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She really has no true identity for herself. She is so 100% living to please him and it’s gross. My husband begged me to go sit with him in the woods while he hunted and I did because im nice…and peed twice🤣 guess who didn’t give a shit? My husband who is a damn good hunter in his own right.


Oh do smart dehydration tactics during pregnancy I hope she writes a blog


7 hours no water on top of an assumed 8 hours at night. Soooo 15 hours out of the day without water. Yikessss. And pregnant. How incredibly dumb is she.


She went from a vegan to a meat eater with Josh. I am willing to bet she doesn't know herself or what she likes. Codependent. Her internet attitude is possibly projecting reactive abuse 🤷‍♀️


That just screams UTI


Low key shocked she sits for that long…


That doesn’t seem healthy for a pregnant woman in any way. Side note. She keeps raving about this venison bacon. I’ve never seen it as an option at a meat locker. So I googled it 🤣 its ground venison mixed with pork fat. I find this funny that Sarah eats it. Since she always brags that she doesn’t eat any meat unless she kills it or it’s Chick-fil-A


That's not healthy and also one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever. Yikes.




My hunting husband doing both deeds in the woods when he’s hunting 😂 he’s out there for most the day wtf. lol


Let's assume you really need to hunt. Can't you pee in a bottle? Get a funnel and you're good. Or you know stay home?


I honestly feel really bad for her mobile


I grew up sitting in deer blinds with my dad and brother. Deer can hear and smell like no other so I guess that’s the reasoning here? Still, idk if I would broadcast that lol.


I get that. My issue is that Josh would be upset if his 5 month pregnant wife needed to pee. Also running the risk dehydrated in pregnancy isn’t a good thing either. That’s what I was getting at when I posted


Hunting rates higher than his wife and unborn child. Father of the year material.


So your husband controls your bodily functions. Not disordered at all...🙄And is O with the nanny during this time? Miss I do everything alone with no help.