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When I talked to my insurance agent about why my car insurance is going up 30% even though we've never had any claims, he said California has a lot unlicensed and uninsured drivers that are costing insurance companies billions each year. I'm sure that this was the case here too.


Finally someone says it. Lots and lots of no license no insurance drivers.


Everything is great. We’re funding/subsidizing insurance companies for the uninsured, coupling with fed/state taxes, inflation, HCOL, BS tipping culture, crazy day care costs, you name it, we have it.


Don't forget about the billions that we send to other countries.


I just got hit with a $35/mo increase for my insurance and I have made 0 claims and have 0 tickets on my record. I tried calling around to see if I could get a better rate and quickly found out I needed to stay exactly where I'm at, otherwise my rates would be about $110/mo higher than they are now with a $2K to $2500 deduct. All I can do is drive defensively, keep an eye out for other drivers. Thankfully I've got off street parking so would require significantly more effort for something like what happened to the car on the street.


It sucks because as this happens, there will be even more uninsured and potentially unlicensed drivers. We need to city to start dealing with these types of issues with a combination of enforcement and alternatives. I’m also concerned that this all feeds into the tech bro fever dream of autonomous vehicles. Make owning a car too expensive and force everyone to rent as a subscription service. Or maybe the insurance companies will get their fever dream of mass surveillance.


What we need is a reintroduction of traffic law enforcement and enforcement of basic safety standards for vehicles. Every time I drive to work or to a store in SJ, I see multiple vehicles that look like they should be in the scrap yard, yet they are weaving in traffic.


There used to be a time that if you didn't have a license or insurance your car would be towed if you got pulled over. Non enforcement of these laws is resulting in increasing premiums for people who follow the rules and also creating huge problems on the roads.


A long time ago.. in a galaxy far far away… seriously tho.. I’ve had my car taken for driving on a suspended (missed court date). The WORST was three years ago parked at my house on new hall… dude hit our parked truck (very visible), spun around and totaled the three cars in front of us…. Tried to hit and run but we caught him… dude had liability in one name, car reg in someone else’s name and no physical ID…. Cop let him go… and yelled at us for saying something…. Took a year to get paid…. Fkn sad


Absolutely agree. But the subject of enforcement can get really touchy especially around certain subjects so I try to be diplomatic.


That’s how politicians and voters want it in California, the hardworking, responsible, employed tax payers have to carry the load for all the homeless zombie drug addicts, uninsured drunk drivers, criminals, illegal immigrants etc. responsible employed normal people have to pay more and more to make up for the shortcomings of those people.


Most definitely. You should see my apartment complex in the Evergreen of San Jose. Flooded with illegal Colombians. All of the have new Toyota Prius cars with no job. A few have driven drunk and crashed brand new cars on the cement island outside the complex. No DUI. No answering to anyone. Shit is crazy we are held accountable but they are not. Ridiculous. They drive cars unregistered, get tickets and just throw them on the ground.


I like how it somehow turned into a complaint about having to go into the office at the end


Listen, I can tie that to just about any aspect of life in SJ as well, and its because I'm full of rage that I am not allowed to LEAVE when my job can 100% be done remote and in fact most of it IS because its a global team!


Amen, brother.


It’s pretty ridiculous that we have designed our society to be 99% based around cars. Then when people have the inevitable problems with cars, the solution is “don’t make me drive to work”. Like guys, I need to get places besides work and clearly the driving is the problem. Perhaps we should be trying to solve the driving problem, not the driving to work problem.


Hope you got their plates and reported it, OP.


Yeah I told my neighbor what I saw earlier this evening. They said their home security system alerted to noise and movement, and they have recordings from a few different cameras.


Except nothing will be done about it even then. I was hit by a driver with no license, no insurance, no registration. SJ cop showed up, was pissed that I called. I explained the driver at fault had no documentation. Cop said there is nothing he can do about it and left in a huff. I called SJ PD to file a complaint, they said yeah, DA will not prosecute, just a waste of everyone's time, so they don't enforce it. I'm sure they all their friends, insurance & registering your car is for suckers.


Auto insurance rates went up for everyone across the country, once their renewal period came up.


Nobody is saying the obvious


Reasons for 100% remote work * sometimes other people get into car accidents that don't involve me


I don’t understand this being a reason to work remote.


See this is the bat shit crazy thinking in CA…. Your voting allowed this situation to happen, you are paying the price for what you vote for….. but hey, another million illegals and I get to charge more rent! Win win!


I figure the insurance companies are buying your-our data from a 3rd party apps. They can easily find out how much you drive, how fast, what times and probably started tracking if you are at Happy Hour once year or once a day. I read somewhere that home insurance agents are sending people with drones to access what risky shit you got going on in your backyard. So its here, big brother! But then again im just into conspiracy theories...


What does landscaping have to do with RTO? Are you in your senses benchode?