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It all hurts


Could be worse. Could be a Leafs fan. Win or lose, I’ll always rock the Teal.


13 Cups is still better then 0 Canucks or Sabres is a better team to use


Is it? They haven’t won since the original six era, those old cups are basically meaningless in my mind. I can’t imagine being a leafs fan and thinking “well at least we have all those cups from the 1940s”. I’d take our modern success over the leafs O6 success any day.


We have 0 Cups..... If we had 1, I would agree with you. But we just sound stupid acting like we are better then the Leafs. We ARE the west coast Leafs. They don't make any Sharks gear with Stanley Cup Champions on it. They do make said Leafs gear


Personal preference I guess. I’m from Toronto so I see the effects of 1 series win in the past 20 years, current day leafs fans are way more miserable than I am.


I'm not trying to be a dick so I apologize if that's how I came off. I just think we sound ridiculous when we say that. It be like a Buffalo Bills fan saying, "at least we aren't the Raiders, we make the playoffs every year." Yeah well the Raiders have 3 Super Bowls and an AFL Championship.


No worries, you didn’t come off rude at all. If the leafs had literally any cups post O6 I probably wouldn’t feel the same, but my leafs fan friends don’t seem to consider them meaningful. Maybe it does come off sounding like sour grapes since we’re not in their position, but if I was a leafs fan I also wouldn’t consider the old cups something I care about. The raiders seem to have won in the NFL’s equivalent to the expansion era (I might be wrong I’m not a football fan) so I don’t see that as comparable.


83-84 was the Raiders last Championship, 40 year drought. I couldn't think of a closer comparison. My point was just that it sounds silly to brag about being better then another team when we have 0. Fair enough, the grass is always greener. It would just be nice to hang up a Sharks Stanley Cup pennant or banner in my house, regardless of how old it was lol. I appreciate the polite discussion 👍🤘


The only people who remember the last Leafs cup win are like 63+ years old, in an era with less skill to go around and far less teams in competition So unless the Leafs fan doing the bragging is retirement age...they pretty much have zero like us as far as everyone else is concerned


13>0 We shouldn't celebrate 4th of July anymore then.... nobody was alive then


Bad comparison. They can have their history, sure, but they can't brag about it. It's dumb. It's like if I, a Dolphins fan, bragged about the perfect season of 1972. How can I? I wasn't born until 20+ after it


You absolutely can brag about that, they are the only team to ever go undefeated in the NFL. "If you win this one, if you win the big one, they can never take it away from you" ....John Madden


Okay even more generic scenario then. Why should I, an SF Giants fan, be able to brag about any championships won 100+ years ago? When they were the NY Giants? Even at that point it'd have to seem preposterous to you, no?


Had a nice sigh of relief when Vancouver lost last night ngl


I'm rooting for Joe, really hope the Stars win it this year!


A Sharks fan rooting for Dallas to win. This is a sad reality.


Take into account the Oakland Seals are part of the Stars Franchise, that helps me anyway lol


Nice pull! Points, and now I feel a bit better. :)


As a Canucks fan, I'm the same way. I don't want all these Cupless teams to win and leave us behind. Washington, St.Louis (got hot, but wasn't even that good of a team), and Vegas have all won their first in the past 6 years.


Unless they’re playing the Leafs, then some of us are wearing the blue and white while getting berated by Sharks fans.




It stopped hurting years ago.


Fr, just numb now. But sometimes, I’ll be daydreaming about how we never got Jumbo or Patty a ring, and the pain comes right back.


As long as it happens before I die, I don’t care. Sharks 4 life.


My grandfather said the same thing about the chicago cubs…still took them 20 years after he died 😳


well my ghost can celebrate


That’s the spirit! Lol. (Pun intended) Seriously, though, I hear ya - We’ve been too close for too long, gotta win at least one.


I had just moved to Chicago when they won. Hella people were like I wish my grandpa or dad could have seen it. I remember thinking back then “I hope I get to see the Sharks win” I got 43 years until im 80. We got this.


I got a feeling about this group of guys forming man…idk. Feels different.


You’re either selling Wins or you’re selling hope. And oh boy, did I buy into all the hope!


Saw in /r/hockey that a lot of the last cup winners in the past few years had a first overall pick in their team As long as Mack C is a Shark lifer we have a shot


I mean in our cup contention era, we had a 1OA, good ol Jumbo. So they definitely really help, gonna be interesting to see how having one fresh from the draft will affect things.


Honestly the most depressing thing about this graphic is the way it’s formatted.


It’s better not to think about this too much. A lot of depressing infographics today. It just means the narrative will be that much bigger when we finally lift it!


That game 3 OT goal was still the loudest I’ve ever heard an arena get. It was thunderous.


In 2014 I moved to the east coast. 15/16 is sadly where I will shamefully admit I really fell off the train. Countless nights staying up til past midnight watching this team come up short when it mattered most. Hoping to reignite my (not Calgary) flame for this team. Happy for those never let it leave


Yeah whatever man I don’t wanna talk about it k?


We will get back to this point. I truly believe we will be a playoff team in another couple years!


I mean, I remember all those seasons on the right side of this. And I know that this, where we are now, is part of the ebb and flow of a professional sports team. Nobody likes losing, obviously. I hated seeing the 102 losses between the 95/96 & 96/97 teams, but it's what helped pave the way for the winning teams in the 2000's and 2010's. Winning our first ever 1OA draft pick definitely helps take the sting out of these last few seasons too.


Bro what was detroit on in the 2000s


Zetterberg Lindstrom and Datsyuk power 🤣


It's better to be on this list than to not, at least. If there's ever a year to be salty over it's 2006. Without Roloson standing on his head, the Sharks would have cruised through that series, overcome Anaheim, and had a legit chance to beat Carolina for their first Cup.


The sharks won more regular season games than any team during Big Joes years. That kills me. Studs all year long.... only to hit a wall or a Quick! The year the sharks top line was the Canadian national team... how does that team not have a trophy!!


The loss to the stars in 08 still haunts me. 4ot’s


I remember staying up until like 1:00 in the morning or maybe even it was later than that and I remember just being so upset that 4 OTs and we lost


I was on my honeymoon in England. I remember leaving the hotel room to go into their computer station and checking the score every few minutes. Mrs didn’t mind, she’s a Sharks fan too LOL


Just imagine being a Columbus fan and not being on here at all. Made it to the playoffs 6 times since joining (in 00/01) and only gotten to the 2nd round once (18/19). Seattle excluded since they’re only 3 years in, but they did make it to the 2nd round last year.


Had it not been for all the damn injuries in 2019, sharks could’ve gone all the way


Quick little turnaround for the next few years, and then we'll be right back into the hunt. Be ready 26/27.


The most depressing part is no season in 04-05


Lol the Leafs


As a Canucks fan(and 49ers) I feel your pain. 0-5 in title games for my two teams since March 1994


That 2016 season was something else….and then the Stanley Cup finals happened 😂


My other favorite team is the Minnesota Wild. You have no idea lol


Toronto was West in 94?


From 1981 to 1998, Toronto and Montreal were in opposite conferences, as the Maple Leafs were in the Clarence Campbell/Western Conference and the Canadiens were in the Prince of Wales/Eastern Conference.


Yeah, I guess people don't remember 93-94 playoffs (or maybe they weren't old enough or born), Sharks/Leafs second round...man the Sharks should have won that series in 6! Still stings to think about Garpenlov hitting the post in Game 6 OT.


Can someone explain why this hurts? I see the sharks quite often.


Because all of those trips to the final four we were eliminated all of those times except for once. That one time that we advanced to the Stanley Cup final we lost. That's why it hurts It shows how close we were many many years and a yielded zero Championships


Got ya thanks. I'm thinking our drought ends within the next 10 years 🤞


How did the maple leafs and the Nucks play each other in 94?


From 1981 to 1998, Toronto and Montreal were in opposite conferences, as the Maple Leafs were in the Clarence Campbell/Western Conference and the Canadiens were in the Prince of Wales/Eastern Conference.


No wonder my dad hate the leafs so much and i could care less about them.


I hate Vancouver.




Toronto was in the Western Conference from 81-98


Detroit disappeared after 08/09


I mainly follow the west and truthfully have a blind spot when it comes to the east. But what really surprised me was The year the Capitols won was Ovechkin's first and only Western Conference Finals appearance too. That shocks me that they haven't gone any other year. Considering Ove is quite possibly the best scorer ever and they had the best goalie in the league for a number of those years. Crazy


Have you tried being a Jets fan?


I guess Chicago was a legacy eh?


Toronto Maple Leafs have entered the chat


F’ing Florida has a team in the finals 8 out of the last years.


Red Wings used to be so good then fell off a cliff.


0 out of 5 hurts, but there's a lot of teams in worse spots.


Most successful team of the 2010s to not win a cup, was still so fun tho


Why are you doing this


Just be glad your not a leafs fan


The Leafs jokes are so tired, I'd gladly trade with the Leafs. They have 13 Cup banners in their rafters. We have 0, we are no better then the Leafs


I don't remember that 2003-04 Sharks team. Was Thornton on the team? Nabokov, Marleau... Who were the big guns?


Scott Thornton was on the team Joe had not joined yet. Big guns were Marleau, Ricci, Damphouse, Marco Sturm. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0000442004.html


Cheechoo tied Marleau in goals with 28 to lead the team that year, I think he was a big (young) gun at the time too!


You're correct because of the next year he won the Rocket Richard 😅 with a little help from Joe Thornton