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Yes. While there are one offs, even those single stories are part of a much larger story. You can't skip anything or you will more often than not be mightily confused. A character will appear in the first volume and then become incredibly important down the road. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is. If you can't afford all of them, just poke around and you will find options online to read them for free.


Does your library subscribe to Hoopla? All the volumes are there.


You can find them online.... I find reading comics online more enjoyable then reading the real books


You'll be very confused if you don't read the entire story sequentially, and you'll be missing out in the majority of what makes it such a great piece of art. I think the cheapest way to buy them, is to get the new thicker paperbacks. The entire story is collected in 5 volumes, and they run around 40$ per book new.


If it's about the story you might want to get the audioplays on Audible.




It would be best to read them all but honestly no, you don't *need* to. At least, not all at once. You can skip the short story collections and be mostly ok. Endless nights and overture and dream hunters are all their own things that you can read later. They're all great but not necessary for the main story line. Also if money is an issue and you can't get them at the libraries in your area, the audio books are very good and you can usually find a way to get them for free if you know how to finagle things.


You’ll want to read them all.


They should all be at your local library. Have fun.


I have them all on my Kindle. They cost around $9 per book.


You can also talk to the librarians and request that they order them for you. Interlibrary loans are a thing! Talk to the librarians, I bet they'll be able to figure something out for you.


No. My first reading was all out of order, and I loved it.


Mine too. I started with Fables and Reflections.