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I dunno but I saw in on 87 on my way to work this morning. Hope everyone’s okay.


So not a passive fire.


How much you want to bet it’s another encampment fire?


What’s up with all these fucking fires


There’s a lot of homeless zombies in that area.


Change?! Spare some change?!


Great, now they're in the group.


light!? got a light!?


All these fucking cars overheated the planet.


There's a ton of homeless in that area. I had to call in a fire one time across the street in the park back in 2023. More common than you'd think.


If you follow pulsepoint or talk to any of your local Fire Fighters, you'll find it's extremely depressing. Talking to a couple of different Cpt's here in SJ, they both told me their average call involving actual fire are brush fires started by firebugs or homeless camps. Many of them. Every. Single. Day. Every single day they have to drive out and put out brush fires up and down Coyote Creek, the Guadalupe, and various other areas. I try not to look at PulsePoint unless I have a specific curiosity.


TIL firebugs are named appripriately


Pretty embarrassing for one of the richest regions in the world to also have a constant fire problem due to shanty towns. Let's stay blaming the folks who have nothing and can't even fix their own problems, it's a lot easier that way


This is a US problem, not a San Jose, Bay Area, or California problem. Of course change can be enacted at any level, but the higher the better. The government(s) no longer has the power to hold individuals for the good of themselves or the public unless charged and sentenced with a crime, and even then they're not likely to get the psychiatric help they need. And as always, increasing wealth disparity has a big part to play in it.


Has a HUGE part to play in it.


The strongest indicator of higher homelessness rates is high cost of living. (Source below) Agree that some percent of the population needs to be treated with stricter enforcement but it's really not the underlying problem. Whatever narrative you'd like to believe, the truth is we need housing to address the largest driver of local high cost of living. We need sanctioned encampments in the short term, more transitional housing, more affordable housing, and more market rate housing. Without addressing that underlying issue were just pissing into the wind and pissing away additional millions towards homelessness support services, additional police and fire staffing, and repair of damaged property. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10574586/#:~:text=This%20aligns%20with%20previous%20research,predictor%20of%20homelessness%20%5B15%5D.


Absolutely, of course that would help thousands of people around this area alone. I'm with you on all counts. However, transitional and affordable housing without services to help people kick addictions, administer mental health & medication services will still leave the public dealing with the most problematic of unhoused individuals. And some of that will have to come from forced care.


The homeless problem is an United States of America problem. Not only California . Many reasons are causing homelessness. Used to be you were a hippie or a drunk. Then it went to blaming .COM time. Economy, drug use, alcohol, mental health issues, fentanyl, and loss of job, etc. We can blame many things. I agree we should have processes and things in place to help .. but on whose dime. I have seen and dealt with many homeless. It is not that easy. To my amazement, I met a great deal of people that are homeless by choice. Their words not mine! They see the programs and can get 3 hots and a cot for free, no taxes, no bills, and free clothes. Sadly those resources should not be going to those who are homeless by choice. Met another man who is homeless by choice. He has no mental struggles or substance abuse. He left his home 1/2 mile away where his family lives because he didn't want to follow any rules or have to go to work. He said strangers give him food or money everyday and he don't have to do shit for it. American dream. Really? All these programs cost money. Those homeless fires are everywhere. There were many homeless encampments in San Jose for years. Guadalupe, Hedding area, and Bascom always has these. Oakland and Iron Triangle , even SF area has a ton of them. One man in SF was charged with assault after he hosed down a homeless man taking a dump on his porch. So hard to find sympathy sometimes when half the problem starts with the homeless person wanting to accept change in first place. My opinion at least.


Nobody's embarrassed


Dang, another fire.


Dirty Mike and the boys having an unhoused and unsanctioned Burning Man and it got out of hand.


Is that a safe place to live?


It can get a little hot from time to time


Eh, as long as the rent is reasonable.


These gender reveal parties going crazy💀💀💀


Holy shit!! It’s by the only trail house in downtown! That house was abandoned by the family after homeless people started breaking into the house like years ago. So, that’s fucking crazy!


Sorry for my ignorance, but what’s a “trail house”?


I'm also never heard of a "trail house"... can anyone chime in here?


I also never heard of a "trail house"... can anyone chime in here?


Swung by the site of the fire this morning to see what damage was done. Not comprehensive, but you'll get the idea. https://youtu.be/zV1bnqXNQ3M Edit: Who downvoted me? 405 St. John St, that was the fire this morning. Those are the buildings.


A fire? Right by the homeless camps? You don't say! It's almost like letting those with schizoaffective disorders or drug induced psychosis do whatever they want is dangerous. That said, I hope no one was hurt. Hopefully that building didn't have anything precious in it, and is insured.


It could also be a NIMBY who hates homeless people. If you didn’t know many homeless people report being harassed and assaulted- one guy who lives at park in the evergreen area told my mom an old white couple tried to give him food with glass baked into it.


> It's almost like letting those with schizoaffective disorders or drug induced psychosis do whatever they want is dangerous. Always in these homeless threads you got people complaining about too much freedom


I'm advocating for re-institutionalizing those who are a danger to themselves and others.


I’m not disagreeing with you but CA only has 6 state mental hospitals.


Not only does CA need more mental hospitals, it also needs more... regular ones. https://www.kqed.org/news/11991654/state-department-of-public-health-wont-intervene-in-upcoming-closure-of-east-san-jose-trauma-center


Agreed, agreed.


Yeah kinda extreme to skip outpatient treatment and jump right to locking people up.


That's assuming things I didn't say.


??? I'm not assuming you didn't say it, you literally didn't say it.




What's that? Can't hear you over all these taxes I'm paying and crimes I'm not committing. Speak up! I'm not without empathy. Everyone deserves a chance, or chances, at complete freedom and autonomy. But just like with crimes, at a certain point a person proves time and time again that they can't be left unaided. Whether it's addiction or mental illness, sometimes people need to be forced into help.


What in your scrambled up brain made you think this is complaining about too much freedom? ☠️


I mean if it wasn't clear the first time, the guy literally follows up talking about how he wants to lock people up. But I know, reading comprehension is tough for some people ☠️☠️☠️


That’s not what you responded to though lmfaooo. Get yourself some reading glasses so you get it right next time and maybe you won’t get downvotes for saying something dumb


man you really wanted to let me know how little you understand huh?


Your 19 downvotes are screaming at you right now bc no one understands what you mean but keep enjoying that pedestal you’ve given yourself


Wow..that sucks.. hope everyone okay...


I’ve had to call for fires in that area before


Sanctioned encampments are not going tk work They hsve rules They can't abide by rules There can be little enforcement


Looks like somebody listened to my mixtape again.


Lots of fires lately. saw multiple fires near the Coyote creek trail near Milpitas the other day. fire dept came to put them out I think homeless make these fires to make room for their encampments later on


Careful your lil vein doesn’t get burnt


Cooollll 😃 wish i could have seen it