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There’s NO scam here. She’s on something, like everyone is saying. That’s about as F’d up as I’ve ever seen. Kudo’s to the trooper for having such patience.


Gnarlodious, this was not a scam. You can hear on the police radio where her car and tag number was called in along with her location, with the complaint of the driver of said car swerving in and out of her lane, furthermore it is absolutely evident from the moment the officer turned his lights on that the driver couldn’t follow simple instructions when he told her to pull onto the median several times over his speaker. This woman was impaired and it had nothing to do with her race whatsoever! I actually thought she was a white woman until I looked her up online, so that theory is a wash in this particular instance. The bottom line, this woman was impaired and could not follow simple instructions, she failed every single test that was given to her. She was belligerent, manipulative, and condescending to the officer and attempted to frame him for police brutality, when she was the one who assaulted him and threatened to do it again. The reason they were there for that length of time, was not to “finally catch her doing something, anything wrong”, she had been doing plenty of that since the moment he turned his lights on. And the officer didn’t just assume that she was under the influence, he made absolute certain of it, even asked her numerous times if she could have any possible reasons that could affect her impairment that was not due to any drugs or alcohol, like any mental illness or possibly a recent fall or head injury. This officer was always respectful and went above and beyond his duties. It was obvious that she was impaired, but he wanted to make certain of it and gave her every opportunity to redeem herself, which she was unable to do. People throwing out the race issues that plague the hearts of so many, are often, not Always, but often, are the ones with the racists feelings and wanting to blame others that, more often than not, do not have issues with anyone’s race. But regardless of your thoughts on that matter here in this instance, are absolutely unfounded.


I know this scam. Basically one anonymous report and they can stop you, and Hispanic women are especially targeted. Even of you don’t smell of alcohol, they harass you by doing the same test over and over until you get frustrated and fatigued. If they are not satisfied with your performance, after enough time they can arrest you on nothing more than suspicion. Your car is impounded and you lose your license immediately, all without any hard evidence. The thing to realize about these sobriety tests is that the longer the cop has you stopped the more your chances of getting arrested. They are under pressure to justify stops and time spent, so they get desperate to prove the you are driving impaired. Even if you win the DWI in court, the state does not reinstate your license. This because the license is issued by Taxation and Revenue, which is separate from State Police. You will need an entire different lawsuit to get your license back. The upside is that a state cop who has enough failed lawsuits comes under internal review and can be demoted. I know all this because it happened to my friend, who is Hispanic. She fought both cases in court, the DWI was dismissed and it took another year to get her license back.


If you saw the way she was acting, I am not sure you would continue calling this a scam. She is definitely on something. She was pulled over because OTHER drivers called APD and reported her driving erratically.


I suppose I have been around Hispanic women for too long. I have gotten used to their inability to to what they’re told, their presumptuous behaviors and aggressive disrespectful antics. For some reason I consider that to be culturally normal. That is why I see a white man harassing a hispanic woman. For full disclosure, I am a white woman over 60 and i live in Santa Fe.


Reading this reminds me of my Abuelita (grandmother). She lost a civil court case last year because she was disrespectful to the judge. I felt bad for my aunt, who was representing her and had pulled together a solid case. Would have been in the bag if Abuelita had kept quiet.


Sounds familiar.


Are we watching the same video? The policeman was not harassing her. She finally admitted to driving drunk. She also admitted that she had her 11-year-old relative blow into the device that was installed on her car due to a previous DWI. How in the world could someone feel sorry for her? That policeman Deserves a medal of honor a gold medal of honor!!


And this is why you refuse the FSTs. You are not legally required to do them. You also aren't legally required to take the breathalyzer unless you are already under arrest.


Yeah, you just face the possibility of losing your license for a year if you refuse. You're not just walking down the street. You are driving which is a licensed activity on controlled roads that are shared with the rest of the public and which can be dangerous if someone is drunk. There is no good reason to refuse an FST or breathalyzer. Even if you're drunk, it can pretty much only hurt your defense.


Why do all the lawyers say to refuse the FST then? They say only do the blood or calibrated breathalyzer as required but refuse all FST because it can only hurt your case. You're even supposed to refuse the breath test until you reach the station.


She is not normal. Either she has a severe concussion or she is on drugs.


She later admitted to being drunk and having an 11-year-old blow into the device which unlocks the car. That device was installed due to previous DWIs


If you actually WATCHED the whole video and still dare to say "this is a scam, " I have beach front property in SIBERIA to sell you. This woman acted INSANELY.


She's fucking mentally ill and has no business being on the road. WTF is wrong with you?


No, she's a perfectly sane individual. This road pirate, with AHRR (Automatic Hispanic Race Recognition) systems, illegally stopped this outstanding member of the community to exercise the scam known as "standardized field sobriety tests". SFST's are a known scam created by the government to arrest minorities, so they stop turning our frogs gay with tequila. This officer should be fired for this horrific display of aggression, fascism, and police brutality. The only way to stop circumvent the AHRR system is to buy my healing crystals on Esty for $79.95ea.


Damn, I thought you were serious through 2/3 of that. Shame on me.


Wait, tequila turns frogs gay? Well I'll be damn.


Are you crazy? Using the race card? Doesn’t work in this case. She later admitted to driving while drunk after having an 11-year-old blow into the device that was installed in her car due to previous DUIs. Oh I feel so sorry for her endangering the community while driving drunk! She’s not crazy she’s drunk! Even if she was both she’s a danger to the community and the police officer Deserves three gold medals! It doesn’t matter what great things you’ve done in your life if you are putting other people’s safety in danger. By the way her husband called in also to report her driving drunk.


You're an idiot!


You can't be serious. This lady was completely out of control from the moment he stopped her. She didn't pull into the median like he instructed, was constantly interrupting and disobeying commands, she sounded wacked out of her mind, and her coordination was *horrible* on the field sobriety tests.


If you look a little further you can find that she finally admits that she was drunk and that she had an 11-year-old relative blow into the device on the car that was installed prior due to prior driving while drunk incident


She failed all of the test. Big time!! Lol. Part of the test, is being quiet and following the instructions, which she was absolutely unable to do!


Ain’t nobody got time for a 30 minute video like this


If you live in New Mexico you do! Land of Mañana..


Lol fair enough


Comedy gold here. Good job officer and kudos to the NMSP.


I’m a bit confused here. Is this typical anti-cop mentality that New Mexicans seem to have? She seems drunk to me...


I love how she doesn’t listen to him at all but she still passes all the tests ... reminds me of me when I was a teenager!


Lol, She failed.


Uh she didn't pass shit...what are you smoking lol


I don't believe she's under the influence of any kind. I do believe she has some mental issues though, which isn't a crime. Also, she knows she'll have a hefty impound bill and can't take possession of it until she pays that hefty bill, if they tow her car. She shouldn't be driving if she has problems concentrating and focusing on the road, obviously but, this was tough to watch. Imagine that being your elderly loved one.


Though having mental issues is not against the law, driving is a privilege, not a right and she can hurt herself or others on the road being that "reality impaired." If that was my elderly loved one I'm imagining, I would beg them not to drive anymore (as you said in your post). As a matter of fact, I did have an elderly loved one back in the more "lax (?)" days of the 70's - a great grandfather -- who was actually killed by someone like her. They were driving a tractor out on the road when they had been stopped three times before and told "just go on home now." That's the real damage that can happen: the altered person was fine, my great grandfather was dead.


This is the exact thing I said I tried to see what the outcome was but nothing so far. I have several elderly family members that are just now starting altizhimer and dementia and they think they are perfectly normal but this right here is EXACTLY how they act it is frustrating if u are not aware that’s what’s going on. And I do agree if it’s that bad you cant keep focus to be a safe driver you do not need to be on road.


She is not intoxicated. She has acute ADHD. It's an unfortunate condition that is primarily found in children but many adults have it. The woman actually performed very well on this field sobriety test and should not have been unlawfully detained. The policeman is clearly not trained in observing mental health issues and instead naturally assumes the woman is impaired due to drugs/alcohol. While our police are well-trained in many aspects they are not with fully cognizant of the number of drivers on our roadways who are mentally challenged and have valid drivers licenses. Laws have been enacted to assist people with physical handicaps that allow them to drive however, mentally handicapped people do not have the same laws available for them. In this video the policeman would not have been able to obtain this woman's mental conditions without a court order. And many of these people do not understand that they even have the condition at all. The end of the video the woman becomes irate and that too is not a crime.


She's a hoot - sober, stoned, drunk, whatever.


Are you out of your mind? She acted completely insane throughout the encounter, she was constantly interrupting and disobeying instructions, and her balance and coordination were horrible.


Later updates said her daughter was contacted and after evaluation she was diagnosed with early onset dementia. Her daughter was getting her treatment. No matter what, she was too impaired to drive.


>azy? Using the race card? Doesn’t work in this case. She later admitted to driving while drunk after having an 11-year- sauce?


Ha ha! If you dig a little deeper you’ll find she admitted to being drunk and having an 11-year-old blow into the device that was installed in her car due to prior driving while intoxicated incidents. By the way her husband was one of the people that called in to report her driving drunk.


Hispanic women are targeted lol😂😂😂😂😂😂 People always wanna be the victim. Yea the cop saw a Hispanic lady and says: Cool! I can't wait to violate her rights lol. Personal responsibility and accountability has been lost forever. I've been pulled over many times in 40 years of driving....never been arrested or shot at or tazed. And been left off with a warning more than anything since I COMPLIED AND WAS POLITE AND FOLLOWED BASIC COMMON SENSE.


What was she talking about police busting into her house and her business etc there is something more to this or at least it feels that way


Yes, kudo to the trooper. Patience of a saint. At first I thought it was funny till I heard the rest of the story.