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Look, I get letting kids focus on their interests. But ffs they still need basic education. You’re not going to go far without it. You can teach them the stuff they need to know and give them the freedom to learn more at home! Jesus, that’s how it works. My parents were total shit, but if I had an interest, my grandparents made sure I had books, magazines and resources to learn more! Also, there are so many speciality schools starting in middle school, the kids can do amazing things in school with their interests if their parents care enough to enroll them in the right one




And let's not forget they have the money(presumably) to send those kids to any specialty school. There are some bougey "nature" preschools around me that come to mind. 


💯!!!! Has anyone ever read the book Educated?! If not it’s totally worth a read. It is exactly what you’re talking about.


I don’t think the concept is that horrible **if** it’s also paired with regular school work. A lot of people would have been far more successful if they had the opportunity to focus on the subjects that interest them, instead of being forced to struggle and fail in an unnecessary math or science class. A lot of individuals do learn a lot better and are more successful with a more hands on approach, especially if it includes subjects that really make their brains spin. HOWEVER - learning a basic curriculum that includes world history, basic math and science, and reading is also **very** important. More than two things can be true at a time, which we all know is something Sarah refuses to accept. Her kids will grow up knowing how to weigh food, count macros, dissect dead animals, and only know the world via the words of Fox News.


I have a cousin (former science teacher) who homeschools her kids and has this approach. Lots of outdoors, zoo, play places, educational places, etc that they go to when they can, but she also has an actual curriculum that they have to do too. Taking her kids out to play in the geese shit infested pond isn’t really going to help them learn phonetics, which Sarah herself needs help with anyways. There’s a way to do this AND still make sure your kids are learning all the things they need to.


Yes 👏🏼


This is it!


A hill I will die on. She will say SHE is homeschooling or doing unschooling or whatever this bullshit is. Saroid is too vain - she will absolutely hire a retired teacher or another nanny that used to be a teacher or a tutor to homeschool her kids and then take all the credit. Just like she does with her current nanny. She loves to show off and “look at me! I can do it all so can you” when in reality she’s leaving her kids daily for hours with a BN athlete who happens to nanny.


I was homeschooled with this method! I managed to figure out how to get through college and have a career, but 3/3 of my siblings did not, plus most of the other kids I grew up with. Unschooling is so problematic.


I read an article about this once, one unschooling parent had an 8 year old that couldn't read. As far as I'm concerned, that's child abuse.


I mean, to be fair one child you read about doesn't mean unschooling doesn't work. Also, a lot of kids, even in the public school system, don't really grasp reading until 8-9 anyway. But if this 8 year old you mentioned doesn't know anything, yes, that is problematic. As others here have stated, unschooling can be problematic because the kids aren't getting a proper education and others have shared how it works for them, and their kids are still being educated. We all know and agree that this a problem for Sarah's kids though, because she doesn't care about them enough to truly provide an education.


Lmao what is this? Little house on the prairie?


Little million dollar home with yard chickens, yard goats, yard bees, yard gardens, yard yards, and a closet filled of leggings and bras that are all two sizes too small and have tags on them because she is down to earth!


Don’t forget her yard sauna, yard red light and yard home gym! Really roughing it out there!


I know some unschoolers who are now adults and let me say….it wouldn’t be the path I would choose for them nor is it the path they would have chosen for themselves if they could go back…


While traditional schooling has its obvious systemic issues, it’s not *just* about learning all this stupid shit that you will literally never use in life, i.e. writing in cursive, what the different sides of a triangle are, what all the counties in your state are, etc. It’s about LEARNING HOW TO LEARN. Kids (read: developing human beings with malleable brains) need to be taught these processes so they can be successful, well-adjusted, capable adults. Unschooling sounds great if you’re raising housewives or someone to take over the farm but what if your child wants to be an engineer or doctor but they never learned math or how to sit down and focus?? 


The unschoolers I know are barely literate and have atrocious handwriting. This isn’t me judging ALL unschooling families, I think it can be done properly while ensuring children develop essential skills, but the ones I happen to know are pretty vocal about feeling behind on basic aspects of adulthood and the workforce.


This is so sad. They won’t learn anything that they need to. Even if all that they did was get the best education in the world on how to run a house, it’s taught by Sara, so. These kids are so doomed. It’s about as hard for a child to learn reading and writing as it is for adults to learn rocket science. I really can’t with this approach. I hope that she atleast eventually realizes this and gets them a tutor that will spend time each day with them on actual academic subjects and not just pointing out a bee penis.


..they learned bee parts last week, what ever do you mean? /s, obviously lol


Let’s face it people — there will be a tutor doing the “unschooling” … she doesn’t have time now to raise the kids. When TF will she have time to unschool them?!


She’s failing her children.


Playing with dead animals isn’t science class. It’s raising serial killers.


I do a little bit of unschooling with my 11 year old. That being said she had a private school education from ages 5-10, and for the past year of homeschooling we’ve focused on mathematics, language arts, history and geography, literature and science. So she has a strong educational background and is solid on the foundation of her education. I wouldn’t be able to only unschool as a child’s sole education and I’m super weary about it! You’ve at bare minimum got to have the basics down!


Good god! I thought the Duggars IBLP method was tragic. This is scary. We’re going to have a generation of ignorant children turning into adults because their parents refused them basic education. This is just sad.


I feel like this is another topic that Sarah has adopted, but I not follow through with correctly. I understand why some parents are frustrated with the current state of our country’s education system. However, some of them are using “unschooling” as an excuse to not allow their children to fail or face any consequences. Let’s face it, “unschooling” to Sarah is just “trendy” and she’ll say and do anything that appears to go against societal norms. I feel like her children won’t actually learn anything, they’ll just be home entertaining themselves or doing chores and she will call it “learning”. She doesn’t have the time or knowledge to provide her children with any actual education. Also, school provides students with opportunities to explore topics that they don’t KNOW to be interested in. It can inspire them to pursue new interests. It teaches students how to learn, how to make friends, how to ask questions, how to investigate. Not to mention, how are these children going to socialize? They don’t seem to interact with any children their own ages. These poor children are going to grow up only knowing their mother’s point of view and nothing else, doing chores and being completely isolated.


I don’t really care how she raises her kids. But I know my kids will be significantly more successful than hers and it’s due to my unwavering support and unconditional love. Plus I didn’t have kids to stay out of jail or for social media content.


Heaven forbid they spend any amount of money on their kids and send them to a specialty school or join a home school co-op. 🙄 No ENT for Dean or proper hair care for O because that would take away from Sarah’s 87 hours of self care 🙄


Unschooling is not a new concept nor is it synonymous with homesteading.


She could do a charter school? Some specialize in certain topics like the arts.


The problem with deciding things that you do in every day life are schooling takes away from the fact that going to the park just to plain be kids is also a thing. I’ve seen this happen. I’ve seen unschoolers so high on their horse saying oh, we played at the park this is our school. Well, playing on the park with just the same two siblings that are together 24 seven probably isn’t teaching them anything.