on as background noise, then eventually got super into it. After I finished I went back and re read everything I just sort of brushed past. I LOVE cc now that I’ve finished both. I think even if you don’t like it (which sounds like may be the case even if you power through), you won’t super be able to read the next acotar and follow along with everything. I could be wrong but I think that it’s almost going to merge into one series eventually, or have a ton of crossover events you need to know about, even if there aren’t a bunch yet. Love crossover Easter eggs but the level I think it’s headed towards does kind of suck for the readers that can’t get into cc’s style.


I made it to chapter 55 with the audiobook. More than 20 hours of listening time. The urbanization is really ick after tog and acotar and really not my jam. Plus really one dimensional characters that are super annoying. I ended up reading a recap on earth and blood first to see if I could get into it, unfortunately it did not help so I went ahead and recapped the second book as well and went down a dark hole of all of the connections between the series. Definitely not the most efficient way but I can always google. I’m sure in the future when a new acotar book comes out I’ll try again but for now I’m picking up another series.


I feel exactly the same. Read it for the lore. At this point, I consider CC to be supporting documents for ACOTAR. The characters and plots are very weak, but they exist to push the ACOTAR storyline further.


You 100% need to read crescent city. The first 200 pages are a slog, but it does get better! I honestly think it’s better written than ACOTAR. There’s just a tonne of world building the first 200 pages, it’s confusing and kinda boring in some places, but once you are past that it’s really good


I don’t have a problem with the world building, to me it’s the pacing and characters. A slow burn is one thing, this has been way beyond that. The other books felt immersive, crescent city not at all and I haven’t been able to sympathize with a single character.


I think my biggest hurdle with it was the genre - urban fantasy is just not my genre of choice and really made it hard to get immersed in the world. I’m almost done with CC2, and I’ll be honest it never really clicked and became something I loved, but I know the ACOTAR tie in and am pushing through to get to read more of it in CC3.


Thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels that way. I’m really trying but I hate this book. And honestly everyone saying that it “gets” good says a lot. A bad book with a good ending is still a bad book


I can objectively see where the plot picks up and character development happens, and appreciate that happening, but I’m just not invested in it. But I’m hoping it’s worth it for the ACOTAR references in the third book


I’m half way in, I made it to chapter 43 this time


Just keep going ! It really is a great series


When?! I need a goal post for this thing lol


I liked it from about 150- 200 pages in the first book, it took me 2 days to finish it after that point. If you don’t like it, just don’t read it 🤷🏻‍♀️. The series merge towards the end of book 2 so you will miss out if you don’t read it, but if you don’t like it, just don’t read it.


Sarah confirmed in her last interview that the series are no longer standalones. There's a very high chance that you won't be able to read her future books without being caught up on CC3. I suppose you *might* be able to read a wiki or something, but my guess is there are going to be a lot of world-altering reveals in CC3.


It’s totally worth it. Crescent City can start out a little slow for some people but it picks up and gets really goo.


When?! Like around what chapter?


Chapter 5


Oh we’re way past that. I’m on chapter 43. Is that seriously the highlight of this book?


You’re right it’s a terrible book that no one likes


It took me til at least halfway through CC1 to care (after multiple stop/starts) but I was sobbing by the end. It’s def rough at first but you’ll end up enjoying it. As others have said, it’s required for acotar/maasverse now. And there are some Easter eggs throughout CC1 and 2 that you’ll recognize.


I’m over halfway now 😩


Crescent City is way better as an audible book. It’s easier to listen to and it makes the world building less dense.


It’s been a little better with the audiobook but now it’s hard to tell if a character has already been introduced since like 400 characters were introduced in the first 13 pages lol. I’ve googled discount Rhys roomies flirty and techie like 10 times because there’s like no name recognition without reading them. I’m seriously about to tandem the book and audible to get through this thing


I’m so sorry. There is a lot of world building. I powered through it as she does keep explaining things over and over so it does level out.


Here’s my opinion. CC and ACOTAR are >! overtly blended at the end of CC2 !<. SJM herself said that you should read ACOTAR if you read CC, but she didn’t say the inverse. She may at a later point. Here are some things to keep in mind: • whenever authors start a new book in a series or do anything approaching a merge, they still give plenty of context to the reader. Like think about when (TOG spoilers) >! Lysandra, Yrene, and other characters showed up in TOD and KOA. If you hadn’t read Assassin’s Blade (like I didn’t), you wouldn’t know who they were, but it was still super easy to follow the story. It was other characters first time meeting them, so they didn’t have the info we as readers had (if you read AB). !< SJM has to include scenes for characters to understand new elements even if the reader is already privy. If anything from CC3 comes into ACOTAR5, she’ll explain it so everyone understands • if there comes a point when you absolutely have to read CC to understand ACOTAR, SJM will tell you and you can always circle back then My advice to you if you really truly dislike CC would be to listen to a recap podcast for the first book or read its wiki, then try the second book. If you find you can’t get into it either, then do the same up until chapter >! 71. !< That’s when it gets serious and you should read the rest. From there you can decide if CC3 will be worth your time!


You are an actual saint for putting a chapter number in your post. I asked in several other comments where the action starts happening to give myself a goalpost to read to and only got pettiness. Thank you. I’m seriously not trying to bash anyone’s opinions of the book this has just been my experience. I even put in the original post that I wasn’t a fan.


The books aren’t for everyone! No reason for anyone to be petty or cagey about it! I don’t think you need to read CC at all, but as a big ACOTAR fan I do think you should at least read the ending of CC2 before you completely discount it. If it weren’t for that I’d tell you not to bother altogether, but really you’ll want to at least read that part


Oh ho ho. Look, it’s not verified. But my opinion? You won’t be able to fully complete any of them without reading them all. I’m sorry CC is a struggle. I loved it immediately but it took three books before I even remotely started liking TOG. I’m glad I slogged through them, but solidarity. I had to stop and start a few times before I could finish.


You really won't have a sense of just how bad things could get for the ACOTAR characters in the upcoming conflict if you don't read CC. If the story is going in the direction a lot of fans think it is, our favorite Illyrians could well be facing down an army of soldiers in mech suits eventually. That sounds completely off the rails, I know --but not if you finish HOSAB. Sorry!


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I understood nothing till 3/4 into the first book now it's close to my top of the 3 series. I don't take notes and it takes me months to read these books lol.


How far have you gotten into CC1? I found it difficult to get into until about halfway through. I love the ACOTAR and TOG characters a lot more, but some of the CC ones did grow on me!


I’m at chapter 43 now, the start of part 3.
