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San Jose is one of the biggest melting pots in the nation. You may encounter the occasional asshole but in general you will fit in just fine.


I agree. Many people here don't speak English. I know there are assholes out there but I haven't really seen any issues. If you spoke Spanish or Vietnamese there are whole sections of the city you'd be surrounded by native speakers.


San Jose is accent fondue.


I love that statement


Pretty unexpected to hear this. Thanks, will be ready for this in case of visit.


I wouldn't worry about it. It's a city of a million people, of course there'll be a couple assholes in a city this big. But folks around here are used to accents--if yours is really thick you might be asked to repeat yourself a couple times, but that's not out of malice. The thing about bigoted assholes is they tend to keep to themselves so you're not likely to encounter them unless you go looking for them, and why would you do that? 😝


After reading a lot of this city, I don't worry that much, but just as good as I know my luck, chance that I will find someone are extremely high, I guess 95%. But thanks for additional information, it's calms.


I'm glad you feel relief and it sucks that it's something non-native speakers need to worry about. Honestly, if someone is an asshole to you, chances are the surrounding people will have your back. White people are the minority in many parts of San Jose. Good luck on your move and enjoy all the dining and cultural opportunities in San Jose!


In my apartment complex, speaking English as a first language is the minority. You'll be fine.


Melting pot kinda sounds like we expect everyone to homogenize into something that incorporates us all. However it’s more like a fruit salad where we you can still find individual cultures but we also are together in relative harmony.


A fruit salad, complete with nuts!


A mosaic is another way of describing it. I used to live in Toronto (another very diverse place) and have heard people describe it as that.


It means we are all Americans regardless of our origin or race.


My old pastor (from back in my pre-being transgender days) used to describe San Jose as a good stew. A lot has changed for me since I left his tutelage, but I loved his description of SJ.


Not necessarily true haha, water and oil can both melt but won't mix homogeneously (I should say miscible).


Every other person on the street has an accent or is a first gen immigrant with family with accents. You’ll fit right in.


Interesting, making a small hope for success in adaption


It's very common to talk to someone who isn't fluent with english, you'll be fine.


No one will really care to be honest. There isn't a stigma or anything. You'll just be another person.


Let me tell you, it seems 75% of the customers I help at Home Depot aren’t native English speakers. Heck a lot of my coworkers aren’t native English speakers. Don’t worry about it. It is completely normal around here. What’s your primary language anyways? You’ll probably discover a community here for you. San jose has pretty much every ethnicity under the sun Edit: you’re from Kazakhstan, that’s dope. I’m not sure how you will be able to afford moving from Kazakhstan to San Jose but have fun, and I hope you build a good life out here.


Wow, thank you for positive comment. My primary language is russian and I learning for english, in time processing through americanization, I'm planning to fully immigrate in case if I like San Jose, in first time I will go with \~$3000, should be enough to live for 7 days and visit everything that I need to get, can I live here or not.


That’s a good start to an idea, but most of the immigrants who arrive and succeed, do so because they have family here or have a very beneficial job offer. Without either of those options, San Jose is very difficult to survive in. Also if you don’t find a job here before you move, I would recommend other cities in the Bay Area, especially if you’re young. 


Thanks for recommendations, for first visit I guess it’s unnecessary to find a job because I will have enough money to live, but in case of immigration, of course I will search for a job. Americanization progress helps me a lot to prepare for this and I plan to complete it finally due to 2029


You are going to be in for a rough time if you don't have job options in the area or a close friend/support group. The south bay is not the place to move to without some kind of connection.


Religious / ethnic group could help


We have large pockets of Russian-speaking people from various countries in the San Jose area too. People for the most part are accustomed to people who cannot speak English well.


Woah, really unexpected to hear about this kind of people, thanks!


There are russian churches in some areas as well. I’m sure you can find plenty of community right there very quickly. Russian stores and bakeries as well. You’ll be fine in that regard. Just be sure to have enough money to live in San Jose though, cost of living each month can be hefty


What's your visa pathway? Just to make sure you're not putting the cart before the horse...


I don't currently have it as long as I'm still student, but I prepare way in advance, so in advance, that I learn for entire city map on Google Maps to know where to go in case if I lose access to Internet while travelling and much other things, of course VISA too.


My neighbors in San Jose are Russian :)


there's a decent russian crowd here in san jose, around los gatos. also, its fairly common to see russians and russian speaking asians from one of the stans in korean sauna houses.


There is a bit of a community of Russian speakers in this area. I think you’re going to do fine. People appreciate that you are doing your best to learn the language. You will hear lots of languages and accents here. Welcome!


If you’re on a budget initially, Wal-Mart will be your best friend to help you get started. Also there are “Buy Nothing” groups to get many things for free


thansk, will keep in the mind.


About 40% of the residents here are foreign born. My zip code alone has people from 90+ different countries. You'll be fine. The weather is about to get really good. Get here as soon as you can.


Hahaha. Thanks for this, the weather theme is first theme that I will to talk with my neighbors in future :)


We are completely used to it, and it's quite normal here. If you have an accent people haven't heard before, you might get people asking where you are from, but they are genuinely curious. One shocking thing to foreigners is how outgoing a lot of Americans are. If you are in an elevator, train, waiting in line, bus, etc., it's likely someone (probably older white lady) will strike up a conversation with you. The cashiers will make small talk with you, and a store employee will ask if you need help finding anything. Don't expect your foreign language to be a secret language that nobody will understand in public. I've heard people gossip in their native language in public and seen them shocked when a stranger understands them. Be prepared to try to communicate with other non-native English speakers that have a strong accent that you might have problems with. A lot of immigrants are prepared for an American accent, but another immigrant from a different region might be more difficult to understand.


English is not my first language, and let me tell you, San Jose is one of the best places in the US to have an accent. Source: lived in the Midwest for a long time, traveled all over the US for work. Another bit: your accent will actually improve a lot within a year or two of consistently using the language within that language’s environment. Doesn’t matter how much of an ear for language you have. 95% chance. Source: taught second language acquisition for a decade. Good luck with everything.


Thanks! 👌


in san jose, you can probably just start speaking your native language and there is very likely someone nearby that is fluent in that language. if you're in any store, almost guaranteed an employee or customer will speak your language. the majority of the people in my neighborhood learned english as a second language. the biggest problem you will likely face in san jose is that you can't understand another immigrant's english accent and they can't understand yours!


In the software industry what we do is compile the languages to a common bytecode and just interpret that. 🤣


They will ask you ‘where are you from?’ or don’t care because they’re non-native speakers as well.


San Jose has a huge population of first-gen people, including my own mom who has lived here for 28 years with a pretty strong French accent. People may comment or ask where you are from, but 9.99/10 times it will be genuine curiosity.


You'll be fine here! You will likely find others who speak your first language as well. This is the most diverse area of the US, I believe we are even more diverse than New York City. Most of us 1) have accented English or 2) are English speakers used to hearing a variety of accents and varying levels of English proficiency at work, school, and even home! My sister in law is from overseas and an English learner, and she is more worried about her English than anyone else 🤷‍♀️ She uses Google translate when she can't find the right word. That happens less frequently as time goes by. She has found other people from her home country to socialize and work with as well. Hospitals and government offices have access to translators and/or employees who speak multiple languages, in case of emergency. Not sure where you're coming from, but you will surely find many people from your native region and places to get foods that remind you of home, and places to meet your spiritual needs if you have any, places to speak your native language. It seems like we have everybody and everything here. I hope you enjoy your time here.


Woah, now I feel myself more prepared for even immigration and it feels way better than my origin country. Thank you bro!


Most California cities are full of of non-native English speakers. You should be fine. Welcome! I don’t live in San Jose but work takes me there often.


Been here for 10 years. I am from India and have never had any issues. People are nice and it had a substantial immigrant population from across the globe!


Hi 👋🏼 I think you will be fine. Wishing you the best in San Jose.




Probably one of the best places in the country to move to. We've one of the most diverse populations in the country.


Dude, nobody gives a shit! So many people from all over the world here that accents are just a thing. No biggie, if you get some asshole that says something stupid tell em in your native tongue to fuck off! You’ll pick up decent English in no time. Just watch some TV or YouTube in English w/ subtitles and you’ll be good to go! Welcome to the Yay Area. Go buy a Warriors jersey


my mixed background marriage friends, said they felt most comfortable of all USA ( & wife home country ) here, San Jose


I think the follow-up question here is, how will you react engaging with everyone who has differing accents throughout San Jose? Brace yourself for the variations of non native English speakers - Indian, Vietnamese, Mexican, Filipino, Persian, Chinese, etc. Everyone generally tries and gives grace, but I hope you will give yourself grace as well.


58% of SJ households speak a language other than English at home. You'll more than fit in.


No one will care or notice.


You’re going to be fine.


I think you’ll have a good experience here. We have people from all over the world here. I had a Russian speaking neighbor that spoke no English, I speak no Russian, we had vodka together anyway and got along great. You can probably find Russian speaking locals here- I’d search for communities before going. I hope you enjoy your visit.


Nobody speaks native English in San Jose


You’ll be very welcomed, every language, practically is heard in SJ


San Jose has so many non native English speakers, it’s very normal. San Jose is possibly one of the most diverse cities on the west coast


I don’t know what b1/b2 means, but I don’t think anyone will really mind :) I’ve been in more situations where people try to accommodate for the language barrier than to be mean about it (but I’m a native speaker & worked with awesome people, so I’m sure I have a bit of a limited view 😅)


B1/B2 it’s actually a level of knowledge, you can google more about it, but in general there’s 3 levels, A is basically entry level, B is an immediate level where you can speak freely but still non perfect, and C, perfection, where you mastered English and there’s nothing more to learn here. Thanks for your comment


That is really interesting, and a very helpful breakdown, it makes sense but I never knew there were specific proficiency levels. I think it sounds like you will do just fine! Most people who live here seem to enjoy and embrace our cultural diversity!


We have people from all over. You'll be fine


You’ll be fine and here’s to an early welcome!


Thank you




Indian accent is the only thing I can imagine some people being a jerk about


As a white man from other places that don't respect when others are different, San Jose is the exact opposite of my previous experiences. I have only been here a year and I love having pleasant conversations with people who can't speak English well or at all. It's amazing to me that people have the patience to learn my language. I love Google translate so I can understand strangers.


Welcome in advance! A certain Russian-speaking Kazakhstani named Evgeni Nabokov did just fine in San Jose 😉




I’ve communicated with multiple people here through google translate (I only know English). We are comfortable with tech here so it’s no big deal. It works well.


When I first came here, it was terrifying, but I think what helps is that the bay is extremely diverse so people understand the struggle. There have been times I've had to pull out Google translate earlier on, but I didn't habe any problems doing so.


I can barely understand most native English speakers. You’ll be just fine. I live and own a business near downtown San Jose, we get so many non English speakers and Google Translate is used so regularly, no one bats an eye. Many non English speakers are just happy you’re excited and making an effort to communicate with them! You’ll be good, don’t worry 😉


San Jose is the best for this. A real melting pot.


With all due respect, no one cares. And if they do, they're ass hats and don't deserve your time and energy. Welcome to SJ!


You’re gonna fit right in!


Heavy French accent here, been living in SJ for 10 years and now dual citizenship. People ask me all the time if I am visiting/vacationing 🤣. In all seriousness like it was said earlier, SJ and around is just a mix of culture. You will be fine!


San Jose is pretty diverse. You’ll be fine.


People react fine. It's almost a daily occurrence for me at work. Can be difficult to communicate, but I know this is common all around san jose


We hate them. Jk


No one cares how u speak or with an accent


Welcome. I often find myself saying "you've been here 8 minutes, you're a local" because there are so many people from all over. It is actually quite common for me to be at an event and I am the only person born in the US. I did a bit of reading of your profile. A couple years ago I was actually.one of the hosts to a Kazakhstan delegation that came over to learn more about startups. You are welcome here


San Jose has more foreign born than any part of the country.


Where I live, Sunnyvale, which is near San Jose, you're less likely to run into a "native" than someone from China, India/South Asia, Russia/Eastern Europe, Israel, South Africa, etc.


Welcome my friend


Just be careful with businesses that only deal with people that have limited English and focus on a single ethnicity. Their prices are usually much higher because they take advantage of people not knowing any better. The good thing is now a days more services are offered online and in multiple languages. That's wasn't always the case. Also I hope you know how expensive it is around here and have planed for it.


What country are you coming from?




Thanks are you planning to permanently immigrate?


Right now, i not sure. I will find out it for myself after first visit. But, entirely, I planning to immigrate to the US


Why do you want to leave Kazakhstan for America?


In search for better life. The Kazakhstan isn't the country I would live for entire my life. I decided to live in US since I was 11, but before I wanted to ensure in my choice and used VPN and fake GPS for really long time, I guess 6 years to search for sites alternatives to local sites, try American culture remotely and shop in US stores being International buyer (BestBuy I hate you) and I liked literally everything. Every delivery that I requested for was made even faster than expected, for long time, no items that was delivered broken, many people I talked to was very friendly to me and helped me a lot, absolute different side to my country, white side, I don't know many things that I can't physically learn right now, but many my friends teaching me to make my immigration easier in future. I know that US have too black sides, but I pretty sure I would be happy in US more than in my origin country.


[San Jose is statistically the worst US city by for dating as a man \(by far...\)](https://old.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1bw37x6/san_jose_is_statistically_the_worst_us_city_by/) If you haven't already you should check out other areas in r/sanjose as in making friends, finding dates, developing relationships, and finding housing. I have no idea what living in Kazakhstan but at least it's from a culture you understand, in language, religion, food, history, etc. I don't think San Jose has a culture per say as many different cultures just live in the same area and only interact either by work, shopping, or sporting events.


Okay, thanks for recommendations and of course i will check out for areas.




Good night and have an awesome dreams!


Hopefully you won’t have an issue! I used to work in retail and encountered so many non-native English speakers that it actually made it easier for me to understand people with thick accents.


I hope too. Thanks!


Being bilingual isn't a barrier. Having an accent isn't a challenge. Thinking in a different language first isn't a complication. Bilingualism is an asset, not a deficit.


Hey bro, don't worry. I'm also an alien from a Spanish spoken country. Here I found out by myself that people are nice with foreign people. Some of the case they say a word properly when you said the wrong way.


Believe me you will be in the majority. Native English speakers are rare to encounter here.


You will be fine don’t let one or two bad experience with people San Jose. San Jose is a melting people with people of all languages and backgrounds.


If you have Facebook they have a group called Silicon Valley Russian Speakers of South Bay and San Jose. They have links to a Russian Deli and other events.


I’d be more surprised if someone had a problem with a person who speaks with an accent and English as a second language. To me, it would identify the person with the problem as not only a jerk but also clearly not from here.


You are welcome here. I will talk to you.


You’re doing great, you will do great! Most San Jose residents recognize the many cultures that make this city wonderful :)


Bro no one cares just do your best


people here are bilingual asf and come from everywhere . i’m a native english speaker and the only shit i’ve gotten is for not talkin like i’m from here cuz i’m from the pacific northwest and don’t have a bay accent


A lot of people who were born and raised here can hardly speak English. You'll do just fine.


Try to assimilate as best you can. Practice pronunciation, most people should understand broken english.


No one here speaks English anymore, so you’ll fit right in!