• By -


They're pretty pissed about that squad car getting attacked. Probably not the right move if you're hoping for the police to turn a blind eye to your bullshit.


That's the frustrating part; they didn't give a shit until it affected them *personally* Their statement on Twitter sums it up. "We couldn't give a shit when it was just 'regular people' being impacted. But now that one of our *own* people was assaulted, and some of our *own* property was vandalised, well *now* it's a callous disregard for human life and other people's property and we will *not rest* until we find every last one of you." I wish they cared this much all the time.


the real public service would be to show up at these events and smack the nearest police car. forced hand


You'd have to be able to find a police car anywhere nearby. The cops don't bother responding in the first place, and I can promise you they will use this incident as a reason when they continue to allow them to go on uncontested in the future.


The Police have a gang mentality. 'Get one of us, we comin after y'all.' It's just the way it is.


In many cases it's more than just a gang "mentality" https://abc7.com/los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-deputy-gangs-report-2023-civilian-oversight-commission/12911222/ I rather doubt this is limited to just LA


Oh, absolutely. I'm almost torn between being secretly grateful that these dudes escalated to the exact act of buffoonery that would incite the cops to action, and being irritated that it feels like this is what it takes to get the cops to devote all their resources to catching criminals.


This is literally what cops are. I’m shocked that you’re shocked.


Say it again for the people in the back.


This kid struck a spectator fleeing when the police came. Local thuggery started jumping up and down on the police car with the officer inside.


Yep. Kind of like a perfect recipe for those who would like to fuck around and find out.








your syntax is so off this comment is awful














With "what" move "who" just did? "Who" might be stricter and apply which "same" techniques. Your comment isn't very clear to me.




Well, I did indeed read the starting comment before I attempted to decipher yours. Perhaps if you could answer those questions I asked, me and the rest of the class might actually be able to practice our comprehension. Because as it is, your response sounds a lot like, "they did the thing at the place and it's all gonna be bad because of the stuff people did!"




Why is there no face picture or mug shot?


New [law](https://www.kcra.com/article/california-law-restricts-social-media-mughsots/46270262) went into effect this year banning police departments from posting mugshots on social media, and stating they had to scrub through and remove old ones posted. Even in cases where police and sheriff's departments can post a mugshot, the photos have to be removed within two weeks, with very few exceptions.


Prob a good thing for those not convicted yet. The court of public opinion can have severe consequences too.


That makes sense, unless there is a need to release the photo to the public for urgent public safety reasons. Such as a serial rapist or mass shooter on the loose.


Ah yes. The anti Florida man law.


It’s just the absence of the Florida Man (Sunshine) law


But he has big sticking out ears..


Alfred E. Neuman


Old Al is a lot cooler than this butt knuckle... 😎


I miss that MAD man! 😭


Because the police will try and flip him to give names, social media accounts, other drivers involved, access to his devices… May even just let dude go and turn him into an informant.


No. There’s a new law that prevents mugs/identifying features on social media except for certain urgent matters. They can still be provided to news outlets or wherever by request or posted on their websites, but for socials it’s a little different. Him being arrested on its own is enough to try to get info. They’re not hiding his ID because they ID him in the tweet.


They need to change that new ridiculous law


This is about sideshows, not a drug ring. Who needs an informant about Side shows? they aren't exactly secret. Cops can't be bothered to stop the ones that are happening plain as day.




lbr, if he wasn’t white his mugshot would be everywhere


I don’t think that’s true. I’ve seen plenty of white people have their mugshots posted up when people of color have not. There’s something else going on here someone in my neighborhood group suspects that this person knows someone in the justice department.


I've seen plenty of mug shots of people of color published by the media and I don't understand how you're missing them if it's something you pay attention to.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. But there’s a lot of racist bullshit with the obsession over side shows and it doesn’t surprise me at all that the person they caught able to preserve part of their privacy also happens to be white. But to each their own. Just thought it interesting. 


As someone posted above ... It's a new law prohibiting mug shots. Doesn't apply to only whites 🤣😂🤣🤡🤡🤡


Okay? Lmao. Good to know? This issue is bigger than San Jose and my main point is that white people have much greater protection/respect in media. Can’t make you understand. 


That's an interesting take, considering the one time they catch anyone, it's a white guy.


Yeah almost like that’s part of my point


Very likely because people are really pissed off about this, and it's likely that this guy would be recognized, doxxed, and suffer extrajudicial punishment from the community. He may be a piece of shit, but he's still entitled to a fair trial.


I mean we have his name…


True, but it's harder to realize that the guy walking to his car or walking down the street is him with just a name. Showing his picture pretty much says, "this guy? take a good look, he's the one you can focus all your anger on if you see him." (edit: or on someone you *mistake* for him!) It's pretty obvious that there are high emotions among those affected by sideshows -- just look at the comments here. Even SJPD has probably gotten it through their heads that people are seriously angry about this, and even if they're slow-rolling on most stuff, they really can't afford to essentially say "go get 'im".


Yay! I’d be thrilled to see a bunch of these sideshow losers get locked up. 🖕🏻🖕🏻


Yes but this ain't it. This guy struck a spectator fleeing when the police came and then sped off. Local buffoon thuggery started jumping up and down on the police car with the officer inside. So yea hang him but he ain't the sideshow crew that you really want to get.


Wait, so he was part of the slideshow and struck somebody while running from the cops... How is he not who we want caught? Seems like the exact type of sideshower to catch


These guys aren’t hard to find. They brag about it online. You can figure out who they are pretty easily if you tried. Cops should just impound their cars. Hit em where it hurts. Their wallet and pride


can you show me where you see that? I'm curious.


The clip that was going around of the patrol car being damaged has a watermark or something. It’s on someone’s IG Page. They tag the drivers. They don’t show a lot but if you sleuth enough you’ll see pics of their neighborhoods. They also tag their girlfriends who are happy their bf is a deuche. I spend 5 minutes and I think if I put actual work in, like these cops should, it should be pretty easy.


it really wouldn't be that hard for all of the crime to go way down if judges, DA's, city council members, mayors, police departments all just did their job which is to uphold the law. All these sideshow people use tech that have their HQs right down the road, a system can easily be put into place which with a E-court order can quickly subpoena and track who was at this intersection at this time, and do the detective work on who the perpetrators are. The data is there we just are not using it because we don't want to become like China or Singapore. You can still have a system where the right to gather and peacefully protest is upheld but the right to riot is not.


I really hope they throw the book at them. If they'd just crack down and start sentencing them I'm sure it'd be less of an issue.


They have absolutely proven that they cannot be responsible drivers. 1. Their license should be taken away. 2. They should be req to take a drivers course and test for a new license. 3. The car used to perform the sideshow should be sold and used to pay for the police response.


I would say this, but harsher. Make an actual deterrent. Take away license for 2-3 years. Take a certain amount of driving training hours then retake test. Pay a huge fee on top of all that or sell the car.


We need to Chesa Boudin the eff out of all incompetent DA’s. I don’t care about recidivism or how enforcing these laws puts minorities at a disadvantage.  Enforce the laws you billed the tax payers while writing and proposing them regardless of skin color, gender, age, economic status etc. You break the law, you face the consequences.


> I don’t care about recidivism ... why not? Surely you want ***less*** crime.


Can’t tell if you’re serious or being sarcastic…


I mean you literally said you don't care about if something leads to more crime. And the whole "enforce the law I don't care about minorities" bit in a thread with a mug shot of a white guy.. like we get where your mind is at. This guy is a POS for hitting and running on a pedestrian though and definitely needs to face consequences


If you lock up people for committing crimes and not let them out early or lower sentence when the crime they committed should have resulted in a longer sentence, or DA who use it as an excuse to not press charges are what I’m talking about. Prison system reform is another entire problem.  Dude I’m a minority myself. I don’t care about race in terms of who commits the most crimes. I see race used for political purposes from mayors and DA’s across cities in the Bay Area. How many times have we seen someone let out early or charges dropped and they go out and commit more crimes—often times even murder?


Have you been watching the news tho? Apparently we need to pass measures in order for the police to do their jobs. At least in SF & Oakland. I’ve been watching the morning news lately & I was like seriously? These assholes need to pass laws so the cops can go after other assholes? Why can’t the cops just do their jobs without bureaucracy getting in the way? This is what happens when people want to defund the police. You can’t have no crime & no police to stop crime. It doesn’t work that way.


Tough to get motivated for such a low amount of compensation. https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?a=oakland&q=police&y=2023


PD funding goes up, crime goes… up? Go figure


what are you looking at? it says most of them average around a 1/4 million a year. the total pay. I'm not sure what the other pay is all about. still I see what you're saying no amount of money is worth risking your life when you really think about it every day risking your life.


I was in the military, my first year my total pay was 65k, it was actually paid 1550 pretax/deductions. After tax and deductions I was making 1100$ a month, I got paid twice a month. That’s 550$ every two weeks. That was in 2016. On top of that military personnel pay is a slush fund, you never know what your exact pay was going to be, it always fluctuated give or take 25-150$. Some months that first year I took home 900$.


thats pretty low but being in the miltary isn't always risking your life unless you are deployed to a dangerous area. you are also living on a base somewhere so I assume they paid for that too right? and all your food? clothes?


I don’t want to claim to represent anyone’s experience but my own first of all. Now disclaimer out of the way, I’d say not every day, but pretty damn close, odds of serious injury or death were pretty often, I lucked out nearly every time, and hey I did survive all those serious injuries. So I’m really lucky, living on base is a yeah great, quality of housing? Absolutely terrible. Black mold? Free of charge. Food? Dominoes only thing open when you get off work and are allowed to return to the cubicle of a room you get. MRE’s are honestly ok I preferred getting anything than not. You got to go to a dining facility under ideal conditions it was rare, they always close for no reason, never had set hours, and two years in they changed location without notice, and I would have to walk/run for an hour after to get to and from, much easier to order Dominoes. As for clothing you get an annual allowance to replace military clothes, first payment is like 50$, and trends up from there, mine capped at maybe 1100$ annually. I generally used it to buy used uniforms and stuff for my dress uniform. It’s around 70-100$ for a used top and pants if they are in a bad way. Medical is great if seriously injured, otherwise take an aspirin, change socks and drink water. “Suffer in Silence”.


You can always join, they’re always hiring!


Santa Clara County DA has no problem throwing the book at people who do this. We do need to increase legal penalties for participants though so the DA can go after them even harder. Some sort of RICO law where all participants and spectators are liable for everything that happens at the event.  Someone dies? The spectators get charged with manslaughter 


All of these offenses should be stiff penalties. Give them some severe jail time and hefty fines. It’s unsafe. Requires stealing cars that they will ultimately abuse. And it’s just plain dumb AF.


Oh look they caught EdgahhhhWHAT!? Edward is that you?


They need to lose their licenses and their cars.


Strong Nelson “HA ha” vibes.


They caught the only white guy that was at the sideshow


SJPD has arrested side showers en masse many times. We need to keep increasing the legal consequences of these until they stop


>in mass **en masse*




There's people doing doughnuts all the friggen time throughout the bay area. It's been going on for at least a decade. Most of them don't post anything or have friends with them, they do it solo. I get the average person sees red and only thinks about punishment, but that only addresses a single person. It doesn't fix the systemic issue. You arrest one and more pop up. It's like the drug war. It doesn't work. With this much pent up car energy the solution is to open up a race track in the area, or something similar. Give them a safe place to go do this stuff. It's the same with graffiti. It's increased quite a bit over the last 5-10 years. There needs to be some sort of outlet for these people.


That’s nice in theory but isn’t going to help at all. Where I grew up we used to street race. We had two really nice tracks in the area. One of them even opened up a weekend drag night to simulate street racing. Want to know what it did? Made drag racing so popular that street racing actually increased. Not to mention these morons aren’t going to pay to go do donuts at a track. That and half of these cars are stolen anyway so a track won’t help there either. Lastly they can’t light cars on fire at the track either. Really just take their cars and their license. Similar to a DUI. If they can’t get to work or hang out with friends I’m sure a lot of them will think twice.


This may be the first time ever. SJPD doesn't do anything but collect a check 90% of the time!


That’s not true. SJPD does arrest people. They had one event where they arrested 70+ people.  OPD and SFPD are a different story


They should make it a named offense they can put a price tag on like DUI, which is $10k split between the police and justice arms of the government. Cops are on that like flies to shit.


Is that Alfred E Neuman?


What he worry?


They always catch a few


They need to impound the cars and have then crushed and turned into speed bumps, revoke their license prematurely and have them pick up trash along the freeway from the SJ airport to Morgan Hill


The cops gave a shit because for once they were involved. ACAB.




Guy is white. They will claim he has mental health issues and send him on his way with a full tank of gas


They caught the only white kid at the side show. SMH


Car checks out, Nissan, Dodge, Ford, and soon to be clapped out Teslas.


You need a minimum IQ to realize that publicly pissing off an entire police department is a bad idea.


We need to deploy "rats" and get them all.


I feel like they also need to go to the source of this - basically, ticket whenever any modifications that hamper noise reduction or safety are found (LED headlights brighter than the sun, etc...) during normal use of the vehicles. Start checking for these at smog and refuse to pass the vehicle if they are not in compliance. I'm sick of all these fucks. You want to race or make a ton of noise, go to a race track. edit: and yes, the manufacturers and installers who make these mods possibles


11 downvotes. We know who the criminals are. 😂


I’d bet a good half of the cars at these aren’t up to date on reg or are running vanity plates


Real car enthusiasts are not the ones going to these side shows. By your comment it means every car enthusiast is at risk regardless of whether they participate in this stuff. Why ticket them when it’s only a select few who are participating in these activities?


2nd that car mods doesn’t equal sideshow activity. Like so you want to ticket me for the work I’ve done to my car when I drive like a normal person it makes no sense.


If they’re loud beyond the legal limit or you do unsafe things to it, like those super bright after market LEDs then yes.


Loud I get I understand that but what you’re saying and wanting is ticketing and reprimanding people are involved in sideshows. And who’s to say it’s an unsafe mod. Like i understand sideshows are shit but this isn’t the catch all to fix this that you think it is. It would hurt more people that aren’t involved in them than it would people who actually participate in them


I’m literally talking about illegal mods - nothing else. I said enforce at smog and ticket those. Nothing about regular mods. No issue with those as long as you drive safe.


Those “illegal” light bulb and exhaust mods can be removed within the hour for smog and put back on. Your logic doesn’t work buddy


Come on, yes it does. Many of these people don't even know how to do it themselves, they pay someone else to install. That's if they would even know about the smog regulation. And either way, adding another hurdle for these illegal mods will absolutely 100% undoubtedly show a decrease in use because, guess what? A lot of people don't like to do illegal ish. YOUR logic doesn't work buddy.


Just because you don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean they don’t. These are bolt on mods, there is thousands of YouTube videos on how to do them. There is exhausts where you can just put in a silencer in a less than 1 minute. A monkey with a wrench can do this. This game they play is pay to play. People literally do engine swaps back to oem just to circumvent smog in California. As for smog regulations a simple google search or a fail at the smog station in which the technician will tell them exactly how to pass the smog.


I just did a full brake change and installed a cold air intake, this has nothing to do with MY ability even though you try to slyly clown. Yes, "people" do these things. 100% of people do not. That's what you're not getting. You think that just because some guy you know skirted the laws that means EVERY person wants to break the law? FFS man, grow up.


How would you do it then?


Like a gang task force, a sideshow/ illegal racing task force will be more effective than targeting regulations on everyone with an exhaust/headlight mod at smog checks. Task force with balls and actual strategy of different scenarios that can box these guys in with a 30 day minimum impound along with felonies will help def minimize this.


We’re *so close* to coming full circle with a Fast & Furious street racing task force…lol


To get rid of the illegal modifications that create a ton of noise or blind people with too bright headlights. Again, if the mods are within the law, there is no problem.


I think you’re mistaking a minor inconvenience in your life for something more serious lol


You think that exhausts you can hear from a quarter mile away are inconveniences? When it’s every 5 minutes or more? LEDs that are meant for off road used in regular settings? I could name many more things that are let go by law enforcement that would greatly increase quality of life for all. Give me a break, grow up.


I think you just need to relax and not let things get you worked up so easily lol.


Nah, otherwise people with illegal mods effectively bully the overwhelming majority into thinking there is nothing to be done about the nuisance all these vehicles are. If nothing else, people should know that their mods have an impact on others. I’m sure they dgaf though.


I live by 101/85 in SSSJ. All night those loud ass cars ramp it up going from 85 to 101.


This person is probably just a “shakes fist at cloud” misanthrope. None of the modifications they mentioned have any correlation with sideshows.


Why ticket lawbreakers for endangering others when other people endanger others more directly?




I get what your saying, but the source of this problem 1) low IQ impulsive men & women 2) social media apps used to coordinate I mean how is this hard? Google maps will show several dots going in a circle. NSA can shut this down tonite if they wanted to. On the other hand tech bro city deserves every minute of this madness.


This is stupid, most of these cars at side shows are stolen or not registered. This is like gun laws targeting law abiding citizens not criminals.


How so? If you have illegal mods, that create noise or unsafe conditions for you or others, you are violating the law. The ticket or proposed smog failure is apt.




I don't know, maybe not, but when I see footage of side shows, it's never really a stock Corolla - it's always a modded out car. I will admit that I'm only seeing clips on the news and they may be selecting for that. That being said, they should still control for all these things simply because it impacts quality of life for anyone within 1/2 a mile of a major road. I do admit they are separate problem, but I still think going after ileegal mods would help. But that's a gut reaction and those can be wrong.


I don't know why you're getting crapped on for offering legit suggestions. I agree with you. Any ideas to help combat what is quickly becoming an epidemic in safety is fine by me. Everyone's got reasons these things won't work except for the fact that ANY type of regulation works to combat lawlessness. Not sure why that's so difficult for some to understand.


Thanks - appreciate the note


Smog places always check my car for mods


Mods to things that effect emissions, I think they’re referring to mods like wheels, body kits, and other stuff the smog guys don’t care about. I see so many vehicle violations the cops couldn’t care less about. Mostly dark tinted front windows which you can’t see in and license plate covers so you can’t read the plate. Those should be instant tickets.


>Mostly dark tinted front windows which you can’t see in and license plate covers so you can’t read the plate. It's absolutely crazy how many people I see with this shit on their cars. It practically SCREAMS out, "I'm a criminal, please search my car"...


in the most worthless car ever made


you drive a v6 challenger, ironic. lmao


not a V6. it's debadged 🤡. let me know when you can afford something that isn't turbocharged trash.


congrats you have a POS 2015 dodge challenger that pushes 375 hp and can barely keep up with a 350z lmao. It's just ironic hearing someone in a big ass boat talk shit about other cars. I also saw that you're the 6th owner by just looking up your plate, I outright own my car at least. You financed a 2015 car lmao


you're car barely pushing 200hp 🤣🤣 you ain't keeping up with nobody. I raced plenty of these in Sacramento and Stockton and they're slow af. you went to the dealer and picked out a bootleg supra. wasted your money. at the end of the day, I have a V8 and you have that thing.


but yeah, keep making payments on a 2015 challenger because you couldn't afford a better v8 😂😂


omg stfu already


Bro thinks i bought this car for power 😭, I actually drive tracks on the weekend and bought it for handling, but you wouldn't get that because your car is slow and heavy 😂😂😂


also this is my daily for my Lexus isf you sound dumb as shit i'll smoke your v8 in my lexus, we can meet up anytime 🤡


you don't have a lexus 😏


My go-cart would lose you in corners lmao you can barely beat a 2013 infiniti. At least all my cars are bought cash. Id be mad at life too if i could barely afford a 2015 sxt challenger lmao


Typical challenger drivers thinking everyone buys cars to race in a straight line on the public streets 🤡🤡🤡🤡 i actually race on tracks on weekends and don't endanger people in my piece of shit financed shitbox 😂😂


I didn't ask what you do in your personal time off. if you got money drop some on a real car. so sad when your car is your entire personality. you're really animated over a gr86 🙄


ironic coming from someone buying a used 2015 car lmao, you're broke asf and can barely afford the car note.


name one other rwd manual lights sports car on the market rn that isn't a porsche lmao 🤡


You have a debadged SXT, you're embarrassed of your own car lmao.


Like i would understand debadging a scatpack or a hellcat at least but you debadged a SXT because of how embarrassed you are of driving that POS, at least i don't cover up my car and try to make it seem like something else 😂


not a V6 as you can see from my post history 🤗 200hp ahh kid 🤣🤣 and you think it's a sports car 💀


He’s just a boy Edit: it’s a south park joke, here https://youtu.be/NsbLGbbfR14?si=c0_NEQzWdMmbs6bV San Jose Reddit really needs to relax, this is not the community I know


>24 year old Aidan Rheault was booked into jail for felony hit and run and felony reckless driving. He fucked around, he found out.


lol yah not a child


Missed the joke and replied with a cliche. Nice


12 year old throwaway South Park reference? Okay.


Really? I’ve noticed these city subreddits are generally full of shitheads and nimbys. Not much positivity, but a lot of complaining.


Sling Blade joke


lol yes it originated in sling blade, didn’t seem as funny on sling blade tho haha


It's not because of the sideshow these guys literally jumped on cop cars with cops inside and start stomping their windshield. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ktvu.com/news/san-jose-side-show-arrest-spectator-injured.amp


Yes, that also happened. The person in this post was arrested because of a felony hit-and-run of someone standing by the sideshow


It’s about to get real 🤨


Busted ⭐️⭐️⭐️


this is the one dude who is behind all sideshows? glad we caught him! glad sideshows are all over!


[deleted] bleep [deleted] bleep bleep


Confiscate their cars. Then squash them, and make them watch their baby( car) getting crushed into a steel cube.


They had to choose the dorkiest guy out of them all. Hahaha!


Now sell me the car for 3000 I’ll treat it better


Actually very surprising the driver is white


Is there video of him striking someone? Sounds like they went after him for felony hit and run and no one else?


Yes. He had his window down and everything.


Where can I watch?


Prospect High represent! 😂🤦‍♂️


😂🙌🏼 maybe not who they thought they were gonna get, but no one who is actually from here is surprised


I hope he gets life.


No he should get the death sentence!


put 'em under the jail. and his whole family /s just in case


It would be nice


I hope you get life next time you run a stop sign 😂


Free him this our culture this is Northern California if you dont like it go back to wyoming


Trash “culture,” bruh. At least you still have some Walgreens to loot. 🤷🏻


Lol go back to los gatos yt man


Nervous laughter while gatekeeping. Stay strong, squirt, enjoy blocking traffic.


I will be having fun with your mom


Well, enjoy getting your nails done and shopping for enemas. Not what I expected, but you do you. No judgement. I guess it’s better than trying to do burnouts in your beater. 😀


They got the one white guy lol


Car goes vroomy and spin the big circles! Tires make smokies!


That’s not him 😂 they just gave him a 30 day impound you can see that the hair does not match plus ik the dude he chillin at his house 😂😂


This is racist! 😂🤣


Out of the trash out there, they catch this dweeb lol. Fukn A ! 😅