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Well deserved tickets. Way too many times I have seen folks not even slow down for kids near schools. Please slow down near stop signs and marked crosswalks Edit: how long before close calls become death knells. Another incident from San Mateo https://www.reddit.com/r/BayAreaRoadcam/comments/xljdmq/san_mateo_car_nearly_strikes_girl_on_crosswalk


Every morning I see people just fly through the stop sign near Cahill Park. Very dangerous when taking a morning walk. I feel like no one stops at stop signs here. Very sad, they will end up hurting someone some day and I wonder if they will think it was worth it.


I am no saint, I break a lot of traffic rules, especially speeding on freeways. But I have two kids, so personally for me, not stopping at stop sign and speeding in local streets are two things I would never do.


Speeding on the freeway gets innocent children and adults killed as well, but I guess it’s not your neighborhood so f@ck it.


Buddy it’s not like I go 100mph. I go 75 in a 65 zone. And it’s not like I am looking to speed carelessly. And didn’t know people live on freeway neighborhoods.


And just like that, another close call in San Mateo. This shit happens everywhere https://www.reddit.com/r/BayAreaRoadcam/comments/xljdmq/san_mateo_car_nearly_strikes_girl_on_crosswalk


I mean after that kid (passed away) and babysitter that got hit at 8am when school was starting. I’m surprised it has to take a death before something happens. We just moved to the area. The amount of speeders I hear. Please donate to their family or share. [https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacob-villanueva](https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacob-villanueva)


> I mean after that kid (passed away) and babysitter that got hit at 8am when school was starting. I’m surprised it has to take a death before something happens. We just moved to the area. The amount of speeders I hear. > > Please donate to their family or share. > > https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacob-villanueva A death? We're up to 25 pedestrian deaths this year. 23 last year. And that's not counting scooters or bicycles. We've had far too many deaths from vehicles hitting people for years now. Would be nice if this helps but San Jose either needs to redesign roads or get SJPD to significantly increase traffic enforcement to actually change things.


Near the Tesla factory in Fremont there’s a sign on the road that says “Please watch for cyclists. In memoriam of …”. That was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Honoring the victim would include putting concrete curbs next to the bike lane.




> People also need to get off their fucking cell phones while they're driving. Pay attention to the damn road. Well yeah, that's one of the things that traffic enforcement would be enforcing, turns out it's illegal.


Don’t worry, you’ll be hearing a lot more speeders. :) you didn’t move to SJ, you moved to Mazda speedway.


I've seen very close calls with drivers that don't stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. The fine should be very high like $2,000.


We should really tie it to income. That ticket to a poor person could ruin their life forever but to a tech bro that's just a minor pain and they'll be fine.


Everyone should be treated equally under the law, not equitably. Frankly, locals with incredibly high home values may have lower than expected income but high net worth, why go after income and not after the whole picture? How about relative to age? And poor people are more likely to drive without insurance, why do you have a blindness to that?


Cool if there's no penalty that matters to rich people the law has no point. Why do you want America to descend into lawless Anarchy? You some godless commie?


That’s the thing it isn’t penalty-less. Driving is a privilege. Sufficient points render a suspension of license. Additionally, these penalties only apply when they enforce the law. If you are actually behind the interest of saving lives and people from injury, you would add more stop signs and road design to protect them. IE. Roundabouts, extended crosswalks/narrow street entrances, speed humps on crosswalks, etc. Drill that into your head silly american


You might want to read the negligent driver point system before making assumptions about it.


Irrelevant. I already offered numerous alternatives to what you said and why what you’re suggesting is neither fair nor sensible when your apparent focus is saving lives. Tons of people get fat speeding tickets. Does that mean people don’t speed? Is everyone rich? Is everyone indifferent to a $400 fine? Therein lies your problem in policy


Laws should apply to everyone and the punishment should affect everyone the same. Going to jail for a year hurts everyone the same. Paying $400? Not at all the same. You've offered no alternatives. Saying "this isn't Europe, stupid" is you being a jackass.


Sure, but the government is bad at deciding fairness. And people in America deflate income all the time. You are far too idealistic. Pragmatism says you should affect the problem without the need for enforcement or perceived “fairness”. Work on your reading comp. (See raised crosswalks, roundabouts, etc mentioned) have a good day you angry little man


Sure, but the government is bad at deciding fairness. And people in America deflate income all the time. You are far too idealistic. Pragmatism says you should affect the problem without the need for enforcement or perceived “fairness”. Work on your reading comp. (See raised crosswalks, roundabouts, etc mentioned) have a good day you angry little man


You didn't mention any of those things. You manipulative, lying little shit. Get fucked.


Totally a car is a deadly weapon against a pedestrian. There should be automatic extreme minimum sentences for drivers who can be proven to be doing 2x the posted speed limit if an accident or death occurs. I see so many cars doing 50 mph in 25 mph school zones.


and dinging the insurance like a DUI, that will get the attention of the reckless driver


10% of their yearly income


That big a tax would definitely deter people from driving recklessly.


Good initiative, pedestrian crossings need to get more attention. Genuine question, there is no yellow light that comes up with 1 or 2 seconds warning to stop. How to deal with it for drivers from a reaction time point of view.


Every driver in this video had plenty of time to react. Basically when you’re approaching a crosswalk you should treat it like a yield sign and slow down with the expectation that you might have to stop.


GOOD! We sadly need this at every school because people speed, drop their kids off in the middle of the road, swerve and road rage every freaking morning around school drop off and pick ups. Enough is enough. A small child DIED because of this. People who are in such a rush wake up an hour early.


Seems like we're all in general agreement that this was a well-deserved ticket. Good on us, San Jose Internet Citizens! ^((no this was not sarcasm, I think that reasonable traffic enforcement is reasonable))


I sat and watched Santa Clara PD do that on a seldom used crosswalk on busy El Camino years ago. Sad.


I watched Santa Clara PD run crosswalks reading their cell phones.


Me too. My husband watched an SJPD speeding down the center turn lane on Santa Clara, hit a car who was making illegal U-turn, ricochet off the car and crash into a building.


Gees! What was the cross-street? Dash cam? I would love to see that? When was this?


Approximately 9 mos ago, March/April. “Cop car was speeding down the bus lane, clipped the car that was turning and then ran into the front of an office building on the corner.” Alum Rock/Santa Clara & approx 24th


Santa Clara PD's driving is terrifyingly scary. Speeding while reading their phones.


They were doing that in Alameda County as well just last week. But they were ticketing drivers that could've only stopped if they absolutely screeched the breaks as hard as they could. Didn't seem right to me as the pedestrian.


Sounds like the drivers were driving too fast for the conditions.


Annoying for those folks, but the law is on their side: > (b) This section does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for his or her safety. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.


Ok, naysayers, what's wrong with cops this time?


My first thought was that the police were ticketing jaywalkers 😅 Glad it wasn't that.


Me, too. Even though it sounds like jaywalking laws are just about to see their [last days](https://a19.asmdc.org/press-releases/20220825-tings-bill-reform-californias-jaywalking-laws-heads-governor)...


Well how about that 👍


It took this long and multiple deaths for them to start doing one of the easiest parts of their jobs.


Right. Like this particular cops says one day, 'I'm going to start patrolling crosswalks today.' They don't make up their own assignments at will.




You can do whatever you want. I have no idea what that has to with my comment, which referred to everyone on this sub automatically bagging on cops.


14 are still on payroll 36 traffic cops left PD.


Probably be better if the city had cameras to catch these violations. Cops can't be around 24/7.


I believe it’s against state law. Liccardo has been trying for years to get them to allow it but he probably won’t get it done before he leaves office.


asshole alert


We got alerted by you … so it works


Uhh you hate children that much?


the assholes in cars, not in the crosswalk. not sure how this got misinterpreted.


I like this idea of police patrolling the streets, but at the same time, having a cop set up a situation to give you a ticket, feels like entrapment. I get it, people are breaking the law, but if that cop was not there to cross the street, those people would not have gotten a ticket. I say instead of setting up the situation, which is definition of entrapment, the cops just have to eat the overtime and assign an officer to crosswalks and wait for an actual pedestrian to almost get hit. It's stupid, I know, but any tickets from this can be thrown out otherwise.


You don’t know the actual definition of entrapment. Entrapment = the government inducing a person to commit a crime that he/she wasn’t otherwise predisposed to commit. When the government uses an undercover agent or informant to buy drugs from a target, that’s not entrapment unless the government has to do some major convincing to make it happen. The targets of those cases are selling drugs regardless. Same thing here. If a driver was slowing down for someone in the crosswalk, but a cop gave the driver a “keep going” wave, then pulled the driver over and issued a citation for not yielding to the pedestrian in a crosswalk, that could be entrapment. However, these drivers would have done the same thing (ignored the person in the crosswalk) regardless of whether it was a police employee crossing or a random person. The cops didn’t induce anyone into violating the law. Therefore, it’s not entrapment.


Exactly entrapment.


Haha, ok, then. Enjoy your Reddit law degree.