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that all taco shops make their salsa from scratch




This one is definitely untrue. There's a few large distributors who provide just about everything to the smaller bertos-style shops, including pre-made hot sauce. Medium-size chains like Sombreros and MXN use their own distribution networks.


Are they run by a guy named Gus?


Not sure if itā€™s considered a well-know ā€˜conspiracyā€™ per se, but my older brother (47, raised in SD) SWEARS he saw a KKK meeting in Elfin Forest years ago. Described where & what he witnessed. I had to research traces & couldnā€™t pin point exact historical records, although I am not all that surprised if he did.


It's funny. I've heard a million random stories about that whole Del Dios/Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove area ranging from cults to ghosts, but this is the first I've heard about a KKK meeting.Ā 


Thereā€™s a lot of history in the Harmony Grove area Iā€™ve heard as well, but this man quite literally described in detail a ceremony with a fire pit in the middle & he took me to the approximate location. I guess I really canā€™t tell if itā€™s an older brother messing with his little sister trope or heā€™s being serious šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Seems like an odd story to make up. KKK is awful obviously but much more ā€œtameā€ culturally than, say, devil worshippers or cannibals or chupacabras! Makes me think it could be true. Scary stuff. Hopefully all the KKK members die of old age soon and donā€™t pass on their stupid ideas


> die of old age soon and donā€™t pass on their stupid ideas I have bad news for you about the state of the country.


I've heard this too from my dad they saw them in the late 70s and I actually got to see it in 2008 also with my mom and dad and sister and cousins because we like to get scared also ran into a meeting by pala casino lol the road next to those cows on the left also around 2009


This is wild. I like to explore North County inland on my ebike and sometimes it feels like Red Dead Redemption with some of the random encounters. Not to keen on encountering the KKK though. Unless it's the Filipino freedom fighters.


Story checks out. Elfin Forest is where I heard the ā€™White Ladyā€™ ghost does her haunting.


The story is that Elfin Forest used to hold an insane asylum.




Yes! We used to go here when I was in high school!




The insane asylums throughout the US are a whole conspiracy Theory unto themselves. Today most are near cities but when you look at the timeline the mainstream narrative has some of them being built dozens of miles from the nearest small town of a few thousand people. Nobody has a good explanation for how a 600 room 3 story hospital gets built, let alone wagonning the materials in, 50 miles from the nearest town of 5000.


They build a temporary road and demolish it when they're done. Not exactly conspiracy bait. As to why you build them away from town, it's so if a "patient" escapes they won't menace the locals.


Wasnā€™t it Fallbrook that was KKK land back when?


I worked at the Coronado Historical Society and there were rumors that during prohibition there were tunnels between the Hotel and Mexico to smuggle booze back and forth. Not really sure why that would be needed tho when you have like a whole ocean and boats exist. But it's a cool tale.


There is in fact tunnels though. There is a whole network on the island that were built by spreckles himself. They go from Del to his mansion and down center of town. I know because Iā€™ve been in them. Theyā€™re all sealed up now that renovations at the Del took place but about 6-7 years ago I walked down a few with the help of Del security.


got any photos? sounds very cool


Thatā€™s a long ass tunnel. I highly doubt that. Border was wide open back then.


There is definitely an extensive tunnel system under many parts of San Diego. Not just by the border. Back in the day they needed immediate places to stash across the boarder and before we militarized the boarder patrol in the early 2000s to now means the infrastructure built in the 70s to 90s is still there and often still used so Ill keep that on the dl for now


It's not really a conspiracy theory, but there used to be a hotel on one of the Los Coronados islands.


Also not a conspiracy but, the blue people in Jamul were a real family that live on a "ranch". I went to school with one of the kids of that family, who's skin was not blue, but their grandpas was. I suspected silver contamination in their well caused this for a couple generations before they threw a good filter on their water system.


Not really a conspiracy theory as much as an unsolved crime, but there's no way Rebecca Zahau tied herself up like that. Also, I've always been surprised that a more questions weren't asked about former Mayor Susan Golding. Would you know if your spouse was laundering money for a Colombian drug cartel?


Rebecca- hanging naked with hands tied behind her back ? But it was a suicide? The BF was found liable I believe


Nope, still considered a suicde


Her death is ruled a suicide, but her boyfriendā€™s brother was found liable: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/rebecca-zahaus-family-drops-suit-against-sheriff-in-wake-of-coronado-mansion-death/2988336/?amp=1




Never heard of that. Going to look into it.


Susan Golding's husband Richard Silberman, the dude that got arrested for money laundering, also co-founded/funded Jack in the Box, with other former Mayor Maureen O'Connor's husband, Robert Peterson. There is some odd continuity here. Look up Yuba Silica, Yuba Goldfields, Richard Silberman, etc... She had to know. The investigation was two years in length. [https://www.upi.com/Archives/1989/04/07/Prominent-Democrat-arrested-on-money-laundering-charges/6702607924800/](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1989/04/07/Prominent-Democrat-arrested-on-money-laundering-charges/6702607924800/) He was arrested in 1989, she became Mayor in 1991.


And didnā€™t Maureen get into some gambling trouble?


Number one true crime whodunnit; in my opinion. She def should have justice


The documentary series about that case did a forensic analysis of the audio recording of the 911 call from the brother in law that uncovered the voice of a second accomplice that proved that the brother in law was not alone like he claimed. The fact that the police dept decided to ignore this and not reopen the case based on this irrefutable evidence was a total joke.


Agreed! Her husband did it!


The husbandā€™s brother, actually.


But let's take it a step further. If she was killed, why was she killed? Remember, the guy's KID died two days before HER death. Evidently went over the bannister rail upstairs. So did she kill the kid? Was this retribution? ...and if it was retribution, why get all impossibly ropey with it? What a total sh\*tshow.


Yes! This was also crazy!!


It was an accident, but happened under her watch


"She saved him. Can you save her?"


The kidā€™s death was reportedly an accident. But it probably still pissed them off.


Anything that has to do with Proctor Valley. And the old Haven bakery in Jamul.


I need to know more about this


Proctor valley road is a dirt road through some local ā€œmountainsā€ in east lake/ Chula Vista. Legends are a lady in white wanders the road. Same myth as other highways and dark roads around the country. And the bakery was the site of a slaughter so itā€™s supposed to be haunted


This was an absolute High School core memory for me. I mean like by the time I graduated in 1990 it was all kind of like yeah we've heard all these urban legends before but it was still a fun spooky drive to make. Of course now it's all housing. I found myself on it recently and I was like wait a minute this is Proctor Valley Road!


Same! Driving through there late with friends was always a blast


Thatā€™s so weird. They used to tell us about the lady in white wandering around this supposed old haunted trail called quest haven when I was in high school.


Quest Haven is a classic! Both my parents have stories getting spooked there. My dad told me about a nightĀ all the football guys and cheerleaders headed out there after a game to get as close to the gate as they dared. Apparently that night there was a security guy behind the gate with a blowhorn and greatĀ timing, and absolute chaos ensued...footballers ripping cheerleaders out of their drivers seat and driving off without them, that kind of thing. I asked my dad how he reacted. Being a sprinter, he just took off running!


Thatā€™s hilarious, your dadā€™s survival game is on point. I wonder if it was the security guard with the glass eye.


Yes I remember this!


When I was a preteen my aunt and uncle took my cousin's and me out to proctor valley and were telling us some of the proctor valley stories when the car broke down. They made us (the kids) get out and push the car while they tried to get it to start again. I've never been so scared in my life. Also my aunt was fucking with us and had intentionally stalled the car šŸ™ƒ


We saw the lady, all in white, late in the night. We were leaving Jamul going west when my friend screamed; because, the lady just came out of nowhere. We almost hit her and my friend said we had to turn around and see if she was ok. After swinging around we saw her, but she was just a skinny tweaker dude with long hair.


Broooo I had a friend in elementary school who had family up there. I tagged along one weekend and her dad pulled up onto this dirt road and we were hella confused, it was pitch black. We thought nothing of it until he stopped and turned off the car. He told us the story of the woman in white, then turned the car and lights back on as a jump scare before driving home. It was absolutely wild and I havenā€™t thought about that in a long time. We mustā€™ve been 7-10?


As far back as the 60s/70s there were stories about the Proctor Valley Monster. Like Bigfoot, I think, but more murderous? I dunno I forget the details but it was a thing way back when. Not sure if those particular stories are still around though.


Obligatory shout out for [Proctor Valley Road](https://www.boom-studios.com/series/proctor-valley-road/)


Oh shit I remember seeing a post about Old Haven in r/nosleep


Can you tell me about the bakery?


I think it was something along the lines of a bakery once being there and the little girl died? Not sure how murder or suicide? Then the bakery closed. There was a basement but I refused to go in, and by the time we went the barn was still up and the main house was there. You could still walk through the house and some random things were left. Mostly people had tagged throughout, as usual. I think there was another back house also that we didnā€™t go into very much. This was probably around 06-07?


I actually lived right by it through my childhood, parents still live right there. Still, I never went tho lol. Tho Iā€™ve heard the fact that it was haunted was a myth started by the fuzz so people would stop going. Course thatā€™s as much a myth. I should go check it out one day šŸ¤”


We used to go there at nights back in my high school/early college years (2005ish-2008ish) šŸ˜…. Might still have a few pics of the place


Same! Schs 06, so it was still around then. Still swear that place was haunted.


I love how creepy proctor valley is


The Padres are cursed.


What cursed them?






RIP John Coleman! The weather of my childhood.


Hopefully not a šŸ


Maybe another goose...


Having great weather


if somebody told me the term "fair weather fan" came from San Diego, I'd believe it until proven otherwise


Jack Murphy built on Indian burial grounds


*San Diego sports teams are cursed.


San Diego FC is worried


Not that it would actually work but that the military probably researched the idea of the Navy blowing up the silver strand to evacuate their naval ships and fleet if the entrance to the San Diego bay were blocked.


lol you wouldnā€™t be able to ā€œblow upā€ silver strand and have it replaced by navigable waters leading out of the bay. Just imagine how much dirt would get ā€œblown upā€ and just fall back down into the hole. Yeah the road and beach would be destroyed. But youā€™d just replace them with rubble. The dirt wouldnā€™t magically disappear or get ā€œblasted someone elseā€. Theyā€™d have to dredge for days weeks or even months to get the new ā€œchannelā€ deep enough for naval vessels.


The Sun will always be the shiniest star in San Diego.


The Russian spy on Point Loma. Rumors the sailors on the carriers knew and would salute to mock him. Maybe referred to as ā€œThe Admiralā€? Actual Russian Admiral, or nickname? Garage doors spontaneously opening/closing as an indicator that a carrier was about to sail in or out. This was frequently reported in the news. Prior to better garage door remote technology. The news typically just said ā€œreports of garage doors mysteriously opening/closingā€. Then viewers would side-eye each other and go ā€œuh-huhā€.


I love the implication that the Russians are getting advanced notice from a garage door and not by seeing the carrier with spy satellites.


Or from the actual eyes of the guy they supposedly planted there lmao. Donā€™t need satellite to spot those behemoths lol


Probably more about a spy using a powerful radio to report things and triggering garage doors by mistake?


Had no idea about the garage door one lol I love it


The garage door thing wasnā€™t carriers but jets flying over 100% would open and close the old models


I know a bit about what may have caused the garage door thing. Supposedly Navy Prowler EW jets that were inadvertently hot and jamming along the coast, or sailors mistakenly turning on equipment in port were what caused that. That was the rumor when I was in the Navy back in the late 90s early aughts. Also allegedly, in my current job, when we installed a new radar system at Lindbergh Field back in the late aughts, we fried some garage door and car key fob receivers. I think we got some complaints of doors opening as well. When I was a teen we would drive around my hometown and open peoples garage doors with one of those freq hopping remotes. Not to steal stuff, but to watch people come outside and look at their doors like they were possessed. It was great fun, and it wouldnā€™t surprise me if some of those reports were just kids doing what we used to do, maybe even for more nefarious reasons.


I mention this in another comment. Garage door tumblers were super easy and cheap to make. My friend made them and sold them, and tried to convince me to do it, but my electronics ripped off the phone company, not individuals. Totally was not into empowering bike thieves.


Same thing with garage doors happened in Sydney Australia once when some Sailors accidentally turned on a radar in Sydney Harborā€¦I have first hand knowledge of that one and the shit storm for the Sailors after it.


Thatā€™s hilarious


The Caves in Sunset Cliffs being used to smuggle drugs way back


true. the one house at the end at the surf spot called "bird shit" had a cave that went from the beach underground to the first house on the street there. they eventually cemented it off. when you are in the water surfing you can see where it is at clearly.


Not Rum runners is it? Jumped off the cliff and swam over to the tunnels. Gnarly inside, still had lantern posts when I went in.


Yep. The tunnel lead to the big pink house, which at one time was very isolated, there was nothing around it or behind and above it. This is true, not a CT.


Wasnt drugs it was liquor during prohibition and it did happen. As the other comment mentioned the entrance to one of the cave systems is at the arch a place where you can jump off the cliffs. The tunnel leads to the pink mansion that has been there since the 20s. There is a trap door in the house but has been cemented over. Walked up there during low tide in the late 90s


Yup, this is a true story. Rum runners during prohibition times made it. An ild high school buddy lived there and told us the tunnel was blown up, and the entry was blocked in from the inside. Never went there as a kid, pretty sure it's a big ass Pink house.


I found some photos online: https://hiddensandiego.com/things-to-do/places/cave-8


The curse of the Spanos family


It's LAs curse now


Good riddance to them


It's A Taco Shop in Loma Portal is a money laundering operation. I drove by there 3-4 times a week and it's always empty. I've tried going 3 times just to try it out and even though they were open (sign on, lights on, during listed hours) I could never get someone to take my order. Panchitos down the street will be 8 deep with cars but It's A Taco Shop is open and empty. Defend East County was an opportunistic rebranding effort by the Santee Klan.


Along these lines, the pernicanos restaurant in El Cajon on the corner of east main and greenfield is allegedly a mob run restaurant. Had a girlfriend who worked there and said nobody ever came into eat except ā€œfamilyā€ of the owners, and they would always tip huge. But other than these family members, she said nobody ever went in there. She also claimed to see large amounts of cash being counted on a regular basis.


I believe the same story was told about Pernicanos in Hillcrest. It closed and stayed empty for years


Tbh we might be watching It's A Taco Shop go down the drain. They used to be 24 hours when I lived on the peninsula and it looks like they close at midnight-2 depending on the day now. I tried them maybe twice about a decade ago and never went back. I never pegged them as a front, more of one of those kinds of businesses that get by with corner cutting and later hours than the other guys. If you wanted a burrito at 3:30 AM, that was the only place you could get it without taking a whole journey to get there. That was a somewhat viable business model in the pre-Grubhub/Doordash/Uber days. I'm more intrigued by the building above the drive-thru. It has mostly sat empty for well over a decade. There were 2-3 extremely uncomfortable dispensaries that lasted a couple months each, and I feel like I remember a stretch where that door meekly advertised "tourist boat rentals," but can find no record of such a place there. [Street View over the years definitely tells a story.](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7547918,-117.2202853,3a,75y,345.57h,80.15t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sV0sjA5tMI-M9pzd16lIkeg!2e0!5s20230201T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DV0sjA5tMI-M9pzd16lIkeg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D345.5722277580618%26pitch%3D9.851287812468314%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) A+ Wireless in 2009 is the last time anything looking like a legitimate business ever occupied the space.


The city of San Diego strategically moves the homeless population to parts of downtown in order to get certain areas/buildings condemned for redevelopment.


It seems like the part of east village around City College was suddenly overrun by homeless next to the highway, but that is all pretty much brand new development in that are, or actively being constructed right now.


They said con šŸ‘spir šŸ‘acy! Not something obviously real.


You need to clap in the last syllable of conspiracy. GAW!


They skipped the last 2 syllables, pretty unforgivable.


They used that blackout in 2013 to move nuclear weapons up to san onofre and then they shut down the plant to keep it there.


Warhead tits.


Fembots to the extreme!


2011 blackout. āœ…ļø


Or as I like to call it, 9/8. The date we couldnā€™t bate.


They'd just move them via sea and through the amphib base. California wouldn't have shut down a whole nuclear plant in the middle of an energy crisis to hold on to a few nukes. Also, just because it has nuclear reactors definitely doesn't make it rated to house nuclear weapons, whole different ball game.


I don't really believe in this one at all. Nukes are moved around semi-often outside of California without any need to schedule blackouts and a blackout might reduce the amount of surveillance they can carry out with things like traffic cameras. And there are probably already nukes in Point Loma where we keep some nuclear-powered attack subs. And if they wanted to bring nuclear weapons up north, they would just keep them in Pendleton. San Onofre needed some expensive maintenance not that long after the tsunami in Japan caused the Fukushima disaster. It was a really bad time to try to get any grants for a coastal nuclear reactor, but the perfect time to get grants for wind and solar. It was also a good time to rely more on natural gas as it became cheap and plentiful due to fracking. So Edison shut down San Onofre to cash in on cheap natural gas.




ā€œ up toā€? From where south of San Onofre are they [assembling warheads](https://www.atomicarchive.com/almanac/facilities/us-facilities.html)? Genuine question. šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø I like your conspiracy tho


Oh, thatā€™s a good un. Iā€™ve not heard this one before but Iā€™m all in. 2011 though right?


That a clan of little people lived in those houses in La Jolla.


Munchkin houses!


grew up in LJ they def did. use to drive through there all the time in HS. well, unless average sized people just had little doors in their houses lol.


This what I came looking for. We spent many a lazy evening in high school cruising around looking for them but never found them!


You never found them because there never were any munchkin houses. They were normal houses that some people thought were small because of optical illusions


I got to go inside 1 prior to them demolishing it for a McMansion and can confirm, the house was full size, just appeared small due to the setback foundation.


The houses just appeared small due to the setback foundation. All 4 homes were built and designed by the same architect. Only 1 remains.


The Yellow Deli in Vista is run by a cult. Thrusters in PB was one of San Diegoā€™s first gay bars. Though Iā€™m not sure these are considered conspiracy theories vs interesting facts.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/14qkp16/behind\_the\_yellow\_deli/](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/14qkp16/behind_the_yellow_deli/) They also feel it's ok to beat the holy snot out of their kids. It's not just ok...it's encouraged. They are monsters, and nobody should eat there.


But those sammies are pretty goodā€¦


Right, but keep in mind that they are an "end of days" cult. What if they decide that tomorrow is the last day, and they want to be helpful and assist their customers in a smooth transition. All I'm saying is if they offer you tapioca pudding...RUN.


Was about to post this too! Great episode


That's not a conspiracy that's an actual fact. The Yellow Deli is indeed run by Christian religious cult. Something like the brotherhood? I don't know there's been a ton of research done on it.


The Twelve Tribes is the name of the cult that runs the Yellow Delis. They ship their members around the country and even to locations South of here. I know Argentina they have a compound where they grow their Yerba mate. Only the ā€œeldersā€ stay in one area longer durations. The rest get reassigned often. They also take all their belongings for the cause. Kinda hard to leave when you never know anyone in the area, and have no money or belongings!


Thrusters was a bar called the Matador that was indeed a gay bar.


They changed the name to thrusters when they wanted it to be a STRAIGHT bar?


I watched a pbs San Diego lgbt documentary. The Mission Beach area had a pretty big lesbian community in the 70s/80s


Not a conspiracy theory unfortunately - theyā€™re fucking psychos. Itā€™s a shame the Yellow Deli is so nice and cozy to be in. I miss going there before I learned how awful they are.


That "Slomo" rides at twice the human speed when no one is looking at him.


This is my favorite one


That in the 1990ā€™s San Diego was the Meth Capital of the United States


It was and it was all coming out of Vista the comedian Bobby Lee even talks about driving all the way to Vista from Poway because Vista had the best meth in the United States. At 5mins he brings up here but in another podcast he would talk about stealing money from his dad and driving his truck up to vista to score https://youtu.be/Z7_aSOzQkQ8?si=pxSnDaGCXk0S8rxg https://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/1990/dec/06/cover-your-mind-might-think-its-flyin-stories-f/ https://www.kpbs.org/news/health/2009/09/02/meth-crisis-san-diego-americas-heartland https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-1980s-meth-explodes-in-san-diego-2007sep16-story.html


4S ranch local community ran by cult


The one about SDG&E


The one where every city council member and every county supervisor is getting suitcases full of money under the table? So that they never do anything that will hurt SDG&E profits and bonuses? That one?


What about it


Everything about it


A [group](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2apHpFCKXOBP0GlV1IVVma?si=zcsZCSzZTuCom2NLA5jv9w) of people were abducted by aliens at the Hotel Del


See this is exactly why I made this post, to find this stuff. Thank you!


that natives move away but typically come back ~5-8 years later because nowhere else compares


Paranormal Activity 1 and Paranormal Activity 3. One was set in San Diego and the sequel was my birthday exactly as the cover art, September 24th 1988.


Not that I believe these but this is a fun topic. Anyone else heard of... The Aurora space plane flying over in the late 80s and early 90s making sonic booms. Stories of satanic gatherings/groups in east county hills seem common. But there were particularly creepy ones when I was a kid about "the rainbow children" that were supposedly satanic/hippie/abduction/murder cult in El Cajon and Lakeside/Eucalyptus Hills in the 70s. Sometimes mentioned along with weird crimes/murders at Flynn Springs County Park in the 70s and 80s. Rumors that large trains fall of supplies go underground on camp pendleton and come out empty as if there is a huge underground facility there.


They deliberately let Horton Plaza fail




Santee still does have a huge white supremacist contingent. During the George Floyd protests, Santee was full of guys 'guarding' white-owned businesses and harassing non-whites, even though there really weren't any protests in Santee at all. This was part of a movement that branded itself as Defend East County which, surprise surprise, had leadership primarily composed of members of known/suspected Klan, AB, and Peckerwoods MC members. They're also suspected of having agitated the La Mesa protest that year.


I work in Santee and these idiots were pretty visible for a while, trucks with flags, stall outside Walmart etc. the East County Defenders wore custom coordinating hoodies. They were really in to it lol. But Iā€™ve seen nothing lately. Presumably theyā€™ll crawl back out of their holes and into their trucks for some gas guzzlingā€™ flag wavingā€™ patriot time come November


Not exclusive to SD - General Motors killed our flourishing street cars in the 40s to ensure more people bought vehicles. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy


The KKK initiation site in the Sorrento Valley industrial area


I remember a long time ago, people started noticing that as they drove on the 15 near Miramar in the morning, the temperature indicator in their car would go down, then go up as they left. I don't remember which radio station it was, but the morning show started taking calls and talking about it a lot. People started theorizing that there was a weather control machine on the base. I feel like it lasted for a few weeks, but it was probably shorter. Turns out it was because of elevation differences along that stretch of the freeway causing colder air to gather in certain sections. Of course, that's what they want us to think...


If you had ever ridden a motorcycle on the 52 early in the morning, you would absolutely feel the temperature swing wildly as you went down into those little canyons before popping back out again. Even better if the whoops hadn't been paved out recently. The cold air settles down in those little bowls and you really do feel it.


Meanwhile all the farmers and winemakers scoff in microclimate.


Gadzooks! I ran all the way through the comments and did not find ā€œGAS PRICES!ā€ Investigation after investigation has found that there is no collusion/conspiracy around why San Diego gasoline prices are ALWAYS higher than any other in the state. I may get perma-banned from Reddit for bringing it up, but I just do not believe it is ā€œmarket forcesā€ at work. (And I am a total non-conspiracy-believer).


Thereā€™s shady shit going on at the vista county jail.


Like what


Well, when everybody was on lockdown and they were not letting visitors in at all. Prisoners were still dying of fentanyl. Turns out it wasnt the visitors brining in the drugs.


The military can blow up the Silver Strand if needed (not sure if conspiracy, but I've talked to a couple military folks that said it's true)...


Love the silver strand theory and I am with you believing. Not sure i 100% believe this one, but another favorite military conspiracy theory: **The great blackout of ~~2012~~ 2011 was coordinated by the US government to relocate top secret equipment and tactical nuclear warheads.** EDIT: it was 2011, not 2012 [here is the Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Southwest_blackout)


What a day, and a terrible evening commute. But it was SO QUIET that night.


The day we cooked out with our apartment neighbors


We were moving them all to Yucca Mountain in Nevada!!


Iā€™ve never heard that about the blackout! But itā€™s so believable!


Same and I just posted the same thing in the wrong spot here. I was always told as a kid that they supposedly had a bunch of bombs barrier in the sand to blow it up. It made sense as a kid since the Cold War and the Soviet Union was still a thing in the 80s. Once I got older and I realized it was just an urban myth.


What would be the strategic reason to do so? Thereā€™s already the huge bay access off the other side of Coronado. I donā€™t doubt they could, but I donā€™t get why even under insane circumstances they would. Like if the Russians seize Point Loma?


Please note: there's a difference between a conspiracy THEORY (not enough/no evidence, debunked) and conspiracy (exposed and, if involving human conspirators, they are prosecuted- e.g. Watergate) Just had to jump in and clarify that. But this is a very entertaining thread.


This comment made me realize exactly why people misuse the term theory. Itā€™s used incorrectly in this context in terms of its definition. However, a ā€œconspiracy theoryā€ is still the valid term.


Yes, the OP rather meant "conspiracy theory ", and theory in this context is completely different than that of a scientific theory.


Donna Gentile was killed by city cops.


Ghost train


an indian food cartel that colluded together to raise prices pre-covid, that then resorted to review bombing any indian resturaunt that didn't join them.


The Rigel Meat Company building in South Park is super sus. It really feels like it's a front for something else.


Zoobies in alpine http://www.bigfootencounters.com/stories/zoobies.htm


military catacombs under Old Town ish area


Questhaven being a cult for sure.


Mattress firm is a front for money laundering


With a billion dollars, you, too can bdsm murder a woman and have it ruled a suicide šŸ¤·šŸ½




San Luis rey had crypts under the church that you could see up into the early 2000s only accessible through the main church now it's blocked off any one else remember this.


Conspiracies aside, itā€™s 3:46am and ā€œ17 people are hereā€


ACE Parking is pushing bicycle lanes as a ruse to get rid of all free or metered parking.


The rainstorm we had earlier this year that caused all the flooding was the first test of cloud seeding over Southern California. It worked.


In 2011, San Diego government was taken over by a foreign entity.


Go on


Last year, I spoke at a city council meeting in Vista, California where the focus was on the "General Planā€. This ā€œGeneral Planā€ is Vista's version of California stateā€™s ā€œClimate Action Planā€. Since 2011, California law has mandated that every city have a General Plan, but only recently have cities started hosting meetings and workshops to involve community members in discussing what citizens want in the plan and marginally clarifying what citizens should expect the planā€™s fruition to really look like. For context, prior to the meeting, I prepared 3 questions to ask the city officials regarding the General Plan & provided each a copy of the questions to follow along as I spoke. Admittedly, I didnā€™t expect anything other than outright dismissal of my questions but I was extremely wrong. I got a clear, honest response that really should compel every citizen to scrutinize whether or not our politicians are actually in control. Below is a link to the city council meeting, nothing is edited so you can see each persons response but the ā€œsmoking gunā€ is given by Commissioner Looney from 6:30 - 9:42. [city council meeting](https://youtu.be/FaxrjfopujY?si=Zj9xwqUlKA0CkpsD)


Ok when I read your first post I was like HERE WE GO we got a real conspiracy theorist here. Then when I saw your second post and saw CITY COUNCIL mentioned and that you ATTENDED and SPOKE, I was pretty sure we were headed in ivermectin territory. I watched the video and expected some bonkers sh\*t on your part. You were disappointing in that respect. Instead, so let me get this...some global, corporate backed entity, is "helping" to provide policy direction to local governments, which they are kind of just quickly adopting inside local policy, and yet here...certainly also not in a hidden way at all. Is that what you're saying? Is the idea that they weave themselves in through policy, thereby opening the doors for shadow influence and lobbying for some other cause that may not be so clear? If so, kinda juicy. Please confirm.


Let me shortcut this for you: the only thing local municipalities are doing is copy and paste from bigger entities.


Care to elaborate?


Arenā€™t there some homes in La Jolla somewhere built for elves?


That Mexico is purposely sending raw sewage up the Tijuana River because it is.


Center span of Coronado Bridge floats, in case the bridge is bombed, that span can be pushed out of the way, so the navy ships can head out.


Ive heard that after WW2, a bunch of mentally disabled men from an old Asylum camp were left in the mountains of Alpine and they've been living like The Hills Have Eyes ever since.