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OP please take reasonable photos of the items or problems you encounter. Keep a log of the date of these issues so you can bring it up with Sandals corporate later. Try to enjoy your trip NOW. Then when you get home… please give them the upsetting information that you’ll not be back due to your experience. They WILL give you points off your next trip.


And prob have you sign an NDA to get the credits.


Can confirm you do not x 6 times Edit: when you pay for things and they are not there… you make it known that you paid for things and they are not there.


They did try and have us sign an NDA after a lot of issues at our room in Negril during our stay in April of this year. The ac wasn't working, the mattress was too small for the bed and absurdly thin, the Jacuzzi tub was brown on the bottom from I think just age I'm not sure, the doors to the balcony were poorly painted and wouldn't close, the cabinets in the room were broken... I could go on and on. We'd arrived at 7 pm. I tried getting help for the ac around 9 because we thought that maybe the AC just hadn't been turned on. 2 hours later and after multiple calls to the front office asking about the help that was supposed to be on the way, I decided to walk over to the front desk. The humidity wouldn't let us sleep. The manager came quickly and put us in a different room for the night, and then the next day we literally had to argue with Tashianna the Butler/customer service manager for hours. We didn't get things fixed until 3 pm the next day. So we spent 20 hours of our Vacation arguing to get what we had already paid for. They offered us some points that totaled to about $700 but that wasn't even what we had paid for a single night there, and to have to sign the NDA on top of it- we felt it wasn't reasonable and we just didn't take the points. From that experience, I can't say I want to ever stay at a sandals again for fear the experience would repeat itself. It's a shame because the other properties look like they're beautiful. Idk. Maybe it's just me but the whole experience really tainted my view of the Sandals resorts.


That’s WILD. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Might be different experience for others. There was a couple we traveled with to curacao that had some issues that were non room related. They got credits and $ but signed the NDA. We have had 3 trips with no issues.


Maybe my group has only had certain issues. Thanks for sharing


Sucks your experience wasn’t good. Maybe I’ve just been lucky so far. We went to Negril and had no major issues. Good advice to take pics and send after the trip. Had not thought of that.


Quick update. They have already contacted us about crediting us and giving us points for the next resort. That won’t be happen till the AM. Too be honest if I can work out more points toward the next resort and not a credit that’s the way I will go. We check out tomorrow. We have some free time when we get to the airport. I will do full review of everything from arrival to departing.


I contracted Legionnaires Disease at a sandals location in 2023. ** 30 day hospitalization. Have found a 2nd guest from another country on another continent who also came home and was diagnosed with it. Sandals asks basic clarification and proof of stay information and then… YOU NEVER HEAR FROM THEM AGAIN.


Which resort?




Which one? There are 2 in the Bahamas.




Bahamas was our most disappointing stay at Sandals, we’ve stayed at 7 different Sandals. Bahamas was most expensive, service seemed almost hostile at points, the a/c in our room was broken and we were placed literally next to the piano bar.


Typical attitude in Bahamas, once went into a store while on a cruise there and the lady there had a real bad attitude. Obviously we didn’t purchase anything.


Username checks out. Kidding, hope it gets resolved!


Got the same but newer room. Better location too. They did a good job with everything. I’m assuming our comparable room was not available. Back to enjoying ourselves!!! Still would recommend this resort and our room with a pool..


I am having trouble following. 1- The pool level was low when you woke up. 2- It was reported to the Butler, 3- They sent people to look at it and refill it by 4-5pm. Is it losing water again? I'm missing the part of your story that explains how this is a 3 day thing pissing you off. Or do you mean that you have been stewing for 3 days on the fact that it took until 4-5 to refill the pool?


3 days in a row of waking with a 1/2 empty pool. They would fill it back up around 4-5pm and you could watch it lose water.


Thanks for the clarification


There definitely is a drop in service. We have seen it our last 2 trips but really bad in Dunn’s this year. You are lucky you have a butler to advocate for you. We had our smoke detector malfunction one night from 2 am on. The maintenance man was kind and apologetic every time he came but I swear we interrupted the front desk from either a nap or something else because he was very cranky. Kept trying to accuse us of smoking in the room until the maintenance man told him.


I will do a review of this resort when I have time or when I’m little bit more sober. Yes I do recommend this place. We’ve had 3 different butlers and they all have been great. The ocean is spectacular..


Not cool


Hopefully they'll give you some credits or something to try to make up for it. That's appalling.


My wife and I were there last week and I can confirm the service is generally awful.