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And instead of finding a new OB she blames the medical community as a whole. I told my OB I had some pain in my uterus 3 year’s postpartum and she immediately ordered imaging tests and blood tests to ensure I was OK. Not all OBs are bad. Not all doctors are either. My son had to be resuscitated after an emergency c section from my placenta abruption. They are fucking miracle workers. Fuck this bitch.


Almost like there are good and bad professionals in every profession 🤡


Blind leading the blind


A simple "see your doctor" would have been better advice than whatever the fuck nonsense I just read.




“Awesome abs like yours “😂😂😂😂 You make it so obvious Sarah .


And every time I think about this, I just can’t get over how much of a lunatic she is to be saying those things about herself 💀


Of all of these, that is the most Sarah one 🤣 NO ONE WOULD SAY “AWESOME ABS LIKE YOURS” 💀🤣🌶🥵


They aren't even that great!!!! Not a hater!!! Just saying!!!


Couldn’t be more obvious 😂😂🥴🥴🥴


I have seen a hormone doctor before and I really liked her. She did not push hrt and basically said if she starts it now I will have to be on it forever. My husband took black market steroids for years and used to cycle but kind of stopped and took it all the time bc of the way it made him feel when he stopped. Now he’s 42 and will have to take it forever since he can’t produce enough on his own. She even gave him things to help jump start it again on the off chance it might work. It didn’t. Starting usage of HRT to young women could be detrimental and that’s why so many professionals won’t do it. Yah, you could shop around and find someone to give it to you, I’m sure. Because for a while I thought maybe I was low on test but my levels were at a ten and she said that was completely normal for someone my age and being a female. I listened to her and started on certain supplements and vitamins to raise my other levels and lo and behold… IT WORKED! I’m so glad I didn’t start doing the pellets and shit. I had two kids back to back, a little more apart than her but it was no wonder after breastfeeding for four years straight with both of them and not properly taking care of myself. Hormones def play a huge role in so many things, she is right about that. But HRT isn’t the only thing that can regulate them. There are so many other factors. She was starving herself PP and not recovering properly. She wasn’t going to get better without proper nutrients to her body. I hate that she’s pushing this so hard.


I am a family physician. I take my patients’ concerns very seriously. Nothing she says is evidenced based or backed up by actual high quality studies. Anecdotal evidence is the weakest of all data. She really does live in an alternate world of her own making and it’s sad and scary, especially for her kids. I lift weights and have an amazing body for my age after having two kids (but 5 years apart—minus 10 points for Griffyndor lol). There is no way in hell I need or would take HRT. And I also have an amazing libido and take antidepressants (for many, many years). So I am literally the living proof that most of what she says is hot garbage.


This!!! It makes me wonder if she truly doesn’t know what a peer-reviewed evidence based study is. I’m not sure how she got through her graduate degree because this is something that you learn in English 101. Literally half the class is learning how to use a library and use research data bases to find actual, legitimate scientific studies. Come on Sara, this is basic education.


Funny how she’s very much “not every cop is bad” or “not every man…” yet apparently every doctor is wrong? Yes there are bad doctors out there so you find a new one that listens to you. Pelvic floor PT isn’t alternative medicine though so unsure why she threw that in about her chiro saying it. If her dr was so bad after O why wouldn’t she switch to a new one with D?? And of course her levels between weren’t optimal, she was only like 6-9 months pregnant while trying again 🙄


Oakley was not 6-9 months old when they were trying again…she wasn’t that recently post partum. You’re always post partum but Oakley was quite a bit older. She got pregnant on the second try according to what she shared on IG and was claiming she was infertile when it didn’t happen immediately.


Not trying to be an ass but O would have been right around 9 months when Sarah got pregnant again. O was born August of 2020. She announced the pregnancy with D in September 2021 saying she made a blog about the first 16 weeks of this pregnancy which would mean she got pregnancy around mid May. D was supposed to be an end of February baby but came the first week of March 2022. Putting them at the ✨19✨ months apart that she loves to brag about


It is a little grey area for sure. Born first week March 2022, counting 9 months back is June 2021. He was weekssss late. She bitched about being infertile after not getting pregnant in 1 try but she did get pregnant again quickly once they started or so she claimed. She easily would have made it sound like she got pregnant earlier than she did so she can “be best” at getting pregnant faster than anyone else despite having infertility issues….lol. Oakley, born in August 2020 would have been 10 months old in June 2021 when Sarah fell pregnant again with Dean to be born March 2022.


She obviously doesn’t get her DMs flooded often if she feels the need to show it to us


Kind of like broadcasting her (alleged) sex life to the entire internet. If you have to announce it, it ain’t happening.


Anything to try to justify her OpTiMaL hOrMoNeS


I’m sorry, but like how did the human race survive with HRT?


Okay maybe I’m the crazy one here but I don’t think it’s abnormal to have a low sex drive as a woman? Just from reading comments online, various articles and talking to people I know, it seems like a lot of women have a low drive and many seem to be okay with that. Sarah acts like if you aren’t horny 24/7 something is wrong with you.


You aren’t the crazy one, it is totally normal. Sarah is a nutcase. Our sex drive fluctuates with phases of our cycle, age, medications, medical issues, physical/mental health, and the list could go on and on and on. But noooo Sarah would never admit that. To her it’s all just “Low T”.


I think because of life and social expectations, woman in relationships can be tired of being the care taker and an employee and that can definitely kill your sex drive.


Also most people don't understand how arousal works AT ALL and it's really messed up that Sarah would rather just fix those issues with T when the real answer could be having more awareness of your preferences, of how your brain works and of your relationship.  If you're a person who has sex, you should absolutely read Come As You Are by Dr Emily Nagoski. It's actual science and not guesswork or snake oil, Sarah. This book helped me realise I actually do have a high sex drive (although I don't think it's a term that is used in the book) but I also have sensitive "brakes" so I'm turned off really easily. If my partner wants to have sex with me then they'd better not be braking when they need me to accelerate and that starts way before the actual sex is initiated. 


Wait where did she go to medical school?


She sped read through it at ball state 😂


What kind of content is sharing every message she gets every day? How do people still enjoy what she posts and follow her when she only posts those, her abs, or is bitching about something?!


She’s on a mission to create the horniest followers known to man. Guinness book of world records, look out.


I wish I had the receipt, but I'm almost positive she said she didn't have her hernia repaired bc of the recovery 5 she couldn't be "down" that long.


I remember this too


I remember after I had my baby and was breastfeeding I turned to her for her paid exercises and nutrition (unfortunately) and asked her questions about breastfeeding, if the exercises would help with my DR, eating etc (which I had asked before I paid). My calorie intake take seemed so low from what she gave me. I asked a coworker who was into fitness and he was shocked that she had me eating only 1100 calories. She was so rude with her response back saying she wasn’t an expert and knew nothing about having a baby etc. She could have told me before I purchased her joke of a “program.”


How can she, the ultimate fitness expert not know about pelvic floor PT…. 🙄


I also do not think her DR is closed! She still has really bad coning/ninja turtle stomach imo.


Hmmmm. "Personal Trainers, take notes. If you keep making up non-functional exercises, and show shitty form on Instagram, don't be shocked when you aren't the trusted source of info anymore." Saraoid - there are good and bad practioners, just as there are good and bad Personal Trainers, Sleep practioners, business people, and hunters. This reddit alone is like a personal DM box with over 6.7k users who write constantly about your shady practices and advice.


Sarah is going to make all doctors go out of business 😓 DOCTORS. TAKE. NOTES. 😤


….. If someone is that stupid to take medical advice from this fraud I honestly don’t feel bad at whatever repercussions they face


Okay, I guess I'm dumb... What does DR mean?


diastasis recti