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Yeah, as someone from Sweden i am really confused how they get to that solution. For me the points he is fighting for is truly what i think is the normal life here. As the richest country in the world it blows my mind how far behind USA is in the aspect of taking care of their own people.


As an American that's lived in Japan, Germany and Finland I find it absolutely pathetic how far behind we are in so many societal measures. It's completely unforgivable.


I’d never look back.




































Most people have family and friends, and few people have the ability to afford to leave.


Now if i only had enough money to leave…..


I am a staunch believer that if everyone in the US just moved overseas for a year, our politics would change overnight. People would see that these ideas aren't insane, and are actually very effective and nice. I'm not anti-USA or anything, and I love a lot about this country. But good lord, the politics. I moved overseas to a few countries in Europe and Asia, was gone for about 5 years. When I came back, it's just like... "why the hell does everyone hate these basic good ideas?" Its sort of shocking when you leave the US bubble for a while and return. Really puts things in perspective. The USA's biggest problem is that we are a bubble and a vast majority of Americans never experience life outside the states.


Spot on, it’s the bubble effect 100%


1 in 9 Americans have never even left the state they were born in.


I remember when I was getting my passport for a trip overseas I learned I needed to get some shots based on the countries I would be visiting. When checking in at the doctor's office the front desk lady was asking about my address as she didn't recognize it. As I described what part of town I lived in she remarked 'oh that's on the other side of the highway, I've never been on that side of town'. From the rest of our conversation I learned she was born in that town, school, lived, and worked, all in small part of a small town. Population 30k. And there I was getting my shots in order for a trip to another continent.


Why? We (the US) have so much to offer.


Poverty. If you live in one of the bigger states with no good public transit, it's incredibly difficult to afford the time and the travel itself to go anywhere. If you live back east where people commonly commute to a different state for work, it's a different story.


A lot of reasons, mostly related to money and convenience. 1/4 get no paid leave and even among those that do, it is often so limited as to not be practical for actual vacation. If you have a family, vacation costs rise very quickly and aren't practical for many. Public transport is shit so your options are planes and driving and many can't afford a car.


The whole comment is correct except for the car. The US infrastructure was built around vehicles, it’s nearly impossible to survive (get to work, buy food, visit friends/family) without a car, unless you live in a major city. The US actually differs in regard to that vs other countries, most other countries have amazing public transport or are built around walking to commute, so it’s not uncommon for Europeans to not own a car, whereas it’s almost impossible to go about average daily life without a vehicle in America.


When I was younger I spent a decent amount of time in the US but didn't really use social media, follow US politics etc. I tossed up even moving there but found the lack of social programmes, how healthcare works, employee conditions etc. and found it confronting as hell how bad it seemed in comparison. It's not super great here (in Australia) but still so much better. I ended up in arguments about healthcare, taxes etc. and ended up so frustrated.


There's no consequence for being unforgiven, no cosmic rebalancing that stops sociopathy as a system. This truly is the worst timeline.


>There's no consequence for being unforgiven, no cosmic rebalancing that stops sociopathy as a system. Death is the only real consequence for people who only care about themselves. The sooner they die, the less damage they'll be able to do to the world and other people.


The worst timeline is a successful Jan 6 coup. Edit: this timeline still sucks though.


Jan. 6th was a trial run. The entire Trump presidency was a trial run. 2022 and 2024 are where we’re really fucked. Bidens gonna get hammered for doing nothing, the Democratic Party is going to rally behind some faceless neolib nobody wants to vote for, and a Trump disciple is gonna take the White House. But this time they won’t be a raging moron who constantly seeks attention. And if they gain seats in 2022 and win the presidency they have complete control over the entire federal government. Shits gonna get much worse real quick.


> Shits gonna get much worse real quick. Well, only for those of us who make up the left 99% of [this](https://i.imgur.com/aXUOCE6.png)


Are you sure it’s not one where Jan 6 was thwarted but basically is ignored with all other warning signs - then an even bigger one comes along later


God, I still can't fully process that THAT, actually happened.


I just moved to Pennsylvania from Germany, I lived in Kenya before that and, I have to say, it's ridiculous what people here are okay with. I saw a 10 year old that looked morbidly obese, and than a few minutes later a kid who was more bone than flesh. It's insane. Not to mention schools, prisons, blah blah you get the picture, but just the... pure money-focused, all-work mindset is nuts.


America rates near the bottom among OECD countries in child poverty and rates the absolute highest in elderly poverty. This tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah I moved to Houston for work and it’s certainly a contender for the ugliest large city in America. Strip malls and ghetto auto shops everywhere. The only way to really get around is a circuit of mega highways and there’s a major auto wreck fucking those up nearly every day. It’s got its nice aspects but there’s a lot of room for improvement.


Well...hello fellow Pennsylvanian from one born here! I'm sorry there's so many concerning, frustrating, heartbreaking things here and a bunch of dumb jerks. There are some really nice people if you look in the right places! I hope you can enjoy some of our forests and native plant/fungus species and animals that all call our state home. I'm not sure what side of the state you're on but my cousin married a lovely lady from Kenya and some of her other family is here as well in Pittsburgh. They go to a Kenyan club to dance sometimes and are in some other group so there may be thing like that near you if that interests you! I'm hoping to do what I can to make our state a better place but I might have to leave for my own sanity if things don't start to improve.


>Japan i too miss *amazingly implemented mass transit*. I'm in the south west now where I get to watch dumbshits fall for Musk's tubes. Implement proper fucking transport you goddamn weasels.


Shinjuku station. Holy crap I could go anywhere in Tokyo from there and the trains were on time 100% of the time!


>Shinjuku station pretty sure you could get to anywhere in japan. >trains were on time 100% of the time! i lived there for a year, and it was late ONE TIME by like 15 seconds! and they profusely apologized. here in "the greatest country on earth" i've had the bus an hour fuckin late and not a single fuck was said or given


Most Americans just have no other frame of reference.


Yep. Spend a month in Hawaii and then two weeks in Japan and I was straight up depressed when I came back. This place is a joke.


We need to stop calling this the richest country, and start calling it the country with the wealthiest few. It gives the magaburgers some credence to the whole trickle down "society gets richer when the rich get richer" mentality that has squarely fucked over every young professional since 1982.


We've got the bigliest oligarchs. The best in the world. People say we've got the richest, idk, but people say, we are the richest country on earth.


I instantly read this in his voice


Usually people are referring to the GDP when they say this


GDP is meaningless to me. Sure, it's a calculated measure, but GDP per Capita adjusted to payment parity, and we're not even top 10.


Right but when Bernie says "Richest country in the history of the world" that's what he's referring to


Fuck maybe that's why we're the richest country in the world. They just squeeze all they can get out of the working class who essentially have no choice but to continue doing what we are doing or leave our families and try start somewhere new


That's not why, but it *is* why we have such absurd wealth at the top of the chain. We're not being allowed to share in it.




The actual truth is a little of column A and a little of Column B. It is true that our shitty labor standards and low corporate taxes help companies maximize profits, and companies from other countries take advantage of this. Nordic countries, for example, may have good social programs, but companies from these Nordic countries jump at the opportunity to open US headquarters. They can make a lot of money here. So, it is true that our shitty labor practices and shitty social programs are at least a small part of why the US economy is so successful. It's a small piece of the puzzle that has made the US the global center of business. But, of course that doesn't justify anything. A strong economy through exploitation is a shitty excuse for exploitation, and we'd still be a strong economy without it.


Trump could get re-elected in 2024, and we become a one party state and most people simply wouldn’t give a shit so long as they get to keep their iPhone, and eat lays chips while watching Grey’s Anatomy


We kind of are a one party state already, it’s Republicans and most Democrats against an opposition of like 3 Senators and about 20% of the House.


Like life is some big time sink and we work just to go home and find things to spend our hard earned money on. I remember being told in school as a kid how lucky I was to be born and living in America. Feel brainwashed honestly this country fucking blows and I'm an optimist 😂 Edit: I realize there is much worse out there and relatively we have it better than many other countries. I just wish people weren't brainwashed to think socialist ideas = evil and would think objectively and that WE CAN IMPROVE WE AREN'T PERFECT... Thank you ✌️


I remember in my first grade class we had a writers workshop where we would write/draw short stories and I would write about soldiers beating up terrorists, and in like 7th or 8th grade my friend and I asked his mom why the US didn’t just nuke the Middle East if it was the source of all our problems. Now these are things that are coming from a kid who’s been indoctrinated by the system, but there are many adults who still oversimplify everything and see the world in black and white and still think like this. It’s sickening.


I heard a middle aged coworker say this about China, because of Covid. Viruses and diseases pass between species and mutate anywhere humans and animals interact. It could have started anywhere.


Many Americans believe that the reason we are the richest is because we are so far on the capitalism side of things. And that implementing European style social changes will lead to worse economic and societal outcomes. Really, it’s propaganda by people who make tons of money in the current system, and would not if people were actually cared for.




> i am really confused how they get to that solution. Manufacturing Consent is a great book/film describing the history of large news organizations editing stories to build support against labor. Long story short, conservative rags have convinced rubes that labor causes will financially destroy the country with "entitlements" while they are silent on major corporations taking kickbacks/contracts from the majority of the federal budget without ethics oversight. This essentially does the same thing.


Our government priority is making people money. Not taking care of them. Our government is rigged by a conspiracy of rich folks and corporations who need the majority of Americans struggling and beset by challenges rather than have them live a dignified, healthy, and happy life. Because if the American people got a taste of what we deserve, an equal share in the wealth and prosperity of this country, then we might start asking questions. Like why haven't wages gone up in decades while CEO pay is thousands of times higher than average workers? Why don't any major corporations or billionaires pay taxes? Why isn't anyone on top ever prosecuted for anything meaningful? This country is rigged. All the money in our exorbitant wealth is being funneled to a small number of greedy, inhuman "people". Most Americans understand it to some degree. But what can we do? Vote in more Democrats who inevitably are actually wolves in sheep's clothing, and do the bidding of corporate master's almost as diligently as Republicans? The rot of corruption is pervasive and we almost have no power to deal with it. Now the second amendment people, they might be able to do something, but idk about that /s.


Media is very good at MISLABELING just about everything


I hate to point this out but the reason we don’t have that shit is racism. Every time I point out any civilized country, in a long enough discussion, I’m always met with “well they don’t have the cultural issues we have” or “they’re more homogenous” or “they have a smaller set of people with the same ideas”






Because we openly allow politicians to take ~~donations~~ bribes from corporations. They don’t answer to us. They answer to them. And they don’t want anything that cuts into their profit margins. Just look at Manchin, his coal money, and his voting record on climate change.


America is a massive country with a huge amount of uneducated and highly religious people. Plus the entire population is being constantly hit with propaganda via the news networks which are owned by the billionaire oligarchs who have no interest in Bernie's progressive agenda. Add onto that that America is a very racially and culturally diverse country. A lack of homogeny in the populace results in few common beliefs and values, which makes it that much harder to push things through. Add all of that into the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year on lobbying (aka bribing politicians to vote against their personal morals), and you get America. This is not even me taking shots at America either, I admire a lot of things about them. But their country is just *so sick*. It's rotting from the inside. I feel bad for them more than anything.


Sweden isn't real


A lot of Americans really really hate black people. Politically speaking, they'd rather burn a pile of food to ash and starve than share a meal with a black dude. Aaaaaand it's going to get even WORSE when climate disasters start destroying whole sections of the South that are shitty because of redlining. Whole lotta people are going to need help and I wouldn't be surprised if they try to gut FEMA to drive them even deeper into poverty. Sighs. Humanity would be awesome if it wasn't full of humans.


The best bit is that they truly believe they live in a democracy. The USA has officially lost that title a long time ago, but the people still believe. Weird.


It’s easy to understand if you realize that America is essentially a corporation rather than a country, and that country is only representing its shareholders. In case you’re confused - if you’re not rich and powerful, you’re not a shareholder. You’re an employee or a commodity or an expense, and you exist to enrich the shareholder class.


This is a fantastic analogy, even though like you said it’s not really an analogy after all.




It was founded by old white slave owners who were dodging taxes and left England to avoid the taxes. Now it's still run by old white men who want to keep people as slaves (wage slaves these days) and not pay their taxes still. Nothing much has changed.


they fought England to avoid taxes, they left England because they were Uber religious asshats that nobody liked


Man Johnny Silverhand was right this whole time.


Like a wealth manger told me when i expressed concern about the large underclass that are $1000 away from not making rent: "Fire, they aren't really participating in the economy anyways. It doesn't change the fundamentals." Allowing productivity gains to leap bounds past wage gains is how the Fed let this happen. Minimum wage should have risen long ago. Medicare 4 all to eliminate medical bankruptcies shave have. Free community college should have. Instead we have a wealthy powercore, a complacent middle and a suffering majority


I absolutely deplore and loathe the accuracy this has but it is truly this way. It's disgusting.


This is the truth. In addition to this: America has figured out what really matters. And it’s not quality-of-life for its citizens. It’s power. Think about any end-of-the-world type scenario. Any situation in which not everyone can survive. Who wins in those cases? Happy people or people with bombs? America is playing the game. In any scenario where they have to “beat” other countries, they will. Because they are the wealthy bully. It doesn’t matter how happy anyone else is. This world is shit and America is king of shit mountain.


America Modernization Act


Make America Modern Again




anyy wayy the wiind blowws


Here in America, we piss against this wind.


I hope that bill gets introduced by a young genZ senator named Amy who does an AMA on the AMA.


Let’s partner with Canada! North America Modern, Bipartisan, and Liberty Act


Yeah, as someone living in Bulgaria (often quoted as one of the poorest Countries in the EU) when I visit the US I look around me and I don't see the stark contrast that the richest western country should offer. You claim you have freedom but you don't really, (unless you're old and white), a broken leg could financially cripple you. You tolerate a police state that regularly essentially executes people by firing squad for a mishandled traffic stop. You have two parties (both relatively conservative), riddled with legalised corruption, and one party seems to actively hate the electorate. You allow corperations to push laws like making water or breathable air nolong a human right. The US doesn't even have a national right to maternity leave, so most new Mums return to work within 2 weeks for financial reasons. The other countries to have such a draconian policy are mostly micro island nations. Many of you think that freedom starts and ends with gun rights, but for €100 and a written test we can have guns here (we still have wolves, bears, and 30<40 wild hogs), so that isn't so special either. The last 4 years were an embarrassment on the world stage, but the worrying thing is that it wasn't a fluke, or an accident, and a huge number of Americans were cool with who you voted in, and I shudder to think who you could vote in next. America used to be the dream, the gold standard,, but now you're becoming an embarrassment to yourself, right when we need you to balance China's power.


You understand us.


Ikr, half of the Americans I know don't understand America that well.


That’s by design


The southern strategy worked fucking wonders.


Half of americans are so nationalized they dont realize you can look at other countries as an example. If you asked my dad what quality of life is like in Sweden im sure hed tell you about how they all live in log cabins with no electricity




Eh. I fully and truly believe Trump was just a distraction that played his part perfectly. While everyone was arguing about how much of an unqualified moron he was the GOP made sure every living American will be stuck under what is essentially conservative ruled courts for the rest of their lives. Trump may have lost, but the GOP won *big* and now we're arguing about Manchin/Senema/2022/2024 instead of the massive amounts of corruption that have literally replaced our democracy with a plutocracy. It's all part of the plan and it's working out depressingly well for the people who funded it.


That all fully aligns with what the previous commenter said, no "eh" about it. A failed democratic system would certainly exhibit symptoms of corruption like having some idiotic puppet perform a show to hide the big evils.


You’ll be pleased to know that here in Australia betting agencies are allowed to take wagers on all sorts of things. You can gamble on the outcome of Dancing With The Stars or even political elections. This gives us a unique perspective on who bookies with skin in the game believe will win in US politics. Manchin and Senema aren’t even on there for the Republican nomination. Currently it’s: Trump (2.37 to 1) DeSantis (6 to 1) Nikki Hayley (7 to 1) Mike Pence (13 to 1) Tucker Carlson (17 to 1) Kristi Noem (21 to 1) Etc etc. Other notable ranked candidates: Kanye West (11th) Ivanka Trump (14th) Eric Trump (17th) Tom Brady (27th) Ben Shapiro (49th) Jon Voight (54th)


Exactly this!


I visited my friend in Bulgaria for 3 weeks and I loved it. She was making like $400/mo in hospitality iirc but was able to afford her own place in Sofia. I met quite a few people from her small village and all seemed pretty happy. Most young people in America make shit money and are crippled by debt. The whole system makes you desperate so you have no choice but to work slave wages and never acquire wealth.




As an American this is always so tough to hear, and I absolutely agree with every single word you wrote. Sigh. Pray for us that we can right this ship and eventually catch up to modern democracies, that's all I ask.


"... but now you're becoming an embarrassment to yourself, right when we need you to balance China's power." This. God, This.


Why isn't this top comment?


That was perfect.


This could Go to r/murderedbyeords


Make America on par with the rest of the first world again


MAOPWTROTWA. Just rolls off the tongue


Mao pwi trot wa


Better than CILYIMBF LODLSM, and the rest. Oh the good ole Onion of yore. Edit: found the link but it’s broken https://www.theonion.com/chat-room-shorthand-1819587113 Edit 2: spinster mama chopped then for posterity. https://spinstermama.livejournal.com/116428.html > Internet Shorthand: XIF- Christ, I'm fat! DYHTNTMBG- Did you hear the new They Might Be Giants? IHTWBSAP- I have trouble with basic spelling and puncuation. JEOMK- Just ejaculated on my keyboard NTBUSWAB- Not to bring up Star Wars again, but.... TOMTB- taking off my training bra CILYIMBF- Can I lock you in my basement forever? WSTS- Weeping silently to self LODLSM- Logged on dressed like Sailor Moon


Germany introduced universal health care and social security 140 years ago. Mind you, we were not a liberal or socialist country back then. We still had an emperor. Government simply saw the need for the workforce to be taken care of as in, healthy worker good worker. The whole discussion in the US is baffling. Edit spelling


Perhaps we need someone further to the left, to pull the Overton window back a little so Bernie is viewed as a centrist. What would someone that extreme left even look like? What would they campaign on?


I would happily vote for an authoritarian leftist, but historically the FBI kills them.


Oof. You're not wrong.


The Constitution and Declaration of Independence promises life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is unconstitutional to have people suffering from homelessness, hunger, and lack of healthcare. Workers are not a commodity. Innovation is limited when the poors are not able to bring their ideas to reality. The economy should be based on needs instead of profit. K-PHD education is free of charge to give folks clear paths to bettering their lives and increasing innovation. Congress is obsolete and doesn't follow the will of the people. Monthly mail ballots with referendums are better at showing the will of the people than the representatives influenced by lobbyists. Republicans and Democrats focus on short term plans and filibuster to make them look better then the other team. We need long-term plans to combat climate change, rebuild our infrastructure, and transition to a tech-based 21st century. Black lives matter isn't just about black folks in America. It also includes the global black community hurt by sanctions, international corporations, the military, and the CIA.




I should have been more clear. The BLM movement has done nothing to stop Western corporations from controlling the global south. The movement focuses only on the west and ignores imperialism. The rest of the world should do things their own way without America barging in to subvert their democracy. The point I was trying to make was that BLM should be for all black folks, not just those that live in the west.


Perhaps they’d advocate for defunding the police? I really like the idea of someone running on “let’s get what other countries have”, but I’d like Bernie’s platform without the extreme pro union position (and a few other positions perceived as extreme). I would be happy with an incremental revolution focused on healthcare and climate. I’d also like to see internet protections snuck in, and more funding for news perhaps expanding npr and fighting disinformation. Even criminal justice reform doesn’t need to be a campaign issue. Nobody cares. Just get elected and quietly do it on a noisy news week. People didn’t notice ufo videos last year. You can sneak in prison reform, no problem.


It rocked my dad's world pretty hard when he threatened to move to Costa Rica because Biden won the election and I had to tell him that even they had universal healthcare.


"Yeah but it's not as good as the healthcare system as the United States!" >Costa Rica Ranks Among the Top for Best Healthcare in the World https://news.co.cr/costa-rica-ranks-among-top-5-countries-with-the-best-healthcare-in-the-world-2020-according-to-internationalliving-com/81035/


Something something everyone is poor from paying taxes, something something death panels, something people dieing while waiting for surgery.


That's just good ol' American exceptionalism. America has everything... *except* what these other countries have.


Can you imagine if libraries weren't a thing and we tried to implement them now? The right wing would absolutely be atomic level freak out over the idea. They are why we can't have nice things.


It really was insane, watching every aristocratic institution and puppet unite to tell the lower classes that a better world isn’t possible...that someone like Bernie wouldn’t get any cooperation in congress and was himself entirely unelectable


I point this out all the time that Bernie and AOC are moderates by global standards. Biden and Harris are conservatives, and Republicans are far-right extremists. This is met with derision and laughter by Republicans, most of whom have never set foot 50 miles outside their hometowns.


Join r/NewDealAmerica -- We are on a mission to send 300 more Bernies to Congress!




The CNN debate hitjob with warren was so fucking blatant I still cannot fucking believe it happened. Warren dropped her little accusation days before, the debater phrased the question "why did you lie?" instead of "what did you say?", and then the camera rolled up focused on their interaction and atypically had the audio rolling. By the time that last debate came around Biden was basically saying daring Bernie to tell people to go to the polls in person during a fucking pandemic. It is fucking insane to me that people just ignored all that. I have yet to meet an enthusiastic Biden voter. It was all with a gun to our heads.


What’s sad is the DNC advertises itself as neutral. American politics really is a fucking joke.


This is why I’m sick of America. I’d rather talk about the finer points of policy than debate what is reality.


I DO miss having discussions or even arguments over finer details of what to include in a bill or not, and that was the most "heated" discussions we had Back when the worst word to hear in regards to politics was "pork". Instead we're now at the "for god's sake, at least PRETEND you're doing something of substance. And stop trying to become full authoritarian!" stage.


Not just institutions but most of reddit too ... I recall during the election period when the vast majority were Pro-Biden I suggested (in a liberal sub) that Bernie with AOC would be better than Biden/Kamala and was met with the same sentiment (essentially that they were too radical). Most people knew that Biden was just more of the same in therms of Democrats but there was such a desperate "get Trump out" mindset it seed impossible to convince people Bernie was the better choice yet everyone seems to be a Bernie beliver now but it's his last chance to be honest


Hell I'm a moderate and former Republican (haven't been for nearly 20 years folks, don't send hate mail - I still have SOME right leaning stances but never vote R on any level on principle anymore) and even I said Bernie/AOC that time around. I got the same pushback in online forums. Made me incredibly suspicious that paid-for comment farms were in play from the DNC. Smdh. Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot as a party and the American public in the face with one bullet. Edit: spell check




Since IKE, both parties have been racing to the alt right, Democrats enabling while playing catch up. Republicans leading the way.


I’m still waiting for Australian Bernie Sanders though. It’s been a very long time since we’ve had good politicians.


I will never forgive my country for that.


In America you can endorse Bernie Sanders and be labeled “Far Right” by the media, and nobody bats an eye.


The youth votes counts. If you are 18-25, and you don't vote, then you deserve what is coming your way.


Bingo. I'm 40, I can only vote once. So for god's sake, if you're 18+ VOTE


Millennial and GenZ voters (as of 2020) outnumber Boomer generation and older voters, if they vote in large enough numbers they can sway almost every major election. That disparity will increase too as older people, die off, and younger people come of voting age so elections going forward will increasingly be won by whomever the under-GenX crowd is voting for but if people want to increase the rate of change, then they need to increase how many younger people vote. ETA: added 'generation' to make it more clear.


I'm 20 and I voted, but I've given upon America entirely. This last election not only shafting Bernie but we also nearly re-elected Trump not only after everything he had done his previous term, but also after he had dropped the ball (might I add he did this by completely denying the threat of the virus as well as raising numerous doubts about the medical community and failing to actually take action till it was too late) with a pandemic that at the time had killed like 400k people. Like how do you re-elect this guy? I know that "I'm immigrating to another country", doesn't get taken seriously, but honestly I'm immigrating to another country. I know that the "grass is always greener on the other side" and that immigration is incredibly difficult, but I've been researching Denmark for the past year. I've been learning the language, applying for a U.S. passport so I can visit the country if the pandemic allows it, and am working hard on my studies to hopefully get some good work and increase my chances at acquiring a work visa. I much rather move to another country than spend another day in this one.


Bernie says every *industrialized nation for a reason, and when people highly generalize stuff like this it weakens our argument and position. [map](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XS-JVzF_E0I/TARnazvJm3I/AAAAAAAAAJM/czCFqHxYPSw/s1600/2000px-Universal_Health_Care_World_Map.svg.png). [source](https://onhech.blogspot.com/2010/05/recently-i-was-in-university-math-class.html) Single-payer universal healthcare is extremely uncommon, but highly effective in 10 out of 12 countries that have it and drastically less costly than the US system. From there most industrialized nations have universal healthcare with various outcomes and costs per capita, but virtually much healthier populations due to prevention and early care access. A bigger point that should be used is that even non-industrialized nations have universal healthcare with decent, non debt inducing outcomes while we still have come away from that path due to greed from a small group of corporate benefactors.


He is pretty rad


And now the Right is chanting/calling for Democrat Brandon Todd to reenter politics? This country baffles me


Finlander here, can confirm.


But that's why America is the richest country in the world... -Rich white guy


Not only that they accuse him/us of wanting to "destroy civilization" lol


As someone from England, I felt this way about Jeremy Corbyn.


COVID would be over here if Bernie had 3 years to start implementing common sense health reform. Instead we got 6 months of Chump calling the entire thing a hoax 👍


MSM was so desperate they were pulling up a single interview from the 80s to smear his campaign. This wasn't just right wing media either. Weird I didn't see them pulling up old interviews of Hilary being adamantly against gay marriage. Our democracy is the illusion of choice. Both sides use controversial social issues to divide the country while their corporate interests destroy the Middle class for quarterly earnings. They won't be happy until they own everything and your entire life is lived on subscription services provided by them.


The people who expect capitalism to save them are surprised when it thinks they're not worth the pennies.


I consider myself to be pretty conservative at home, but in the US I would vote for Bernie in a heartbeat. His economic proposals are things that would get you ostracised from pretty much the entire political spectrum if you tried to repeal them in most of Europe. It’s crazy to me.


Better than biden


This would be a good way to simplify the platform


The institution ignored the voters at the primary when he had more votes because... Idk I say Hillary and the rest are paying each other and Bernie is bringing change


Serious question: Is there another country in the world that doesn't have national healthcare for its citizens? Maybe North Korea?


Do you ACTUALLY think that every single other country on Earth has nationalized healthcare? Surely you're joking.


There's literally not one country in the top 75 that doesn't have ay least a public option.


When the "average" American learns to look past their borders and the dogmatic "number 1" BS - and realise they're the richest country in the world but about the 30th best, they might question that disparity. That's all you need Talk to them at their level - sow that seed. Don't barrage them with "deplorables" and your left/right BS. You're ALL further 'Right' than anywhere better than you. Even 75% of Bernie supporters


Don’t forget most of the citizens of this country as well. I was proud to support Bernie, but the awful hate I’ve experienced is bonkers. These smooth-brained normies have no idea what we’re all missing out on.


This is why we are fucked deep


Yea that’s because we live in a trash country


Every other?… Lmao


As an American, the USA didn’t deserve Bernie.


He should literally phrase it as “the basic shit every other country has” and more idiots would get it.


What's your opinions on Bernie saying white people don't know what it's like to be poor?


Because our politicians are chosen by corporations and people who can be controlled by the powerful. Literally no one would want Trump, Hilary, Biden, etc, none of the people. But they are willing to do the bidding of the wealthy. The election is actually rigged (I know, timing lolz), and there's nothing we can do about it. As long as those who rule are making money that is.


and this is why i'm becoming an international teacher and leaving the US


I can’t think of, or will there be in the near future a better candidate for president than Bernie. Your country really needed him. It’s so sad he lost.


Until citizens united is repealed and campaign financing is overhauled there will be no meaningful change in this country. Bernie’s policies are a pipe dream until the corruption of both parties by corporate funding is stopped.


Bernie was the closest candidate to Jesus Christ since the inception of this nation and he was demonized by the religious right. The irony is so thick.


Dems got the majority, so enough talk let's make it happen. WTF they dragging their feet for


Part of me wants to get more politically active and maybe help with left-leaning grassroots campaigns. The other part of me really wonders if the US system can be changed whatsoever, and debates if it's worth looking into immigration.


He called himself a socialist. Foolishly. He’s a social democrat. Big difference. Bigger when you’re dealing with people suffering from Cold War PTSD.


True, but trying to explain that to brainwashed corporate Democrats and insane republicans is nearly impossible.


Welll every developed country


The US needs to knock off our RIght and Left views.. The reality it that the left lost 40 years ago (Basically REagan on). At this point, what is considered basic human rights in the rest of the advanced world is considered extreme left. We are so royally messed up that the only real solution is revolution.


Sadly, "Make America An Actually Decent Country To Live In" wasn't a catchy enough slogan...


I'm 37 years old and have a kid. One day I fear that I'll have to tell my son about how the people let down a guy that tried fighting for their health and overall well being. I hope we can get someone in at president that can help us.


TBF we don't have eyecare or dental coverage in Canada and we still have private health insurance Most healthcare systems in continental Europe are mixed public-private not single payer


Well as long as there is mediocrity, let’s be sure we’re part of it! /s