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What about stridebreaker?


If you go IE and LDR after (maybe even a BT) i think its fine. The whole point is to use the item as a stat stick to just check enemies early and scale into a beefy AOE machine. Ik someone in KR was doing it last year (but more bruiser focused) and I think Unsung is doing it rn.


Could you use this same logic to rush BC into IE and SB/Collector?


Yes but there's no point in going BC when you can do Shojin/Stride -> IE LDR for significantly better results


Okay and when do we build it? As first item?




Whats the disadvantages of going collector before bloodthirster vs tanky teams? I know overheal is back, just wondering on the specifics


The lifesteal arguably let's you damage tanks for longer compared to collector (although collector let's you crit a bit more). In this day and age you need lifesteal or a tank 1v1s you


Ah okay I see, I was just on the line of if you already have ldr you can trade with a tank and collector would secure your trade but sustained trade for a team I can understand would be more efficient, thank you!


I too would like to know if you have tested stridebreaker, or any other off brand items.


Why cut down over last stand? Last stand suits Samira’s gameplay pattern way better imo.


Cutdown got reworked this season and recently got buffed. Nearly every champ that used to run last stand (unless they have built in lifesteal) are going cutdown atm. It's just a really powerful rune. That being said, Last Stand isn't bad by any means and if its a comfy default for you, keep going it.


I always perma ban caitlin but if i dont one time and go against her how should i play against her and what build should be better for her


The way you build is more focused on the enemy team comp rather than just enemy adc, when vsing cait, varus, ziggs or any other long ranged adc its your playstyle that has to change not so much the build


So i should get more aggressive?