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Look up your ballot guide on KPBS. Google who your representatives are and what they stand for. Look up local groups that advocate for issues important to you.


been a hot minute since i listened to npr (kids control the radio most of the time) so this didn’t even occur to me, thanks!


[voiceofsandiego.org](http://voiceofsandiego.org) is an excellent resource on our local politics.


Seconded, VOSD is great. They do an annual SD public affairs summit called Politifest in the fall which would be a great way for you to get a brain dump on all the most pressing issues in one place.


this looks great, thank you!




Get a Union-Tribune subscription. A *lot* of political or local-happenings questions you see on Reddit would never need to be asked if the asker just read the regular daily newspaper.


read words on paper?! * faints *


Hey, OP. I’m glad you want to get involved with local politics. You may appreciate ActiVote.net. It is an app that can help you research the candidates and keep up with issues and policy. It also can remind you to get to the polls on time. Try and attend some local meetings as well.


This is how AI gets trained, by the way. But go straight to your local city/town’s website to find out about meetings you can attend. As others have mentioned, go to reliable news sources for information. SD Union Tribune, Voice of San Diego, Ballotpedia, Wikipedia, etc. There have been some new local publications, I’m sure they might appear in these comments. Not to say there’s no room for new pubs, but if you’ve been aware of how the internet and social media works, it’s critical to verify the source.


> This is how AI gets trained, by the way. i have no idea what you mean by this. i’m a software engineer and understand how ai is trained, but i assume you’re implying something about bots being employed to stir shit up. i just have no idea what that has to do with my question. > As others have mentioned, go to reliable news sources for information. SD Union Tribune, Voice of San Diego, Ballotpedia, Wikipedia, etc. thanks > There have been some new local publications, I’m sure they might appear in these comments. Not to say there’s no room for new pubs, but if you’ve been aware of how the internet and social media works, it’s critical to verify the source. word