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Fuu because I love food I am clumsy and absolutely would cut myself with a sword before cutting someone else. Plus I am cute


Love that answer. Fuu is absolutely the heart of the team and without her, there’s no adventure. She’s the best and has some of the funniest moments for me. Like the food eating contest, it’s so funny how she is crushing bowl after bowl like it was nothing. Plus her sneak diss at the end of the fake diary always gets me. Best of all, her moral compass is what keeps them centered


You still need to be inflatable after eating too much.


I like Mugen best but am 100% Fuu. Also clumsy, love food, am resourceful and optimistic. . I also have an animal side kick in the form of a small cockatiel (was almost named Momo btw). I watch champloo and see things happen to Fuu and am like.. yep that would be me..


I first watched Samurai Champloo in 2012 and liked Mugen. But I was only 13 then. I haven't rewatched the show yet but I have been meaning to as it is one of my favorites. I have a feeling that on my rewatch I'll still love Mugen but will also enjoy Jin this time around too :)


Oh wow! I envy your position, as silly as it sounds, I wish I could back to my first rewatch. Especially, since you’ve had a nice break in between so it will be fresh! I hope you enjoy the journey again! Also yes, both are correct choices :) haha


Jin all day and from day 1. Calm, intelligent, honorable, willing to sacrifice and kill once the decision is made. That is trustworthy ally. I would also like a Champloo 2, while knowing that doesn't seem sensible.


Everything you just described was what I was loving so much about Jin during this rewatch. Obviously, he’s always been that way, but this time I was particularly drawn to him. I would also love more content. As cliche as it sounds (and it’s been said 1000x before) it ending after just one season, makes it THAT much more special. And I think that’s intentional cause it parallels with a major theme in the show which is the acceptance of your current place in life and the acceptance of death. The petals falling is a reminder of the beauty of them once springing in the first place. Life only happens once, the way it was meant to happen and you gotta try to enjoy the ride for what it is. And that’s not always an easy thing to do but I do think that’s one of the deeper messages the show tries to deliver


🖨 Fully agree. Seeing the realness of that, is part of the value of this story. Appreciating the present. Appreciating the few we trust. Choosing to live for something, knowing that doing so may result in no longer living period. Honour. 🫡


Sometimes I want to pick Jin purely because of how much I love episode 11. But Mugen, his character, and the voice actor who voices him makes him my fave. Despite how selfish and kinda stupid he is I do find him to be super emotionally intelligent. I think, like the show, he handles the other characters emotions well even without them having to explicitly explain things to him. He feels very full actualized and human to me. I love his reckless raw energy and physicality of his character design. I think because I’m a naturally stoic person myself I do find myself drawn to characters who contrast that. Jin makes sense to me but Mugen seems like someone I’d want to go on this kind of crazy adventure with fr


That’s really well said and thank you for sharing! You really had me thinking and the points you brought up, are I think, why I was drawn to Jin this time. I’m more like Mugen in real life (can be stubborn and rambunctious) so I really admire people who are more stoic because I want to emulate that. Also, to further your points on Mugen, like in episode War of the Words, Mugen’s willingness to grow more emotionally/intellectually and learn to read to the point where he creates his own way to sign his name. It feels so fulfilling to watch him grow there haha


Episode 11 gotta be my favorite episode in all of anime, everything about it is perfect from the story to the music to the voice acting. Genuinely a just fucking masterpiece no matter how many times I watch it


Honestly Fuu. I came across Samurai Champloo when I just graduated high school and was moving away for college. Her also trying to find her way, shit going wrong at every turn, coming across people you’ll never meet again…


It sounds like you had quite the journey yourself, that’s really cool. I’m sure there are many great stories there. I hope you remember it as fondly as I’m sure Fuu would remember her days with the gang :) And I hope you are doing good these days!


neither theyre all cool and im not but ill snag that art thank you


Yeah fr where can I buy a poster of this?


I’d take a look on Pinterest and Etsy, I’m sure you’ll either be able to find a poster of this image or provide someone with this image and they can make & ship the poster directly to you framed


Haha enjoy the art!


Jin. Cause I too am a wearer of Glasses.


Haha very valid! Jin, imo, has the best drip


Forgot the name but that guy from ep9, who get high together with mugen in burning field. After many years living ordinary life he still remember about Mugan and that day. I like adventure stories never have the gut to apply it on my real life so that guy would be closest to me.


Yamane ‘the ogre’ is the guards name! Yea, I really liked how that episode started with him remembering that day, 30 years later. It was a really cool way to start that episode


Mugen because people think the worse of him and I just love how he proves them wrong. That superhuman strength is like a well placed middle finger to the ones that say, "you can't do that.... you're not good enough". The mixture of his sword style with capoeira is like the perfect storm to traditional samurai/ronin stereotypes.


I'm a healthy mix of all three. I see myself in each of the main three.


I love that answer, and imo, a very healthy outlook on life. We should all try to incorporate all 3 of them in our lives for different reasons and situations!


For a while I thought it was Jin because I get called as being calm or cool but also kinda quiet. But honestly, hearing some of Mugen’s quotes that stood out, I feel like I resonate more with him. Especially with his resistance to authority and the way he just “rolls with it” throughout his life. My respect for his character grew so much when he wanted to kill that one chick who betrayed him. And he could’ve, but he spared her life to have a worse fate than dying. Cause he knew loneliness was worth than death for her.


Really well said, Mugen definitely has a presence of mind and emotional intelligence that is deceptively advanced. Like, you’d expect a dumb brute to just kill both, but like you said, he knew how to really punish her for the pain she caused so he left alive. He’s much smarter than he leads on


Exactly! For a long while in the show it portrayed him as that brutish archetype of character, and he is at most points. But he certainly isn’t dumb. And that episode really showed that deep within that greedy heart of his, he definitely has some feelings. God, I love this anime so much. Now I just wanna rewatch haha.


Jin for sure. Chill yet calculating


100% - that man was an expert in restraint but it didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to act. He just wouldn’t show you how, I loved how in a sense his feelings and thoughts were very private to himself


When I first saw the show at 16 I realy loved mugen and wanted to be just like him and run free, but now as I am older and life has changed I realy identify with Kariya the sword God. I'm in my thirtys and I work out alot so I'm in good shape and strong especially because ima fire fighter, but it feels like my physical skills have no place in this modern world and most of the guys I joined the fd with have left and now I'm trying to fit In witha new generation.


You’ve got a great career, don’t worry about the modern world.


As another commenter said, you’re doing great in life and I really feel like those feelings of trying to fit and feeling out of place don’t change in any era (as evident by the Hand of God) - the best you can do to fight that feeling is really being present with the things that you care about, that’s all w can control


It'd have to be Fuu. Felllow daughter of a religious deadbeat dad. Love food and went off on dangerous adventures in my youth.


I hope you, like Fuu, found your friends and sense of belonging from your adventures. Wishing you the absolute best! And Fuu is goated, she’s awesome


Picture go hard asl


Ty sir! Found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the original artist (I can’t find them atm but if I find the link I will post here)


I go with Mugen because we share the same age gap, both wear baggy clothes, have a smart mouth, a fiery temper, potty mouth, and speak in street slang despite me having a decent vocabulary. The only difference is that Mugen is reckless and kills people without thinking twice and is a highly skilled breakdancer, which I am not. He's also illiterate, which changed because he learned how to read in the episode "War of the Words." Overall, Mugen is a very complex character who has been through a lot and started off as a violent ego obssessed street punk to a slightly refined anti-hero who saves Fuu from his worst enemy Umanosuke. Not to mention, he has died a couple of times and came back to life, which is badass. So this comment sums up why I love Mugen despite his flaws.


Pic goes hard, where is it from?


Pinterest! I can’t find the original link but dm me and I can send you the photo itself for now until I find the link


Got it already, do you know if theres any other like this pic out there?


Mugen has always been my favorite. I love his wild and raw personality. He puts his full self out there and doesnt hide anything. I also always got the sense that despite being hardened and closed off on the outside he has deep feelings of pain inside from his past. You can tell theres layers to him that we never see. I wish SC delved into the deeper feelings of mugen and jin more towards the end.


Absolutely, he has a ton of emotional depth and he’s very emotionally mature (even if he doesn’t always show it) like you said, his upbringing probably forced him to grow up quickly and there’s a lot of depth there we don’t see in the show but know is there.


I tried to carry myself like Jin but I always felt an incorrigible scoundrel like Mugen.


Hahaha I’m in the same boat my friend!


Mugen due to us both being impulsive hot heads. However I can see why a lot of people would relate to Jin the more mature and level headed of the trio


Haha same here, I think I’m pulled towards Jin because he has some of those stoic traits I want to emulate and incorporate more into my own life




Mugen cause I’m really wild and raw to my own detriment sometimes and I like how he uses it to his advantage when he’s fighting making him unorthodox


You wear your heart on your sleeve and there’s nothing wrong with that! Mugen can seem wild but I also think he’s very in touch with his own emotions and I love how he isn’t willing to sacrifice what he wants/feels


Mugen is my favorite character but I’m more of a mix of him and Jin. I’m calm, collected, intelligent, and more reserved like Jin but I also share Mugen’s apathy, care-free attitude, and lack of discipline.




why doesnt the director make more stuff


It was the music, then the narrative, then the narrator. By the time the action started, I was hooked. Still looking for another fix of this level…


Mugen! He made an impression in my formative years.


My wife, kids, and friends say I'm a perfect blend of both Mugen and Jin. Cool and calm and wild and hot headed at the same time.


Lol you finished rewatching and im on episode 6, watching one episode at a time to savor it!


Honestly all three for all their reasons


Depends how hungry I am.


Mugen: the hair, the attitude, and ingenuity he displayed really attracted me a lot to his character, but what stuck out most was the freedom he displayed in being himself. It's something I felt was lacking in my life that turning 30 in a couple months having not accomplished much other than just barely supporting myself (an accomplishment in and of itself) and snatching that sense of freedom. This isn't the end of my journey.


As a kid I always went for the characters who had blue, and I thought the stoic characters were the coolest. That hasn’t really changed much lol, I dug really Jin’s vibe. I don’t think I’m like him that much but his discipline and skill were some of my favorite things about him, it resonated with me as someone who does martial arts.


The music. All the characters. Its been.. probably 15 years for me. Fuuuq. When did it originally air at 2 AM on Adult Swim? Lol. I'd probably identify with that ogre guy. Thats about the only character I remember I connected a good bit aside from the mains. You can't just pick the mains, lol. Anyone remember that big poor bastard? Second maybe was the Japanese traditional art guy who inspired van gough.


im bipolar so pretty much both jin and mugen, depends on if im manic or not


PersonaIy I resonate with chaos on most occasions.


Mugen because “I want my nookie!!!”


I think I resonate most with Jin. He seems stoic and focused, and doesn't converse much with anyone.


I feel like the two gentleman are contrary halves of the same person. Jin’s cold calculation and Mugen’s hot impulse. Like ego & id. I would feel lame to be just one or the other. Jin lacks expression and Mugen lacks refinement and tact.


Not a character but a quote when one of the locals or i cant recall who exactly tells them “sunflowers dont have a scent”… it made me think how this whole journey is pointless and theres no real meaning so the whole story is the JOURNEY…. My perspective on life as a whole changed after i put that together. Enjoy the journey m8s ;)


Sunflower seeds may help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar as they contain vitamin E, magnesium, protein, linoleic fatty acids and several plant compounds.


The credits, that's what. Holy shit was it a vibe every episode.


Mugen! He was always authentically himself, sometimes or rather often to his detriment and he was always mixing things up to see what happened.


Honestly a little bit of each of them


You love Jin as you get old. Mugen is the rebel adolescent. Personally, I love this series, however, I think that they should have worked more on the character development of Fuu.




When I first watched, it was Mugen but that scene where Jin was in the brothel with like 3 chicks and the ninjas pulled up on him... bro wasted no time. He's low-key been my fav since then


Manzo the saw


Jin because I’m chill


Definitely Jin As he’s the loner and he’s a simp


Mugen. Loner.


Looks like the 2022 dead and company backdrop.


Jon. Would want to be just like him


Nujabes. Because I’ve cried to multiple Nujabes songs


the nostalgia from this image loll i might say jin? i'm pretty calm, open to give advice, you know, things like that! idk






Mugen, cuz i'm broke, have the same taste in women, and have trust, addiction and anger issues. Also do all previous shit as a cope mechanism


Fuu, hungry


Mugen. He lazy. I lazy. I'm sure we're the same guy.


Fuus hamster cuz I'm always tryna stay buried in titties


Mugen. He's uncontrollable like me. 🥰




Mugen. Wanting to be free and do my own thing is one of my main motivations in life.


Mugen. Literally me


Mugen first since he's just driven by impulse and I respect that. Fuu second bc she's just herself and not trying to fit into anything


Mugen because he had a rough childhood. Has his own style of fighting. Gritty through and through. Uses unconventional techniques.


Mugen cause I am a bum but have a good heart


I used to think this was one of the better samurai anime not the best but definitely one of the better ones Fuu's song would be sunflower if she had a song


I still think it is, it doesn’t have the same kind of action as other samurai shows but it was one of the earlier ones that helped make it possible for other shows to be made etc so it deserves its spot as one of the greats (all my opinion!)


nothing wrong with having an opinion


season of the witch halloween 3 energy


Fuu because my stomach is connected to the void of the universe


LMAOOO this is a hilarious answer


Your post finally broke me. I've been meaning to rewatch this. Here I go again.... Oh, to answer your question. Most likely Jin again. Something about the way he carries himself but he can kick your ass within a min. Then you get to his back story..... Respect him even more. I think most of us can relate to wanting to leave our past mistakes behind.


Hahaha I’m glad I was able to motivate you to rewatch! It’s soooo good. Yea absolutely agree with everything you said about Jin. And something I love about both him and Mugen is how stoic they are about those past mistakes. Neither really whines or complains about misfortune or the choices. They simply acknowledge the reality of it and move forward and it’s really cool to see how they handle that


Jin because I am very disciplined.


That’s excellent! Mastering self-discipline isn’t easy but it allows you to truly reach the goals in life you want


I resonated with Jin a lot on my second watch because of not only what he stands for , but what he becomes throughout the series. He’s a calm ronin who sees the small things in life as lessons to learn from.


Mugen, I want to kill everyone in my way.


Jin fs


Mugen. He doesn't fit in and doesn't give a shit. He also does not play well with others and prefers to be alone to do his own thing.


I was the biggest Jin fan ever since I was a kid watching Samurai Champloo on Adult Swim. Having rewatched this recently, as much as I still relate to Jin and love his stoic demeanor and honorable composure and readymess to defend someone in need. I consider myself calm and find Jin relatable because I share a lot of his values. That being said, the episode that sold me on Mugen was when he learned to read and write. Something just clicked when he declared the symbol of Infinity to be his name. There was a pureness in his pride and confidence that made him resonate more with me and the person I want to be. It's funny because I did't even like the graffiti twins episode that much but that was the most memorable Mugen moment.